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高三英语一轮复习必备精品Module8 unit3 Inventors and Inventions高考解读【高考导航】高考命题趋向分析:1.distinguish是新课标要求掌握的一个重点单词。主要考查distinguish与介词from的搭配,2009年湖北卷作为干扰项出现;distinguish oneself表示“受人瞻目;出名”的意思以及其常用否定句中can或could连用的特征。distinguish oneself 2010年极有可能考到 2.bear是英语中很活跃的动词,对该词的考查一般有两个角度:1.是bear的意义,含义不同,形式不同;“出生,出世”之意时用born;用被动语态;表示“生育”时,用borne; 2.时bear常用cant bear结构。考生在2010年要特别注意bear的两层含义3In case 为考试高频词汇。通常考查它与其它状语从句连接词在具体语境下的用法含义区别;以及相关短语in case of; in this/that case; in any case和in no case的辨析,特别是in no case位于句首时,句子须采用倒装,in case的单独使用,都要特别注意4get through是高考命题的一个重点,经常的命题角度是get through和go through得区别以及get through在具体情境中的应用。2007年天津卷,2009年海南卷都曾考查过5.neither/nor +助动词+主语-构成的部分倒装,在2007年的全国卷,辽宁卷都曾考查过,2010年仍需注意5. 过去分词用作定语、表语在2006、2007年山东卷都曾考查过。2010年仍需注意【真题品析】1Hardly could he _ this amount of work in such a short time. (2007 天津卷)A. get through B. get off C. get into D. get down【答案】A 考查动词短语辨析【点拨】按照句意:通过、完成的意思。A项符合2_ fire, all exits must be kept clear.(2007 天津卷)A. In place of B. Instead of C. In case of D. In spite of 【答案】C 考查介词短语辨析。【点拨】此处句意:万一着火的话-,C项符合3(09海南)17. I tried phoning her office, but I couldnt_.A. get along B. get onC. get to D. get through【答案】D。 考查短语动词辨析【点拨】按照句意为:我试着给她办公室打电话,但没有打通。get along 进展,相处。get on 上车;get to到达;get through通过。依据句意,选D4.(09湖北)15. Some parents are just too protective. They want to _ their kids from every kind of danger, real or imagined.A. spot B. dismiss C. shelter D. distinguish【答案】C 考查动词词义辨析【点拨】根据上句Some parents are just too protective. 可知下文要说父母们想庇荫孩子们不受到任何伤害。shelter做动词可表示“保护;庇护”。spot“弄脏,认出,发现,定位”,dismiss“开除,使解散”,distinguish“区别” 5. If Joes wife wont go to the party, _.(2007 全国卷II)A. he will eitherB. neither will heC. he neither will D. either he will【答案】B 考查nor/neither倒装句型【点拨】按照nor/neither+助动词+主语-来做。6.(08辽宁卷)35. Bill wasnt happy about the delay of the report by Jason, and _.A. I was neither B. neither was I C. I was either D. either was I【答案】B 考查nor/neither倒装句型【点拨】按照nor/neither+助动词+主语-来做知识网络【考点概览】1.重点单词(1)distinguish vt&vi. 辨别,区分(2)monitor vt. 监控;n. 班长(3)bear vt. 忍受,忍耐(4)mess n. 杂乱(5)stable adj. 稳固的,安定的(6)discovery n. 发现;discover vt.发现(7)abrupt adj. 突然的,意外的;abruptly adv.(8)convenient adj. 便利的,方便的;convenience n.(9)passive adj. 被动的,消极的,被动语态;反义词 active adj.主动地。(10)current adj. 现在的;当前的; 流,电流(11) practical adj. 实际的,实践的;practise vt.实践,练习;practice n.&vt.练习,惯例2、重点短语(1)now and then 偶尔,有时(2)set about 开始,着手(3)in case 以防-;万一-(4)dive into 潜入,迅速把手伸入-(5)in truth 的确,事实上(6)hang on 不挂断,紧紧握住;稍等(7)out of order 次序颠倒;杂乱无章(8) get through 设法联系上,(设法)做完,通过 (9) call up 打电话,使. .回忆起3、重点句型nor/neither的倒装句4语法知识过去分词作定语、表语和宾语补足语课时复习方案Module8 unit3 第一课时1、重点词汇考点一 distinguish 【基础过关】v. 显示-的差别;使-有所不同;辨别be distinguished from 不同于.,与.加以区别 distinguish. from. 辨别,把.和.区别开 be distinguished by 以.为特征 be distinguished for 因.而著称【点拨】distinguish=tell常用于否定句,且常与can或could连用I cant tell the difference between the usages of “above all” and “first of all”【典型例题】It is not easy to_cultured pearls from genuine pearls.A. distinguish B. separate C. identity D. recognize【答案】A 考查distinguish的用法。【点拨】distinguish. from. 辨别,把.和.区别开;separate-from把-隔开;identity辨别;recognize认出,这两个词后面都不跟from考点二 convenient【基础过关】 adj.便利的,方便的 be convenient to/for sb 对. .方便 It is convenient for sb It is convenient to do sth 做某事方便Our house is very convenient for the shops. 我们的房子离商店很近【拓展延伸】 convenience n at your convenience 在你方便的时候 if it suits a persons convenience如果对某人方便 for the convenience of sb为了方便起见【典型例题】Our new house is very _for me as I can get to the office in five minutes.A. adaptable B. comfortable C. convenient D. available【答案】C. 考查形容词词义辨析【点拨】由in five minutes可以看出此处为“便利的,方便的”。D项可以利用,不符合句意;A,B两项意思差距大考点三 bear 【基础过关】v. 忍受,具有,带有,显示 (标记或特性) The letter bears no signature.这封信上没有签名【拓展延伸】bear表示“忍受”其后可跟doing sth 表示习惯性动作,也可跟to do sth表示某一次具体动作,且多与 can,could与 be able to连用。作“生产,生育”讲时,有两种过去分词形式 borne指“生产,生育”,而 born 指“出生” She has borne three children with her husband. 她与丈夫生育了三个孩子。【典型例题】I dont think our relationship could _the strain of her mother visiting for a month.A. bear B. tell C. put up D. hold【答案】A 考查动词词义辨析【点拨】bear承受符合句意;tell区别,告诉;put up 举起,张贴;hold持有。考点四 go through 【基础过关】1) 经历(困难,痛苦等);2) 通过,成功,成交;3) 审阅,检查;4) 翻找,查看,搜寻5) 穿过,通过The plan didnt go through.计划没通过A terrible noise went through the house. 一阵可怕的声音响彻整幢房子【拓展延伸】 look through 浏览 read through 通读 flow through流过 get through 通过,接通,使.成功 search through搜寻,查找 carry sth through 成功地完成 put sth through 完成或达成(计划方案)【典型例题】I have never _this kind of the thing,so Im afraid.A. look through B looked through C. got through D. gone through【答案】D 考查动词短语辨析。【点拨】按照句意此处为“经历,经手”的意思考点五 call up【基础过关】打电话,使. .回忆起 Ill call you up tonight.今天晚上我给你打电话【拓展延伸】call back 召唤某人回来,再访,回电话 call for 邀请,请来 call on sb拜访(某人) call at sp拜访(某地)call/ring sb up=give sb a call/ring 给某人打电话 【点拨】 辨析: call up 与look back on/upon call up 表示“使.回忆起”主语为物look back on/upon“回忆,记起”主语为人【举一反三】 call on /drop in on /pay a visit to /go on a visit to/ visit +sb 拜访某人 call at /drop in at /pay a visit to /go on a visit to /visit +sp 拜访某地【典型例题】 When I _Tom, he was doing some shopping.A. call on B. called up C. called off D. called over【答案】B 考查动词词义辨析 call on【点拨】按照句意此处为给-打电话;call up符合;call on拜访; call off 取消;call over把-喊来均不合句意考点六 in case 【基础过关】假使,免得,以防万一Take your coat in case it rains.【拓展延伸】 in case of 后加名词或代词,意为“要是.” in case后跟句子,意为“假使,以防万一” in this case 如果这样的话 in that case 如果那样的话 in any case 无论如何 in no case 决不,任何情况下都不【点拨】in no case 置于句首句子要倒装【典型例题】I dont think I will need any money but Ill bring some _.A. at last B. in case C. once again D. in time【答案】B 考查短语辨析【点拨】按照句意此次有以防万一之意;at last最后;once again再一次;in time及时,均不合句意考点七 get through【基础过关】设法联系上(尤指打电话);设法作完;通过考试;用光;用完;使成功使理解明白we were all delighted when we heard you had got through the exam.听到你考试及格时,我们都很高兴【拓展延伸】get across 被理解,使-理解 get over 越过,克服(困难);从(疾病)-恢复过来 get through with 结束,完成【典型例题】I couldnt _.The line was busy.A. go by B. go around C. get in D. get through【答案】D 考查动词短语辨析。【点拨】由The line was busy.可以看出,前面为“-接通”的意思;go by从旁边经过;go around走来走去;get in收获;get through接通电话,符合句意2. 重点句型考点八 nor/neither的倒装句 副词so放在句首,表示前面肯定句中所说的情况也适用于另外一个人时,句子要倒装;当neither,nor在句首,表示前面的否定也适用于另外一个人时句子要倒装;so, nor, neither表示相同概念的肯定或否定时,句子也要倒装,前面是多人多事,多个动作用“It is (the same) with sb./sth.”不分否定和肯定My brother had a bad cold last week, and so did I . “Do you know Jim quarreled with his brother?”“I didnt know, nor do I care.”【典型例题】He is a good student, and works very hard, _.A. so it is with her B. so does she C. so is he D. neither does she【答案】A 考查倒装句型【点拨】掌握It is (the same) with sb./sth.句型即可。【实战演练】1.When she_ John, he was doing some shopping. A.called on B. called up C. called off D. called over2.The film_my school time. A. looked back to B. looked back on C. called up D. called back3.Hangzhou is distinguished_its beautiful scenery. A. as B. for C. in D. by4.The train came to an_stop, making many passengers fall off their seats. A.abruptly B.suddenly C. surprised D. abrupt5.-When could you have a meal with me? -Id like to go whenever it is_ to you. A. fit B. nice C. convenient D. suit6.My little brother_my room and I was angry. A. mess up B. mess around C. messed up D. messed around7._,everything will be all right. A.Hold off B.Hold on C. Hold out D. Hold up8.-Its a good idea. But whos going to_the plan? -I think Tom and John will. A. get on B. get off C. get through D.go through 9.I dont think I need any money but Ill bring some_ A. in case B. in case of C. in no case D. in that case10.Jone may phone tonight.I dont want to go out_he phones. A. as long as B. in order that C. in case D.so that参考答案1-10 BABDC CBCACModule8unit3 第二课时 过去分词作定语、表语和宾语补足语【基础过关】 作用与用法过分(表示和被动的动作) 是有形容词.副词的作用,在句中可以用作定语,表语,宾语补足语和状语 1.定语: 过分做定语,表示分词的动作与所修饰的名词之间存在被动关系,单一的确过去分词做定语一般放在被修饰的名词之前,过去分词短语作定语放在被修饰的名词之后,过去分词及过去分词短语作定语均可以转换为一个定语从句 The broken window (=The window which was broken) will be replaced soon. 破损的窗户很快就会被换掉. The books bought yesterday (=which were bought yesterday) are of high quality. 昨天买的书确实很不错【点拨】过去分词和与其相关的名词、代词之间构成一种动宾关系,即被动态。过去分词作定语,主要说明业已完成的动作或是一个在以前某个未知时间发生的动作 。单个过去分词作定语,分词一般说来写在被修饰的名词、代词之前;分词短语作定语时,分词放在被修饰词之后(1)表示情绪的过去分词作定语:-She threw me a quick, frightened glance.他迅速而惊恐地看了我一眼-His face wore a puzzled expression.他脸上有一种困惑的表情-He had a pleased look on his face.他脸上现出高兴的神情-We can hear his excited voice.我们可以听到他激动的声音-The inspired soldier soon calmed down. 那个受到鼓舞的士兵很快就平静下来了-The frightened girl sat in the corner quietly. 那位吓得惊慌的姑娘一声不响地坐在角落里。-Tom gave a satisfied smile.汤姆满意地笑了笑-There is a worried boy in the corner of the street.在街道拐角有一个焦急的男孩【举一反三】amaze,embarrass,interest,excite,disappoint,encourage,move,surprise,astonish,delight,frighten,inspire,please,puzzle,terrify,shock,satisfy,worry,confuse, amuse, tire等。这些动词构成的过去分词实际上已经成了形容词,它们常常用来修饰人(2)其它常见的过去分词作定语:guided missle导弹 armed forces武装力量cooked food熟食 boiled water开水frozen food冷冻食品 canned food罐头食品fried eggs煎鸡蛋 smoked fish 熏鱼finished products成品 dried fruit果干required courses必修课 printed matter印刷品written English书面英语 mixed feelings混杂情绪(3)表示完成的过去分词作定语:faded flowers萎谢的花 fallen leaves落叶escaped prisoners逃犯 deceased wife亡妻departed friends离去的朋友a retired professor退休的教授new arrived visitors新到的客人a dated map过时的地图(4)过去分词短语作定语放在所修饰词之后,作用相当于一个定语从句:-They reduced the number of animals used in experiments. 他们减少了用于试验的动物数量-Whats the language spoken in that country?那个国家讲的是什么语言?-Is there anything planned for tonight?今晚有什么活动吗?-They are problems left over by history?他们是历史遗留下来的问题-Suddenly there appeared a young woman dressed in green.突然出现一个穿绿衣服的青年女子 2.表语: 过去分词作表语,表示主语的状态且该状语通常是由外界因素引起的,这时过去分词可以被看作一个形容词,是形容词化的过去分词 Im interested in reading novels, written by Jin Yong. 我对金庸的小说很感兴趣. 常见的还有: be surprised, be astonished, be amazed, be moved, be exhausted, be worried, be devoted, be pleased, be inspired, be encouraged, be excited, be delighted, be satisfied, be scared, be frightened, be disappointed 3.宾语补足语 作宾语补足语的过去分词一般是及物动此,和宾语有逻辑主谓关系,可以带过去分词作宾语补足语的动词有: a. see, hear, watch, feel, find, observe, notice, look at, listen to 表示感觉和心理状态的动词 b. make, get, have, leave 表示致使意义的动词 c. like, want, wish, order表示希望,要求等意义的动词 He wont like such questions discussed at the meeting. 他不想让这样的问题在会上讨论【拓展延伸】 现在分词与过去分词的区别: 1.定语: 现在分词作定语常表示动作正在进行, 此时或当时的状态等; 过去分词则常表示动作发生在谓语动词的动作前等;被修饰的名词一般是现在分词的逻辑主语,是过去分词的逻辑宾语如: I know the man standing there. 我认识站在那儿的那个人. Is there anything planned for tonight? 今晚有什么活动吗? 2.表语: 现在分词作表语,具有主动的含义,意味着起这种作用; 而过去分词作表语,具有主动的含义,意味着“起这种作用”;而过去分词作表语具有被动含义,意味着“受这种影响”。如: The work was tiring. 这项工作挺累人的 The workers were soon tired. 工人们很快就感到累了 注意:作表语的过去分词表示状态,构成被动语态的过去分词表示动作: The book is well written.(表语) The book was written by a soldier.(被动语态)【典型例题】1.The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see _ the next year.A. carry out B. carrying out C. carried out D. to carry out【答案】C 考查宾语补足语的用法【点拨】此考题的主句是:The managers discussed the plan检测点在其后的定语从句中,在这个定语从句里,they是其主语,would like to see 是其复合谓语,that修饰的是先行词the plan,同时that也是see的宾语,the plan是被执行的,被实施的,只有过去分词可以表示被动,所以C项的carried out 是正确答案2. The computer center, _ last year, is very popular among the students. A. open B.opening C.having opened D. opened【答案】 D该题的考察目标为过去分词作定语的用法。【点拨】句子中computer center与open之间为被动关系。此外open作及物动词时意思为“打开,开张,开办,开设”,强调动作,不侧重状态,鼓不用形容词性的open。B、C为现在分词,不符合题意。据此判定正确答案应为D【实战演练】1. I fell down and broke three of my teeth. I wonder how many times I have to come here and get my false teeth _. A. fix B. fixing C. fixed D. to fix2. He looked around and caught a man _ his hand into the pocket of a passenger. A. put B. to be putting C. to put D. putting3. The visit _ to Guilin is worth remembering for ever. A. paid B. paying C. to pay D. being paid4. Just as the value of a telephone network increases with each new phone _ to the system, so does the value of a computer system increase with each program that _. A. adding; turns on B. to have added; turn up C. to add; turns down D. added; turns out 5. When I entered his office, I saw a gun _ on the wall. A. fasten B. fastened C. fastening D. to fasten6. The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see _ the next year. A. carry out B. carrying out C. carried out D. to carry out 7. When I got there, I found the farm tools _. A. having repaired B. repaired C. repairing D. be repairing8-How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers? -The key _the problem is to meet the demand _ by the customers. A. to solving, making B. to solving, made C. to solve, making D. to solve ,made9.You should understand the traffic rule by now. Youve had it _often enough. A. explaining B. to explain C. explain D. explained 10.-There is a hole in your bag? -I know. Im going to have it _. A. mend B. mending C.mended D. to be mended参考答案 1-10 CDADB CBDDC单元测试题第一卷 选择题(105分)第一部分 听力(共三节,满分30分)第一节(共5 小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下小,题。每段对话仅读一遍1Whats the probable relationship between the speakers? AFather and daughter BHusband and wife CMother and son2When will the man come back at the latest? AHalf an hour later BAn hour later COne and a half hours later3Where does the conversation probably take place? AAt a bookstore BAt a supermarket CIn a hospital4How long did David stay abroad in all? A9 days B1l days C 16 days5What does the woman think of the new DVD player? AShe has no idea yet BIts no better than the old one CIts not as good as the computer第二节:(共15小题;每题15分。满分225分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至第8题6What will they do on Saturday night? AHave a picnic BDance in the home of Mark and Mary CHave dinner with Mark and Mary7What time will they go to see the new movie? AOn Sunday evening BOn Sunday afternoon COn Sunday morning8Why does the woman want to go to the museum? ATo go dancing BTo admire new paintings CTo attend a party听第7段材料,回答第9至第11题9What is the man? AA coin collector BA journalist CA professor10How long has the man been collecting coins? A25 years B12 years C30 years11How does the man usually find the coins for his collection? ATo trade with other collectors BTo get from his workmates C To buy from the bank听第8段材料,回答第1 2至第14题12Why did the man make the phone call? ATo send a drunk back BTo send back a lost cardC To book a room13What is David Frank?AA driverBA waiterCA doctor14How will they get to the hotel?ABy busBBy taxiCOn foot 听第9段材料,回答第15至第17题15What do we know about the woman?AShe feels nervousBShe doesnt work hardCShe has never taken any test16What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?AClassmatesBTeacher and studentCDoctor and patient17What is the mans suggestion?AWait for the testBTake more testsCTry to relax听第10段材料,回答第18至第20题18Who will manage the meetings for the next two years?AJason DokicBRobert YoungCGina Costello19What is Gina Costellos job?ATo collect money from the membersBTo help train the playersCTo run the club20What do we know about Jason?AHe is a present player of the clubBHe is an experienced coachCHe is new to the club第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节:词汇和语法填空(共15小题,每题1分,满分15分)21.We all write_even when there is not much to say. A. now and then B. by and by C. step by step D. more or less22.We should _ right_wrong. A. distinguish;by B. distingguish ;for C. distinguish ;from D. distinguish ;to23.Stop _and tell us clearly what has happened. A.mess about B. mess around C. messing about D. messing24.He_his experiments and made a great contribution to our country. A. dived himself into B. devoted himself into C. dived into D. devoted to25. It may rain tomorrow,_, well put off our sports meeting. A. in this case B.in that case C.in which case D.in any case 26. The amount of money _ for the seriously sick child was soon collected. A. to need B. needing C. needed D. which needed27. - A woman was killed in the store last night. - Have the police examined the body of _? A. the woman to be killed B. the woman being killed C. the killing woman D. the killed woman28. This writer knows how to keep his readers _.A. to be interested B. to be interesting C. interesting D. interested29. Reading is an experience quite different from watching TV; there are pictures _ in your mind instead of before your eyes. A. to form B. form C. forming D. having formed30.A man is being questioned in relation to the _ murder last night. A. advised B. attended C. attempted D. admitted31. Hardly could he_this amount of work in such a short time. A. get through B. get off C. get into D.get down32. He has been_to the research for many years and finally his hard work will pay off. A. adopted B. applied C. applying D. adopting33. -Im thinking of tomorrows maths test. Im afraid I cant pass it. -_. Im sure youll make it. A. No problem


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