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Unit 1 This Is My Day A Part1答案:知识点:1.翻译短语1.1 do morning exercises 1.2 have English class1.3 play sports/do sports 1.4 eat breakfast/have breakfast 1.5 eat dinner/have dinner2. 2.1 have P.E. class/have music class/have science class/have art class 2.2 have/eat lunch 2.3 Good morning ! 3. English 是专有名词。第一个字母永远大写。 English 的中文是“英语,英国人,英国(人)的,英语的”。 English 后面接可数名词的单数形式,表达一个时前面必须用an。 如:an English book exercise 的中文“练习,运动,操练,活动”。复数是 exercises。exercise和English一样当其后面接可数名词单数形式,表达一个时前面必须用 an。如: an exercise book4.点钟前面用介词at。如: at 8:005.When do you do morning exercises?的中文是“你什么时候做早操?”答语是:I do morning exercises at 8:00.when是对at 8:00提问的。when是疑问副词,是对时间进行提问的。 检测题:一英汉互译。 1.1 do morning exercises 1.2 上音乐课 1.3 play sports/do sports 1.4 吃午饭 1.5 eat breakfast 1.6上科学课1.7 eat dinner 1.8 上体育课1.9 have English class 1.10上美术课1.11 Good morning! 二选词填空。2.1 an 2.2 at三英译汉。你什么时候进行体育活动?我通常3:30进行体育活动。Unit1 This Is My Day A Part 2答案:知识点:1.回答 “When do you get up?”这类句子有两种方法可说I get up at 6:00.或At 6:00.”划线部分可以替换。2.What about you?的同义句是How about you?和 And you?3.翻译句子: 3.1 那个是迈克的时间表。 3.2 告诉我们关于你的一天。4.翻译短语:4.1 get up 4.2 go to school 4.3 go to bed检测题:一.连词成句。1.1 When do you eat breakfast? 1.2 I usually get up at 6:30.1.3 Tell us about your day.二.选择填空。2.1 at 2.2 up 2.3 to 2.4 Amys 2.5 usUnit1 This Is My Day A Part 3 答案:知识点:1.翻译单词和句子1.1 evening 1.2 get up 1.3 at 1.4 noon 1.5 When do you eat dinner?1.6 I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening.1.7 When do you get up?1.8 I usually get up at 12:00 noon.2.excuse: 动词的意思是原谅,名词的意思是借口。 Excuse me. 译为:对不起,打扰一下。3.当征求对方意见语气比较客气、委婉,并确定对方能用肯定语气回答的,一般问句中可以用“some”.4.What do you do ? 在对话中的意思是:“你是干什么的?”同义句是What are you ?5.翻译短语:5.1 in the morning / in the afternoon / in the evening5.2 at 12:00 noon. 5.3 大约在下午3点。6.Thank you for + 动词的ing形式,表示为事谢谢你。如:Thank you for telling me about your day.谢谢你告诉我关于你的一天。检测题:一.汉英互译。1.1 in the evening 1.2 get up 1.3 at about 4:00 in the afternoon1.4 at 12:00 noon 1.5 When do you eat breakfast? 1.6 在早上1.7 我可以你一些问题吗? 1.8 谢谢的告诉了我关于关于你学校的情况。1.9 警察 1.10 原谅二.连词成句。2.1 I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening.2.2 When do you get up?2.3 I usually get up at 12:00 noon.2.4 I play sports at about 3:00 in the afternoon.2.5 Thank you telling me about your day.三.找合适的答语。(E)3.1 (C)3.2 (A)3.3 (A)3.4 (B)3.5四.选择题。4.1 C 4.2 C 4.3 A 4.4 C 4.5 A五.根据课文内容回答问题。5.1 He eats dinner at 7:00 in the evening.5.2 He usually get up at 12:00 noon.Unit 1 This Is My Day B Part 1答案:知识点:1.翻译短语:1.1 climb mountains/climb a mountain 1.2 go shopping 1.3 go hiking1.4 play the piano 1.5 visit grandparents2.翻译短语:2.1去钓鱼 2.2 去划船 2.3去游泳(在英语中,go +动词ing 的词组表示去干什么。如:go dancing,去跳舞等)2.4每个周末3.乐器前面必须加定冠词the,如play the piano/violin而球类前则不能加任何冠词,如:play football.4.How about you?=What about you?=And you? 寻求对方意见,意思是”你怎么样?那你呢?”5.在周末、星期、和具体的日期前都用介词on.如:on the weekend在周末, on Monday在星期一 ,on May 1st 在五月一日等。6.What do you do on the weekend?的中文意思是”你在周末都干什么?”答语是I often watch TV. 可以根据实际情况替换划线部分的动词短语。检测题:一.英汉互译。1.1 climb mountains/climb a mountain 1.2 go hiking 1.3 play the piano 1.4 visit grandpatents 1.5 go shopping 1.6 去钓鱼 1.7 去划船 1.8 每天 1.9 去游泳二.改错。2.1 I usually play ping-pong on Saturdays.2.2 What do you do on the weekend?2.3 I often play the piano on Sundays.三.按要求完成下列各题。3.1 What about you?或And you?3.2 你在周末都做什么?我常常去购物。Unit 1 This Is My Day B Part 2答案:知识点:1.翻译:1.1 一起 1.2.下一个2.在英语中名词所有格表示“某人的”,在名字后面加s。如:Zhang Pengs张朋的书.3.usually,often,sometimes,这三个词叫做频度副词,usually译为“通常”、“一般”,即很少例外,often意为“经常”,不如usually那么频繁,表示动作重复,中间有间断。Sometimes意为“有时候“,表示动作偶尔发生,间隔较大。如下图所示:Mon.Tue.Wed.Thu.Fri.usuallyoftensometimes5.句子Lets go hiking together next Sunday.意思是“下周日咱们一起去远足吧。”Let 引导的祈使句后边要接动词原形,即Let sb(人) do(动词原形) sth(事).让某人做某事。如:Let me help you.让我来帮助你。Let后面要用动词原形help .检测题:一.选择。1.1 A 1.2 B二.根据表格用usually, often, sometimes填空。2.1 usually 2.2 sometimes 2.3 often三.选词填空。3.1 do 3.2 sometimes四.连词成句,并翻译汉语意思。Lets go hiking together next Sunday.让我们下周日一起去远足吧。Unit 1 This Is My Day B Part3答案: 知识点:1.翻译单词。1.1 weekend 1.2 often 1.3 sometimes 1.4下雨 1.5也2.翻译句子。2.1What do you do on the weekend?2.2Usually I watch TV and go shopping. Sometimes I visit my grandparents.2.3I often play football, Sometimes I go hiking.2.4我不能在雨中踢足球。2.5但不是这个周末。3.含情态动词can 的句子变否定句直接在can的后面加not, can not的缩写是 cant。如:I cant go hiking.4.too ,either, 都有“也”的意思,放在句子末尾前面用逗号隔开。但“too”用于肯定句中,而“either”用于否定句中。5.fun的形容词形式是双写n 加y, funny。come 的对应词是go。6.The weather report says its going to rain tomorrow.意思是“ 天气预报说明天要下雨。”句中is going to表一般将来时,结构是be(am, is, are) going to +动词原形。检测题;一.英汉互译.1.1 often 1.2 weekend 1.3 sometimes 1.4也 1.5 下雨 1.6 What do you do on the weekend? 1.7 I often play football.Sometimes I go hiking.1.8 Usually I watch TV and go shopping. Sometimes I visit my grandparents.1.9天气预报说明天将会下雨。 1.10我不能在雨中踢足球。二.词型转换。2.1go 2.2 funny三.选词填空。3.1 either 3.2 climb 四.句型转换。I cant play the piano.五.选择适当的句子补全对话。1.C 2.E 3.B 4.D 5.AUnit 1 This Is My Day C答案:知识点:1ai /ei/ ay /ei/ gr /gr/ gl /gl/例词:ai /ei/ wait rain paint train ay /ei/ say play today May gr /gr/ great green grow grass gl /gl/ glass glue glove glad 2翻译句子。2.1饭前洗手。 2.2每天进行体育运动。 2.3睡前要刷牙。2.4要早点睡觉。2.5在你家谁最忙?3.翻译下列单词或短语。3.1和一起去 3.2到处,任何地方 3.3叫 3.4 晚的,迟的3.5寻找 3.6匆忙 3.7等待 3.8 总是 3.9依靠4.单三即第三人称单数,出现在一般现在时中。主语是第三人称单数(he,she,it,my father/mother/brother/sister/friend)时动词需要变化。动词变单三的规则:1.一般在词尾直接加s.如:play-plays 2.以e结尾的加s.如:come-comes 3.辅音字母加y结尾的变y为i加es.如:fly-flies 不规则变化的动词有go-goes, do-does, have-has5.介词后跟人称代词的宾格形式.如:wait with me 和我一起等检测题:一.判断下列各组单词画线发音是否相同,相同的在括号中划号,不同的划。1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 二.选择。2.1 A 2.2 C 2.3 B三.翻译下列句子。3.1饭前洗手。 3.2每天进行体育运动。 3.3要早点睡觉。 3.4睡前要刷牙Unit 2 My Favourite Season A part1答案:知识点:1. 翻译单词.1.1春天spring 1.2夏天summer 1.3秋天fall(美式) 1.4冬天winter 1.5季节season2. 翻译单词.2.1autumn秋天(英式) 2.2Spring Festival春节3.Whats your favourite +名词?表示“你最喜欢的是什么?”Whats your favourite season ?的中文意思是”你最喜欢什么季节?”可以用以下几种方式回答:(以winter 为例)(1)My favourite season is winter. (2)Winter is my favourite season. (3)Winter.4.表示”在季节”时季节的前面用介词in.如:I can fly kites in spring.在春天我可以放风筝.5. Whats the weather like in spring?的意思是”春天的天气怎么样?”回答用句型Its.或直接回答.如:Its warm and sunny.或Warm and sunny.6.句型Whats the weather like ?的同义句是:Hows the weather?检测题:一.填空.(每空一词)1.1seasons, spring, summer, fall/autumn, winter 1.2春节二.连词成句.2.1What is your favourite season?2.2What is the weather like in spring?三. Whats the weather like today?的同义句是Hows the weather today?Unit 2 My Favourite Season A Part2答案:知识点:1.翻译:1.1always总是;一直 1.2play with玩 1.3snow雪,下雪 1.4windy and warm有风而且温暖 1.5sunny and hot晴朗而且炎热 1.6windy and cool多风并且凉爽 1.7windy and cold多风并且寒冷2.sunny的名词sun, windy的名词wind(cloudy-cloud, snowy-snow, rainy-rain)3.hot的反义词cold, warm的反义词cool4.句型Which season do you like best?的意思是你最喜欢哪个季节?可以直接回答季节,如:spring.也可以完整回答,如:I like spring best.同义句是Whats your favourite season?5.按频率从高到低排alwaysusuallyoftensometimes如图:Mon.Tue.Wed.Thu.Fri.alwaysusuallyoftensometimes6.“too” 表示“太”,用于句中。“too” 表示“也”,用于句尾。 too 有两个同音词分别是two,to.检测题:一.连线。1.1 Whats your favourite season? A. Fall is my favourite season1.2 Which season do you like best? B. I like fall best.1.3 spring C. sunny and hot1.4 summer D.windy and warm1.5 winter E. windy and cold1.6 fall F. windy and cool二.词型转换。2.1 sun 2.2 cold 2.3 cool 2.4 windy 2.5 snowy 2.6two,to三.翻译。3.1你太年轻。 3.2你也年轻。四.按要求完成下列各题.4.1What is your favourite season?4.2I dont like winter.4.3I can play with snow.Unit2 My Favourite Season (A Part 3)答案:知识点:1.翻译句子:1.1 Which season do you like best? 1.2 I like winter best.1.3 Summer is good, but fall is my favourite season.2.翻译单词 2.1叶子(叶子的复数) 2.2北上 2.3 万圣节前夕 2.4 感恩节 2.5 which 2.6 best3.了解:万圣夜(英语:Halloween)在每年的10月31日,是西方世界的传统节日,当晚小孩会穿上化妆服,戴上面具,挨家挨户收集榶果。万圣夜英文称之“Halloween”,为“All Hallow Eve”的缩写,是指万圣节(All Hallows Day)的前夜。万圣夜的主要活动是“不给糖就捣蛋”(Trick-or-treating)。小孩装扮成各种恐怖样子,逐门逐户按响邻居的门铃,大叫:Trick or Treat!(意即不请客就捣乱),主人家(可能同样穿着恐怖服装)便会拿出一些糖果、巧克力或是小礼物。感恩节(英语:Thanksgiving Day)是美国和加拿大共有的节日,原意是为了感谢上天赐予的好收成。在美国,自1941年起,感恩节是在每年11月的第四个星期四,并从这一天起将休假两天。像中国的春节一样,在这一天,成千上万的人们不管多忙,都要和自己的家人团聚。加拿大的感恩节则起始于1879年,是在每年10月第二个星期一。 4.I like to swim in the sea.汉语意思是“我喜欢在大海里游泳。”like to 后接动词原形。5.The leaves are colourful.汉语意思是“叶子是彩色的”。colourful的名词、动词形式都是colour.6.Winter is too cold for me.汉语意思是“冬天对我来说太冷了”。句式“Its too+形容词+for+某人”的意思是“对某人来说太.”例:The skirt is too colourful for Amy.(这条短裙对Amy来说太鲜艳了。)检测题:一.汉英互译1.1 north北方;向北方 1.2 leaf叶子 1.3 up至;朝向 1.4 Halloween万圣节之前夕 1.5 Thankgining Day感恩节1.6我最喜欢夏天I like summer best. 1.7夏天很美好,但秋天是我最喜欢的季节.Summer is good, but fall is my favourite season.二2.1leaves 2.2colour 2.3teeth 2.4four三填空:3.1 up 3.2 In 3.3 in 3.4 for 3.5 to, in四按要求完成下列题。4.1Which season do you like best?4.2The leaves are colourful.五.1.T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. TUnit2 My Favourite Season B Part 1答案:知识点:1.翻译。1.1 swim 1.2 fly kites/fly a kite 1.3 skate 1.4 make a snowman 1.5plant trees 1.6 野餐2.情态动词can 后要接动词原形。如:I can swim.我能游泳。3.句型What would you like to do?的中文意思是“你想要做什么?“回答用Id like to .完全形式是I would like to.意思是”我想要.”后面跟动词原形。如:Id like to skate.我想要滑冰。检测题:一.译一译:1.1 swim 1.2 fly kites/fly a kite 1.3 skate 1.4 make a snowman 1.5plant trees 1.6 野餐二. 选出每组中不属于同一类的一项。2.1 C 2.2 D 2.3 A 2.4 D三.选择填空:3.1 C. 3.2 C四.连词成句,并翻译。4.1 What would you like to do ?你想要做什么?4.2 I would like to have a picnic.我想野餐。4.3 Can you make a snowman?Unit2 My Favourite Season B Part2答案:知识点:1.Why do you like spring?的意思是“你为什么喜欢春天?”需要用because来回答。如:Because I can plant trees.2. What do you usually do in winter?的意思是“你通常在冬天干什么?” 3. My Favourite SeasonThere are four seasons. They are spring, summer, fall, winter. Spring is wam. Fall is cool. Winter is too cold for me. My favourite season is summer. It is hot in summer. I can swim in the sea. The flowers are nice, The grass is green. I can go to the park, too.Which season do you like best? Can you tell me?检测题:一.选择。1.1 C 1.2 C二.按要求改写句子。2.1 Whats your favourite season? 2.2 Do you like summer?三.补全对话。 1. D 2. C 3. B 4. AUnit2 My Favourite Season B Part3答案:知识点:1.翻译。1.1Why do you like summer? 1.2Because I can swim in the lake.1.3Why do you like winter? 1.4Because I can sleep a long time.1.5why 1.6because 1.7sleep 1.8睡醒1.7 Zip最喜欢什么季节?1.8 Zoom最喜欢哪个季节?1.9去北京最好的时间是什么时候?1.10在北京秋天的天气怎么样?1.11我在那里能做什么?1.12你可以去长城.2.单三,即单数第三人称.也就是说除了I,you,we其他都是第三人称.但一定要注意是单数.确定是不是单三第一:要确定是单数. 第二:不是I、we、you.其他都是单三. 动词变单三的规则:1.一般在词尾直接加s.如:play-plays 2.以e结尾的加s.如:come-comes 3.辅音字母加y结尾的变y为i加es.如:fly-flies 不规则变化的动词有go-goes, do-does, have-has3.地点前用in,季节前也用in.检测题:一翻译。1.1 sleep 1.2睡醒 1.3 why 1.4 because1.5 Why do you like winter? 1.6 Because I can sleep a long time.1.7 Why do you like summer? 1.8 Because I can swim in the lake.1.9去北京最好的时间是什么时候? 1.10 Zoom最喜欢哪个季节?1.11 Zip最喜欢什么季节?二选词填空。2.1says 2.2comes 2.3has 2.4in 2.5In三判断下列人称是()否()是单三。3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9四连词成句,并翻译汉语意思。4.1 What can I do there? 我在那能做什么?4.2 Whats the weather like in fall in Beijing?北京秋天的天气怎么样?4.3 You can go to the Great Wall. 你可以去长城.五.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Unit2 My Favourite Season C答案:知识点:1.字母组合的发音及例词分别是:air/e/ air . hair . chair . pair . stairear/e/ bear . wear . pear . swear sp/sp/ speak . speed . spell . sport . springsk/sk/ skate . sky . skirt . ski2.wear的中文是“穿着、戴着”。强调“穿”、“戴”的状态。它的同音词是where.而 “put on”中文是“穿上,戴上”,强调“穿”、“戴”的动作。 Can I wear my new shirt today? (今天我能穿我的新衬衫吗?) Its sunny today. So I wear my sunglasses. (今天是晴天,所以我戴着我的太阳镜。) Put on your coat. (穿上你的大衣。)3.“fromto”中文是 “从到”例: Can you count from one to a hundred? I walk from home to school.(你能从一数到一百吗?) (我从家走到学校。) 4.翻译句子。4.1 当中国是秋天的时候,澳大利亚是春天。4.2 在悉尼春天是从九月到十一月。4.3 在北京三月是什么季节? 5.“same”中文是“相同的、同一的”意思。前面必须有定冠词“the”反意词是different.前面没有“the”。6.Do you have enough warm clothes?中文:你有足够的厚衣服吗? 其中“clothes”是衣服的总称,是一个没有单数形式的复数名词(永远是复数),它不能直接与不定冠词连用。检测题:一.按字母组合发音归类。/e/ hair . air . pear . wear . chair . stair . pair . bear/I/ here . dear . near/sp/ splash . speak . spell . speed/sk/ skate . sky . skirt 二. 判断下列说法是()否()正确。 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4三.选词填空。3.1 Why 3.2 What 3.3 Where 3.4 When 3.5 Which 3.6 WhoUnit 3 My Birthday A Part1答案:知识点:1.翻译单词:1.1 January一月 1.2 February二月 1.3 March三月 1.4 April四月 1.5 May五月 1.6 June六月 1.7 July七月 1.8 August八月 1.9 September九月1.10 October十月 1.11 November十一月 1.12 December十二月 1.13chart图表2.用缩写形式译单词:2.1一月Jan 2.2二月 Feb2.3三月Mar 2.4 四月 Apr 2.5 八月 Aug2.6 九月Sept或Sep 2.7 十月 Oct 2.8 Nov十一月 2.9 Dec十二月3.May, June, July,这三个月份词没有缩写形式。九月的缩写形式是:Sept或Sep其它月份词的缩写形式只有一种情况,必须是单词的前三个字母加上右下角小圆点。十二个月份词与月份词的缩写形式的共性特点是,单词首字母必须大写。4.在“月份”的前面用介词“in”.如:in June5.When is your birthday? 的意思是:你什么时候过生日?用陈述句回答。如:My birthday is in April.6.How many.后必须跟可数名词的复数形式。如:How many birthdays are there in May ?检测题:一.汉英互译。1.1 生日 1.2 一月 1.3三月 1.4 十二月 1.5 十月 1.6 Nov. 1.7 Feb. 1.8 Sept./Sep. 1.9 Aug. 1.10 Apr二.写出下列词的缩写形式。2.1 Jan 2.2 Feb 2.3 Mar 2.4 Apr 2.5 Aug2.6 Sept或Sep 2.7 Oct 2.8 Nov 2.9 Dec三.选词填空。3.1 is 3.2 in 3.3 birthdays 3.4 are 3.5 OurUnit3 My Birthday A Part 2答案:知识点:1.翻译短语:1.1 植树节 1.2元旦 1.3 儿童节 1.4 建军节 1.5 国庆节 1.6圣诞节1.7我的同伴的生日 1.8 我妈妈的生日2.Is your birthday in February, too? 中文是:你的生日也在二月吗?肯定回答:Yes, it is.否定回答:No, it isnt. too和either在句末都表示“也”too用在肯定句和一般疑问句中,either用在否定句中.3.When is Childrens Day ? 中文 是:什么时候过儿童节? 用Its in June.回答检测题:一.匹配题。1.(A) 2.(B) 3.(C) 4.(D) 5.(E) 6.(A) 7.(G) 8.(F)二.排序。(2)My birthday is in May. Is your birthday in May,too?(4)His birthday is in November.(3)No, My birthday is in August. Whens ZhangPengs birthday?(1)Hi, Amy. When is your birthday?三.句型转换。1. Is your birthday in May?2. Yes, it is .(No, it isnt)3. Zhang Pengs birthday isnt in April.4. When is Teachers Day? Unit3 My Birthday A Part 3答案:知识点:1.翻译单词.1.1生日 birthday 1.2 叔叔 uncle 1.3 cousin 堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹2.翻译句子.2.1你什么时候过生日?When is your birthday?在五月。Its in May.2.2我的生日在六月。My birthday is in June.比尔叔叔的生日也在六月。Uncle Bills birthday is in June, too.3.mothers birthday (妈妈的生日) grandpas birthday (爷爷的生日) uncle Bills birthday (比尔叔叔的生日) Aunt Marys birthday (玛丽姑姑的生日) cousin Alices birthday (艾丽斯表姐的生日) 这些短语结构相同,表示某人的生日。s是名词所有格表示“的”。aunt的对应词是uncle.4.What are you doing, John? Im make a birthday chart for our family.中文是:约翰,你正在干什么?我正在给我们的家庭成员制作一个生日表格。所用的时态是现在进行时。由be ( am is are )+动词的现在分词构成。5.When is your birthday?有三种回答方法.即My birthday is in May. Its in May. In May.检测题:一. 根据首字母,写单词。1.1 birthday 1.2 uncle 1.3 June二连词成句。2.1 What are you doing?2.2 There are three birthdays in June.2.3 Her birthday is in November.2.4 Im making a birthday chart for our family.三对划线部分提问。3.1 When is your birthday?3.1 Whose birthday is in May?3.2 When is uncle Bills birthday?四阅读理解。4.1 in June 4.2 in August 4.3 two 4.4 Yes, it is . 4.5 Dennys sisters birthday is in July.Unit3 My Birthday B Part1答案:知识点:1.first第一, second第二, third第三,第四,第五,第八,第九,第十二,第二十。是序数词。基数词变序数词是有规律的。口诀:基变序,有规律。一,二,三,特殊记。(first,second,third,特殊记)其他末尾th加上去。 (其他序数词末尾加th,如:fourth)八加h,九 就去e , (eight八,直接加h, nine九,去e,加th,如:eighth,ninth)“ve”要用“f”替 。 (five五,twelve十二,把“ve”变“f”,再加th,如:fifth,twelfth)整十基数变序数,先把“y”变“ie”,最后th 加上去。(twenty二十,thirty三十等,先把“y”变“ie”,然后再加th.如:twentieth)如果遇到几十几,只变后边就可以。(twenty-one二十一,就变后边的one就可以,即:twenty-first)2.缩写序数词就是:数词+序数词末尾俩个字母。如:1st,2nd,3rd,其他都是阿拉伯数字后加-th.序数词前必须加the.3.用英语表达具体的日期是:月份+序数词,如:四月十日,April 10th.4.翻译,并说出具体的日期。4.1美国独立日 7月4 4.2国庆节 10月1 4.3妇女节 3月8 4.4建军节 8月1日 4.5儿童节 6月1 4.6教师节 9月10 5.7新年 1月1检测题:一.写出下列单词的基数词形式,并给出相应的缩写。1.1 one 1st 1.2 second 2nd 1.3 third 3rd 1.4 four 4th 1.5 five 5th 1.6 six 6th 1.7 eight 8th 1.8 nine 9th 1.9 twelve 12th 1.10 thirteen 13th 1.11 twenty 20th 1.12 thirty-two32nd 二.用英语表达下列日期。2.1March 1st 2.2April 2nd 2.3October 9th 2.4December 20th 三.连线。3.1 Independence Day October 1st3.2National Day July 4th3.3Womens Day August 1st3.4Army Day March 8th3.5Childrens Day January 1st3.6TeachersDay June 1st3.7New Years Day September 10th四.对划线部分提问。When is your birthday?Unit3 My Birthday B Part2答案:知识点:1.对星期提问用:What day is it today?用 Its Monday.这样的句式回答其中 “Monday”可以替换。对具体日期提问用:Whats the date today? date 前面注意要加定冠词“the”. 用Its October 1st .这样的句式回答。其中October 1st 可以替换。2.译句子 2.1谁的生日在十月?2.2是几号?3.月份前用介词in,如果月份后跟具体的日期用介词on.,也可省略on.如:Amys birthday is in March. Amys birthday is on March 5th .检测题:一.找出不同类的词。3.1 ( A )3.2 ( D ) 3.3 ( D ) 3.4 ( D ) 3.5 ( C )二.选词填空。2.1 in 2.2 on三.连词成句。3.1 Who has a birthday in October?3.2My birthday is March 12th 四.对划线部分提问。4.1 Whats the date today ?4.2 What day is it today ?Unit3 My Birthday B part3答案:知识点:翻译1.1寄;发送 1.2电子卡片 1.3制作 1.4得到 1.5.好主意 1.6.你在做什么? 1.7.奶奶的生日在六月吗? 1.8Is her birthday in June? 1.9.Whats the date? 1.10June 9th.2.be able to 能;能够。和can的意思相同。后面接动词原形。 3.everyone的意思是每个人。everyone做主语,后面的动词必须用单三。如:Everyone helps him.人人都帮助他。4.a和an都表示一个的意思。但用法不同。a用在辅音开头的单词,an 用在元音开头的单词。(即:不见元音不加n,不看字母看发音。)5.如何变一般疑问句?一般疑问句怎么回答?说一说方法?变一般疑问句的方法是:一提,二改,三问号。一提:提Be 动词,和can. 如果没有be和can,就找助动词do和does来帮忙。如果主语是单三,找does帮忙.但注意动词单三就必须还原。如:He likes apples?-Does he like apples?likes还原like.其他人称都用do帮忙。二改:改大小写。 三问号:最后句子后面要加“?”。一般疑问句必须用yes,或no来答。而且主语要用人称代词hesheitIwethey来代替,注意:问句和答语中的人称必须一致。如:Is grandmas birthday in June?Yes,it is. No,it isnt.Is提问is来答,主语是grandmas birthday奶奶的生日,所以用it代替奶奶的生日。检测题:一 翻译句子1.1Is her birthday in June? Yes.1.2What the date? June 9th. 二改错(B)2.1 _an_ (B)2.1 you (B)2.3 in (B)2.4 the (A) 2.5 Does (B)2.6 make (A)2.7 likes()2.8 help三按要求完成下列各题。3.1.Is her birthday in June? Yes,it is. No,it isnt.3.2.Does she have a computer? Yes,she does. No,she doesnt.Unit3 My Birthday C答案:知识点:1.翻译短语1.1元旦 1.2 愚人节 1.3 劳动节 1.4儿童节1.5 暑假开始 1.6 建军节 1.7 开学 1.8 教师节 1.9 国庆节 1.10 我父母的结婚纪念日 1.11 圣诞节2.字母发音分别是:ear/ ear . hear . near . deer . year . clearlyeer/ deer . cheer . chip . chech . teacher . kitchen . chickensh/ shoulder .sheep .ship . shop . shoe . trash . she . English . washear字母组合在第二单元结合部分发音是/e/例词:bear . pear . wear . swearear 组合在单词中的发音/:/ early . learn . earth 3.翻译:3.1 中国的生肖 3.2 子鼠 3.3 丑牛 3.4 寅虎 3.5 卯兔 3.6 辰龙 3.7 巳蛇 3.8 午马 3.9 未羊 3.10 申侯 3.11 酉鸡 3.12 戌狗 3.13 亥猪4.Its dinner time


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