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译林牛津版2020届九年级上学期英语第一次月考试卷A卷一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分) Look at that photo! What a happy family! Yes, its a photo _ my family.A . atB . forC . ofD . in2. (2分)Tom doesnt like writing letters. _. A . Neither dont IB . Neither I dontC . Neither do ID . Neither I do3. (2分)(2015云南曲靖)词语释义选出与句子中划线部分意义最接近的选项。Its reported that at least 500 million people are using WeChat(微信) in China A . 50.000B . 500,000C . 500,000,000D . 5,0004. (2分)(2015四川乐山)_ beautiful picture! I couldnt believe it was painted by a young child.A . What aB . WhatC . How5. (2分) Excuse me, can you tell me _? Sorry, I dont know. You can go to the information desk.A . that there is a trainB . which train can I takeC . when the train leavesD . where does the train go6. (2分)Why not let _ help you? A . my friend and IB . my friend and meC . I and my friendD . my friend and I to7. (2分) What did Tom say to you just now, John? He asked .A . why am I so happy todayB . who did I play football with after schoolC . what will I do for the weekendD . if I could go to the movies with him tonight8. (2分) When we go traveling, the most comfortable way is by plane. Yes, and its also _.A . expensiveB . more expensiveC . much more expensiveD . the most expensive9. (2分)We have a meeting _Monday. A . everyB . on everyC . every onD . in every10. (2分)The students arent _ be crazy about popular stars.I agree with you. They should consider their interests and responsibilities.A . supposed to, balancing,B . have to, balanceC . need to, to balance11. (2分)When I got to school, I realized I _ my backpack at home.A . leftB . had leftC . forgotD . had forgotten12. (2分)The more you smile, the _ you will feel. A . happyB . happierC . happilyD . more happily13. (2分)Why are you in such a hurry, Meimei?The fashion clothes are sold in the supermarket at the moment?A . boughtB . have saleC . on saleD . selling14. (2分)Do you think Grandpa and Grandma_late? No, the train is usually on time(准时). A . wereB . will beC . wasD . are being15. (2分)- Where is dad now, Mum?- He is his report in the room. He needs it for a meeting.A . looking likeB . looking atC . looking forD . looking after二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案。Cars are very popular in America. When the kids are fourteen years old. They dream of having their own 1. Many students work after school to 2 a car. In most places 3 people learn to drive in high school. They have to take a 4 test to get a license. Learning to drive and getting a drivers 5 may be one of the most exciting things in their lives. For many, that piece of paper is an important symbol(象征)that they are now grown-ups.Americans seem to love their cars almost more than anything else. People almost never go to see a doctor when they are 6. But they will take 7 cars to a “hospital” at the smallest sign of a problem. At weekends, people 8most of the time in washing and waxing(打蜡) their cars. For some families it is not enough to have 9 car. They often have two or even three. Husbands need a car to go to work. Housewives need a car to go shopping or to take the children to school or 10 activities.(1)A . cars B . computers C . bikes (2)A . borrow B . buy C . lend (3)A . old B . tall C . young (4)A . language B . listening C . driving (5)A . address B . license C . book (6)A . sick B . healthy C . pleased (7)A . his B . her C . their (8)A . cost B . take C . spend (9)A . no B . one C . some (10)A . other B . another C . others 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共31分)17. (6分) Once there was a piano player in a bar(酒吧). People came just to hear him play. But one night, a lady asked him to sing a song.I dont sing, said the man.But the lady told the waiter, Im tired of listening to the piano. I want the player to sing!The waiter shouted across the room, Hey, friend! If you want to get your money, sing a song!So he did. He had never sung in public before. Now he was singing for the very first time! Nobody had ever heard the song Mona Lisa sung so beautifully! He had talent(天赋) he was sitting on! He may have lived the rest of his life as a no-name piano player in a no-name bar. But once he found, by accident, that he could sing well, he went on working hard and became one of the best-known singers in the US. His name was Nat King Cole. You, too, have skills and abilities. You may not feel that your talent is great, but it may be better than you think. With hard work, most skills can be improved. Besides, you may have no success at all if you just sit on your talent.(1)The lady asked the player to sing a song because _.A . she had paid him for thisB . she knew him very wellC . she wanted to have a changeD . she enjoyed his singing(2)Nat King Cole succeeded because _. A . the lady helped him a lotB . he caught the chanceC . he continued to play in the barD . he stopped playing the piano(3)From the story we know if you have some talent, you should _.A . hide it and waitB . ask others for helpC . pay no attention to itD . work hard to improve yourself18. (10分)阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 The Elephant HouseTea & Coffee House and RestaurantOpened in 1995. The Elephant House became one of the best tea and coffee houses. It is the best place for writers such as Alexander McCall Smith, author of The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency.Experience the magic yourself. Visit us and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee!Opening TimeMon. Thu. 8 a. m. 10 p. m.Fri. 8 a. m. 11 p. m.Sat. 2 p. m.11 p. m.Sun. 4p. m. 10 p. m.The Elephant House serves breakfast, lunch and dinner. We stock a large selection of teas and coffees, wines, bottled beers and a very affordable selection of cakes, tray-bakes and main dishes.Drop by The Elephant House and see our collection of over 600 elephants of all shapes and sizes. Many of them are for sale.32 Marshall Street, EdinburghTel. 0131-668-4404(1)The passage is a(n) _. A . advertisementB . storyC . travel guideD . letter(2)If you want to have breakfast in The Elephant House, you cant go there on _. A . MondayB . WednesdayC . FridayD . Sunday(3)Who is Alexander McCall Smith? A . The owner of The Elephant House.B . A writer.C . A cook.D . A businessman.(4)How long is The Elephant House open on Friday? A . For 12 hours.B . For 13 hours.C . For 14 hours.D . For 15 hours.(5)Which of the following is NOT mentioned (提到) in the passage? A . Tea.B . Cakes.C . Soup.D . Beers.19. (10分)阅读理解 Heritage (遗产) is traditional customs, history and beliefs. We use the word “heritage” in many different ways. People talk about their family heritage, city heritage and national heritage.Today, heritage is changing. The Internet connects people around the world. In many ways this is a good thing, because we can learn about the heritage of other countries, and we can show our own heritage to the world. However, some people worry that traditional heritage is disappearing. In many ways, countries are becoming more and more alike(相似的).In most countries around the world, you can find KFC. Nike shoes, Starbucks coffee. American movies and so on. Some people think this is a good change, and others dont like it. You can decide whether or not its a good thing.However, everyone wants to protect traditional heritage, and sometimes this is hard. For example, when a new KFC opens in your city, a traditional restaurant might have to close.That is why heritage protection is so important. Heritage protection is a simple thought. It means keeping your countrys or your citys heritage alive. People do this in many ways. The biggest part of heritage protection is probably preserving (保护)old buildings. Some suggestions of heritage protection are making sure your kids speak your traditional language, and teaching knowledge about heritage to them.The world is changing. No matter how it changes, never forget the heritage of our parents and grandparents. 请根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。(1)Is the heritage nowadays the same as it used to be? A . No. Its being changed by the InternetB . Yes. Traditional customs, history and beliefs never change.C . It is not mentioned in the passage.(2)The examples mentioned in the second paragraph_. A . show the importance of heritageB . describe peoples love for heritageC . help people understand heritage better(3)The underlined sentence shows that_. A . it is necessary to learn about the heritage of other countriesB . the writer is worrying about the traditional heritage protectionC . countries are becoming quite different in some ways(4)The following statements are parts of heritage protection EXCEPT_. A . trying to change traditional customsB . preserving old buildingsC . keeping traditional language alive(5)What may be the best title for the passage? A . Internet and HeritageB . Heritage Is DisappearingC . Heritage Protection20. (5分)任务型阅读Dear students,here we are in Yuexiu Park_The FiveRam Statue,the symbol of the city,stands on the top of Yuexiu MountainThe statue was made in 1959_. It is 11 meters highThe biggest ram carries grains in his mouth and the other four rams are around himThey all look livelyIt is said that five Gods with their five rams came to save the people from the natural disaster 2000years ago_. However,the five rams didnt return with themInstead,they joined together and turned to a big stone in order to protect this land_. Because of the story,Guangzhou is also called FiveRam City_. She hosted some international events,such as 2010Asian Games and 2017Fortune Global ForumAs the beginning of the Silk Road by sea,2019World Ports Conference will be held in Guangzhou,tooI am proud of my hometown!Now,lets go on our tripAIt is made up of more than 130big stonesBFrom then on,Guangzhou became the richest place in LingnanCI am going to introduce the FiveRam Statue to youDNowadays,Guangzhou has developed into an important city in ChinaEThey left food and happiness to the people before going away四、 补全对话 (共3题;共16分)21. (5分)补全对话, 在空白处填上一个词,使句意完整 A: Good morning!B: Good _!A: Whats _name?B: My name is Ryan Hunt.A: Is your _name Hunt?B: Yes.A: Whats your telephone number?B: _532-6789.A: Nice to meet you.B: Nice to meet you, _.22. (10分)在对话空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确;一空一词。A: Ben is a very good guitar player.B: So he is. I heard that he is forming his _band.A: It will be a rock and roll band probably.B: Can you _any musical instrument? If you can, he might _you to join his band.A: I can play the drums, but I havent played for quite a while. Im not _whether Id be good enough to play in a band.B: I wish I could play a musical instrument. I love music.A: I can see that. You are always listening to music.B: Its my _.A: What kind of music do you like listening to, by the way?B: I like music that is _, like dance music. You prefer classical music, _you?A: Yes, I do. I find it very relaxing. I often listen to Mozart in the evening after a(n) _day of work.B: I heard that classical music is good for the brain. It _the brain more active.A: Yes, thats _I listen to it in the evenings.23. (1分)一Who is at home?N_All of them go out五、 翻译 (共1题;共2分)24. (2分)纸上是什么?我看不清。Whats on the paper? I cant_六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)25. (5分)假如你叫张明,你在某报纸上看到澳大利亚学生James想在中国找一个笔友(pen pal)的消息,请根据以下内容写一封信,向James介绍你的个人情况。可以适当发挥。60词左右。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Name: ZhangmingAge(年龄): 12School: No. 2 Middle SchoolFavorite subjects: English and mathFavorite food: hamburgers, ice-cream and eggsFavorite sports: tennis第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共31分)17-1、17-2、17-3、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、四、 补全对话 (共3题;共16分)21-1、22-1、23-1、五、 翻译 (共1题;共2分)24-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)25-1、


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