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Below,are,some of the more common,TCVM,patterns, Bian-zheng (pattern differentiation),and treatment protocols for female fertility issues.,TCVM,Pattern Differentiation and Treatment,Qi and Blood Deficiency,:,this type of infertility is caused by poor feeding, improper,management, as well as ovarian disorders.,Main symptoms,are emaciation, an unkempt,rough coat, vaginal relaxation with frequent pop sounds,fatigue, palpitations, decreased appetite, silent estrous, prolonged diestrous, and difficulty in conceiving. In addition, the patient presents with a pale tongue with a thin coating and deep, fine pulses.,Treatment principles,:,Replenish,Qi, nourish Blood, and regulate Liver and Kidney.,Herbal therapy:,Yang,Jing,Cu Yun Tang(养精促孕汤) to replenish the vital essence (Kidney,Jing,) and promote conception and pregnancy. This formula contains: forty-five grams of Codonopsis,Dng Shn(党参),,Atractylodes,Bi Zh(白术),,Astragalus,Hung Q(黄芪),,Poria,F Lng(茯苓),,Angelica,Dng Gu(当归),,Rehmannia,Sh D Hung(熟地黄), and thirty grams of Ligusticum,Chun Xing(川芎),,Cornus,Shn Zh Y(山茱萸),,Epimedium,Yn Yng Hu(淫羊藿),,Leonurus,Yi M Co(益母草),,Glycerrhiza,Gn Co(甘草),.,Cold Pattern,:,This type of infertility is mainly caused by chronic uterus and birth canal,inflammation.,Main symptoms,include,cool ears and nose, clear prolonged urine, frequent white and watery vaginal,discharges, borborygmus, occasional diarrhea, cool limbs, irregular estrous cycle, prolonged diestrous, and difficulty in conceiving. Patient presents with a blue and white tongue with a white coating and deep, slow pulses.,Treatment principle,s,:,Warm,the uterus and dispel the Cold.,Herbal therapy,:,Administer Wen Gong Tang(温宫汤), to warm the uterus. This formula contains: 30 grams of Cinnamomum,Ru Gu(肉桂),,Aconite,F Z(附子), 20g of Evodia,W Zh Y(吴茱萸),,Leonurus,Yi M Co(益母草),,Epimedium,Yn Yng Hu(淫羊藿), and 25 grams of Glycerrhiza,Gn Co(甘草),.,Damp-heat Pattern,:,This type of infertility is caused by chronic recurrence of inflammation in the uterus and birth canal.,Main symptoms,:,Swollen inflamed vagina with frequent yellow-white viscous odor discharges,frequent short urination, warm ears and nose, irregular estrous cycle, prolonged diestrous, and difficulty in conceiving. Patient presents with bright red tongue and rapid, slippery pulses.,.,Treatment principles,:,Clear,Damp-Heat, regulate,Qi,and promote blood circulation,tonify,Kidney,Yang,.,Herbal therapy,:,Administer,Qing,Re Cui Qing San(清热催情散), to induce estrous cycle and clear heat.,This formula contains: 45 grams of Anemarrhena,Zh M(知母),,Phellodendron,Hung Bi(黄柏),,Atractylodes,Cng Zh(苍术),Atractylodes,Bi Zh(白术),,Plantago,Ch Qin Z(车前子),and 30 grams of Angelica,Dng Gu(当归),,Citrus,Chn P(陈皮),,Leonurus,Yi M Co(益母草),,Epimedium,Yn Yng Hu(淫羊藿),and Glycerrhiza,Gn Co(甘草),Damp-Phlegm Pattern,:,This type of infertility is caused by obesity and immunity disorders.,Main symptoms,:,Obesity, exercise intolerance, normal estrus cycle but difficulty in conceiving.,Patient presents with light red tongue and rapid, slippery pulses.,Treatment principles,:,Invigorate,Spleen, drain dampness to resolve phlegm.,Herbal therapy,:,Administer,Cang Zhu San(苍术散),.,This formula contains: 30 grams of: Atractylodes,Cng Zh(苍术),Pinellia,Bn Xi(半夏),,Arisaema,Nn Xng(南星),,Atractylodes,Bi Zhu(白术),,Poria,F Lng(茯苓),,Citrus,Chn P(陈皮),20 grams of Cyperus,Xing F(香附),,Angelica,Dng Gu(当归),,Carthamus,Hng hu(红花),,Leonurus,Yi M Co(益母草),,Bupleurum,Chi H(柴胡),,Cimicifuga,Shng M(升麻),,Epimedium,Yn Yng Hu(淫羊藿),and Glycerrhiza,Gn Co(甘草),.,Liver Qi Stagnation,:,This type of infertility is mainly caused by improper management and lack,of acclimatization.,Main symptoms,:,Sensitive to the environment, rapid breathing, restlessness, loss of appetite,irregular estrous cycle, and difficulty in conceiving. Patient presents with blue and red tongue. And string or wiry, rapid pulses.,Treatment principles,:,Resolve Liver,Qi,stagnation.,Herbal therapy,:,Administer,Dan,Zhi Xiao Yao San(丹栀逍遥散),. This formula contains: 45 grams of moutan,Dn P(丹皮),Gardenia,Zh Z(栀子), Angelica,Dng Gu(当归),,Atractylodes,Bi Zh(白术),,Poria,F Lng(茯苓),30 grams of Bupleurum,Chi H(柴胡),,,20 grams of Epimedium,Yn Yng Hu(淫羊藿),and Glycerrhiza,Gn Co(甘草),.,Blood Stasis,:,This type of infertility is caused by ovarian cysts or persistent corpus luteum.,Main symptoms,:,Irregular estrous cycle, prolonged diestrous, excessive sexual behavior (nymphomania), enlarged follicles which vary size, and difficulty in conceiving. In patients with prolonged anestrous, irregular size of corpus luteum may be found.,Treatment principles,:,Activate Blood flow to remove stagnated Blood, and reduce swelling.,Herbal therapy,:,Administer,Qu,Yu Cui Qing San,(祛瘀催情散)to induce estrous and remove Blood stagnation. This formula contains: 45 grams of Angelica,Qun,Dng Gu(全当归), Persica,To Rn(桃仁),,,moutan,Dn P(丹皮),30 grams of Carthamus,Hng Hu(红花),,,Lycopus,Z Ln Y(泽兰叶), 90 grams of Leonurus,Yi M Co(益母草), 60 grams of Salvia,Dn Shn(丹参),. For animals with persistent corpus luteum , add 60 grams of Epimedium,Yn Yng Hu(淫羊藿),.,K,idney Deficiency,:,This type of infertility is mainly caused by poor nutrition, improper,management, and reduced ovarian functions.,Main symptoms,:,Fatigue,or lethargy, cool limbs, clear long urine, prolonged estrous cycle, silent,estrous, or anestrus. Patient presents with a pale tongue with a white coating and deep, slow pulses. Ovaries will be small.,Treatment principles,:,Warm,the Kidney to replenish the vital essence (,Jing,), and regulate,Chong-Ren Channels.,Herbal therapy,:,Administer,Yang,Shen Tang(养肾汤), to replenish Kidney. This formula includes: Thirty grams of Epimedium,Yn Yng Hu(淫羊藿),,Cuscuta,T S Z(菟丝子),Angelica,Qun,Dng Gu,(全当归) Astragalus,Zh Hung Q(炙黄芪),25 grams of Morinda,B J Tin(巴戟天), Dipsacus,X Dun(续断),,,Drynaria,G Su B(骨碎补),15 grams of Codonopsis,Dng Shn(党参),,Atractylodes,Bi Zh(白术),,,Ligusticum,Chun Xing(川芎),,Polygala,Yun Zh(远志),10 grams of Acorus Sh Chng P(石菖蒲). Give 125 ml of rice wine following the herbal medication.,Integration of TCVM and Western Medicine to treat Female Infertility,For animals with chronic inflammation in the uterus and birth canal, lavage the uterus and birth,canal with a low dose antibiotic diluted with saline.,Use 20 to 30 ml of Pregnancy Promoting Perfusion Solution to perfusion the uterus. One time in a week,repeat 3-4 times at most if estrous cycle was not noticed. * Preparation: mixture of six fractions of epimedium (Yin yang huo-淫羊藿), 4 fractions of Leonurusand(Yi mu cao-益母草) Carthamus(Hong hua-红花), extracts to 1g crude drug per 1ml by ethanol precipitation method.,Pharmacological effects of Pregnancy Promoting perfusion Solution: Firstly, epimedium (Yin yang huo-淫羊藿) in this herbal formula can strengthen and invigorate Kidney,Qi,/,Yang,. Secondly, Leonurus (Yi mu cao-益母草) and Carthamus (Hong hua-红花) can penetrate into Ren channels and strengthen Tai-Chong channel. The authors found that Epimedium (Yin yang huo-淫羊藿) may promote estrogen-like effects, while Leonurus (Yi mu cao-益母草) can promote contracting function of the uterus. Thirdly, studies also showed that Carthamus (Hong hua-红花) can promote the microcirculation in the uterus. Both Leonurus (Yi mu cao-益母草) and Carthamus (Hong hua-红花) may enhance the metabolism of uterine epithelial cells. Therefore, these three herbs can work together to resume estrus cycle, and promote conception.,Table 1.,Common acupoints for,the treatment,of female,infertility using e,le,ctro-,a,cupunc,t,ure,Name of point,Location of point,Method,Reaction,Indication,Yn,C,h EP,雁翅,On the wing of ilium, 3 cun lateral to the point Shen-jiao, at the halfway between Shen-jiao and the tuber coxae,Oblique insertion: 6-9cm,hip mucles twitching, and vibration of ipsilateral hind legs,Prolonged anestrus or interrupted estrous,Mng,M,n,(GV-4),命门,In the depression along the dorsal midline at the intervertebral,space between L2 and L3,Perpendicular insertion,:,5-8cm,No reaction on appearance,Delayed ovulation,ovarian,a,trophy,post-partu,m,ovarian hypofunction,.,Bi,H,u,(GV02),百会,On dorsal midline at the lumbosacral space, in the depression,between the spinous processes of the last lumbar and the first,sacral vertebrae,Perpendicular insertion,:,6-10cm,Bend,the,back, and back muscles twitching,Yo,Q,in EP,腰肷,6 cm proximal to lumbar angle, below,l,ongissimus muscle,s,Oblique insertion: 15-20cm,Longissimus muscle,s twitching, and abd,ominal muscle contraction,Yng,G,un,(GV-3),阳关,In the depression along the dorsal midline at the intervertebral,space between L4 and L5,Perpendicular insertion,:,5-8cm,No reaction on appearance,Ovarian atrophy,mild endometritis,difficult to conceive,Lun Cho Sh EP,卵巢俞,Mid-point between Bai hui to lumbar angle.,Perpendicular insertion,:,12cm,. usually penetrate the pelvic cavity,Raise,the,tail,and,abdominal muscle contraction,Hu,H,i,GV-1,后海,In the depression between the anus and the ventral tail base.,Oblique insertion: 15-25cm,Raise,the,tail,and anal contraction,Gun,Y,un,S,h,BL-21,关元俞,In the groove between the longissimus dorsi and the iliocostalis,thoracis mm caudal to the last rib,Oblique insertion: 6-8cm,rhythmic contraction of abdominal and intercostal muscles,Anestrous, irregular estrous cycle,Shn,S,h,EP,肾俞,6,cm lateral to the Bai hui point.,Perpendicular insertion,:,3-5cm,Lumbar and back muscle,s,contraction,Endometritis,ovarian cysts,anestrous, irregular estrous cycle,Shn,P,ng EP,肾棚,6,cm cranial to the,S,hen shu point,s,.,Perpendicular insertion,:,3-5cm,Lumbar and back muscle contraction,Thank you,Integration of TCVM and Western Medicine to treat Female Infertility,For animals with chronic inflammation in the uterus and birth canal, lavage the uterus and birth,canal with a low dose antibiotic diluted with saline.,Use 20 to 30 ml of Pregnancy Promoting Perfusion Solution to perfusion the uterus. One time in a week,repeat 3-4 times at most if estrous cycle was not noticed. * Preparation: mixture of six fractions of epimedium(Yin yang huo-淫羊藿), 4 fractions of Leonurusand(Yi mu cao-益母草) Carthamus(Hong hua-红花), extracts to 1g crude drug per 1ml by ethanol precipitation method.,Pharmacological effects of Pregnancy Promoting perfusion Solution: Firstly, epimedium in this herbal formula can strengthen and invigorate Kidney,Qi,/,Yang,. Secondly, Leonurus and Carthamus can penetrate into Ren channels and strengthen Tai-Chong channel. The authors found that Epimedium may promote estrogen-like effects, while Leonurus can promote contracting function of the uterus. Thirdly, studies also showed that Carthamus can promote the microcirculation in the uterus. Both Leonurus and Carthamus may enhance the metabolism of uterine epithelial cells. Therefore, these three herbs can work together to resume estrus cycle, and promote conception.,谢谢!,


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