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第一章 石油钻井工程英语基础第1节 石油钻井工程基础词汇1. 钻探,钻井:drill拓展记忆钻井:drilling定向斜井directional drilling 欠平衡钻井under-balance 海上钻井off-shore 陆地钻井on-land drilling 钻头:drill bit 刮刀钻头:drag bit 牙轮钻头rock bit金刚石钻头diamond bit 喷射钻头jet bit 钻铤drill collar 衣领collar钻杆:drill pipe 钻井队drilling crew 钻机 drill rig 钻井泥浆drilling mud 钻井液 drilling fluid 2. 油,石油:oil拓展记忆原有 crude oil 石油 petroleum 中国石油 Petro-China 采油 oil production采油设备 oil production equipment 采油平台 oil production platform 油泵 oil pump3. 地质:geology拓展记忆地质专业人员 geologist 物理 physics 地球物理勘探 geo-physical probe,geo-physical exploration测井 logging 测井作业 logging operations 测井记录 logging record4. 油井:well拓展记忆井眼 hole 油井 oil well 试井,油井测试 well test 井下 down-hole 井下作业 down-hole operation第2节 石油钻井方法基础词汇原油 crude oil 天然气 natural gas 煤层气 coal-bed gas 一体化设计 integral design钻井 drilling 钻井原理 the principles of drilling顿钻钻井 percussion drilling,cable-tool drilling 旋转钻井 rotary drilling 液体冲击 fluid percussion 大位移 big deviation侧钻井 sidetracking drilling technology lateraldrilling水平井 horizontal well 探井 wildcat,wildcat drilling 深井 deep well 浅井 shallow well老井 maturing well 欠平衡钻井 under-balanced drilling 丛式钻井 cluster drilling technology煤层气井 coal-bed gas well 生产井 production wells 报废井 abandon wells 停产井 non-production wells 绕障井、三维井 three-dimensional wells 常温井 normal temperature well 注采井 injection and production well 稠油井 heavy oil well热洗井 hot washing pipe 井况 well condition石油钻井技术基础词汇技术规范,技术指标,技术性能:specification拉伸 tension 拉伸强度 tension strength 应力 stress 压力 pressure 应力点 stress point压力等级 pressure grade 压力降 pressure drop 压力梯度 pressure gradient 回压 back pressure 大气压 atmosphere 压差 differential pressure 静液柱压力 static fluid column pressure 特征 characteristic,feature 定性讨论 qualitative argiment 定量使用quantitative use液体 liquid 固体 solid 气体 gas,air 正的positive 负的 negative 虚线 dashed line,broken line 实线 full line 递减率 decline rate 正比于 be proportional to水平的 horizontal 垂直的vertical 油层静压 the formation static pressure石油钻井参数基础词汇负荷 load 扭矩 torque 扭转 twist 摩擦 friction 钻压 WOB, weight on bit,weight, drilling weight钻速 rate of penetration, drilling rate, the rate of drilling, average ROP 钻井周期 drilling period钻速 rotary speed 地层压力预测 formation pressure prediction technology地层快速预测 the formation fast prediction 埋藏深度 bury depth 产油层,产油带,pay zone,productive formation温度梯度 temperature gradient 地层压力 formation pressure 坍塌压力 collapse pressure破裂压力 fracture pressure 平衡压力 equilibrium pressure钻具(柱)压力 drilling string pressure 钻头振动 vibration of bit 钻井成本 drilling costs井眼尺寸 hole size,well size 参数计算 parameters calculation 几何参数 geometric parameters 参数分析 parameter analysis 动态参数 dynamic data静态监测 static data 注水参数 parameter of injection 参数、变量variables 井距 well space垂直深度 vertical depth 水平位移 horizontal deviation 总深度 total depth 水平位移 horizontal displacement 最大井斜角maximum hole inclination 井眼环空 annulus space 压力调节器 pressure regulator 恢复(增加)压力the build-up pressure 初始开采 primary recovery 含水地层 water bearing formation 套管漏失casing leak 摩擦损失 friction losses 气聚阀gas-lift valve 石蜡族 paraffin series含气液柱 gas-laden column 增产措施 stimulation treatment 流动能力 flowing capacity生产速率 production rate 水驱 water drive 气驱 gas drive 网状系统 grid system水侵 water influx 五点法five-spot pattern 油井产量 well-productivity 径向流 radial system富气 enriched gas 贫气lean gas 气顶 gas cap 气驱 gas drive(or gas flooding)水驱 water drive (or water flooding) 地层伤害 formation damage 波及系数 sweep efficiency泄油半径 drainage radius 基岩处理 matrix treatment 单级脱气 single stage separation泄油面积 drainage area 表面张力 surface tension 束缚力 connate water(or interstitial water)石油钻井作业现场工作人员名称1 钻井队 drilling crew 队、组 crew、team2 技术员 technician 钻井技术员 drilling technician 泥浆技术员 mud technician3 监督 supervisor 钻井监督 drilling supervisor 副监督 assisstant supervisor 地质监督 geology supervisor4 工程师 engineer 泥浆工程师 mud engineer 泥浆工 mudman 机械工程师 mechanic engineer 引擎、发动机 engine 工程 engineering 钻井工程 drilling engineering 采油工程 production engineering 石油工程 petroleum engineering 试油工程 oil test engineering 拓展记忆-工作项目 project 希望工程 the hope project 三峡工程 the Three-Gorge Project项目经理 project manager 工程管理 project management 钻工:roughneck、floorman司钻 driller 副司钻 assistant driller 钻井队长 drilling foreman 钻井领班 tool pusher 井架工 derrick man 发动机工,机工 motorman 钻台工 floorman 机械师 technicians,mechanic 电焊工 welder 电工electrician 医生 doctor材料员 material man,staff man 炊事员 cook 翻译 interpreter, tansalator洗衣工 laundry man石油作业现场常用工具石油作业现场普通工具扳手 wrench 螺丝起子 screwdriver 多角螺丝起子 Phlilips screwdriver活动扳手 monkey wrench,adjustable 钳子 pliers 手斧 hatchet 钩子 hook 台钳 bench vice榔头 hammer 木锤 mallet 搬手 spanner 锯子 saw 电动手锯 jigsaw 电锯 power saw 钢锯 hacksaw 硬尺 rule 软尺 tape measure 砂纸 sandpaper 油漆 paint 油漆刷 paintbrush绝缘胶布 electrical tape 电线 wire 插头 plug 电插座 outlet 开关 switch 螺栓 bolt螺帽 nut 钉子 nail 电钻 electric drill 钻头 bit 工作台 workbench 工具箱 toolbox胶水 glue 交棒 glue bar 管钳 pipe tongs,pipe spanner,wrench链钳 chain tongs,chain spanner,chain wrench护丝 thread protector,screw protector手轮 hand wheel 阀门搬手 valve wrench,valve spanner 链接法兰 coupling flange安全带 safety belt 安全帽 safety cap 工作靴 working boots 千斤顶 jack 吊车 crane拖拉机 tractor 推土机 dozer 刮刀 scraper 1、 石油作业现场专业工具接头 sub 配合接头 X-over,cross-over 提升短接 lifting sub,lifting nipple elevator卡瓦 slip 母锥 box bell 公锥 taper tap 短节 joint 柔性短节 flex joint 井口 wellhead螺旋钻铤 spiral collar 方钻杆 kelly 钻杆架 pipe rack 材料房 warehouse 绳卡 guy anchor润滑器 lubricator 维护保养 maintenance 内钳 lead tong 外钳 back-up tong 液压大钳 hydraulic tong 兜绳 mule line 四通阀 four-way valve 软管 hose 球阀 ball valve, globe valve 闸板阀 ram valve, gate valve 增压泵 booster pump 换配件 fittings change 灌注泵 charge pump 第二章 石油工程常用设备及专业术语第1节 钻井设备部分1 井架 derrick 塔形井架 derrick A形井架 cantilever mast,mast-A 桅杆 mast 底座大梁 sill 架,台 rack 架工操作台 monkey-board 2 游动系统 travelling systemn 天车 crown block 天车梁 crown block beam游动滑车 travelling block 钻井大绳 drilling line, wire line 金属线, 电线 wire,line钢丝绳,测井电缆 wire line 金属线,电线 wire,line 钢丝绳股 strand 截断 cutoff滑车,滑轮,皮带轮 pulley 吊耳 eye plate 3 大钩与水龙头 hook and swivel 顶驱 top drive 大钩 hook 大钩弹簧 hook spring大钩销子 hook pin 大钩环 hook ring 大钩锁紧装置 hook locking device 大钩悬挂高度 hook height 水龙头 swivel 鹅颈管 gooseneck 冲管 wash pipe 水龙头盘根 swivel packing 钻井水龙带 drilling hose,rotary hose,kelly hose 立管 stand pipe高压管线 high pressure line 低压管线 low pressure line 放压管线 relief line 储气筒 gas holder,air holder 4 转盘 rotary table 转盘方瓦 master bushing 方补心 kelly drive bushing 方孔 square openning 小鼠洞 mouse hole 大鼠洞 rat hole (井架大门处)坡板 ramp5 绞车 drawworks,hoist 液压绞车 hydraulically-powered winch 气动绞车 air operated hoist绞车 hoist,windlass,drawworks 滚筒 线轴 卷轴 reel pool drum 滚筒高速气离合器 drum high air clutch 滚筒低速气离合器 drum low high clutch猫头 cathead 液压猫头 hydraulic cathead 上扣猫头 make up cathead 卸扣猫头 make out cathead 牙嵌离合器 jaw clutch 应急牙嵌离合器emergency jaw clutch 涡磁刹车 eddy current brake 猫头轴 cathead shaft 猫头绳 cathead line 猫头绳爪 cat line grip 死绳 dead line 死绳固定器 deadline anchor 死绳固定器膜片 dead line diaphragm 上扣 spin up,screw on 卸扣,卸开 break out, screw off上紧,固定 tighten 松开,松扣 loosen 加载 load 卸载unload 拧紧 screw 拧松 unscrew 刹者 brake 刹车总成 brake assembly 刹车轴 brake axle,brake shaft 刹车带 brake band 刹车片 brake band lining 刹车杆 brake bar 闸瓦 brake block 刹把 break crank,brake bar刹车鼓 brake drum 离合器 clutch 液压油箱 hydraulic reservoir 液动试压泵 hydraulic test pump 液压大钳 hydraulic tong 倒档齿轮 reverse gear 第2节 钻井泵类及相关设备泥浆泵 mud pump,drilling pump,slush pump 活塞 piston 活塞杆 piston rod 活塞皮瓦 piston cup 缸套 liner,pumpliner 凡尔体 valve body 凡尔座 valve cup 阀弹簧 valve spring 阀杆 valve lever 阀面 valve face 阀帽 valve bonnet 泥浆泵安全阀 mud relief valve 排出阀 discharge valve 吸入阀 suction valve 潜水泵 submersible pump 阀门 valve 阀盖 valve cap 阀座 valve seat 回压阀回压阀 back pressure valve 单向阀 check valve single-pass valve 安全阀 safety valve 手动阀 manual valve 液动阀 hydraulic valve 冷缸cold cylinder 拉杆 tie rod,tension bear上水头 intake,suction end 排出口 discharge spout 高压管 high pressure 压力表 pressure gauge 冲数 strokes 排量 displacement,discharge capacity,flow rate第3节 井下泵类及相关设备泵筒 pump barrel 柱塞 plunger 关闭 shut down 尾管 tail pipe 抽油杆 sucker rod 长冲程 long stroke 低泵速 small pumping speed 泵充满度 the fullness efficient of the pump抽油杆 sucker rod 排气方法 gas bleeding method 泵效 pump efficiency 三维空间 three dimensional space 有效生举 efficient lift for the deviated 抽油杆扶正工具 sucker rod centralization tools 严重的管杆偏磨 serious string partial wear游动阀 the travelling valve 固定阀 the standing valve 部分磨损、偏磨 partial wear 无杆泵 rodless pump 小泵深抽 small pump deep pumping technology 挂泵深度 pump setting depth 尾管长度 length of liner 管柱结构 the structure of pipe string 防脱器 dropout-prevent device 井斜角hole angle 电热杆 borehole electric heating rod 稠油开采 heavy oil production 空心杆热载体 hollow sucker rod heat carrier 变扣器 方补芯 bushing 终端器 terminal assembly 空心抽油杆 hollow sucker rod 整体电缆传感器 continuous cable,sensor 空心光杆 hollow polish rod 悬挂器 hanger防喷盒 stuffing box 第4节 采油设备采油树 Christmas tree 抽油机 pumping unit 往复运动 reciprocating motion 泵杆 pumping rod 机械传动 mechanical transmission 载荷能力 peak polish rod load系统效率 system efficiency 冲程stroke length 冲次 frequency of stroke无级可调 smooth regulation 沉降式抽油泵 the sinking sand pump 泵下沉砂 sinking 砂颗粒 sand particles 胶质沥青gum asphalt含蜡量paraffin content 凝固点solidification point热流 hot fluid 参水mingle water 第5节 与泵操作有关的使用短语没有压力 no pressure 压力过高 the pressure is too high 返回太少 mud return is few 水太少 water is little 抢修 rush to repair 请看记录 please read the record 没作记录 no record 加化学小品 put in chemicals 加高岭土粉 put in koaline powder加云母片 put in mica sheet 加增粘剂 put in viscosifier 加稀释剂 put in diluent(thinner)加稳定剂 put in stabilizer(stabilizing agent)加烧碱 put in caustic soda 测定比重 measure gravity,gravity test 测定失水 test filtration 测定切力 measure force开关 switch 停泵 stop the pump 请打手势 please make a gesture 转动一周 turn round a circle 垫高一些 put something under it to raise 抓紧 firmly grasp抬高 lift it up 拿稳 hold firm 打一下 strike once 往下拉 pull out站稳 stand firm take a firm hand 小端 small end 大端 large end 光滑 smooth 粗糙 rough,coarse 平面plane,flat 弯曲 winding,bending 放松 loosen 绷直 stretch tight,draw tight 撬棍 pinch bar,pry bar 充氨气nitrogen aeration 气包 snubber冷却 cooling 润滑 lubricate 过载 overload 功率不足 inadequate power,power is not enough第6节 钻台与底座钻台 drilling floor,derrick floor,rig floor 钻井记录drilling record 司钻监视器 drillers monitor 司钻控制台 drillers console 指重表 weight indicator 转盘 rotary table 卡瓦 slip 吊卡 latch elevator 底座 substructure 井队活动房 bunkhouse 钻台上值班房 doghouse 立根盒setback (place)立根盒容量setback capacity 井控设备 well-control device 第7节 防喷器万能防喷器 versatile blowout preventerBag type BOP单闸板防喷器 single ram preventer 双闸板防喷器 double ram preventer 闸板 pipe ram全封闭式防喷器 blind ram 蓄能器 energy accumulator 压井管线 kill line 入口 inlet 出口 outlet 演习 drill 消防演习fire drill 防喷演习BOP drill 防腐涂料油管 anti-corrosion coating material tubing 多功能管柱 multi-function string第三章 钻井工程作业部分第1节 钻井事故泄漏 leak 漏失 fluid loss 出砂 sand production 井喷 blow out 井涌 kick,flow off井漏 lost of circulation,circulation lost坍塌,井壁坍塌 caving,cave in,collapse出砂 sand production,sand flow 桥塞 bridge plug 砂桥 sand bridge 井堵 well clogging卡钻 sticking 卡钻杆 sticking the pipe 卡钻具 sticking the drill stem 打捞 fishing 打捞工作 fishing job 侧钻 side-tracking 侧钻井眼 sidetracking hole 水泥窜槽cement channeling 固井失败 cement failure 防砂 sand control,sand-proof第2节 钻头牙轮钻头 rock bit,tooth-wheel bit 刮刀钻头 drag bit 金刚石钻头 diomand bit 镶齿钻头 tungsten carbide bit,insert bit 喷射钻头 jet bit 铣齿钻头milled bit 牙轮 cone钻头装卸器 bit breaker 钻头直径 bit diameter 钻头寿命 bit life 钻头规格bit gauge 钻头磨损 bit wear 钻头型号 bit type 水眼尺寸 nozzle size 水眼效率 nozzle efficiency钻头接头 bit sub第3节 钻具方钻杆kelly 方钻杆旋转短节 kelly spinner 方钻杆考克(旋塞)kelly cock 接头 sub钻头接头 bit sub 钻具 drill stem,drilling string 钻杆drill pipe 管子 tube,pipe 钻具组合 drilling assembly 扶正器 stabilizer,centering guide 翼状扶正器 wing stabilizer扩眼器 reamer drill collar 无磁钻铤 drill collar 加重钻杆 heavy weight drill pipe近钻头扶正器 near-bit stabilizer 绕性接头 flexible joint 震击器 jar 减震器 shock absorber螺旋钻铤 spiral drill collar 键槽破坏器 key seat reamer 安全接头 safety joint 钻杆刮泥器 drill pipe wiper 配合接头 crossover sub 减震器 shock sub 井下钻具组合 BHA-bottom hole assembly泥浆动力钻具 mud motor 管线tubeline 钻柱 drill string 涡轮 tubine 涡轮钻具 turbo-drill stem 斜度 taper,slope 塔式钻具tapered drill stem 接头 a joint,sub管接头 a joint of pipe 立根 stand,a stand,thribble 加厚 upset 内加厚 internal upset外加厚 external upset 内外加厚internal-external upset 丝扣 thread 母扣 box 公扣pin左旋螺纹left-hand thread 右旋螺纹 right-hand thread 正规接头 regular joint 贯眼接头 full hole joint 内平接头 internal flush joint 护丝 thread protector 丝扣油 thread dope,thread oil 打捞篮 junk basket 打捞工具fishing tool 打捞管柱 fishing string 打捞公锥 fishing nipple 打捞颈 fishing neck 打捞头 fishing head 打捞作业 fishing operation 打捞母锥 fishing socket 牙轮打捞器 cone fisher 倒扣工具 reversing tool 卡瓦打捞筒 slip socket 铣鞋 milling shoe 铣具 milling tool 平底铣鞋 flat bottom mill 磁力打捞工具 magnetic fishing tool 套管打捞矛 casing spear打捞矛 fishing spear 打捞钩 fish hook 套管打捞筒 casing bowl 动力扳手 power wrench动力大钳 power tong 大钳活动牙块 hinged jaw 大钳锁销 latch 大钳悬臂 suspension unit气动工具pneumatic tool 打捞震击器 fishing jars 打捞缓冲器 fishing bumper sub 打捞环 die collar 打捞筒overshot 打捞短节junk sub 卡瓦slips 刮井器 scatcher 刮眼器 扩井器 wiper 油位检查丝堵 oil lever check plug 油位 oil lever 油尺 oil-lever dipstick 加油孔 lubrication hole 盘根盒 stuffing box 井筒工具 well bore tool配套工具 matching tools 滚轮扶正器 idler wheel centralizer 减磨短节 friction reduction sub轴线加压 hydraulic thruster 扶正器 centralizer 防脱器、装置 anti-slip device 减磨扭矩接箍 torque-reduction sub 减扭接头 torque reduction sub 轴向水力加压工具 hydraulic thruster 下套管漂浮接箍 casing floating coupling轴向加压器 hydraulic thruster 第4节 钻井工程地面作业实用词汇与短语方入 kelly-in 方余 kelly-up 开钻 spud in,starting drilling 作业指令 working instruction起钻 POOH=pull out of the hole 下钻 run in the hole 起下钻 make a trip 短起下钻 short trip通井 wiper trip 起下循环一周 round a trip 循环时间 round time,circulating time 换钻头 change bit 甩钻具 laydown 填井 pack-hole封井 packed drilling 发生故障 break down 接单根 connection 放卡瓦 set slip,setting slip,起卡瓦 pull slip扩眼 openning 划眼 reaming 二层台 double monkey board,runround 顶部驱动器 top drive吊环 bail 吊卡 elevator 安全卡瓦 safety slips 接头 sub adapter 短节 sub substitute 井下震击器 downhole(bumper)jar,down well shaker 打捞工具 fishing tool 三片卡瓦 three slips,three pieces 补芯 bushing 方补芯 kelly drive bushings 转盘补芯(大方瓦)rotary drive bushing 转盘刹车 rotary brake 丝扣油 thread lubricant oil刹把 brake crank,brake bar,brake lever 脚踏开关 pedal switch 挂档put into gear拉猫头cathead 内钳 back-up tongs 外钳 lead tongs 气动大钳 pneumatic tongs 液压大钳 hydraulic tongs 机械手 mechanical arm 铁钻工 machine hand 司钻房driller room 有故障 it has broken down, it has something wrong 已修好 the breakdown has been fixed马上去 go there at once 请下去 please go down 请上来 please come up 躲开,危险 get out,danger 请翻译来 ask the interpretor to come here 冲洗 flushing井口 well-head(well head)井下落物fish 一根钻杆(单根)single(pipe)三根钻杆组合(立根)thribble 甩单根 breaking down 接单根 make a connection 气动绞车 pneumatic drawworks 吊篮 basket 卡子 clamp 绳套 rope sling loosening 紧固tightening 挪开 move it off 换班 change, shift 保养设备maintain equipment 钻井日志 boring journal,boring log 油管悬挂器 tubing hanger 第5节 钻井工程井口作业实用词汇与短语喇叭口 bell mouth,flare opening 贮能器 accumulater 液压阀 hydraulic valve 液压管 hydraulic hose 阻流管 choke line 井控管汇 well control manifold 泄压阀 pressure relief valve 调压针阀 pressure regulating needle valve 回压阀 backpressure valve 井口螺丝 the bolt of wellhead 井口绞车 well head drawworks水刹车 water brake,hydraulic brake 电缆 (electric)cable 井口压力wellhead pressure隔水导管 conductor riser 小心滑倒 Guard against slipping 不要掉下去 Take care not to fall down 我来清理 let me clean up 带把扳手来bring a spanner,please 带把铁锤来 bring a hammer,please. 带点密封剂 bring a little sealant,please 带个密封圈 bring a sealing washer用起子撬 prize with (using)screwdriver 用手推注 push by hand 卸下来了 it has been removed off 装配好了 it has been assembled 很快就好了 it will be finished right away抬一下 lets lift it 上紧螺丝tighten the screw loosen 松开螺丝 loosen the screw 把绳子给我 give me the rope,please 把绳子拿走take the rope away。试压 pressure testing不漏 no leak,no leakage 用电焊 use electric welding 用气焊 use gas welding不好焊 awkward to weld 焊不好 be unable to weld 拿个滑轮来 bring a block(pulley)here please 使劲 put in more effort 井口平台 wellhead platform 吊索 hoist cable,suspension cable,crane cable 栏杆 handrail gangway rail,railing 蒸汽 vapour 压缩空气 pressurized(compressed) air 晃得利害 wobble terribly 扶住 hold firmly 注意安全 pay attention to safety 绳子结实 the rope is (strong) tough 绳子要断 the rope is going to snap 别动 Dont move,dont touch 对准 align 防火 fire proof 正常 normal 裸眼 open hole barefoot 井口盖 hole cover 井口圆井 cellar 密封圈 sealing ring 井口切割 wellhead cutting 井口焊接 wellhead welding 井口照明灯 wellhead lighting(lamp)井架底座 derrick base 移动井架moving derrick 反扭矩系统 anti-torque system 井口灌注管 wellhead charge house第四章 钻井液及相关设备第1节 钻井液名称泥浆 mud 钻井泥浆 drilling mud 钻井液 drilling fluid 完井液 completion fluid 修井液 work-over fluid 压井液 load fluids,killing fluid 射孔液 perforating fluid 隔离液 spacer fluid 射井perforating fluid 强触变油包水压井液 thixotropy water-in-oil load fluids 泥浆处理 mud treatment,mud treating 泥浆处理设备 mud treating equipement普通泥浆 conventional mud,clay-base mud 饱和盐水泥浆 saturated salt-water mud海水泥浆 seawater mud 油基泥浆oil-base mud 高粘度泥浆heavy viscous mud 重泥浆 heavy mud, weight mud 轻泥浆 light-weight mud 水包油 water-in-oil 非固相 none-solid 低固相 low-solid 第2节 钻井液设备离心泵 centrifugal pump 振动筛 shale shaker, shaker,shaker screen,筛出 shake out 筛布 shake cloth 灌注泵 charge pump 混合泵 mixing pump 混合漏斗 mixing hopper循环池 active tank 泥浆计量罐 trip-tank 搅拌器 stirrer,mud agitator, mixter 脱气器 degasser 除砂器 desander 除泥器 desilter 泥浆舱 mud deck 泥浆枪 mud gun 漏斗 hopper 泥浆管线 mud line 鹅颈管 goose-neck 岩屑 钻屑 cuttings 泥浆罐,池 mud tank,mud pit 沉淀 settle,settling 沉淀物 deposit 沉淀灌 settle tank,settle pit 吸入 suction 吸入灌 suction pit 泥浆天平 mud balance 盖子 lid,cape 罩盖物,罩cover 游码 slide weight 支点 fulcrum 刀口 edge 硬粒 钢砂 shot 调整,校正 adjust第三节 钻井液处理剂包,袋 sack 一包 a sack of 粘土clay 膨润土,般土 bentonitic 膨润土泥浆 bentonitic mud重晶石 barite 苏打 纯碱 soda 苏打粉 纯碱粉 soda ash,soda powder 钠 sodium,quebracho钙 calcium 氯 chloride 氯化钙 calcium chloride 羧甲基 carboxymethyl 石棉 asbestos玻璃纤维 cellophane 分散 dispersal 表面活性剂 surface-active material 铁络盐 lignite 单宁 tannin 云母 mica 重络酸钠 sodium bichromate 氯化钾 potassium 纤维素 cellulose羧甲基纤维素 carboxymethyl celluose CMC 木纤维xylogen 石灰 lime 二氯化钙 calcium oxide 粉末 powder 薄片 flake 溶解dissolve 延迟 妨碍 retard 处理剂、添加剂additives 缓凝剂 retarder 支撑剂 proppant 乳化剂 emulsifying agent, emulsifier 润湿剂 wetting agent 稳定剂 stabilizing agent 除钙剂 calcium remover 降失水剂 filtration-reducing agent PH值控制剂PH control additive润滑剂 lubricant 消泡剂 defoamer agent 破乳剂 emulsion 洗涤剂 detergent 清洗剂 cleanout agent 防膨胀剂 anti-swelling agent 粘土稳定剂 clay stable agent 稀释剂 thinner 封堵剂 plugging agent 抑制剂 inhibition agent 暂堵剂 temporary plugging agent 解堵剂 plugging removal 堵漏剂 lost circulation material,LCM 低荧光消泡剂 low-fluorescence defoam agent 油溶性暂堵剂 oil-soluble temporary plugging agent 强触变油包水压井液 thixotropy water-in-oil load fluids 水基地层 water base formation 水敏储层 water sensitive reservoirs 分散 dispersal 水泥浆 cement slurry 甲酸盐系统 the formate system 防漏 leakage-prevention 微硅粉 micro-silica powder漂珠 PFA ( pulverized fly ash ) 弹性防漏剂 elastic lost circulation additive 流变性 rheological characteristics 稳定性 stability 稠化时间 thickening time 低密度水泥浆 low-density slurry 液柱压力 hydrostatic fluid column pressure 液体流变性 fluid rheological property 表面活性剂 surfactant钻井液切力 shear of drilling fluid 油气层保护 reservoir protection 地层岩石 formation rocks 高渗透性high-permeability 水力冲刷 hydraulic scouring along with propping 地质短块 geological block 分隔器分选压力 separating pressure of packer 投球选择压力selecting pressure of ball 稠油油藏condensate oil reservoir 动态测试 dynamic data 测量数据measuring data 油井产能oil wells productivity 装置参数 unit parameter 排放量 drainage volume 抽出量 extraction volume 分离器 separator 负压泵 under-balance pressure, vacuum pressure 放射同位素自动检测仪器 memory automatic detector of radioactive isotope负压喷射泵 under-balance jet pump 凝胶时间 crossing time凝胶粘度 gel viscosity砾石 gravity 悬浮 suspension 固化 solidation 防膨胀 anti-swelling 高凝高粘度 high condensate, high condensation and viscosity 低渗透度 low permeability盐酸 hydrochloric acid 土酸酸化 acid acidizing 白粉状 white powder 无味的 tastele


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