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三年级英语月考检测试题听力部分(40分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容,把序号写在题前括号内。(听两遍)(10分)( )1. A. door B. dog C. ball( )2. A. is B. yes C. please ( )3. A. book B. look C. good( )4. A. who B. too C. you( )5. A. colour B. close C. cake( )6. A. robot B. rubber C. parrot( )7. A. what B. white C. window( )8. A. Mr B. Miss C. me ( )9. A. the B. that C. and( )10. A. sorry B. orange C. open二、听录音,判断你所听到的内容是否与下列句子相符,相符的用“T”,不相符的用“F”表示。(听两遍)(8分)( )1.What colour is my skirt now?( )2.This is my friend, Liu Tao.( )3. Helen, please close the window. ( )4. Come in, Mike.( )5.Please listen to the parrot.( )6.This book is for my sister. ( )7.Is this your English book ? ( )8.Dont look at the window, please. 三、听录音,选出所听句子的正确答句,将其序号填入题前括号内。(听两遍)(8分)( )1. A. Its nice. B. Its white. ( )2. A. Its green. B. Its a parrot( )3. A.Good afternoon,class. B. Good morning, class. ( )4. A. Yes, it is. B.Yes,please.( )5. A. Thank you. B. Hello, Im Mike. ( )6. A. Yes, I am. B. OK ( )7. Goodbye. B.Nice to meet you ,too. ( )8.No,thank you. B.Im sorry. 四、听录音,根据所听顺序用数字给下列句子排序。(6分)( ) 1.Sit down, please. ( ) 2.Good morning,class.( ) 3. Wang Bing, please open the door. ( ) 4.Come in, please ,Yang Lin.( ) 5.Happy New Year. ( ) 6.She is my friend,Yang Lin.五、听录音,写出你所听到得单词。(8分)1. 2. 3. 4.5. 6. 7. 8.笔试部分一、判断下列各组单词的划线部分读音是否相同,相同的用“T”,不相同的用“F”表示。(2分)1.ball book ( ) 2. cap robot ( )二、词汇。(12页)a. 选出与其他两项不同类的单词。(6分) ( )1.A.pie B.stand C.sit( )2.A.comeB.listen C.me( )3.A.ballB.bookC.look( )4.A.MissLiB.MrGreenC.Mike( )5.A.eatB.drinkC.sweet( )6.A.sleepB.inC.talkb写出下列词组或句子的中文或英文。(6分)1. in class 2. 开门 3. come in 4. 不要跑。 5. listen to 6. 我的英语书 三、选择最佳答案,将序号填在题前括号内。(6分)( ) 1. -Look _ the blackboard , Mike. - Yes , Miss Li.A. at B. on C./( ) 2. -Whats this ? -Its _.A. door B. a door C. an door ( ) 3.-Please close the window. -_.A. Thank you. B. Yes, Mr Green. C. Im sorry.( ) 4.-The rubber is for you, Mike. -_.A. Goodbye. B. Thank you. C. OK.( )5.-Dont listen _Sam, Bobby. -OK. A./ B. for C. to( )6.Itstoocold(冷)._thewindow,please.A.DontopenB.OpenC.talk四、根据所给情景,选择正确的答案。(10分)( )1、妈妈叫你把窗户打开,她会对你说:A. Open the window, please. B. Open the door ,please.( )2、当你迟到了,你应该对老师说:A. Yes ,Mr Green. B. Im sorry, Miss Li.( )3、老师叫你不要把窗户打开,你会回答道:A. OK. B. Yes,please.( )4、你想知道这是什么,你会问:A. Its a rubber. B. Whats this ?( )5、爸爸叫你不要打开门,他会对你说:A. Open the door. B. Dont open the door.( )6、好朋友请我帮助他开门,他应该说: A. Open the door, please. B. Open the window, please. ( )7、当踢完足球满头大汗进教室时,我请我同桌: A. Close the window. B. Open the window.( )8、同学David帮助我关门后,我对他说: A. Close the door. B. Thank you. ( )9.上课了,值日班长说:A.Stand up. B.Sit down.( )10.你去老师办公室,老师对你说:A.Come in, please. B.Im sorry,Miss Li.五、选用方框内适当的句子,完成对话。(10分)A.Look at the blackboard. B.What colour?C.Would you like a hot dog? D.Whats this? E.Im sorry1、-Dont drink here. 2、-_-_ -Its an English book.3、-_ 4、-_-Yes,Mr Green. -No,thank you.5、-_-Its blue.六、根据上下文提示完成对话(填序号)。(6分)A. ball B. What C. afternoon D. blackboard E. colour F. blackA: Good _. B: Good afternoon.A: Look at the _. _ is this? B: Its _.A: What _is it? B: Its _.七、从II栏中选出与I栏相对应的答句。(8分)( )1. Wheres(在哪儿) Mike? A. Thank you.( )2. Dont run here. B. No, thank you.( )3. Whats this? C. How beautiful.( )4. Is this a robot? D. Its a schoolbag.( )5. Close your book. E. Im sorry.( )6. Would you like a sweet? F. OK.( )7. This is for you. G. Yes, it is.( )8. Look, this is a cap. H. Hes in the library.八、将下列句子排序成一段完整的对话。(6分)A. Gao Shan,please open the book. B. Yes ,Mr Green.C. Good morning, class. D. Stand up.E. Thank you, Mr Green. F. Sit down,please.G. Good morning, Mr Green.D三年级英语月考检测试题听力部材料一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容,把序号写在题前括号内。(听两遍)(10分)1. A. door 2. please 3. book 4. too 5. close 6. rubber 7. window 8. Mr 9. the 10. sorry 二、听录音,判断你所听到的内容是否与下列句子相符,相符的用“T”,不相符的用“F”表示。(听两遍)(8分)1.What colour is my shirt now? 2.This is my friend, Liu Tao.3. Helen, please open the door. 4. Come in, Mike.5.Please dont listen to the parrot. 6.This book is for my sister. 7.Is this your book ? 8.Look at the window, please. 三、听录音,选出所听句子的正确答句,将其序号填入题前括号内。(听两遍)(8分)1. Look at my cap 2.Whats that ?3. Good morning, Mr Green. 4. Would you like a sweet ?5. This book is for you. 6. Open your English books , Class.7. Nice to meet you . 8. Dont eat here , Liu Tao.四、听录音,根据所听顺序用数字给下列句子排序。(6分)1. She is my friend,Yang Lin. 2. Sit down, please.3. Come in, please ,Yang Lin. 4. Good morning,class.5.Happy New Year. 6. Wang Bing, please open the door.五、听录音,写出你所听到得单词。(8分)1. open 2. close 3. door 4.window5. run 6. eat 7. talk 8.in


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