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小五冲刺:介词ss(星辰英语内部资料) Name:_ 1. 表示地点: (听写下列单词及词组)1. after 在后面 2. along沿着3. behind在后面4. by 在边,在旁边 5. in front of在前面6. at在(地点)7. near在附近8. over在上方/面9. through透过,穿过10. under在下面11. beside 在旁边12. above 在上方/上空13. in the middle of 在中间 练习一、翻译词组:1. 在家_ 2. 在上学_ 3. 在做礼拜_ 4. 在卧床_ 5. 在住院_ 6. 在城里_ 7. 在那条大河边跑步_ 8. 在美丽的公园附近唱歌_ 9. 在村庄上方飞_ 10. 透过玻璃看_ 11. 藏在课桌下面_ 12. 在图书馆看书_ 13. 沿着马路散步_14. 在桌子前面扫地_ 15. 在你家后面玩_ 16. 坐在教室的中间_练习二、用上面所给的词以及括号里的词填空:1. The child is always _(sit) _his mother.2. Please wait _ us _ the school gate.请在学校门口等我们。3. Look _ the window, everythings very quiet in the room.4. Look, the cat _ (run) _ a mouse.5. The Whites _ (walk) _ the bridge at this time yesterday.6. The ship was going _ the bridge then.7. The boys are skating on the ice the village.在村子附近 8. They lay down a tree. 他们躺在一棵下。9. Listen, the children _ (sing) _ the tree. (在树下)10. While the cat _ (run) _ the wall, the dog was running across the grass.11. There are some dogs _ the desks. (在课桌下面)练习三、区分in front of 和in the front of的用法:1. There is a tree _ the classroom. (外面)2. There is a big desk _ the blackboard.(里面)3. The driver is _ the car driving the car.4. Look, the dog is running _ the car, its too dangerous(危险的).练习四、区分in the tree, on the tree1. There are many apples _ the apple tree.2. There is a boy _ the apple tree picking apples.3. There are some birds _ the tree singing.练习五、区分in the wall, on the wall1. There are some pictures _ the wall.2. There are some windows _ the wall.3. There is a map of China _the front wall(前墙).4. There are some nails(钉子) _ the back wall(后墙). 2. 表示时间:(要求听写)1. at 在(时刻) 2. on在(具体到某一天或某一天的上,下午,晚上)3. in在(大于/小于一天);在内;在后(用于一般将来时) 4. since 从以来(+时间点)5. for (+时间段) 6. until/ till直到为止 7. not until到才8. after 在之后 9. before 在之前 10. during在期间练习六、翻译下列词组:1. 在中午_ 2. 在上午_ 3. 在周一_ 4. 在春天_5. 从1900年以来_ 6. 直到晚上10点_ 7. 十点半以后_ 8. 在暑假期间_ 9. 五点一刻之前 _10. 在周六下午 _11.在10点45分_12. 看书3个小时_13. 做作业半个小时_14. 在夜里(night)_15. 在五月一号的上午_练习七、区分at night(泛指) , in the night(特指):1. I often work _ night. 我经常在夜间工作。2. The rain stopped _ night. 雨在夜里停止了。3. Hes afraid to go out alone _ night. 他害怕夜晚独自出去。4. I had to get up_ night. 那天夜里我非起来不可。5. The baby woke up three times _ night.孩子夜里醒了三次。练习八、区分on Monday (强调偶然性)和on Mondays(强调经常性)1. We swam_.我们在星期一那天游泳了!(在周一)2. He has lessons _.他周一上课(每逢周一)。3. She goes to her mothers _.她周日去她妈妈家。4. She went to Beijing _.她周日去北京了。练习九、综合上面几项的题:1Are there many children _ (on/in) the tree?2. There is a table _ (in/on) the middle of the room.3. The train from Beijing arrived _ (at/on/in) a cold morning.4. Classes begin _ (at/on/in) 8:00 in the morning.5. We always go to school early _ (at/on/in) Mondays.练习十、for的用法:把下列句子翻译成英语:1. 谢谢你帮我。 _2. 这本书是给你的。_3. 谢谢你为我擦黑板。_4. 他们已经学习英语3年了。_5. 到上课的时间了。_6. Its time for lunch. = Its time to _.7. 他们在等公交车。_8. 你们在找什么?我们在找一只黑色的钢笔。_9. Doing exercise in the morning is good for your health. (汉译英)_10. Its important for us to learn English well. (汉译英)_练习十一、from 来自,从; fromto从到1. Where are you_ (from/come from)?2. Where do you _ (from/come from)?3. He works _ Monday _ Friday.4. Its a long way _my home _ my school.5. She _ England. She is English.基础篇:练习十二、根据句子意思填入所缺的介词:1.大部分学生去了教室。Most _ the students went _ the classroom. 2. 我们在操场上打篮球。We play basketball _ the sports ground. 3. 你在跟谁谈话呢?Who are you talking _/_? 4. 你为了什么而学习?What do you study _? 5. 我买了一本有关莎士比亚的书.I have bought a book _ Shakespearean. 6. 图片里大约有十五棵树。There are _ fifteen trees in the picture. 7. The plane is flying _ the clouds. 飞机在云上飞行。 8. 我想那人有六十多岁了。I think the man is _ sixty years old. 9. 你能游过河吗?Can you swim _ the river? 10. 我们住在街的对面。We live _ the street. 11. 他放学后就回家了。He went home _ school. 12. 请跟我朗读。Read _ me, please. 13. 他们沿着河行走。They are walking _ the river. 14. 他是他们当中个子最高的。He is the tallest _ them. 15. 他们绕桌而坐谈论新闻。They sat _ the table talking _ the news. 练习十三、单选( ) 1. A lot of students in our school were born _ March, 1981.A. in B. at C. on D. since ( ) 2. They suddenly returned_ a rainy night.A. on B. at C. in D. during ( ) 3. My grandfather was born _ Oct. 10, 1935.A. on B. in C. at D. of( )4. The train is starting _ five minutes.A. in B. at C. for D. still ( ) 5. Mike does his exercises _ seven _ the evening.A. on; to B. at; in C. by; of D. at; on( ) 6. We learned 1000 words _ last year.A. on B. at C. / D. in( ) 7. _ a cold winter morning, I met her in the street. A. In B. On C. At D. For( ) 8. Why did you get up so early _ this morning. A. on B. / C. at D. in( ) 9. They will come to Zhengzhou _ next year.A. / B. on C. at D. in( ) 10. He went to Shanghai_ September 3, 1991 and came back_ a cold morning last year. A. in; on B. on; in C. on; on D. in; in ( ) 11. Lucy was born_ the night _ May 12, 1984. A. on, of B. in, on C. at, in D. to, of( ) 12. Mrs. Brown came_ China _ 1996. A. on, to B. of, in C. to, on D. to, in( ) 13. _ the morning of November 20, 1915, the workers came to the bosss office to have a talk _ the boss. A. On; to B. In; of C. On; for D. At; for ( ) 14. Ann moved _ Hangzhou_ September, 1992. A. /; in B. to; in C. to; on D. in; in ( ) 15. They started off_ an autumn afternoon. A. during B. at C. in D. on提高篇:练习十四、单选( ) 1. What do you usually do _ Christmas? A. on B. at C. in D. for( ) 2. Mrs. Brown worked in the west of Australia _ last summer? A. / B. on C. in D. since( ) 3. The first class begins _ 8 oclock _ the morning. A. at/on B. at/in C. on /in D. on/on( ) 4. _last Saturday, we had had two football matches with Class Two. A. For B. / C. By D. During( ) 5. We will be in Nanjing _ Tuesday _Thursday. A. on/ through B. on/to C. from/toD. on/till( ) 6. Mr. Black will visit our new school building _ two days. A. before B. after C. at D. in ( ) 7. We will have a football match _ this Saturday afternoon.A. on B. / C. in D. for( ) 8. He came to see you _ the evening of May 10th. A. in B. at C. on D. for( ) 9. Im afraid I gave you a lot of trouble _ my stay here. A. in B. for C. during D. on ( ) 10. She didnt go to work _ that morning. She slept _ noon. A. /till B. ontill C. atat D. /at( ) 11. Every day the old man takes these children home _ school. A. at B. to C. from D. after( ) 12. Could you come to my office _ the day after tomorrow. A./ B. on C. in D. at( ) 18. Life will be better _ the 21st century. A. at B. on C. for D. in( ) 19. Do you often work late _ night. A. at B. in C. for D. during ( ) 20. He didnt go to bed last night _ his mother came home. A. notuntil B. until C. with D. for冲刺篇:(难度很大的题啊!)练习十五、选择最佳答案. ( ) 1. There is a bridge _ the river. A. under B. over C. on D. next( ) 2. My house is _ the two buildings, so we get little sunshine during the day. A. between B. among C. in D. at( ) 3. Lucy is waiting _ No.3 bus stop _ her father. A. for/for B. for/at C. at/for D. at/at( ) 4. Shanghai is _ the east of China and Japan is _the east of China. A. to/to B. to /in C. in /to D. in /in( ) 5. _ the end of the street you can find the post office. A. By B. At C. On D. In ( ) 6. There is a hole _ the wall. A. in B. at C. for D. towards( ) 7. Can you tell me the way _ Shanghai Zoo? A. to B. at C. for D. towards( ) 8. He spent a long time _ the math problem.A. in B. on C. for D. at ( ) 9. Mr. Li is going to help him _ his Chinese this afternoon.A. with B. on C. by D. at( ) 10. How much did you pay _ this book?A. for B. at C. on D. with ( ) 11. The price of the computer has been reduced _ 5%.A. off B. to C. by D. about( ) 12. Please fill the bottle_ tea. A. by B. with C. for D. in( ) 13. I can cut the paper _small pieces.A. in B. by C. to D. into ( ) 14. I prefer coffee _ tea. A. over B. to C. for D. than( ) 15. Dont catch me _ the arm. I have nothing to do _the matter.A. by/with B. on/with C. by/on D. on/on( ) 16. Help yourself_ some fish. It tastes very nice.A. with B. on C. in D. to( ) 17. We cant live even for a few minutes_ air.A. in B. without C. by D. with( ) 18. _ his great surprise, the experiment was very successful.A. In B. To C. With D. At( ) 19. Tom has made friends_ many Chinese students.A. with B. to C. by D. among( ) 20. The girl_ dark hair and bright eyes is Li Li.A. with B. in C. on D. by( ) 21. What do you spend your time on _ work and study?A. except B. besides C. but D. without 练习十六、根据所给的提示和答语,写问题1. -_ (What time) -I always get up at 6:30 in the morning.2. -_ (When)-They met on a cold winter morning in the street.3. -_-Yes, I often play football with my friends after school.4. -_. (How often)-I play the piano three times a week.5. -_. (How soon) -I will go to Shanghai in ten days.6. -_. (选择疑问句) -I didnt go to school yesterday, I went to the zoo.7. -_. (反义疑问句) -No, he wasnt at home, he was at the library.8. -_.(反问句) -Yes,I can swim. I learned to swim last year.9. -_. (How long) -I will stay in Beijing for twenty days.10. -_. (Where) -We stayed at home the day before yesterday.练习十七、阅读理解 A mother and her young son get into a bus in a small city and sitdown. The bus conductor comes to them for their money. The mothersays: “I want one ticket(票)to the zoo ” and gives him one yuan. Theconductor looks at the small boy for a few seconds and then says tohim, “How old are you, young man?” The mother begins to speak, but the conductor stops her, the boy says: “Im four at home, and two inthe buses.” At last the mother has to take fifty fen out of her pocket andgives it to the conductor.1. Why does the conductor look at the small boy for a few seconds?A. She likes himB. She thinks the boy need to buy a half-price ticketC. She knows the small boy. D. She saw the boy somewhere2. Why does the conductor stop the mother and let the boy say?A. The boys words are interesting B. The mother is a bad motherC. The small boy can tell the truth D. She loves the small boy3. At last the mother_.A. buys another ticket B. buys a half-price ticket for the boyC. says sorry to the conductor D. gives one yuan to the conductor4. What does the word “conductor”mean?A.司机B.售票员C.乘客D.警察5. From the story we can see_.A. every boy must buy a ticket in the busB. when a child is four, he must buy a ticketC. sometimes a child is more honest(诚实)than his parentsD. woman are not good mothers

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