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仁爱英语七年级上Unit2 Topic3 SectionA一设计理念及教材分析 本节课是七年上第二单元第三话题第一部分。本单元的学习有两项重要内容,描述人的外貌和说明物品的所属。在描述人的外貌和特征时,用have/has引导的表示所属关系的句型进行描述。在学习的同时,可以联系身边的真实人物,如教师和学生。描述学生身边的人和事不仅能使语言知识在真实的情景中得到应用,而且容易激发学生兴趣,调动学生的积极性,同时营造生动、有趣的课堂氛围,使学生在宽松的氛围中学习,收到最佳学习效果。本节课主要学习物主代词的用法,对初学者来说,人称代词、形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词很容易混淆,所以利用表格把三类词加以对照、比较,再用大量的贴近学生生活的事例加以练习、操练,让学生快乐学习,并在学习中得到快乐。 本节课的活动会兼顾听、说、读、写四项技能的训练,活动内容和方式多样化,并且重点突出,使教学目标落到时处。二教学目标1. 学习物主代词,初步了解名词所有格。2. 学习谈论物品的所有3. 复习名词的复数形式。三Teaching procedureStep 1 Review1.Review the functional items in Topic 2.Ask and answer in pairs .For emample:A:I have a big nose B:Idont have a big nose .A:Tom has a small mouth .B:Peter doesnt have a small mouth.2.Show one object, such as a book or pen to ask students .For example T:What is this?Ss:Its a book .T:Yes, its my book ,the book is mine.Ask students to master “mine”,Write mine=my+book /pen,T;What are these ?Ss:They are my pens The pens are mine Ask students take out one or two of their own objects and practice until they master mine”.Teach new words “yours” hers ours their theirs .Tell students yours=your +n,hers=her+n his=his+n ours=our+n theirs their+n.Step21. Listen to 1a and answer the questions:Whose cap is this?Teach and ask students to master the word “whose”.Write down “Whose cap is this? Its Sallys.Its her cap. Its hers.on the blackoard.2. Pair work .Make a similar dialog according to 1a .Finish 1b.3. Teach new words using the computer .4. Listen to 2a and follow the tape .Step 31. Work in pairs .Imitate the conversation in 2a with some other clothes or school things .Act them out in front of the class .The teacher gives them praise .Finish 2a .2. Write down new sentences according to the example in 2b . check the answers .Pay attention to the pliurals of “baby” and “knife”.Finish 2b. Step 4 Practice1. Work 3 alone.Fill in the blanks with the words in the box .Check the answers and practice the conversation in pairs .Finish 3.2. Summarise language points:Possessive pronouns of nouns =possessive pronouns of adjectives +nounsThe possessive from of nouns.For example :Tom-=Toms Kate-Kates student-students teacher-teachers boy-boysStep 5Play a game .Hand in some objects of students,ask them find the owners of them . Step 6 Sum up How to use the possessive pronouns.Step 7 Homework Talk about possessions.Writer on the blackboard:Unit 2 Topic 3 Section AWhose bike is this?Its my book .Its mine.My book =mine yours=your+n hers=her+n his=his+n ours=our+n theirs=their+n 课后记:本节课谈论了物品的归属,学生们在游戏中学会了名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词的用法,大家在玩中学,在学中玩,培养了学习英语的兴趣,为以后的学习打下了良好的基础。


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