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Unit 8重点单词Adventure(奇遇,冒险的经历) desert(沙漠,荒原) canoe(独木舟) hike(徒步旅行,远足) presenter(节目主持人major(较重要的,较严重中的) wild(野生的,狂热的) raft(木排,木筏) extra(特别的,额外的) optional(可选择的,非强制的) horizon(地平线) organization(团体,组织) uncomfortable(不舒服的,不自在的) route(路线,路程) luggage(行李) accommodation(住所,住处) maximum(最大的最多的) altitude(高度,海拔) anxious(忧虑的,担心的) extreme(极度的,极端的) similarity(相似性,类似性) risk(冒危险) various(不同的,各种各样的) flow(流动,涌出) equipment(配备,设备) preference(较喜欢的东西) traveller(旅行者,旅客) emperor(皇帝) court(宫廷,法庭) amaze(使惊愕) confuse(使困惑) fuel(燃料) wealthy(富有的,富裕的) statement(陈述) quantity(数量) professor(教授) hunter(猎人) preparation(准备,预备) goal(目的,目标) shock(震惊,惊骇) ambition(志向,抱负) hopeless(没有希望的) cheerful(愉快的,高兴的) distant(远处的,久远的) within(在.里面,在内部) sadness(悲哀,忧伤) function(运转,起作用) patience(耐心,忍耐力) nationality(国籍) aim(目标,目的) transport(运输,运送) observe(观察,观测) disadvantage(不利,不利条件) survival(幸存,残存) shelter(遮蔽) limit(边界,限度)重点句型1、AS well as the group guide, all teams have cooks and porters.所有的登山队都配有厨师,搬运工和向导。2、Our porters carry your luggage, which means that you can simply enjoy the experience.有搬运工为你搬运行李,这意味着你能尽情享受旅行。3、All our guides have several years of experience in leading hiking trips in the Himalayas.我们所有的向导都有多年的在喜马拉雅山引导徒步旅行的经验。4、When I turned up for my first jump I was so nervous that I tried to back out, but my friends persuaded me to go through with it.我第一次站在跳台上紧张的真相退缩下来,但是朋友们说服了我。5、When he was 17 years old, he traveled across Europe and Asia with his father, who wanted to do trade with the Chinese.当他17岁时就随同想与中国人做生意的父亲一起横跨欧洲和亚洲。6、The Emperor was impressed by him and they became friends.他给皇帝留下了深刻的印象,他们成了好朋友。7、Marco, in turn, was amazed by how beautiful and powerful China was.马可波罗也相应地被中国的美丽和强大所震撼。8、He was confused by the black stones people used to burn for fuel.他也对人们过去作为燃料燃烧的黑色的石头感到迷惑不解。9、Not long after his return, a local was broke out near his town.他返回来不久,一场区域性的战争在他的家乡附近爆发了。Warm up&Lesson 1重点词组搭配及其用法1、adventure. v.拿冒风险 n.冒险 Venture adventure 的区别 Venture 多指冒生命危险或重大的经济风险 Adventure 冒一些刺激性的险,并无多大危险,用作名词复数时,意为“冒险故事”3、take off 起飞 (land 着陆) 脱下(put on 穿上) 移除(=remove) Take a day off 请一天假2、major adj. 较大的,主要的 vi. 主修,专修 (in) n. 少校,成年人,主修专业 My major is English in my university. = I major in English in my university .我大学里的专业是英语。 Majority n.大部分,多数 In the majority 占多数 a majority of 大多数的,大半的 The majority are in favour of the proposal. 大多数人赞同这个建议。 Minority n. 少数3、dream vi. 做梦,梦见 (of/about) The soldier always dreams of home. 这个士兵常梦见家。 Vt.做梦,梦见,后面常跟同源宾语 Dream a dream 做了一个梦 n.梦,梦想 have dreams of doing sth 抱着做的梦想4、 accommodation n.住宿,留宿,膳宿供应 Accommodations (通常用复数形式) His hospital has accommodations for 300 patients. 这家医院有300张病床。5、extra adv.特别地,非常 adj.特别的,额外的An extra strong man 一个非常强壮的人Extra pay for extra work 额外的工作给额外的报酬 Extraordinary adj 非常的,离奇的,使人惊奇的6、experience n U经验 n.C经历,阅历 vt. 经历,体验 I have experienced what hardships mean. 我体验过艰苦的生活 Experienced adj.有经验的,熟练的 Experiment n.科学家进行的实验7、arrange vt 安排,准备,筹划,整理 vi.做安排,做准备,筹划 arrange sth for 为安排某事 arrange with sb for /about sth 与某人商定某事 arrange to do sth 安排做某事arrangement n.整理,排列,布置 arrangements “安排,准备工作”(=preparations)8、option n.U选择,选择权 C(供)选择的事物 At ones option 随意 Have no option but to do sth 不得不做某事Optional adj.可选择的,非强制性的 Optional subjects 选修课9、imagine vt. 想象,设想 +名词 +that 从句 +doing sthImagination n.想象力,幻想Imaginative adj 可想象的,想像得到的10、prepare v.准备,预备, Be well prepared for sth Be well prepared to do sth 对做某事有充分的准备 Preparation n.准备, preparations (复数) 准备工作 Make preparations for 为.做准备11、luggage n.行李 (baggage 美语) A piece of luggage / an article of luggage 一件行李 How much luggage will you take? 你要带多少行李?12、maximum n.最大,最高,最多,最大量,最大限度 Adj.最大的,最高的,最多的,最大量的,最大限度的 复数形式:maxima / maximum 反义词:minimum13、prefer vt.较喜欢,偏爱,宁愿 n/pron doing/to do sth 宁愿做某事 prefer sb to do sth.宁愿某人做某事 sth to sth 宁愿不愿. doing sth to doing sth 宁愿做也不愿做. to do sth rather than do sth 宁愿做也不愿做. I prefer tea to coffee. 我喜欢喝茶,不喜欢喝咖啡 I prefer walking to riding. 我宁愿不行也不愿骑自行车。14、 关于4个“花费”Take spend cost pay Take : It takes sb 时间/钱 to do sth 花费某人多长时间/多少钱做某事 Spend: (in) doing sthsb spend 时间/钱 on sth cost: sth cost sb. 钱 cost的其他用法: cost vi.价值,丧失 n.成本,代价,费用 at a cost of 以为代价 at all costs 不惜任何代价 at half cost 以半价 pay: sb pay 钱for sth 15、include v.包含,包括,算入 Inclusion n.包括,包含 including prep.包括 Contain include的区别 Contain:某种容器“装有,容纳”某物,宾语是组成部分被包含或容纳在内。 Include: “包括,包含”,强调宾语是整体的一部分Lesson 21、risk v.冒风险 Risk doing sth 冒险做某事动名词(V-ing)做宾语的还有:enjoy, finish, practice, feel like, avoid, mind, suggest. Imagine, keep n.风险,危险risky adj.冒险的,危险的 risker n.冒险者,投机者2、crazy adj.热衷于,着迷于,疯狂于 Be crazy about/on/over 着迷于. Go crazy 变得疯狂3、flow v.(河水)流动,涌出 Rivers flow into the sea. 江河汇入大海 The river flowed over its bank.河水泛滥 Flow float 的区别 Flow指河水,时光的流动,流失 Float 指物体在水面上漂浮,漂流4、upside down 倒置,颠倒 ;乱七八糟,东倒西歪 =out of order (反义词是in order次序井然)Wrong side out 反了地5、back out 停止不干,退出,食言 =give up doing /stop doing Back的相关搭配:back up证实,支持,back down 放弃要求 back off做出让步6、go through 1)通过,闯过,经历,遭受(困难)=pass through2)仔细检查,游览,翻阅=look through3)(把钱等)用光,耗尽Can the table go through the door?那张桌子能过得了那扇门吗? Go through with 完成,把进行到底Get through 拨通,使通过(考试)7、equip v.装备,配备 Equipwith用装备. Equipfor装备以备只用Equipment n.U装备,设备 A piece of equipment 一件器材8、get across 使了解,将.讲清楚 (不用于被动语态)Get相关搭配:get in 进入,收获, get over 克服,恢复9、various adj.各种各样的,不同的,多方面的,多种的 At various times 在不同时代 Various people 各式各样的人Variety n.变化,多样性,种类 A great variety of 各种各样的 variety show 综艺大观 a new variety of 新品种Various different 的区别 Various 强调种类,样式的不同 Different 强调本质的不同Lesson 31、welcome v.欢迎 Welcome sb 欢迎某人 Welcome to 某地 欢迎到某地2、learn v.Learn of/about听说,了解Learn sth by heart. 熟记,背诵3、impress v. 留下印象,使明白重要性Impress sb with sthImpress sth on sb. 给某人留下印象 Be impressed by/with/at 欣赏,受感动I was impressed by his new house. 我非常欣赏他的新房子。 Impress v.给人印象,引人注目 Impression n.C印象,感想 a strong impression 深刻的印象4、amazed adj.吃惊的,惊奇的 Amazing adj.令人惊异的 amazing success 令人惊异的成功 Amaze v.使惊奇,使惊愕 Amazement n.惊奇,惊异 To sbs amazement 使某人感到诧异的是5、seat v.容纳,就坐 n.座位,位子 take ones seat 就座,就职6、available adj.可利用的,可得到的,通用的, Use all available means 用尽所有办法,千方百计The ticket is available on the day of issue day. 此票仅当天有效。7、break out (战争,火灾)爆发, (疾病)突然发生 The first world war broke out in 1914. 第一次世界大战爆发于1914年Break相关搭配: Break down 坍塌;破除;(计划)失败;精神(垮下来);中止,停顿 Break off 使折断,突然停止(讲话) Break into 破门而入,闯入 Break away from 挣脱,摆脱,脱离 Break up 拆除,分解8、stand by 坚持(某种)说法 Stand for 代表 Stand doing sth 忍受做某事


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