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七年级下英语期末试题 考试时间:90分钟 试题总分:150分听力部分(30分)I. 听辨句子。选出与你所听内容相符的选项。句子念一遍。(10x1分=10分)1. A B C2. A B C3. A B C4. A B C5. A B C6. A B C7. A B C8. A. wearing cool clothes B. wearing raincoats(雨衣) C. wearing warm clothes9. A. We can play football in the heat. B. We cant play soccer in the rain. C. We can play basketball in the sun.10. A. Do you like to work hard? B. Do you like to talk with people? C. Do you love to work with actors?II. 情景反应。听句子,选择正确的应答语。句子念两遍。(5x1分=5分)11. A. Yes, I am Kelly. B. Yes, this is Kelly. C. Hi! Who are you?.12. A. A bank clerk. B. Bank. C. To see a movie.13. A. Very well. B. Pretty good. C. I like cool weather.14. A. Yes, he does. B. Thats all right. C. Yes, he is.15. A. Walk along the street, and turn right. B. Its very beautiful. C. Thank you.III. 短文理解。(15分)A 听短文A,完成表格内16-20题。 短文念两遍。(51=5分) Name Job WorkplaceActivities Tom 16. at school Mr.Brown17. police stationworking on a bus Kate nurse18. Bob waiter19. Mr.Black20. at home working on a computerB 听短文B,根据所听内容,选出正确的答案。短文念两遍。(52=10分)21. John is in A. Apartment 1. B. Apartment 3. C. Apartment 4.22. The people in Apartment 2 are A B C23. are in Apartment 3. A B C24. is in Apartment 4. A B C25. How is John going now? He is . A B C 笔试部分IX. 单项选择。(25x1分=25分)26. - Henry, where your pen pal come from? - He is an Englishman,but he Beijing now. A. does, lives B. do, live in C. does, lives in D. is, live27. - there any giraffes in ? - Yes, the weather there is very . A. Are, Africa, hot B. Is, African, warm C. Is, Africa, cool D. Are, Africa, cold28. Steve is American writer, but he can speak Chinese. A. a, many B. an, much C. an, a little of D. the, a lot29. Be , Jim. Your sister is . A. shy, reading B. busy, sleeping. C. quiet, playing D. quiet, studying 30. - Hi, Julie. Lets go out . - Sorry, there a lot of homework for me to do. A. play, are B. to play, is C. playing, is D. to play, are31. I am happy that you are coming. Let me you the way my house. A. tell, of B. say, to C. speak, of D. show, to 32. Im new here. Lets . A. be friends B. to be friendly C. be friend D. to be a friend with you 33. - What is your uncle? - He is . - Whats he doing now? - He is working . He is always busy night. A. a waiter, in B. at work, during C. watching TV, at D. a doctor, at34. - There are so many desks here. Which is Julias? - The between you and . A. ones, I B. one, me C. ones, me D. one, I35. - Listen! There is a boy in the music room. - Do you know ? - I think it is Li Lei.A., telling, him B. singing, heC. singing, him D. playing guitar, it36. - does she like winter? - he like days.A. What, so, snow B. Why, Because, snowyC. Why, Because, snow D. How, But, snowing37. Walk the park from the gate (大门), and you will find a supermarket in front of you. A. across B. out C. through D. at38. When your father there? A. do, want going B. does, wanting to go C. does, want to go D. is, wanting go39. Its 10:00 a.m., he is still in bed. A. but B. and C. or D. so40. - What they ? - A new book. Its very interesting.A. are, talking about B. do, talk to C. do, talking with, D. are, talking with, 41. We clean our classroom, because its too dirty. A. may B. can C. must D. needs 42. Its May 1st. My family vacation. A. are all have B. all are on C. are all having D. are all on43. The news terrible. We are at it. A. sound, surprise B. sounds, surprising C. sounds, surprised D. is sounding, surprised 44. There are many people on the grass. Some are on it. are playing games.A. lying, Others B. lieing, OtherC. lying, The other D. lie, Others 45. -Where do we meet tomorrow?-You can wait the bus station.A. in B. at C. for D. out 46. Thank you me so help.A. for giving, much B. for give, manyC. to give, many D. to give, much 47. -Whats the boy doing?-Hes his sweater. Its cold outside.A. putting B. putting on C. wearing D. in 48. -Do you like weather? -No, because we cant play soccer rainy days.A. rain, in B. rain, onC. rainy, in D. rainy, on 49. -Gina, why arent you watching TV now? -The TV show is , so I am a book.A. bored, watching B. boring, readingC. bore, looking D. boring, look 50. Toms father is a good . He can Australian and Chinese food. A. cooker, cook B. cook, cooks C. cook, cook D. cooking, cookerV. 完型填空。(10x1分=10分)Dear Mary, Thanks for your letter and the photos of your family. I am very glad(高兴) that you will(将要) 51 and visit me with Kate. The beach here is very beautiful 52 . After you come, I will take you to some very nice 53 to eat different(不同的) kinds of seafood(海鲜). I am sure you will also enjoy 54 in hot weather at the beach. First of all I will tell you how to 55 to my home. After you get off (下) the train(火车), turn left and you can find a bus stop(车站). Take the No. 25 bus and get off at Bridge Street Bus Stop. 56 bus stop is near my home. You can see a big white house with many trees 57 it. Its my house. Through the window of my house you can 58 the sea(海). Isnt it 59 ? Come and enjoy your 60 with me. See you soon. Yours, Lily51. A. go B. come C. want D. help52. A. in summer B. in winter C. in a summer D. in winters53. A. banks B. libraries C. post offices D. restaurants54. A. to play B. play C. playing D. having55. A. reach B. arrive C. get D. getting56. A. One B. A C. An D. The 57. A. front B. and C. around D. between58. A. see B. listen C. look D. run59. A. funny B. great C. terrible D. relaxed60. A. vacation B. food C. clothes D. booksVI. 阅读理解。(15x2分=30) Passage A阅读下面这封电子邮件,判断所给句子是否与文章内容相符。符合的用A表示,不符合的用B表示。From: Lisa yahoo.comTo: Jennysohu.com.cnSubject: Come to my party! Hi, Jenny. I will(将要) have a party this Friday at my home. Some friends will come. They are from my office. My cousin Peter is coming, too. He is nice. So I want you to meet him. Do you want to come? We will play games and have a talk. Then we will eat dinner. Everybody will bring food or drinks(饮料) for the party. The party will start at 4:00 p.m. We will have it for four hours. Can you come? Call me soon! 61. The E-mail is from Jenny to Lisa62. Lisa will have a party on Friday morning.63. Lisa and her friends work in the same (相同) place.64. Jenny doesnt need to bring any of food and drinks for the party. 65. The party finishes at 8:00 p.m. Passage B阅读短文及广告,从A,B,C,D中选择正确的答案。 My brother and I like sports very much. We like running, playing basketball, swimming and so on(等等). Of all the sports we like swimming best(最). Swimming is really interesting. If you swim in the pool, you look like a lovely fish. Very cool! You will be happy if you can swim. If you often swim, you will be healthy. Swimming can bring you a lot of fun. Come and enjoy swimming with us in the following two clubs. Star ClubSwimming Mon-Sun. 8:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.Basketball Mon-Sun. 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.Volleyball Sat.-Sun. 10:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.Tel: 4562435 E-Mail: starsina.com Health ClubSwimming Mon-Fri. 3:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Basketball Fri-Sun. 8:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Tel: 7899654 66. The writer and his brother like best of all.A. sports B. basketball C. football D. swimming67. The writer thinks its to swim often.A. very boring B. like a cool fish C. excited D. good for health68. The writer wants to swim on Sunday. Where can he go?A. Star Club. B. Health Club. C. A and B D. He cant swim on Sunday.69. If you want to join them in swimming in the afternoon, where can you find them? A. Star Club. B. Health Club. C. A and B D. You cant find them.70. Which club can you send(发送) e-mails to?A. Star Club. B. Health Club. C. A and B D. No club has. Passage C.阅读短文,从A,B,C,D中选择正确的答案。 What will the weather be like? Some people say they can know what the weather will be like from birds. When they see birds fly(飞)high (高)out to the sea(海), they know it is a nice day, because birds dont like to fly out when it will rain. When the weather will be bad, the birds come back to the beach. A big wind may come with a rain. Birds do not like to fly in a big wind. They may sit in a tree when rain is coming. Other animals can also tell the weather. Its a cloudy day. The rain is coming. Chickens(小鸡) arent quiet, and they are running here and there. Frogs(青蛙) are making(发出) big noise(声音)in the pool. If it is a nice day, the frogs will come out of the water(水).71. Whats the best(最好的) title(题目)for the passage(短文)?A. Weather B. Birds C. Sea D. Rain72. .How many kinds of animals can we find in the passage?A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four73. We can play beach soccer when birds .A. fly in the sky(天空) B. come backC. play on the beach D. B and C74. When there is rain, frogs are not .A. in the pool B. out of the water C. making a big noise D. swimming in the water75. What does the underlined(划线的)word “tell” mean in the article(文章)? A. 告诉 B.判断 C.说 D.谈话VII. 词汇运用。根据句意,用所给词的正确形式填空。(5x1分=5分)76. The sun is shining today. Its (sun).77. Two (music) are singing at the party.78. It often (rain) hard in Chongqing in summer.79. Look! Your mother (take) photos on the Great Wall.80. He works at the TV station. He is a (report).VIII. 根据要求进行句型转换,每空一词。(20x1.5分=30分)81. Kate wants to clean the room every day.(变为一般疑问句) Kate to clean the room every day?82. Linda plays the drum on Sunday .(用now替换划线部分) Linda the drum now.83. There are many interesting books in that bookstore.(变为单数句子) There interesting book in that bookstore.84. John is having a walk along the street.(变为否定句) John a walk on the street.85. Its windy and cloudy today.(对划线部分提问) the weather today?86. My grandfather is reading in the garden . (对划线部分提问) is your grandfather ?87. What does he do?(变为同义句) his ?88. He is wearing a black T-shirt. (变为同义句) He a black T-shirt.89. All the people are having a great time. (变为同义句) is having .90. Its snowing. (变为同义句) Its a .IX. 短文填空。根据文章内容和首字母填入所缺单词。一空一词(10x1分=10分) Paul and Judy are studying in Scotland(苏格兰). There are m 91 mountains(山)in the country(乡村). On Tuesday, they want to climb(爬) a beautiful mountain. The weather man says it is f 92 today. They put on w 93 clothes because it is cold in the mountain. After two hours, they reach(到达)the top(山顶). The mountain l 94 very beautiful. But they dont see there are some dark( 深色的 ) c 95 in the sky(天空). Soon a heavy rain c 96 with a big wind. So they put on t 97 raincoats. They sit u 98 the tree and wait f 99 the rain to stop. After they come back, they s 100 to their friends: “Its an exciting trip but kind of dangerous.”X. 作文(10分) 根据图画内容,写一篇30-50字的作文。要求:内容完整,语句通顺,连贯,书写工整。 七年级下英语期末试题答案1-5 ABCBB 6-10 CACAB 11-15 BABCA 21-25 ABABB 26-30 CABDB 31-35 DADBC 36-40 BCCAA 41-45 CDCAB 46-50 ABDBC 51-55 BADCC 56-60 DCABA 61-65 BBABA 66-70 DDABA 71-75 ACABB 16. studying 17. policeman 18. hospital 19. restaurant 20. writer76. sunny 77. musicians 78. rains 79. is taking 80. reporter81 Does, want 82. is, playing 83. is, an 84. isnt having 85. How, is 86. Where, reading 87. Whats , job 88. isnt ,in 89. Everyone, fun 90. snowy, day 91. many 92. fine 93. warm 94. looks 95. clouds 96. comes 97. their 98.underr 100.say【星沙英语网收集整理,更多资料请登陆网站: http:/www.rr365.com】


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