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松原市实验高中2013届4B班单词考试 (B6U2-1)二年4B班 姓名:_ 得分:_诗(总称);诗意poetry最低限度minimum给标记号;对号tick翻译;译文translation传达;运送convey枝条;支流;分支branch情感;情绪;感情emotion尤其;特别in particular托儿所mursery最后;终于eventually具体的concrete转化;转换;改造transform引起矛盾的contradictory悲伤;悲痛;懊悔sorrow钻石diamond赤裸的;光秃的;稀少bare 公山羊billy-goat 图书馆管理员librarian灵活的;可弯曲的flexible 永远forever模式;式样pattern部分;节section村舍;小屋cottage 适当的;正当的appropriate 麻雀sparrow交换;交流;调换exchange 小猫kitten毕业文凭diploma 轻松;不紧张take it easy空白blank 把用光run out of 指南针;(复数)圆规compass由构成be make up of 新郎bridegroom取笑;戏弄tease冠军称号championship 含盐的salty温暖warmth无穷的;endless测试;试验try out 松原市实验高中2013届4B班单词考试 (B6U2-1)二年4B班 姓名:_ 得分:_诗(总称);诗意最低限度给标记号;对号翻译;译文传达;运送枝条;支流;分支情感;情绪;感情尤其;特别托儿所最后;终于具体的转化;转换;改造引起矛盾的悲伤;悲痛;懊悔钻石赤裸的;光秃的公山羊图书馆管理员灵活的;可弯曲的永远模式;式样部分;节村舍;小屋适当的;正当的麻雀交换;交流;调换小猫毕业文凭轻松;不紧张空白把用光指南针;(复数)圆规由构成新郎取笑;戏弄冠军称号含盐的温暖无穷的;测试;试验松原市实验高中2013届4B班单词考试 (B6U2-2)二年4B班 姓名:_ 得分:_诗/诗人poem/poet有灵活的长度have a flexible length 中学(英);高中(美)high school 着火on fire 背诗/写诗recite/write poems一个铅做的气球a bloon made of lead 表达感情express feelings 把目光从某物移开take ones eye off sth 回忆小事recall an incident熬夜到很晚stay up late 快速浏览skim不紧张;轻松take it easy 在下页上on the following page把用光run out of 在正确的方框里打挑tick the correct boxes在下一页的顶部on the top of next page 描写一个人describe a person 一朵落花a fallen blossom 季节的一个方面an aspect of a season 回到树枝上come back to the branch在各行的末端at the end of the lines 受欢迎be popular with 重复词汇repeat words 用为数最少的词use the minimum of words传达某些感情convey certain emotions 充满be brimful of 右边的这个the one on the right 尤其in particular 有想象力的imaginative 把翻译成英语translate into English 使小孩高兴delight small children 从中文翻译过来的(诗、文章)a translation from the Chinese有意义;讲得通make sense 从中选择choose from 容易学习和背诵be easy to learn and recite主题main topic 同一起玩;玩弄play with 脑海里的画a picture in your mind 一枚钻石戒指a diamond ring 拍打出节奏clap the beat松原市实验高中2013届4B班单词考试 (B6U2-2)二年4B班 姓名:_ 得分:_诗/诗人有灵活的长度中学(英);高中(美)着火背诗/写诗一个铅做的气球表达感情把目光从某物移开回忆小事熬夜到很晚快速浏览不紧张;轻松在下页上把用光在正确的方框里打挑在下一页的顶部描写一个人一朵落花季节的一个方面回到树枝上在各行的末端受欢迎重复词汇用为数最少的词传达某些感情充满右边的这个尤其有想象力的把翻译成英语使小孩高兴从中文翻译过来的(诗、文章)有意义;讲得通从中选择容易学习和背诵主题同一起玩;玩弄脑海里的画一枚钻石戒指拍打出节奏松原市实验高中2013届4B班单词考试 (B6U2-3)二年4B班 姓名:_ 得分:_与一个词押韵rhyme with a word获得文凭get the diploma互相矛盾的意义contradictory meaning一个交换项目an exchange programme 把A介绍给Bintroduce A to B 帮助某人的赞助者a sponsor to help him 重复repeat 在国外学习study abroad 在各行的末端at the end of the lines 错过一场激动人心的场面miss an exciting scene 有明显的模式have a strong pattern 填空fill in the blanks 用编造句子make up a sentence with在括号里的动词the verbs in the brackets弯曲,弯腰bend 错过某人的指导miss ones instructions根据情况according to the situation诗歌竞赛a poetry competation 持续永远last forever婚礼仪式wedding ceremony 在阅读部分in the reading section赢得锦标赛win the championship 把A和B搭配起来match A with B 把阳光省下save sunlight适当的, 恰当的appropriate 一天结束的时候the bottom of the day 松原市实验高中2013届4B班单词考试 (B6U2-3)二年4B班 姓名:_ 得分:_与一个词押韵获得文凭互相矛盾的意义一个交换项目把A介绍给B帮助某人的赞助者重复在国外学习在各行的末端错过一场激动人心的场面有明显的模式填空用编造句子在括号里的动词弯曲,弯腰错过某人的指导根据情况诗歌竞赛持续永远婚礼仪式在阅读部分赢得锦标赛把A和B搭配起来把阳光省下适当的, 恰当的一天结束的时候松原市实验高中2013届4B班单词考试 (B6U2-4)KEY POINTS IN THIS UNIT:1. Do you have any concrete thoughts on it? 关于这件事你有一些具体的想法吗?2. a flexible foreign policy 一项灵活的对外政策3. use the minimum of words 用数量最少的词4. be transformed into stone 被变成了石头5. hate endless homework 讨厌没完没了的家庭作业6. be made up of 由组成7. get in touch with 与取得联系8. transform the way people communicate 改变人们的交流方式9. stay up late at naight 在晚上熬夜到深夜10. be popular with the local people 受当地人的欢迎11. in particular 尤其,特别12. an embarrassing scene 令人尴尬的一幕13. convey ones feelings in words 用文字传递某人的感情14. When it comes to (Chinese literature) 当谈起(中国文学)时15. with so many wonderful works to choose from 有如此多的好作品可以从中选择We have so many wonderful works to choose from. 我们有如此多的好作品可以从中选择。 16. be fond of reading novels 喜欢读小说17. stand against the blue sky 映衬着蓝天站着18. be sponsored by 被.提供赞助/支持19. wear appropriate clothes 穿合适的衣服20. on such an occasion 在这样的场合21. win the championship 赢得冠军称号22. (of mind) go blank (大脑)一片空白23. in exchange for 为了换取24. exchange wedding gifts 交换结婚礼物25. leave footprint on the sand 在沙地上留下脚印26. fall into completely darkness 陷入完全的黑暗27. wind ones way 28. make up _ _ _ _ _ Four young men made up a band. 四个人组建了一个乐队。 Lets make up. 让我们讲和吧! Theyll have to make up time lost during the strike. 他们不得不加班弥补罢工耽误的时间。 She spent too much time making herself up. 她化妆花费太多的时间。 I think its very unkind of you to make up stories about him. 我认为你编造有关他的故事不好。29. feel the warmth of the spring 感觉到春天的温暖30. the darkness of the night 夜晚的黑暗31. win a scholarship 赢得奖学金32. a gifted pianist 一个有天赋的钢琴家33. clap strong beats 拍出很强的节奏34. be likely to do sth 很可能做某事35. Compared with her garden, mine is more attractive. 与她的花园相比,我的更有吸引力。36. let out the secret 泄露秘密37. let in the natural light 让自然光进来38. carry a load of firewood 担着一捆柴火39. hold on to a rope 抓住绳子40. try out every method 尝试每一种方法41. look forward to doing sth 盼望做某事42. solve a problem 解决一个问题43. the deadline for sth 某事的最后期限44. rely on, depend on 依靠,依赖45. Its no good lying to others. 向别人说谎没好处。46. share happiness and sorrow with sb 与某人同甘共苦 47. hold on for a few minutes 坚持几分钟48. load sth onto the trucks 把某物装上卡车松原市实验高中2013届4B班单词考试 (B6U2-4)姓名:_ 得分:_KEY POINTS IN THIS UNIT:1. Do you have any concrete thoughts on it?2. a flexible foreign policy3. use the minimum of words 4. be transformed into stone 5. hate endless homework 6. be made up of 7. get in touch with 8. transform the way people communicate 9. stay up late at naight 10. be popular with the local people 11. in particular 12. an embarrassing scene 13. convey ones feelings in words 14. When it comes to Chinese literature 15. with so many wonderful works to choose fromWe have so many wonderful works to choose from.16. be fond of reading novels 17. stand against the blue sky 18. be sponsored by 19. wear appropriate clothes 20. on such an occasion 21. win the championship 22. (of mind) go blank 23. in exchange for 24. exchange wedding gifts 25. leave footprint on the sand 26. fall into completely darkness27. wind ones way 28. make up _ _ _ _ _ Four young men made up a band. Lets make up. Theyll have to make up time lost during the strike. She spent too much time making herself up. I think its very unkind of you to make up stories about him29. feel the warmth of the spring 30. the darkness of the night 31. win a scholarship 32. a gifted pianist 33. clap strong beats 34. be likely to do sth 35. Compared with her garden, mine is more attractive. 36. let out the secret 37. let in the natural light 38. carry a load of firewood 39. hold on to a rope40. try out every method 41. look forward to doing sth 42. solve a problem 43. the deadline for sth 44. rely on, depend on 45. Its no good lying to others. 46. share happiness and sorrow47. hold on for a few minutes48. load sth onto the trucks


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