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2013泽家学校志远班中考英语复习七年级下册Units 1-2一、重点句型:1.Where is your pen pal from? 你的笔友来自哪里?= where_your pen pal _ _? 短语:be from =come from 是哪里人 、来自某地 练习:Is John from the United Kingdom?= Does John_ _the United Kingdom?2. in the neighborhood = near here在附近3. 欢迎来到_ _4. the beginning of 的开始,前端at the beginning of 在的开始,前端5. have fun = _ _ = _ _玩得开心,过得愉快拓展:have fun sth 高兴做某事6. have a good trip旅途愉快7. 到达某地: get to + 地方 arrive in + 大地方I arrive in Beijing. arrive at + 小地方I arrive at the bank reach + 地方 注意: here/ there/ home 这三个副词前,不加任何介词, 如:get here ,arrive there 8 go across从物体表面“横过” 如:go across the street横过马路go through 从空间里面“穿过” 如:go through the forest 穿过树林9. 学习方位词写出本单元所学习的方位词1.在前面_ 2,在后面_3,在和.之间_4在对面 5.紧挨着_ _ 6. 在附近 _/_7在.里面的前面 8.在.外部的前面 10.日常交际用语 (问路)(1)、Is there a .?句型 Eg: -Excuse me. Is there a hotel in the neighborhood. -Yes, there is. No .there isnt (2)、Where is ?句型Eg: -Where is the park ,please? -Its behind the bank.(肯定回答) -Im sorry I dont know. (否定回答) (3)、Which is the way to +地点? 句型.例如: - Which is the way to the library. (4)、How can I get to +地点?句型.例如: -How can I get to the restaurant? (5)、Can you tell me the way to +地点?句型.例 - Can you tell me the way to the post office? (6)、Let me tell you the way to my house. 11.重点语法:there be 句型 1)定义: there be 句型表示某处存在某物或某人2) 结构:There is /was+单数名词/不可数名词+地点 There are /were+复数名词+地点 3)There be 句型中be 的单、复数形式根据就进原则4)There be 句型的时态 一般现在时:There is / are 一般过去时:There was/were 一般将来时:There will be / There is/are going to be 固定句型:There used to be . 在某地有 5)There be 句型反义疑问句的构成,仍然用there (1)There some bread and vegetable on the table . A. is B. are C. were (2) There a basketball match between China and Korea this evening. A. will have B. are C. will be (3) There used to be a bridge here, ? A. is there B. isnt there C. didnt it D. didnt there (4) There is little water in the bottle , ? (5) 在我们学校有很多花草。 . have / has 表示:某人或某物“拥有”什么东西,强调“所有关系” 而且某人或某物作为句子的主语。 (过去式是had) 主语是第三人称(he ,she ,it以及单数的人或物)时,用has 如:He has a pen 主语是其它人称(I, you ,they以及复数的人或物)时,用have 如:I have a big family. have/has 表示“包括、存在”时,可以与There be 句型互换。如:The classroom ten desks=There ten desks in ten classroom.注意:1.have 还有其它的意思“吃=eat,喝=drink;进行,举行”等,如: have breakfast / lunch / supper(dinner) 吃早餐/午饭/晚饭, have a cup of tea 喝一杯茶 have an English class 上英语课 , have a birthday party 举行生日会,have a rest 休息 2.have /has/ had 还可以作助动词构成现在完成时和过去完成时,现在完成时: 过去完成时: 练习:Theyve never been to the Great Wall, ? He had a birthday party last night, ? Units 3-4 一、 重点短语 1、有几分 /有点儿 a little =a little bit=_+形容词 2.喜欢去做某事_ _ 3、在晚上_ _ 4、在白天_=_ 二、语法知识 1. 特殊疑问句的构成 :通常以“what”、“who”、“which”、“when”、“where”、“how”、“how old”、“how many” 等开头,对某一具体问题进行提问。结构: 疑问词+ 一般疑问句? 练习:Tom lives in Beijing . (对划线部分提问) he ? The white coat is Lucys (对划线部分提问) is Lucys ? Lucys coat is white 对划线部分提问) is Lucys coat 特殊疑问词的具体用法如下:意思用法例句who谁问人的身份,姓名等He is Li Lie Who is he ?He is my brother. Who is he ?whom谁问人的身份,姓名等(问宾语)I can ask him the question.Whom can you ask the question?what什么问人的职业或事物是什么He is a worker. What is he?He has a book. What does he have ?which哪一个哪一些问一定范围内特指的人或物The red box is mine. Which box is yours?The girl at the door is Ann. Which girl is Ann?whose谁的问所属关系This is her book. Whose book is this ?This book is Toms. Whose is this book?what color什么颜色问颜色(be后的颜色)My skirt is red. What color is your skirt?What time几点问时间点We play games at five in the afternoon ?What time do you play games?when什么时候问时间We play games in the afternoon ?When do you play games?where什么地方问地点(状语)We play games at home on Sunday ?Where do you play games on Sunday?why为什么问原因He isnt at school today because he is ill.Why isnt he at school today ?how怎样问健康状况、做事的方式等He is fine/strong. How is he ?I go home by bike. How do you go home?how old多大几岁问年龄He is ten. How old is he ?how many多少跟复数名词,问数量There are thirty boys in my class.How many boys are there in your class?how much多少跟不可数名词问数量或价钱 There is some milk in the bottle.How much milk is there in the bottle?how far多远问路程Its five kilometers away from here? How far is it from here?how soon要多久问in+ 一段时间He can finish it in half an hour.How soon can he finish it ?how long多久问(for)+时间段,问物体的长短He has lived here for a year. How long has he lived here?The desk is one meters long. How long is the desk ?how often多久(一次)问频率(often,never,sometimes,twice a week)I go to see my parents once a month.How often do you go to see your parents?【巩固练习】 ( )1).- is your home from your school ?-Half an hours walk. A.How long B.How far C.How soon ( )2).- will your father come back? -In a week . A.How long B.How far C.How soon ( )3).-Do you know the man in a black coat is ? - Maybe a news reporter. A. who B.what C.whom 4).The boy in a black coat is Jim(对划线部分提问) is Jim? 5).The girl under the tree is my friend (同上) is your friend? 6).The woman in yellow is Miss Li(同上) is Miss Li? 7).The yellow umbrella is Toms .(同上) is Toms ? 8).Kates bike is yellow.(同上) is Kates bike? 9 ).There is a little water in the bottle.(同上) water is there in the bottle? 10).He usually goes to school by bike.(同上) he to school? 11).Tom often writes letters to his parents .(同上) Tom write letters to his parents? 12). The girls played basketball yesterday.(同上) _ _ the girls _ yesterday? 13). I read English words every morning.(同上) you every morning 14). The ruler is two meters long.(同上) is the ruler? 15). Its ten minutes ride from my home to school.(同上) _ is from your home to school? 16).The film has been on for ten minutes.(同上) has the film been on? 2.I want to be an actor. 我想成为一名演员。知识归纳1)“want to be + 职业”表示“想成为一名” 2)want sth =would like sth想要某物 3)want to do sth=would like to do sth=feel like doing sth 想做某事 4) want sb to do sth.=would like sb to do sth 想某人做某事3.What does he do? 他是做什么的?知识归纳1)what对“职业”提问。如:He is a teacher.(对划线部分提问)_ he ? 2)转换同义句。 What does he do?= What is he? =Whats his job? 又如:What do you do? = _? = _?4.People give me their money. 人们把钱交给我。1)give sth to sb表示“把某物给某人”。其中sth表某物,称直接宾语;sb表某人,称间接宾语。 两者合称“双宾语”。常见结构为:(动词buy, make, cook, get, draw, sing等常与for搭配;其余与to搭配)give sb sth =give sth to sb buy sb sth= buy sth for sb bring sb sth =bring sth to sb get sb sth=get sth for sb tell sb sth =tell sth to sb do sth for sblend sb sth =lend sth to sb sing sth for sb show sb sth =show sth to sb(让某人看某物) make sth for sbtake sb sth=take sth to sb (带某物给某人) send sb sth=send sth to sb 如:Please give some water to me.=Please . 请给我一点水。 He sings an English song for us=He 他给我们唱了一首英语歌。2)当直宾和间宾都是代词时,只能用“动词+ sth to/for sb”结构。 如: give it to me或send it to him不能说 give me it或send him it5、be busy doing 忙于做某事。be busy with sth 忙于某事。 汤姆忙于做他的作业。_=_.6. work 与job 的区别 work 工作、职业。既可作动词,又可用名词。作名词时,是不可数名词 job 工作、职业。是 可数名词 如:a job Here is a good for you . A. job B. work 7.wear 和put on 的区别 put on表示“穿上,戴上(指穿戴衣物,首饰等)或上演”,着重于“穿/戴”这一动作,如:Please put on your new coat.请穿上你的新大衣。wear表示“穿着,戴着”(衣物,眼镜等),强调“穿/戴”这一状态。be wearing +衣服=be in +衣服 穿衣服如:Hes wearing a white shirt today.=Hes in a white shirt today.in (介词)+衣服/颜色 “穿衣服/穿颜色的衣服” 如:The man in black is Mr Green.dress (vt).给.穿衣 dress sb. 给某人穿衣 ,dress oneself 自己穿衣固定短语:get dressed 穿衣服 be dressed in+衣服 穿衣服注意:put on /wear +衣服 ,而 dress+人1) Mr Wang, our English teacher, often (穿)a pair of dark glasses (墨镜). 2) (穿)your jacket, Lucy. Its cold outside. 3) Tom is (穿) himself8.We have a job for you as a waiter. 我们可以为你提供一份作侍者的工作。1) for为某人 2)as 作为练习:他在工厂当经理 He _a manager in the factory.巩固练习:( ) 1. -_? Hes from Australia. A. Where is your pen pal B. Where is your pen pal fromC. Where is your pen pal come from D. How is your pen pal( ) 2. Can you speak Japanese? Yes, but only_. A. much B. a lot of C. a little D. little( ) 3. My daughter can _a little English. A. say B. speak C. talk D. tell( )4. Can you _it in Chinese for me? Sure. A. say B. talk C. speak D. tell( ) 5. I like _to the movies _weekends. A. go; on B. goes; in C. going; on D. to go; to( ) 6. Many students enjoy _computers after school. A. to play B. played C. play D. playing( )7. Where is the hotel? Its _the library and the bank. A. across B. next C. in D. between( ) 8. There is a big tree _our classroom. A. in front B. in front of C. in the front of( ) 9. Bond Beach is a good place _. A. have fun B. has fun C. to have fun D. having fun( ) 10. I want to buy a big house _a beautiful garden around it. A. has B. with C. have D. there is( ) 11. There _a post office and two hotels on Bridge Street.A. is B. are C. has D. have( ) 12. Many students are in the classroom. Some are doing their homework, _are reading. A. another B. the other C. other D. others( ) 13. Jim with Tom _doing the homework in the classroom now. A. am B. is C. are D. be( ) 14. The little girl is _shy. A. kinds of B. a little bit C. a bit of ( )15. Would you like _noodles? Yes, Im hungry. A. a B. an C. some D. any( ) 16. Would you like _us with the housework? Yes, Id love to. A. helping B. to help C. help D. helped( )17. The news _ exciting to us.A. areB. doC. isD. does()18. If you want to be a waiter, please call Karen _ 555-3937.A .atB. withC. forD. on()19. My aunt works _ a magazine _ a reporter.A. as, forB. for, asC. with, forD. for, withUnits 5-6 1、 现在进行时表示现在正在进行的动作或现阶段发生的动作结构:主语+ +宾语。用于现在进行时常见的提示词有: 、 、 at the present现在,at the moment现在,these days(现在、目前). 注意:1) 有些表感觉,感情,情绪、所属关系等的动词和短暂性动词,一般不用于进行时态,常见的这类动词有:understand, remember , have, hate, like, love, want, know, hope, wish, agree, believe, think(认为),.(即使有now 等提示词,也不能用进行时) 如: I (have )a pen now . He (know )the matter now. 2)现在进行时也可以用于表示动作的渐进过程。 如:Our school (get) more and more beautiful.2、talk on the phone. 在电话上交谈。注意用介词_,3、给某人写信_ _= _ _4.一些另一些_ _ 5 . ask(sb.) for sth (问某人) 要某物5. in order to do sth 为了干某事 7. rain _ (雨)下得大6. _ _ my English 提高我的英语水平7.询问天气情况的常用表达方式-_? 今天天气如何? 回答:It is+天气的形容词=_ What will the weather be like tomorrow? 明天的天气如何? 回答:It will be +天气的形容词8. look for 表示 “寻找” 强调“寻找”的过程 find 表示 “找到” 强调“寻找”的结果 find out 表示“ 找出、搞清楚”、“弄明白”的意思,是经过调查了解,研究、计算、探询等获知,得知。 ( )I am my pen ,but I cant it. A. looking for , find B. finding , look for C. looking for , find out ( ) Please who broke the window. A. look for B. find C. find outUnits 7 -8 重点短语/句型:1. look like 看上去像;长得如何2. be of medium height 是属于中等身高 4. be of medium build 是属于中等身材3. in Class Five 在五班4. not any more 不再=_5. go shopping 购物 总结:go + doing 如:go boating去划船,go skating去滑冰,go swimming .去游泳6.注意区别:What do/does sb look 6.注意区别:What do / does sb look like ? 表示: ? What do/does sb like? 表示: ? ( )- ?-He is tall and thin . ( )- ? -Apples. A. What does he like ? B. How does he look like? C. What does he look like ?7. would like sth 想要某物 would like to do sth 想要做某事 would like sb to do sth 想要某人做某事 would like=_8. a kind of 一种. 区别:kind of =a little=a little bit+形容词 “有点儿.” all kinds of.各种各样. What kind of. 哪种. 提问种类9. What size 什么尺寸 提问尺寸10.1) Would you like sth? 你想要某物吗? 肯定回答:Yes, please./ All right./ Yes./ OK. 否定回答: No, thanks. 2).Would you like to do sth? 你想做某事吗? 肯定回答:Yes, _ 否定回答:Yes ,_ _, _ ( ) -Would you like some milk ?- . A. Yes , thanks B. No, please C. Yes ,please ( )-Would you like to go shopping with me ?- . A. No , thanks B. Yes ,Id love C. Yes, Id love to 11.other 与else 的区别 other 后接可数名词复数 else 用于特殊疑问词,复合不定代词后面。 What (别的)things do you want ? Would you like something (别的)?Units 9 -10一、重点词组:1.play the guitar弹吉他 play soccer踢足球 play the +_ . play+_2.at the weekend=on the weekend在周末 3.study for the test准备考试 4.have a party举行晚会 5.do some reading 读书 总结:do some +_”结构, 表示 “做.,干.,进行.” 如:do some washing 洗衣服 do some cleaning 打扫清洁 6.重点语法:一般过去时 (详细请看时态总结) 1)结构: 1)主语+ was/were+其它 2)主语+动词过去式+其它 2)与一般过去时连用的时间状语有:a moment ago刚才 yesterday morning, last night, last week, the day before yesterday前天, just now刚才练习:I (visit)the Great Wall last Saturday. He ( be ) in the library just now. 7. have a good time doing sth=have fun doing sth. 做某事很有趣(快乐) 8. find sb doing sth 发现某人在做某事 9. help sb (to) do sth = help sb sth. 帮助某人做某事Units 11-12 1. What do you think of .?=How do you like ? 你觉得怎样?肯定回答: I like/love或Its nice / beautiful / exciting / wonderful否定回答:I dont like / dont love / cant stand .或Its terrible / awful/boring2 agree with sb/ sbs idea / what sb said 同意某人的意见/主意 agree 同意做某事 练习:我不同意你说所的话。 。 你同意他的主意吗? ?3. 反义疑问句的归纳总结1)反义疑问句的结构: 陈述句+附加疑问句?注意:后面的附加疑问句一般是: 助动词+ 代词主格( I ,you ,he ,she ,it, we ,they )2)反义疑问句常遵守的规则: 前肯,后否 前否,后肯(前句常含有no ,not,nothing ,hardly,never, few,little, seldom表示否定的单词) 几乎不 从不 几乎没有 很少3)反义疑问句的特例 当前句主语是第一人称I/We think(believe, suppose, expect,guess)+that宾语从句,后句(即附加疑问句)的主、谓语与宾语从句的主、谓语保持一致, 但要注意否定前移的情况。 I suppose that hes serious , ? I dont think she can look after herself, ?前否,后否(前句含有由un-, im- , in-, dis-, 等否定意义的前缀构成的词语时,如:(unhappy, unlucky , dislike, impolite) Lets, ? 而Let us , will you /wont you? I am, ?前句是There be,后句仍用there There is little food in the bridge, ? A. isnt it B. is it C. isnt there D. is there 前句是肯定祈使句,后句用 ? 前句是否定祈使句,后句用 ? ( )Dont you remember me , ? A. do you B. dont you C. will you 注意:如果前句没有助动词时,借助动词do, does ,did来构成疑问部分,还有have /has /had作行动词,而不是助动词,也要借助动词do, does ,did来构成疑问部分,当“have/has/had+ 过去分词”时,才作助动词 ,否则作行为动词. 如: Tom had breakfast at home this morning, ? Kate has been to the Great Wall, ?3)对反义疑问句的回答: 事实肯定, 用Yes,回答 事实否定, 用No,回答 如:-Lucy has never been late for school, has she?- .She always come to school on time. A . Yes ,she has B. No ,she hasnt C. Yes ,she did【强化训练】 1. Linda ate nothing this morning, _ ? A. didnt she B. was she C. did she D. wasnt she2.Few students can solve the math problem, ?A. can they B. cant they C. dont they3.I hardly have time for a concert, ? A.have I B.do I C. havent I D.dont I4.Lets go to play basketball, ?5. I dont think Tom can drive a car, ?6. Hes never been to the Great Wall , ?7.Mr Green had an important meeting last week, ?8.Tom read a story book, ?9.Kate often has breakfast at home, ?10.Kate used to have long hair, ?


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