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Lesson16HowSafeIsYourHome 课前自主预习 课堂互动探究 Unit3Safety 课前自主预习 Lesson16HowSafeIsYourHome certainly certain themselves salt scissors knife knives heat Lesson16HowSafeIsYourHome burn burned burnt burned burnt 阻止 预防 毒药 毒物 滑倒 becarefulwith putout Lesson16HowSafeIsYourHome falloff leave alone 小苏打 洗淋浴 Lesson16HowSafeIsYourHome 伤到自己 一定 务必要做某事 the two dangerous most Lesson16HowSafeIsYourHome rooms by falling off put Don t out instead Lesson16HowSafeIsYourHome Be careful with 课堂互动探究 词汇点睛 1preventv 阻止 预防 观察 Canpeoplepreventcertainaccidents 人们能阻止某些事故吗 Nobodycanpreventhimfromgoingthere 没有人能阻止他去那儿 Lesson16HowSafeIsYourHome Lesson16HowSafeIsYourHome 探究 prevent是及物动词 意为 后面可接名词 代词作宾语 prevent from doingsth 意为 阻止 做某事 相当于stop from doingsth 和keep fromdoingsth Wemusttakestepstopreventtheearthfrombeingwarm 我们必须采取措施阻止地球变暖 阻止 活学活用 1 2016 宜昌 Foodsafetyhasbecomeasocialfocusnow That swhylawsaremadeto crimesonfood A recordB preventC divideD separate Lesson16HowSafeIsYourHome B 2themselvespron 他 她 它 们自己 观察 Theycanmakealivingbythemselves 他们可以靠自己谋生 Lesson16HowSafeIsYourHome 探究 themselves是人称代词they的 代词 反身 Lesson16HowSafeIsYourHome 拓展 oneself的常用搭配 enjoyoneself玩得高兴hurtoneself伤到自己teachoneself自学helponeselfto 随便吃 喝 byoneself靠自己 2 1 2017 连云港 WhatdoyouthinkoftheArtFestivalinyourschool Colourful Allthestudentsenjoy 他们自己 andshowtheirdifferenttalents Lesson16HowSafeIsYourHome themselves 2 2017 贵港Somechildreninthevillagesmustlookafter becausetheirparentsworkinthecities A themB theirC theirsD themselves Lesson16HowSafeIsYourHome D 3knifen 刀 观察 Hewoundedhisarmwhileusingtheknife 他用刀的时候把自己的手臂割伤了 Becarefulwithknives 小心用刀 Lesson16HowSafeIsYourHome Lesson16HowSafeIsYourHome 探究 knife的复数形式是 knives 记忆口诀巧记以 f e 结尾的名词变复数规则 树叶半数自己黄 妻子拿刀去割草 架后窜出一只狼 就像小偷逃命忙 leaf 树叶 half 一半 self 自己 wife 妻子 knife 刀子 shelf 架子 wolf 狼 thief 小偷 life 生命 这9个名词变复数时 都要变 f e 为 ves 其他的以 f e 结尾的名词则直接加 s变复数 3 1 2016 扬州Jimlaidoutthe knife andforksatthelunchtable 2 2017 宿迁Thereisa 刀 andsomepensonWangJun sdesk Lesson16HowSafeIsYourHome knives knife 4burnv 烧伤 烫伤 燃烧 观察 Thesoupishot Don tburnyourmonth 汤很热 别烫了嘴 Paperburnseasily 纸容易燃烧 Lesson16HowSafeIsYourHome 探究 lie lay的用法如下 burn的过去式和过去分词可以是规则变化burned 也可以是不规则变化burnt 它可用作及物动词 也可用作不及物动词 用作及物动词时 后面接名词或 词作宾语 Lesson16HowSafeIsYourHome 代 4 Thereisacandle burn inmyroom Lesson16HowSafeIsYourHome burning 句型透视 Don tusewatertoputoutkitchenfires 不要用水来扑灭厨房的火 Lesson16HowSafeIsYourHome Lesson16HowSafeIsYourHome 探究 1 句的否定形式以don t开头 表示请求 建议或命令对方不要做某事 Don tstandonchairs 不要站在椅子上 2 putout意为 用作及物动词短语 若宾语为名词 则放在put与out之间或之后均可 若宾语为代词 则必须放在二者之间 Firefighterssoonputthefireout 消防人员很快把火扑灭了 祈使 扑灭 Lesson16HowSafeIsYourHome 拓展 put的常用短语 puton穿上 戴上 体重 增加 上演 戏剧等 putaway放好 把 收起来putdown把 放下 写下 平息put in into把 放进 装进 里putup举起 张贴 搭建putoff推迟 活学活用 1 1 2017 永州改编David maketroubleatschool A can tB don tC doesn tD isn t Lesson16HowSafeIsYourHome B 2 2017 连云港 HaveyouheardofthebigfirethatbrokeoutonHuaguoMountainatQingmingFestival Yes Luckily hundredsoffiremenwentthereand thefireimmediately A putoffB putawayC putdownD putout Lesson16HowSafeIsYourHome D 2Usebakingsodaorsaltinstead 用小苏打或食盐代替 Lesson16HowSafeIsYourHome 探究 instead是 词 意为 代替 反而 却 一般置于句首或 和祈使句连用时只能放在句末 JackwasillsoIwentinstead 杰克病了 所以我去了 副 句末 Lesson16HowSafeIsYourHome 辨析 instead与insteadof Lesson16HowSafeIsYourHome Ifyou rebusy youmaycomeanotherdayinstead 如果你忙的话 你可以改天再来 Icandothejobinsteadofyou 我可以替你做这份工作 2 1 2017 苏州 Doyoustilltakethebustoschool No NowIcancometoschoolbyunderground 代替 ofbybus 2 2017 白银Fionadidn tstayathomelastSunday Shewentshopping instead 合并为一句 FionawentshoppinglastSunday stayingathome Lesson16HowSafeIsYourHome instead insteadof 3Becarefulwithscissorsandknives 使用剪子和刀子要小心 Lesson16HowSafeIsYourHome 探究 becarefulwith表示 becarefulof about表示 关切 注意 Heisusuallycarefulwithwhathewantstosay 他通常对他想说的话很谨慎 Thekindladyiscarefulof aboutthefeelingsofothers 那位善良的女士很注意别人的感受 小心 谨慎 3 请当心我的眼镜 Please myglasses Lesson16HowSafeIsYourHome be careful with


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