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Unit 2Healthy eating.单词拼写1Just to satisfy my_(好奇心), how much did you pay for your car?2We spent two hours analysing the teams strengths and_(缺点)3That young woman has a(n)_(苗条的)figure.4I have only a_(有限的)understanding of French.5With the production going up, an increasing supply of_(未加工的)materials is needed.6They exist on a d_of fish.7This rich food doesnt d_easily and you mustnt eat too much.8The girl lost her b_and fell off the balance beam.9We dont want to lose hershe is one of our biggest c_.10Do I get a d_if I buy a whole case of wine?.完成句子1她为了减肥,饮食很有规律。She is_ _ _ _to_ _.2良好的教育对我们的成长有好处。A good education will_ _ _ _our growth.3对孩子撒谎的事不能不了了之。You shouldnt let your child_ _ _ _ _.4没有什么比旅行更令人愉快的事了。_is_ _ _travelling. 5.老板能对高薪和长工时的好处做权衡。The boss can_ _ _of a high salary against the long working hours.单项填空1The editors job is to keep the newspaper_and_to the readers.Abalanced; interested Bbalancing; interesting Cbalanced; interesting Dbalancing; interested2The suspect_to the police that the hammer still_where he had_it.Alay; lay; lain Blay; lied; laid Clied; lay; laid Dlied; laid; lain3Despite high prices of the goods, the shopping mall is always attracting a lot of customers for its_supplies.Adiverse Bdiscount Cabundant Deffective4We must do something to_the old house, or it might fall down.Astrengthen Bfasten Cfix Drepair5Evidence obtained from observation and experiment is often used to_a scientific theory.Aconfirm Bconclude Cconsult Dconfuse6It will not be_he returns from abroad.Abefore long Blong before Cafter long Dlong after7Despite mistakes and_, the robot did a great deal of good work.Alimits Badvantages Cbenefits Dweaknesses8Although he is over 65, Mr Smith has never been tired. Hes a man full of_.Apower Benergy Cstrength Ddrawback9Because it was hard to_with the money he got paid, he wanted to take_job.Amake his life; a second Bmake ends meet; a secondCearn his living; the second Dmake his living; the second10She became fatter and fatter, so the doctor advised her_.Alosing weight Bto lose weight Cto keep weight Dto gain weight11What about your summer vacation in London?I have never spent_holiday.Aa very exciting Ba more exciting Ca more excited Dmuch too an exciting12We expect to make a(n)_of one yuan on each of the books we sell.Aadvantage Bprofit Cbenefit Dbehalf13Your schoolbag wants_, Tom.Yes, it does. And it is also what I want to have_for long.Ato be washed; it washed Bwashing; washedCbeing washed; to be washed Dwashing; it washed14You couldnt have chosen any gift better for me._AOh, dont you like it? BThats all right. Ill give you a better one next time.CIm glad you like it so much. DYou have a gift for music, dont you?15Its a long time since I saw my sister._ her this weekend?AWhy not visit BWhy not to visit CWhy not visiting DWhy dont visit16.In my opinion,keeping dogs should not be banned,but_to certain areas.AlimitedBlimiting Cto limitDto be limited17Practising Chinese kung fu can not only_ones strength,but also develop ones character.Abring upBtake up Cbuild upDpull up18.The child should be punished.You shouldnt let him_telling lies.Akeep away fromBkeep away with Cget away fromDget away with19I used to quarrel a lot with my parents,but now we_fine.Aget overBstay up Cget away fromDget along20.I was just talking to my old friend when Mary_.Acut inBcut down Ccut outDcut up21Our teacher advised you to_the article that is too long so as to make it fit the space.Acut awayBcut through Ccut upDcut down22. I have a lot of readings_before the end of this term.AcompletingBto complete CcompletedDbeing completed23.Did you have a good nights sleep,sir? Oh,exactly.It was such a comfortable bed.I could never have_sleep.Aa goodBthe best Ca betterDa best24Our women athletes achieved great success in the Vancouver Winter Olympic Games.Yes.No one could perform_,I think.AwellBbetter CbestDthe best25With the world changing fast,we have something new_with all by ourselves every day. Adeal Bdealt Cto deal Ddealing26 Every year,Tom remembers to have some flowers_to her mother on her birthday. AsendBsent CsendingDbeing sent27Excuse me sir,where is Room 301?Just a minute.Ill have Bob_you to your room. AshowBshows Cto showDshowing28Has John repaired his washing machine? He had it_,because he was so busy. Ato repairedBrepair CrepairedDto be repairing29If we have illegal immigrants_in,many local workers will lose their jobs. AcameBcoming Cto comeDhaving come30. What do you think of the film Avatar? It_be better.I even want to see it twice.AwontBcouldnt CshouldntDmightnt31Mum,would you please buy me an MP5 player?If you can help do the dishes the whole vacation,you _have one as a reward. AmustBneed CwouldDshall32The weather turned out to be fine yesterday.You _the trouble to carry your raincoat with you. Ashould have taken Bcould have taken Cneednt have takenDmustnt have taken33John looks a bit upset.Did you tell him the bad news?Yes,but I_him after his birthday party. Ashould have toldBmust have told Cshouldnt have toldDneednt have told34The traffic is heavy now,so Mike_come late.Lets wait ten more minutes. AcanBneed CmayDshall35.People have always been_about exactly how life on earth began. AcuriousBexcited CanxiousDcareful36. Would you like some more chicken? No,thanks.I am_a diet and Im trying to _weight. Aon;lose Bon;put on Cin;have Din;lose37. Is there any_to the time that I can stay here? Yes,you must leave here before he comes back. Anumber Blengt Climit Dmatter38. A large sum of money has been raised for the_of the poorlyeducated children in the mountainous districts. AprofitBfavour Cadvantage Dbenefit39.As we all know,practicing Yoga_our health;that is to say,our health can_it. Abenefits to;benefit Bbenefits;benefit from Cbenefits from;benefit Dbenefits;are benefited from40.Practising Chinese kung fu can not only_ones strength,but also develop ones character. Abring up Btake up Cbuild up Dpull up.单词拼写答案:1.curiosity2.weaknesses3.slim4.limited5.raw6diet7.digest8.balance9.customers10.discount.完成句子答案:1.on a special diet; lose weight2.be of benefit to3.getting away with telling lies4.Nothing; more pleasant than 5balance the benefits1答案:Cbalanced在此是过去分词作宾补,意为“平衡的”;interesting“有趣的”。句意:编辑的工作就是保持报纸版面的平衡和内容的趣味性。2答案:C句意:嫌疑犯向警察撒谎说那把铁锤仍然在他原来放的地方。第一空意思是“撒谎”(lie),其过去式为lied, lie to sb.意思是“向某人撒谎”;第二空意思是“位于,在(lie)”,其过去式为lay;第三空意思是“放置(lay)”,其过去式为laid。3答案:Adiverse“多样的,不同的”。句意:尽管购物中心的物品价格很高,但其多样化的供应品总能吸引大量的顾客。discount“折扣”;abundant“充足的”;effective“有效的”。4答案:A句意:我们必须做点什么来加固这座旧房子,不然的话它就会倒塌。strengthen表示“加固”。5答案:A句意:通过观察和实验获得的证据经常被用来确认一项科学理论。6答案:BIt will not be long before.意为“要不了多久就会”。句意:用不了多久他就会从国外归来。7答案:D本题考查名词辨析。句意:尽管有差错和不足,机器人还是做了大量的好的工作。与mistakes一致,此处应填weaknesses。limit“限制”;advantage“好处,优点”;benefit“利益,好处”,均不符合句意。8答案:B本题考查名词辨析。从“never been tired”可判断,“他是一个精力旺盛的人”。energy意为“精力,能量”,符合语境。power主要指职权、权力、做一件事所需要具备的能力,人或事物潜在的或已发挥出来的能量、职权、权力或政权;strength着重指体力;drawback指“不利之处,弊端”。9答案:B本题考查动词短语及冠词用法。make ends meet“使收支相抵”,earn ones living相当于make ones living,指“谋生”;表示“又一,再一”用a second。10答案:B句意:她越来越胖,因此医生建议她减肥。advise后跟不定式作复合宾语,即advise sb. to do sth.,因此排除A项。lose weight“减肥”。gain weight“增加体重”;keep weight“保持体重”。11答案:B本题考查“否定词比较级”表示最高级的用法。句意:“你暑假在伦敦过得怎么样?”“我从来没有度过比这更令人兴奋的假期了。”注意此处holiday前使用不定冠词,且形容词用比较级形式。12答案:B本题考查名词辨析。句意:我们期望卖出的每一本书能获得一元钱的利润。advantage“有利条件”;benefit“好处;利益”;behalf“代表”,均不符合句意。13答案:B第一空want doingwant to be done“需要被”;第二空考查have sth. done结构,句中what起双重作用,故不能再有it。14答案:C注意第一人所说的话意为“这是你给我挑选的最好的礼物”,故答案应为C。15答案:Awhy not后只接动词原形,意为“为何不?”向对方提供建议。16-20 A C D D A 21-25D B C B C 26-30B A C B B 31-35 D C A C A 36-40 ACDBC


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