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知识点一:短语辨析1、 Put 相关Put sth on _ put on _ put off _put out _ put up _ put away _ put aside_ put down_2、 make相关make it _ make up_ be made of _be made from_ be made by_ make out of_3、 take 相关take off _ take over _ take down _take place _ take notes_ take a break_take up_ take action_ take away_take care of_ take charge _ take in _4、look相关look after_ look forward to doing _ look ahead_look as if _ look at _ look around/about_lookfor_look down/upon_ look into _look up_look like _look on_ lookout_ look through_5、 knock相关Knock on /at_ knock sth off_ knock off work 下班_Knock 10% off优惠10% knock sb over把某人撞到6、 give 相关give off_ give out _ give away _ give way_give in_ give up _ give sb a hand_give lessons to sb_7、get 相关get up _ get on with _ get married_ get on _ get off_ get/be used to_ get.into trouble_get out of_get tired of_ get through_ get away_ 8、 turn 相关turn on _ turn off _ turn up _ turn down_turn out_ turn around_ turn over_turn to sb for help_9、 send相关send out_ send a letter_ send off_ send away_10、keep相关Keep in mind _ keep in touch _ keep sb from doing_Keep an eye on_ keep on doing_ keep up with_11、break 相关breakdown_break in/into_ break out_ break up_break into pieces_ break ones heart_break off_12、pick 相关Pick out_挑出/选出_ pick up_捡起/接/_ pick on_作弄_ pick at_找茬_13、way 相关In the way_ on the way_ in this way_ in a way_By the way_ all the way_ in some ways_ in many ways_14、go 相关go out_ go over_ go on doing_ go up_15、make 相关make out_ make a living_ make a mistake_ make money_make fun of_make a noise_ make progress_make friends with_16、think 相关Think about_ think of _think over_17、carry 相关Carry on_ carryout_carry on with_ 18、call 相关Call on sb._ call at sw._call out to sb._ call off_知识点二:相似词/短语的区分1、 lend 与borrow 的区别:2、 a number of 与 the number of 的区别:3、 in front of 与in the front of 的区别:4、 receive与accept的区别:5、 take /bring/get/ fetch 的区别:6、 take part in/ join/ join in /enter for /attend 表示参加的区别:7、 pay/spend/cost/take 表示花费的区别:8、 with pleasure / my pleasure 的用法区别9、 except/ except for/ apart from /besides 的用法区别:10.arrive at、arrive in / get to/ reach 的用法区别:11、little/a little / few / a few 的用法区别:12、pass / past 的用法区别:13、cross 与across 的用法区别:14、because 与because of 的用法区别:15、used to do / be used to do / get 、be used to doing 的区别16、some time / sometime / some times / sometimes 的区别17、exercise / exercises / experience / experiences / success / a success 的区别18、ten minutes walk 与 ten-minute walk 区别(9 years old 与9-year-old)19、match 与fit的用法区别20、be strict with 与be strict in 的区别21、what 与how 引导的感叹句的区别22、such that .与so .that 的用法区别23、have /has gone to 、have/has been to 、 have /has been in 的区别24、what do you think of ? 与how do you like .?25、what does your sister look like ?等于什么?26、provide sb. withsth. 与provide sth. for sb.的同义词短语是什么?27、How often/ How soon / How long / How far 的用法区别28、too much / too many / much too / very 的用法区别29、remember to do / doing 、 forget to do /doing 、 regret to do /doing 、stop to do /doing 、Mean to do /doing 、 go on to do / doing 、 cant help to do /doing 的用法区别30、alive ; lively ; live; living的用法区别31、lie (说谎)、 lay(放置、下蛋)、lie (躺、位于)的区别32、the key to the door/ the answer to the question / the ticket to the concert 的用法33、in the tree /on the tree、 in the hair / on the hair 、 in the face / on the face 的区别34、方位介词on / to / in 表示方位时的用法区别35、How would you like your coffee ? 与How do you like your coffee 的区别36、other, the other, another 与 others 的用法区别37、no one, none 与nothing的用法区别知识点三:语法易错点提醒1、 非谓语动词的使用2、 不能使用被动语态的几种情况;(1)谓语为连系动词时,不用被动语态。如:He looked fine. 他气色好。The food tastes delicious. 这食物味道很好。(2). 谓语为不及物动词(短语)时,不用被动语态。如:The war broke out in the end. 战争终于爆发了。I happened to meet him there. 我碰巧在哪儿见到了他。(3). 宾语为不定式、动词的-ing形式或从句,表示主语的一些想法、爱好或愿望时,一般不用被动语态。如:He decided to go with us. 他决定跟我们一起去。I want to buy a computer. 我想买一台电脑。(4). 宾语是相互代词、反身代词、同源宾语等时,一般不用被动语态。如:We should help each other. 我们应该相互帮助。We live a happy life here. 我们在这儿过着幸福的生活。He thinks of himself too much. 他对自己想得太多。(5). 宾语是处所、地点时,一般不用被动语态。如:We will reach the station in two hours. 我们再过两个小时就会到站了。He has gone to London now. 他去伦敦了。(6). 谓语部分(动词与宾语) 是一个不可分割的动词短语时,一般不用被动语态。如:He smiled a big smile on his face. 他面带微笑的大笑起来。The ship set sail this morning. 这艘轮船今天早晨起航了。He saw the doctor yesterday evening. 他昨天晚上看了医生。(7).部分动词与easily、well 连用表示物体本身所具有的特性时,不用被动语态如:The book sells well. (对的) The book is sold well .(错的)The cloth washed easily (对的) The cloth was washed easily .(错的)The car drives easily (对的) The car is driven easily .(错的)3、 现在完成时的用法(1) Its three years since hethe army .(A)has joined (B)has been in (C)join (D)joined(2) Mrs whites isnt here, she London, shethere many times(A)has been to , went (B)has gone to , has been(C)went to, has gone (D)has been to , has gone(3) She has_ to Beijing twice .(A)gone (B) got (C)been (D)come(4) whereyour father, Li Lei? To Beijing(A)have, been (B)has, been (C)have, gone (D)has, gone(5) Mr Green isnt in the office , Heto the library(A)has gone (B)went (C)has been (D)will go(6) Mr smithto Tokyo and he will be back in a week(A)has been (B)has visited (C)has sent (D)has gone(7) - have you been here? - Since last year(A)How far (B)How long (C)How often (D)How soon(8) _ _has Hanmei been in the library.(A)How long (B)How soon (C)How far (D)How often(9) How long _he_the library book .(A)has, borrow (B)has, kept (C)has, bought (D)did, buy(10) How long can Ithis book? Two weeks(A)borrow (B)keep (C)lend (D)return(11) Herfatherin 1990and her husbandfor more than five years(A)died,dead (B)has died, dead (C)died,has been dead (D)has died, has died(12) I havethis nice watch for two years(A)had (B)bought (C)borrowed (D)lend(13) Hehis home for ten years(A)hasleft (B)left from (C)has been away from (D)was away from(14) He a league member for three years (A)is (B)has been (C)has become (D)have become(15) Lihuas brother hasfor two years(A)joined the army (B)been an army (C)become a soldier (D)been in the army(16) He hasnt Quanzhou ever since he left school(A)left (B)been away (C)been (D)away(17) Have you finshed your homework Yes, Iit last night(A)finish (B)finished (C)have finished (D)will finish(18) you everto Nanjing Yes, Ithere last year.(A)Havegone, have gone (B)Havebeen , went(C)Didgo, went (D)Didgo, has , been(19) Whenyou Lucy in New York? Ihere for two years(A)didmeet, havent seen (B)didmeet, havent seen(C)didmeet, dont see (D)wouldmeet, hadnt seen(20) -when_ youto Beijing? How longyouhere?(A)havecome , havebeen (B)didcome , havebeen(C)didcome , didgo (D)didcome , have gone4、 反义疑问句的使用:不定代词当陈述部分的主语时(1)用one时,后面的疑问句可用one/he. (2)everything,anything,nothing,something时,附加疑问句中主语用it 不用 they (3)this,that,或those,these时,附加疑问句中主语用it或they. (4)everyone,everybody,someone,somebody,anyone,nobody等,附加疑问句中主语一般用he(书面语)/they(口头语). (5)不定式,动名词,其他短语,附加疑问句中主语一般用it。(6)在there be句型中,附加疑问句中主语一般用be/情态动词/助动词+there否定意义的词(1)当陈述部分有never,seldom, hardly,few,little,barely, scarcely, nothing,none,rarely 等否定意义的词汇时,后面的反意疑问句则为肯定形式:There are few apples in the basket, are there? He can hardly swim, can he? They seldom come late, do they? (2)当陈述部分含有否定意思的词是unhappy,dislike,unfriendly,等含有否定词缀的派生词,也就是有un,dis,no-前缀、less-后缀等含有词缀而意思否定的词,当做肯定句处理,疑问部分要用否定形式。如:He looks unhappy,doesnthe?他看上去不高兴,不是吗?The girl dislikes history,doesntshe?这女孩不喜欢历史,不是吗?有less,fewer等词视为肯定词,疑问部分用否定形式。如:There will be less pollution, wont there? 表示主语主观意愿的词含有think, believe, suppose, imagine, expect等动词后接宾语从句构成的主从复合句在构成反意疑问句时,视情况不同有两种不同的构成方式。(1) 当主句的主语为第一人称时,其后的简短问句应与从句相一致。如:I expect our English teacher will be back this weekend, wont she/he? We suppose you have finished the project, havent you? 值得注意的是,当这些动词后接的宾语从句的否定转移到主句时,其仍属否定句,故其后的简短问句应用肯定式,而非否定式。例如:I dont believe that he can translate this book, can he? We dont imagine the twins have arrived, have they? 此类句子的回答同前否后肯型反意疑问句一样,如上述后一个句子,若双胞胎已经到了,则回答为Yes, they have.;若尚未到达,使用No, they havent.。(2)当主句的主语为第二、三人称时,其后的简短问句则应与主句相一致(此时,否定只看主句,与从句无关)。例如:Your sister supposes she needs no help, doesnt she? You thought they could have completed the project, didnt you? They dont believe shes an engineer, do they? She doesnt expect that we are coming so soon, does she? (3)但如果主句的时态是过去时,疑问句应和主句人称时态保持一致。 had better或have陈述部分有had better,或其中的have表示完成时态时,疑问句应用hadnt等开头:Youd better get up early, hadnt you? 其他情况句中有have时疑问句应用dont等开头如have表示“有”的时候,有两种形式:(have 表示有可用do或 have来改写)-He has two sisters, doesnt he? =He has two sisters, hasnt he? -He doesnt have any sisters, doe she? 祈使句当陈述部分是祈使句时,疑问句要根据语气来表达,分三种情况:1)一般情况下用will you 或 wont you。Give me a hand,will you? Leave all the things as they are,wont you? 2)以Lets开头的祈使句,前肯后可肯可否,疑问句必须用shall we;只有以Let us(听话人不被包括在“us”里面)或Let me开头的祈使句,问句才用will you。Let us know the time of your arrival,will you? Lets try again,shall we? Let me help you,will you? Lets have a look on your book,shall we?3)当陈述句是否定的祈使句时,问句可用will you 或 can you 。e.g. Dont make much noise,will/can you? There be 句型中,反义疑问部分必须为be 动词 + there There are some apples in the basket, arent there? There isnt any milk left, is there? must.当陈述部分有情态动词must,问句有4种情况:(1)mustnt表示“禁止,不可,不必”时,附加问句通常要用must. You mustnt stop your car here,must you? 你不能把车停在这地方,知道吗?(2)must表示“有必要”时,附加问句通常要用neednt. They must finish the work today,neednt they? 他们今天要完成这项工作,是吗?(3)当must用来表示对现在的情况进行推测时,问句通常要根据must后面的动词采用相应的形式。He must be good at English,isnthe? 他英语一定学得很好,是吗?(4)当must+have done表示对过去的情况进行推测(一般句中有明确的过去时间状语),问句要根据陈述部分谓语的情况用“didnt+主语”或“wasnt/werent+主语”;如果强调动作的完成(一般没有明确的过去时间状语),问句要用“havent/hasnt+主语”。She must have read the novel last week,didnt she?You must have told her about it, havent you? 你一定把这事告诉她了,是吗?5、主谓一致易错点复习:不定式短语、动词-ing形式或名词性从句作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。如:Remember/To remember English wordss not easy.Who will do the job hasnt been decided yet. 注:what引导主语从句时,如果其表语是复数形式,谓语动词要用复数形式。如:What he took with him were two books.“名词或代词+由with, together with, along with, as well as, besides, but ,except, including, in addition to, like, no less than, rather than等引起的短语”作主语时,谓语动词与前面的名词或代词的数一致.如:Mr Li together with his two sons has gone to the cinema. No one except the two boys was late for class. Li Ming, rather than his classmates, has let out the secret. “more than one/many a + 单数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。如:More than one person has known it.Many a worker was killed in the accident. 注:“More+复数名词 than one”作主语,谓语则用复数形式。如:More persons than one have known it.“一两个”,用“one or two+名词复数”表达时,谓语用复数;用“a(an) +名词单数or two”表达时,谓语动词用单数形式。如:One or two days are enough for them. =A day or two is enough for them.and连接两个名词一起作主语时,谓语动词一般用复数形式。如:Lily and Kite are kind to me.但是,当两个名词表示同一人、同一事物、同一概念或一个完整的东西时(其特征是and后的名词前无任何冠词) ,谓语动词用单数形式。如:The teacher and writer has come. The teacher and the writer have come. Bread and butter is a daily food in the West.A knife and fork is on the table. 注:当and连接的并列单数主语前分别有no,each, every, many a, more than one 等修饰时,谓语动词用单数形式。如:Many a teacher and many a student has seen the film. “a number of +复数名词”意为“许多”,作主语时,谓语动词用复数;“the number of +复数名词”意为“的数目”,作主语时,谓语动词用单数。如:The number of people invited was fifty, but a number of them were absent for different reasons. “a lot of /lots of /plenty of /a large quantity of /a large amount of +名词”作主语,谓语动词的数与名词的数一致;如:A large amount of damage was done in a very short time.Agreat amount of our investments are in property.但“(large /huge) quantities /amounts of名词”作主语,谓语动词一般用复数。如:Large amounts of money were spent onthe bridge.“a +单数名词+and a half”和“one and a half +复数名词”做主语,谓语动词用单数形式。如:One and a half pears has been left on the table.不定代词one, no one, the other, another, anyone, anybody, someone, somebody, everyone,everybody, nobody, anything, something, everything, nothing, each, either 以及被each, every修饰的名词做主语,尽管有些表达复数意义,但是,它们的谓语应该用单数形式。如:Is everybody here today? Neither (book) is good. None knows the weight of anothers burden. 注:neither, none做主语时,口语中或非正式文字中,谓语动词通常用复数,正式的书面语中用单数。如:Are/Is neither of the teams playing this week None of them has/have been to the Great Wall. 不过,none作主语,其表语是单数,谓语用单数;表语是复数,谓语则用复数。在定语从句中,当关系代词 who, which或 that做主语时,从句中的谓语动词应该与先行词保持一致。如:The teacher who teaches us English is from England. Are these the books that were bought yesterday? I, who am a new teacher, will teach you English.“one of+名词复数”后面的定语从句,谓语动词应该用复数;而“the (only) one of + 名词复数”后面的定语从句的谓语应该用单数形式。如:He is one of the students that have passed exam He is the (only) one of the students that has passed the exam. 某些集体名词,如family, audience, class, club, company, crew, enemy, government, group, party, public, team等作主语时,如果作为一个整体看待,谓语动词用单数形式,如果就其中一个个成员而言,谓语动词用复数形式。如:My family are all fond of going to the cinema. The familys rather big, with twelve people in all.当表示时间、距离、金额等度量的复数名词作主语,把它看作一个整体时,谓语动词一般用单数。如:Surely 15minutes is enough time for you to have a coffee. 但若与pass, go by, spend, waste等连用时,谓语动词用复数。如:Six months have passed, and we still have no news of them.由两个部分构成一个整体的物品名词做主语,如shoes, glasses, boots, socks, scissors, compasses, trousers, shorts等,谓语通常用复数形式。如:His trousers are new.但带有pair这样的量词时,谓语要与量词的数保持一致。如:That pair of trousers was sold out.“分数(百分数)+ of + 名词”以及“all (most, some, any, half, a lot, part, the rest) + of + 名词”做主语时,谓语动词的数与of后的名词的数一致。如:Three-fourths of the surface of the earth is water.Twenty percent of the oranges are bad. All of my classmates like music. All of the water is gone. The rest of the students have gone home. The rest of the money was stolen.“a (the, this, that) kind /sort / type of + 名词”做主语,谓语用单数形式;但“these (those, all, many, some) kinds of + 名词”做主语,谓语则用复数形式。如:This kind of book is useful for us.Many kinds of shoes are on sale in that shop.注:“名词+ of a (the, this, that, these, those, all, some, many等) + kind(s) ”做主语,谓语动词的数与前面名词的数一致。如:Book of this kind is useful for us. Apples of these kinds are sour.在主谓倒装的句子中,谓语动词的数应与其后的主语一致。如:On the wall hang two large portraits. Between the two rows of trees stands the teaching building.6、复合句易错题(1) Do you have anything _ you want to say for yourself?(2) You should hand in all _ you have.(3) This is the very book _ I am looking for.(4) The only thing _ we can do is to give you some money.(5) This is the best _ has been used against pollution.(6) This is the most interesting film _ Ive ever seen.(7) This train is the last _ will go to Suzhou.(8) What is the first American film _ you have seen?(9) Do you know the things and persons _ they are talking about?(10) Which is the bike _ you lost?(11) Who is the boy _ won the gold medal?(12) They secretly built up a small factory which produced things _ could cause pollution.(13) He brought two cats yesterday. Now I can see the two _ are playing in the garden.(14) There is a book on the desk _belongs to Frank. (15) Do you know the one _ gave me the book?(16) Is there anyone _ is absent today?(17) The girl that you met yesterday is an English teacher _ teaches well.(18) There are many young people _ are waiting for him.(19) He _plays with fire gets burned. (20) He_ doesnt reach the Great Wall is not a true man.(21) Beijing, _ is the capital of China, is very beautiful.(22) He failed in the exam, _ made him very sad.(23) This is the school in _ you will study. (24) Let me show you the book that I borrowed from the library _ was newly open to us. (25) I, who_(be)your classmate, will share the work with you.(26) The recorder that_(have)been given to me is home-made.(27) He is one of the students who _(have)made great progress.(28) Mr Wang is the only one of my friends who _(have ) been invited to have dinner with us. (29) I dont know _ he will come or not. (是否)(30) I dont care of _ he is handsome. (是否)(31) He wondered _ to stay here the next week. (是否)(32) _ he will come is not decided. (是否)(33) I think he is wrong,_?(反义疑问句)(34) He thinks he is right, _?(反义疑问句)(35) Could you tell me ?A. where the twins wereB. where the twins are C where are the twins (36) A: Do you know ?B: Yes , he came here by train .A. when he came hereB. if he will come here C. why he came here D. how he came here(37) She says she English for ten years .A. learned B. has learned C. was learning D. have learned(38) The teacher told us that the earth round .A. wasB. is C. will be D. would be (39) Tell me .A. what wrong is with him B. whats wrong to himC. what the matter is with him D. whats the matter with him知识点一:短语辨析4、 Put 相关Put sth on把.放在上put on穿上 /上演 put off 推迟,延后put out熄灭/出版 put up 建造/举起/搭建put away 放好/抛弃put aside搁置一边/储存备用 put down记下5、 make相关make it成功make up化妆be made of 由看的出材质的物品制成be made from由看不出材质的物品制成 be made by由谁制作 make out of制作6、 take 相关take off起飞/脱下/动身/匆匆离开take over接管 take down记下take place 发生 take notes记笔记 take a break休息一下take uptake action采取措施 take away带走take care of照顾/照料 take charge 掌管 take in 吸收/欺骗4、look相关look after照顾/关心 look forward to doing 期待/盼望look ahead预测未来look as if看起来似乎 look at 看;着眼于 look around/about环顾四周look for寻找 1ook down/upon俯视/轻视look into朝.看去/调查look up查阅/查询look like 看上去像look on旁观;观望lookout小心;当心look through浏览;温习;透过看7、 knock相关Knock on /at敲击(门窗等) knock sth off 把.从上撞掉/击落 knock off work 下班_Knock 10% off优惠10% knock sb over把某人撞到8、 give 相关give off释放give out 分发give away泄露/分送 give way让路/让步give in投降/交上/屈服 give up 放弃give sb a hand助某人一臂之力give lessons to sb给.上课7、


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