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Module 1练习题 一、单项选择题1. Her father gave her the _ of going on to college or starting to work.A. chance B. opportunity C. alternative D. possibility 2. You may _ they will help you solve the problem.A. rely B. rely on C. rely that D. rely on it that3. We have good players and we will win the match A. for sure B. for certain C. make sure D. to be sure4. Last evening I watched TV at home _ going to the bar.A instead B instead of C not D but 5. Once you have made up your plan, you should _. A make it out B carry it on C carry it out D take it out6. -How soon will he leave for Shanghai? -_. A After a few days B For a few days C In a few days time D In a few days time7. Is there any _ for the piano in your room? A. place B. seat C empty D room 8. With all the work _, the old man felt happy and relaxed. A. to finish B. to be finished C. finishing D. finished 9. I always _ when crossing the street. - You are right. You cant be too careful. A look out B look up C look around D look down10. - Do you know _ he came? - Yes, I do. He came by bike. A how B when C if D why11. - How does the old man make a living? - He a small shoe shop in the center of the town. A. starts B. sets up C. opens D. runs 12. Will you please spare me some ink? I have it. A. run down of B. run out of C. run out from D. run off 13._ what effort he made, he couldnt catch up with them. A. However B. No matter C. In spite D. With 14. What way are you thinking of _ the flies? A. getting rid of B. to get rid of C. getting away from D. to get away from15. An order for 100 bicycles has _ that factory. A placed with B been placed with C. placed by D. been placed from 16. Most of the predictions made by the scientist finally came _. A. round B. up C. true D. forth17. The teacher said “_of you have passed the English examination. At least ten of you have failed.” A. All B. Not all C. Every one D. None 18. She _ a man _ a lot of money. A was married ; with B. married with ; of C. married to ; of D married ; with19. Many scientists have believed that there may be a of life on the Mar.A. sign B. mark C. grade D. meaning 20. You are time reading this kind of book. It cannot give you any help to improve your English.A. spending B. taking C. wasting D. costing 二、语法小练兵1. As soon as he comes back, Ill tell him when _ and see him. (2005北京卷29). A. you will comeB. will you comeC. you comeD. do you come2. Did you tell Julia about the result?(2005全国卷8) Oh, no, I forgot. I _ her now.Awill be callingBwill callCcallDam to call3.What would you do if it tomorrow ?(2005全国卷28) We have to carry it on , since weve got everything ready .Arain Brains Cwill rain Dis raining4. - _ leave at the end of this month.(2006北京卷27) - I dont think you should do that until _ another job. A. Im going to ; youd found B. Im going to ; youve found C. Ill ; youll find D. Ill ; youd find 5. - Your job _ open for your return.(2006北京卷30) - Thanks. A. will be kept B. will keep C. had kept D. had been kept 6. Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts. The plane_. (2006福建卷24)A. takes off B. is taking off C. has taken off D. took off 7. I think it is necessary for my 19-year-old son to have his own mobile phone, for I sometimes want to make sure if he home for dinner. (2006辽宁卷29)A. come B. comes C. has come D. will come 8. At this time tomorrow over the Atlantic. (2003年北京卷)A. we are going to fly B. we will be flying C. we will fly D. we are to fly9. Tom: This is a terribly heavy box. (2004年上海卷)John: I _you to carry it. A will help B am going to help C had better to help D had rather help 10. -What are you going to do this afternoon? (2005重庆卷) -I am going to the cinema with some friends. The film quite early,so we to the bookstore after that.” A. finished,are going B. finished,go C. finishes,are going D. finishes,go 三、对号入座(come true, free of charge, get rid of, run out of, on the way out, for sure, rely on, carry out, run out, for a start)1、We should make up our mind to_ some bad habit once we realized it. 2、You dont need to pay for the water you drink in the restaurant for it is . 3、I dont want to buy the coat. It is too expensive; secondly, it is out of date. 4、He has _ all the money his mother gave him, so he has to borrow some for the new books. 5、You are wasting your money buying such a dress! It is . 6、He is intelligent and hardworking so he will pass the examination . 7、You can not always luck, there is nothing substitute(替代品) for hard work. 8、You should the plan if you want to make progress. 9、We must work harder to make our dreams . 10、Can you spare me some paper? Mine has . 四、单词演练根据下列句子的意思及所给单词的首字母或所给的汉语注释,在横线上写出各单词的正确形式。1、Police should have enough proof before they (逮捕)a criminal. 2、We should not make fun of people with (残疾)3、We should make good use of natural (资源)4、You should not work all the time. (娱乐)is also needed besides work. 5、The patient was saved for the (手术)was a success. 6、We can r waste materials to save energy. 7、The young lady is interested in u life rather than the life in the countryside. 8、You should not believe all the p because some of them proved to be wrong. 9、The s of the building is similar to a pyramid. 10、The train l_ with apples is heading for Guang Zhou . Module 2练习题一、单项选择题1. Do you _ that he enjoys living here and he will bring us good?A. doubt B. make sure C. make sense D. feel like 2. Quite a few people used to believe that disaster _ if a mirror was broken.A. was sure of striking B. was sure of having struck C. was sure to be struck D. was sure to strike3. - I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her. -_. It was her fault. (03 全国)A. No way B. Not possible C. No chance D. Not at all1. -How about putting some pictures into the report?-_. A picture is worth a thousand words.A. No way B. Why not? C. All right D. No matter 2. We often provide our children with toys, football or basketball, _ that all children like these thingsA. thinking B. think C .to think D. thought 3. _ and Ill get the work finished .A. Have one more hour B. One more hour C. Given one more hour D. If I have one more hour4. -How about seeing the new movie at the theatre tonight?-_, but Ive got to go over my notes for tomorrows exam.A. All right B. Sounds great C. I cant D. No, Im terribly sorry 5. -Julia said she sent you a birthday card yesterday. Have you got it?-Oh, really! I havent _ my mailbox yet.A. examined B. reviewed C. tested D. checked 6. In Yunnan Province, we had a lovely_ the stone forestA. sight B. view C. scene D. view 7. Near the bridge of recent _, there is a building under _A. construction; construction B. construction; constructiveC. constructive; construction D. constructive; constructive8. The Father said, “I work very hard to_ you with a good education. I dont expect you to be a billionaire, but its up to you whether you want to live on easy street or to be out on the street in the future.”A. provide B. give C. offer D. bring 9. I cant _ the ten oclock train. Im going to Beijing on business.A. catch B. grasp C. miss D. get on 10. The doors are _ 2, 4, 6.A. numbered B. numbering .C. numbered of D. numbered to11. Dont always want to arrive at your _ through shortcut because there may be many difficulties on shortcut that maybe seem shorter and then you will spend more time .A. destination B. aim C. target D. object 12. Isnt it time you get down to _ the papers ?A. mark B. be marked C. being marked D. marking 13. If a book is _, we should try to read it attentively. A. worthy reading B. worth to read C. worthy to be read D. worth reading14. As a leader, Ren Changxia proved worthy _the peoples trust.A. to be B of C because of D with 18. The murder was brought in, with his hands _ behind his back。A. being tied B. having tied C. to be tied D. tied 19. -Do all the teachers agree on the idea to put up a _ lab building?-_, Mr. White and Miss Green are against it .A. six-storeys ;Yes B six storeys ;Yes C six-storey ;No D six -storeying ; No 20. -Shall we go to the art exhibition right away?-_.A. Its your opinion B. I dont mind C. It all up to you D. Thats your decision二、语法小练兵1. Dont be discouraged. _ things as they are and you will enjoy every day of your life .A. Taking B. To take C. Take D. Taken 2. _, I think, and the problem can be settled.A If you make your efforts B So long as you make your effortsC Making great efforts D A bit more efforts 3. Mary, _here -everybody else, stay where you are.A. come B. comes C. to come D. coming 4. Go and join in the party . _ it to me to do the washingup .A. Get B. Remain C. Leave D. Send 5. Alice, you feed bird today, _?But I fed it yesterday. A. do you B. will you C. didnt you D. dont you6. Be sure to get there on time, _ you?Of course. We _. A. will; will B. wont; shall C. dont; do D. can; swim7. The new windows need washing. Well, lets wash them together, _? A. shall we B. will you C. should we D. would you 8. Sorry, Im not feeling well and I dont think I can finish.Dont worry. Let us do it for you, _? A. will you B. shall we C. shant we D. shall you 三、对号入座(with, by, in, for )1. They are digging _ a spade.2. I saw it _ my own eyes.3. The goods are transported _ sea.4. He found it hard to express himself _ English.5. The question should only be answered_ blue ink.6. The machine was made _ hand.7. A child hangs down his head _ shame.8. He was praised _ his brave deed.四、单词演练根据下列句子的意思及所给单词的首字母或所给的汉语注释,在横线上写出各单词的正确形式1. You break the law if you drive without a driving_(执照,许可证).2. What is the best bus for _(游客)?3. What are the advantages of the _ (地铁)?4. A long distance bus is called a _(长途公共汽车).5.When it comes through, Ill _ ( 连接 ) it to your room.6.The taxis are usually red, and they d _ the price per kilometer on the window.7.Public transport p_ a cheap way to get around in Beijing.8. What s_ to the traffic problem did the speaker talk about?9. In traveling, the place you want to go to is your d_.10. After you buy something from a shop, you will be given a r_ for your payment.Module 3练习题一、 项选择题1. -How much farther shall we have to go ? -Another five miles until we reach the mountain _ A. at a distance B. in a distance C. at distance D. in the distance2. I agree with most of what you said ,but I dont agree with_ A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing 3. I knew we would be good friends _I saw her.A. the first time B. for the first time C. for the first D. the first 4. I _the door before I Left my room this morning ,but I forgot.A. ought to lock B. ought to have lockedC. should lock D. could have locked5. You must know the answer _.If not, think it over before answering me .A. in certain B. in sureC. of certain D. for sure6. Dont scold him. He was _a traffic jam .A. strike by B. stick byC. struck in D. stuck in 7. He_his hat to welcome us.A. rise B. rose C. raise D. raised8. My parents never remember my phone number, and they always have to look it up_ they call me .A. every time B. for the timeC. at the time D. in a time 9. The purpose of new drugs used on patients is to make them feel less pain,_ them feel more terrible.A. to not make B. not to makeC. not making D. do not make10. In international business situations, there will be many occasions _there will be differences in meanings of words.A. that B. whileB. On which D. why11. _,woman in the west are married in long white dresses.A. Traditionally B. Especially C. Fortunate D. Unluckily12. When I came there, the radio station was _the storm warning to the islanders.A. handing B. changing C. communicating D. composing13. I wonder if you can do a _me to repair my watch?A. help to B. favour for C. help for D. favour to 14. At the _of the children all over the country, the writer wrote another story about children.A. invitation B. call C. order D. request15. After the three-year war. the two sides_ a deal at last with each other and stopped fighting.A. arrived B. did C. made D. agreed 16. Several officials _the debt.A. involved B. involved in C. were involved in D. were involved to17. I requested _talking. Which of the following is wrong?A. that he stop B. him to stop C. that he stops D. that he should stop18. He fell off his bike, and had his leg_.A. break B. breaking C. To break D. broken 19. -Smoking is bad for your health. _Yes, I know. but I cant simply _it_.A. give in B. give up C. give out D. give away 20. My neighbour likes loud pop music, _I dontA. however B. while C. but D. when二、语法小练兵1. may say so, it is not true.A. Anyone who B. whoeverC. whatever D. No matter whom2. No matter how hard he worked ,_.A. He could not do any better B. and he could not do any better C. But he could not do any better D. so he could not do any better 3. _you may do ,you must do it well.A. which B. whenever C. whatever D. when4. The air is full of smoke and people are coughing.A. but B. unless C. except D. if 5. I dont like to be interrupted if I _.A. speaks B. will speak C. am speaking D. would be speaking6. _I live ,I will never give in to the enemy .A. As far as B. As long as C. As well as D. As soon as7. Chid_he was ,he began to teach himself English .A. although B. as C. like D. when 8. You can eat food free in my restaurant _you like . A. whenever B. wherever C. whatever D. however9. _, mother will wait for him to have dinner together. A. However late is he B. However late he isC. However is he late D. However he is late10. What are you going to do this afternoon? Ill probably go for a walk later on _it stays fine. A. as far as B. so long as C. even if D. as if 11. John may phone tonight. I dont want to go out _he phones. A. in case B. in that case C. so that D. in time 12. _he goes, Juan makes new friends and has wonderful adventures. A. However B. Wherever C. Whenever D. Whatever13. Excuse me , can you tell me how I can get to Boston before 10 oclock?_ you catch the first train at 8 oclock.A. If B. As C. After D. When14. I cant join you if it _ tomorrow.A. will rain B. may rain C. shall rain D. does rain15. You made the same mistake again, _I had reminded you of it a dozen times.A. if B. because C. though D. as long as16. Ive decided to spend the summer holiday traveling in Australia. Oh, _!A. if only I could go with you B. what a good news it isC. how happily I was to hear that D. what exciting to hear the news17. If I _ free tomorrow, Ill go to the cinema with you.A. am B. will be C. shall be D. have been三、单词拼写1. Several officials were i_ in the matter.2. Prices v with the season.3. It was so quiet that he made some g_ to express what he wanted.4. One must be c_ of his shortcomings.5. Since he took over the case, he always receives t_ e-mails.6. They c_ the news to all parts of the world by radio.7. Television is an increasingly important means of c_.8. She was hit on the head by a stone and knocked u_. 9. The fire s_ very rapidly because of the strong wind.10. Thanks for the i_ to your birthday party.11. The _(年轻人) were throwing stones and bottles at the police.12. She sat on the floor _ (抱)her knees.13. They were carrying _(武器).14. Bird flu has _ (传播)all over the world.15. _(传统地), the companys main markets have been Britain and the US.16. The dog growled at me _(威胁地).17. His manner is slightly _(自负地).18.Chuck sat quietly for hours_(盯着看)in the distance, thinking of what might have been.19. We all _(鞠躬) to the Queen.20. A good habit not only improves ones quality of life but _(延长) his life.四、根据所给汉语完成句子1.I met an old friend on his way home _ _(偶然). 2. The car company has_ _ _ (做成交易)with a Japanese firm, which will supply engines in exchange for brakes.3. Do be _ _(提防)against thieves.4. _ _(举起) your right hand.5. I dont like the way he looks at me _ _ _ (一上一下) before speaking to me.6.Please _ _ _ (问好)Jenny for me.7. You can _ the radio _ (打开) by pressing the button.8. The two men _ _ _(握手) each other.9. We _ _ (忙于)thinking about our work and other problem.10. Miss Smith is _ _ (不仅仅是) our English teacher, she is our best friend


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