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1 abandon oneself to sth. 完全屈从于(某种感情或冲动)2 have a (the )ability to do sth. ( have the ability in doing sth.)有能力做某事3 to the best of ones ability 尽力4 be about to do when 正准备做某事突然。5 above all 首先,最重要; in all 总计 after all 毕竟; 终究6 at home and abroad 在国内外; go abroad 出国7 in sbs absence 不在时; in the absence of (人)不在时; be absent from 缺席8 be absorbed in 全神贯注于9 access to 接近;进入10 by accident 偶然; by chance by mistake 由于错误11 be delayed through an accident 由于事故而耽误12 be accompanied by 附有;伴随13 according to (后面不接view,opinion); in my opinion14 collect accounts收账; open an account 开账户; keep accounts 记账 ; account for说明; give a full account of 做一个完整的说明; on account of=because of 因为15 accuse sb. of 控告某人; charge sb. with sth. 起诉某人; Blame sb. for sth. 责备某人16 be accustomed to sth.( to doing sth.)=be used to sth.(to doing sth.)习惯于干某事17 have some acquaintance with 熟悉;熟知18 come (run) across (偶然)碰到; get sth. across 使人理解;领会19 act as充当,担任; act out 表演(对话、故事); act on(upon) 对。起作用20 catch sb. in the act of doing sth. 抓住某人干某事; take action 采取行动21 be active in 在。积极 take an active part in 积极参加lead an active life过着积极的生活22 adapt oneself to 使自己适应 adapt sth. to 使某物适应 adapt from 根据。改写(改编)23 add in 包括; 加进去 add to 增加;加强 add to 把。加到。上; add up to 合加起来24 be addicted to sth.( doing sth. ) 嗜好。的;上了。瘾的25 in addtion/ in addtion to 此外26 deliver an address to 向。发表演讲 giving a closing address 致闭幕词 an address of welcome 欢迎词27 admit to sth.( doing sth.) 承认28 in advance=beforehand 提前29 be of great (no ) advantage to 对。大大有利(毫无裨益); gain(have) an advantage over优于;胜过; take advantage of sb. 利用某人;欺骗某人30 put an advertisement 登广告31 ask for sbs advice 征求某人的建议 give sb. advice on how to do sth. 就如何干某事提出忠告32 advise sb. on sth. 就某事对某人提出忠告;advise sb. against( doing) sth.劝某人不干某事33 be afraid of 害怕;担心 be afraid to do 不敢做某事34 be after 寻求;追求35 be against ones proposal 反对(意见 go against nature违背自然stand against the wall 靠墙而立36 at the age of 在。岁时; be under age 未成年37 agree with sb.( what 从句 ); agree with the climate/饮食 对气候等的适应agree to +advice/suggestion/ idea/proposal agree on (upon) 。就。达成一致意见38 ahead of ( time) 在。前面 go ahead 继续;前进39 aid sb. in sth./aid sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事 in aid of 支持 ;give sb. first aid对某人实施急救40 aim at 瞄准41 on the air(用无线电、电视)播送 in the air 在空中; by air 乘飞机; put on (give oneself) airs 摆架子42 all along 一直;始终 all over the country(world)遍及全国(世界) all alone 单独;独自地 all but 几乎;差一点43 allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事; allow doing sth. 允许做某事44 let alone 更不用说45 get along (on) with 在。方面有进展 take along with 随身携带46 not only.but also47 make an analysis of 分析48 in the ancient time 在古代49 and so on/and so forth 等等50 be angry about sth.对某事生气 be angry at sth.因某事生气be be angry with sb.生某人的气51 annoy sb. with sth./annoy sb. by doing sth. 因。使某人生气;52 one after another 相继53 answer for 对。负责 answer sbs call 回电话 make no answer 不作回答54 be anxious about ( for) 为。担心; be anxious to do 渴望(急于)做某事55 apologize to sb. for sth./ make an apology to sb. for sth 因某事向某人道歉56 in appearance 外貌上; make ones appearance 登台; by/from all appearances 显然57 applyto 将。应用于; apply for 申请 apply to 适应于 ; apply oneself to 专心致志于; apply to sb. for sth. 向某人申请某物58 appoint sb. to a post 派某人任某职; appoint a time for the meeting 约定开会时间59 approach to 接近 make an approach to 对。进行探讨60 approve of 赞同61 argue with/against sb. about/on sth. 与某人辩论某事;argue sb. into doing 说服某人做某事62 arm in arm 肩并肩 hand in hand 手拉手; shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩 take sth. in ones arms抱; be armed to the teeth 全副武装63 arrange for 安排;准备; arrange with sb. about sth. 与某人商定某事; make an arrangement( arrangements) for 做好准备;安排64 as a whole 作为总体; on the whole 总体上65 asas one can 尽力;尽可能66 as to/with regard to 至于;说到67 be ashamed at sth. 为某事感到羞愧be ashamed for 为某人感到羞愧68 ask for sth. 请求;ask sb. for sth. 向某人索取某物;ask sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事69 every aspect of=all the aspects of 各个方面70 assist sb. with sth./assist sb. in doing sth./assist sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事71 associate.with 把。和。联系起来 ; in association with 与。联手72 be astonished( surprised) at (the news) 对。感到惊奇73 at the latest 最迟74 e attached to 附属于。;依恋; attach sth. to 把。贴上 把。系在。上75 attempt/try to do sth.(make an attempt to do sth.) 企图做。;attempt at sth. 试图获得76 attend on/to sb. 照看/护理某人; attend to 关心;照料77 attract/capture/catch/draw/get ones attention 吸引某人注意hold ones attention on 将注意力集中于; devote ones attention to 专心于turn ones attention to 将注意力转向; pay attention to 注意78 ones attitude towards 某人的态度对。79 on (the ) average按平均; above( below) average 平均以上(下)80 be aware of 意识到,觉察81 back and forth 来回地(屋内)82 at the back of sb./at sb.s back 支持某人;at the back of 在。后lie on ones back 朝天躺着83 go from bad to worse 每况愈下84 go bad(wrong/hungry) 变腐85 keep(lose) balance 保持(失去)平衡be in the balance 悬而未决86 ban( prohibit) sb.from doing sth. 禁止某人做某事be under a ban被禁止87 base sth. on/upon sth. 以。为基础; be based on 基于onbasis=on the basis of 以。为根据; 在。基础上88 battle against 向。开战;battle with 与。搏斗;battle for为。而战89 because of + 名词(代词、 what 从句)90 make the bed 整理床铺;in bed/on the bed 在床上91 beg sb. to do sth.恳求某人干某事; beg for sth. 请求得到 beg sth. of sb.恳求某人某事92 begin with 从。开始93 on behalf of 代表 ; on sb.s behalf 以某人的名义94 believe in 信赖95 belong to (无被动语态) 属于96 beyond recognition认不出来 beyond belief 难以置信beyond description 无法用言语表达 beyond sb. 对某人来说难以理解97 by birth 在血统上 at birth 诞生;出生 give birth to 生(产)98 bit by bit 一点点地 do ones bit 尽一点(份) quite a bit 相当多比较: not a bit 一点也不 not a little 很,非常99 be black and blue 遍体鳞伤100 bear the blame 受过lay/ put the blame on/upon sb. for sth. 把责任推到某人身上101 turn a blind eye to 熟视无睹102 blow away 刮走 blow down 吹倒 blow off 吹掉 blow out 吹灭 blow up 爆炸103on board 在船(火车/飞机)上 go on board 上船(火车/飞机)104 be in the same boat 同舟共济105 keep body and soul together 维持生命(活)106 book (check ) in 办理登记手续107 borrow sth.from sb. 从。借到某物 lend sth. to sb. 把。借出108 bother about 打扰 have bother( difficulty/trouble/danger) in doing sth. 干。有麻烦109 from the bottom of ones heart 由衷地 from top to bottom 从上到下110 break down 出毛病 break away from 脱离 break in 打断 break into 破门而入break out爆发 break the law 违法 break off突然停止 break through突围 have/take a break111 hold ones breath 憋住气 lose ones breath 上气不接下气take (draw) breath 歇口气 take(draw) a deep breath 深呼吸 breathe in (out)呼吸(出)112 in brief( short)=in short words 简言之113 bring in 吸引;引进bring down 降低 bring forward 提出 bring up 抚育 bring about 产生;导致114 build up ones health 健体强身 build a good reputation 树林名誉115 burn to the ground 把。烧光 burn sth. down 焚为平地 burn up 烧(旺)起来116 burst out( crying) 爆发 burst into ( tears) 突然爆发117 be none of sbs business 不关某人的事 on business 因公出差118 be busy doing sth. be busy with sth. 忙于干某事119 by and by 不就以后 by and large 大体上120 call for 请求;要求 call at (+地点名词 )访问 call in 召集 call out 大声叫 call up 打电话 回忆起 make a call on sb.=make /give sb. a call =give sb. a ring 给。打电话121 calm down (使)平息122 go camping 去野营 ; summer camp 夏令营123 cant help doing sth. 禁不住做某事124 call off=cancel取消125 take care of=look after 照料126 care for 喜欢;想要127 carry away 运走;使失去理智; carry off 带走; carry on 继续;carry out 贯彻;落实128 in any case 无论如何 in that case 假若那样; in case(of) 万一; in no case 决不129 be caught in (the rain,the shower, a trap) 遇雨;陷入圈套; catch up with 赶上130 cause and effect 因果; immediate cause直接原因131 be cautious of 谨防132 hold a celebration 举行庆祝会; in celebration of 庆祝133 perform the opening( closing) ceremony 举行开幕(闭幕)式; graduation ceremony毕业典礼 134 for a certain reason 为了某种原因; be certain of 确信for certain( sure) 肯定地; make certain of(that 从句)保证134 give a challenge to sb. 向某人挑战; challenge sb. to do sth. 向某人挑战做。accept ones challenge to do sth.接受某人的挑战做。challenge ones interest/attention 引起某人的兴趣/注意135 take a chance(risk) 冒险;投机136 changefor 用。换。; change .into 把。变成 change ones mind 改变主意137 check out 查明(帐);办理离店手续138 have no choice but to do 除做。外别无选择139 go to( attend) church 去做礼拜; go to the church 去教堂(做其他的事)140 clear away 收拾;散去; clear up (天气)放晴 be good(clever) at 擅长141 close down 关门 bring to a close 使。结束 come to a close结束 be close to 接近142 collect stamps 集邮143 combineinto 把。联合起来144 come about 发生; come down 下降;倒下; come to 达到;共计145 take command of 指挥; have a good command of 掌握(语言)146 compare with 和。相比; compare to 把。比作147 compete with/against sb. 与。竞争;compete for 为。而竞争;compete with sb. in 在。方面与某人竞争148 concentrate ones mind( attention) on/upon sth. 把注意力集中在。149 in conflict with 与。相冲突150 connect.with/to 把。与。相连接/相联系151 take delight in 以。为乐; to ones delight 使。高兴的是 be delighted to do 高兴地做。152 congratulate sb. on sth. 祝贺某人某事153 in connection with 与。有联系154 in consequence 因此,结果 in consequence of 由于。的结果155 be considered as( to be/ to do )被看作;认为156 consider/regard/think of / treatas 认为(看待)。157 take into consideration 考虑到;顾及158 consist of=be made up of 由。构成consist with 与。一致159 consult sb. 向某人请教 ;consult with 与交换意见160 contrary to 违反;和。相反 on the contrary相反161 contribute to 有助于;促使 make contribution to 为。做贡献162 out of control 失去控制;under control 在控制下163 convince sb.of sth.使某人信服某事be convinced of sth. 相信某人164 from all corners of the country来自全国各地165 corrupt the child 惯坏了孩子166 at the cost of 以。为代价;at all costs 不惜一切代价167 count on sb./sth. 依赖(指望)某人/某物168 lose courage 丧失勇气;take up courage 鼓起勇气169 in ( during) the course of 在。期间170 in the crowd(s) 在人群中;be crowded with 挤满了。171 cry out for help 大声呼救 cry over 为。哭泣172 be curious about 对。感兴趣173 cut up 切碎;cut off 切断174 do damage( good/ harm) to 毁坏;对有好处(坏处)。175 in danger( trouble) 处境危险(麻烦); in danger of 在危险中176 from dawn till dark 从早到晚177 in the dark(darkness) 在黑暗中178 out of date 过时的; make a date 定一个日期; bring sth. up to date 使。现代化;make a date with 。与某人约会;date back/from 回溯; go out of date过时179 day after day 日复一日 day by day 逐日 the other day前几天; in a day or two 一两天内180 turn a deaf ear to 不理会181 a great/good deal of 大量的(后接不可数名词)deal with 与。交易;处理182 put sb. to death 处死某人;sentence sb. to death 判死刑;183 in debt 欠债; pay off the debt 还清债务184 decide to do / be determined to do决定干某事 make a decision 做出决定185 declare war on 对。宣战186 on the decrease 在减少中 decrease to 减少到。187 do a good deed 做一件好事 ; do the deed生效188 be deep in( thought) 陷入(沉思)deep into the night 到深夜189 without delay立即190 deliver sth.(over) to sb.把某物交给某人191 take ones departure (from) 告辞 bank deposit银行存款192 describe as 形容;描绘 give a description of 描述 ;beyond description难以形容193 be devoted to doing sth. /devote oneself /sth. to 专心于;投身于194 look sth. up in the dictionary ; turn/refer to the dictionary 查字典195 die of/from 死于 ;be dying for 渴望; be dying to do sth. 渴望做某事196 differ from/be different from与。不同 the difference between( among) 。之间的区别; make a difference 产生差异;有影响197 in all directions( in every direction) 朝四面八方; in the direction of 朝。的方向198 put(keep) sb. at a disadvantage 使处于不利地位 ; to ones disadvantage 对。不利199 disagree with.sb./sth. 不同意某人(的话;意见等)200 have a discussion on/ about 讨论 ; under discussion在讨论中201 have a dislike for( of) 厌恶 likes and dislikes好恶; take a dislike to 讨厌202 in the distance 在远方; at a distance隔一段距离203 be distinguished as 以。而著称; be distinguished by 以。为特征; be distinguished for 因。而著名; be distinguished from 不同于;与。加以区别;distinguish from 辨别;distinguish oneself 使自己与众不同204 dive into 跳入 ;make a dive for 向。猛冲205 divide.into. 把。分成206 do some cleaning/cooking/shopping/washing 扫除207 do away with 结束;废除 do up 整理;收拾 do with 处理 do sb. wrong 冤枉; have sth. to do with 和。有关208 from door to door 挨家挨户地209 in doubt 怀疑; without doubt 毫无疑问210 up and down 上上下下;211 dozens of 很多的; by the dozen 按打计算212 draw a useful lesson from 从。中吸取有益的教训; draw back 往后退 ;draw up (车辆等) 开近;走近213 dream of (about) 梦想 dream of doing sth.214 dress sb./oneself; be/get dressed in (+ 衣服或表示衣服颜色的词)穿衣服 ; dress up 打扮215 drink up 喝光;drink to 为。干杯;have a drink 喝一杯216 drop in顺便拜访 drop in on/upon sb.顺便拜访某人; drop in at a place顺便拜访某地217 be drunk with 陶醉于218 due to 由于219 do ones duty 尽某人的责任; on duty 值班 off duty下班220 be eager to do sth. 渴望做 be eager for /about sth.渴望某物221 have an ear for music 对音乐有鉴赏力222 in ones early thirties 三十出头223 on the earth 在地球上 on earth 究竟;到底224 in the east of 在。的东部(在该区域内); to the east of 在。以东(不在该区域内);on the east of 在东部与。接壤(比邻)224 further education 进修;生造 receive/get an education 受教育225 be of no effect 无效come into effect 开始生效; have an effect on 对。产生影响226 make an effort(efforts) to do 努力干; spare no effort 不遗余力; without effort 轻松地227 be employed in 忙于(某事); out of employment 失业228 at the end of ( 接时间或空间名词 ) 在。尽头(末尾) ;in the end=finally=at last 最后;终于by the end of(接过去时间名词) 。到。结束时; make ends meet 量入为出; end up with 以。结束229 enjoy oneself=have a good time 过得愉快230 equipwith 用。装备 equip for 装备。以备。之用;231 in error 错误地 fall into error 误入歧途232 have a narrow escape 九死一生 ;escape punishment/being punished 逃避惩罚233 for example( instance) 例如; set an example to sb. 为。树立榜样234 exchange sth. with sb. 与某人交换某物235 on exhibition 展览中236 exist(lie) in 在于; come into existence 产生;出现 ;bring sth. into existence使某物出现;产生237 expect sth. from. Sb.对某人给予。的期望 expect too much of sb. 对某人期望过高;as might have been expected 正如预料 against/contrary to expectation 出乎意料 beyond expectation出乎意料(地)238 spare no expense 不惜代价; be experienced in 在。有经验239 expose to .使。暴露在。中; express an opinion 发表意见;express oneself 表达自己的意思240 keep an eye on 照看;注意 ;an eye for an eye 以牙还牙241 face to face 面对面地 lose ones face 失面子 make a face(faces) 做鬼脸;in the face of 在。面前 read sbs face 观察某人的脸色242 in fact=actually=as a matter of fact 实际上243 fade away 退色;消退 ;fail in 在。方面失败 ;fair and square 光明正大的244 fall ill 生病 fall fast asleep 很快睡熟 fall behind 落后 fall off 跌落 fall over 跌倒245 be famous( well-known) for 以。而著名; be famous( well-known) as 作为。而著名246 fancy oneself as 自视为; fancy doing sth. 想象做某事; have a fancy for 爱好247 far from 远非;决非; so far 到目前为止; as far as 就;至于248 on the farm 在农场249 put on fat(weight) 长胖250 find fault with 抱怨;对。挑剔251 do sb.a favour( do a favour for sb.) 帮助某人干252 in favour of 赞同253 for fear of 惟恐; in fear of 担忧 for fear that 为防。起见254 feed oneself 自己吃东西;feed on(=live on) 以。为食 feed up (with ) 因多而厌烦 feed to用。喂养; feedon/ feed with 用。喂养255 feel like doing sth. 想要做 ;feel ones way 摸索着走256 at the fewest 至少; no fewer than 不少于; fight ones way 打开一条路 fight against/with 与。战斗; fight for 为。而斗争257 figure out 计算出 figure on 料想;估计258 fill in 填写 fillwith 用。把。装满 be filled with 充满了259 find oneself 在不知不觉中猛然发现260 finish up 完成261 catch fire 失火; be on fire 着火; set fire to 纵火; make a fire 生火262 hold firm 抓牢 stand firm 站稳立场 be firm( strict) with 对。要求严格263 fix a date for a meeting 确定会议的日期; fix ones eyes on 注视; fix ones mind/attention on 集中某人的思想/注意力于。264 be in flower 开花(状态); come into flower 开花(动作)265 focus ones attention/thoughts/efforts on 集中注意力于266 as follows 如下; follow(take)sb.s advice 听某人的建议; follow the example of 以。为榜样267 make a fool of sb. 愚弄某人;fool sb. into doing sth.哄骗某人干某事268at the foot of 在。脚下; rise to ones feet 站起来269 be for 赞成; be against 反对; for a time暂时; 一度 for one thingfor another 一方面。另一方面; for the moment=for the time being 暂时270 by force 强迫地; putin(into) force 实施; force sb. to do sth. 强迫某人做某271 forget +doing/having done/to have done 忘记曾经做过某事;forget to do 忘记要做某事272 forgive sb. for(doing) sth. 宽恕某人干273 fill out(in) a form 填表;in the form of 以。形式274 the formerthe latter 前者。后者275 be fortunate in 在。方面很幸运; try ones fortune碰运; make a fortune 发财276 be/feel free to do sth. 自由地做某事;be free from 不受影响 ;be free from danger 脱离危险 ;set free 释放; get sth. for free 免费获得某物; 免费 free of charge 在in ones free/spare time 某人闲暇时间277 make friends with 与。交朋友 be friendly to sb. 对某人很友好278 be frightened at( of doing) sth.对。感到恐惧 frighten sb. into doing sth. 威胁某人做某事279 be made of由。制成(看得出原材料); be made from由。制成(看不出原材料);be made in 产于某地 be made up of 由。组成280 in front of 在。前面(在范围之外);in the front of 在。的前部分(在范围之内)281 be full of=be filled with 充满 ;282 for fun开玩笑 make fun of sb. 同某人开玩笑283 furnish sb. with sth.= furnish sth. to sb. 用。装备某人284 in the future 在将来285 gain/lose weight 增加/减少体重286 in general 大体上287 get hold of 抓住288 get rid of 除去289 get along on 进行;相处290 get in a word 插话291 get down to sth.(doing sth.)开始认真干292 get over克服;摆脱293 have a gift for 对。有天赋294 give away 送掉;分发(奖品等)295 give in 屈服296 give off 发出(蒸汽;气味);297 give out 散发;分发298 give up 放弃299 give way to 让位于300 give ones regards/greeting to向。问候(好)301 take/give a glance at 对。一瞥 at the first glance第一眼 glance at对。一瞥302 go on doing sth.继续做同一件事情 go on to do sth. 继续做另一件事情 ; go on with 继续做某事303 be good at善于 be good for 对。有益;for the good of 为。利益 Its no/some/any good +doing sth.做(干)是无()有用的304 graduate from 毕业于305 grasp at 抓住;beyond grasp 某人不能理解306 a great deal 大量 a great deal of +不可数名词 a great( good) many+可数名词的复数307 offer greetings to sb. 向某人致敬308 grow up 长大 ;grow into 发展为309 on guard 在岗上; keep guard 放哨310 guide sb. to a place引导某人到某一地方; guide sb. in(out)领着某人进(出)311 get into (form) the habit of 养成。的习惯; break away from a habit 改掉一个习惯; out of habit 出于习惯312 by hand 用手(工); from hand to hand 从一人手传到另一人手中;hand in 上交 ;hand out 分发; give(lend ) sb. a hand 给予某人帮助 on the one handon the other hand 一方面。另一方面313 hang on=hold on 不挂断(电话) hang up=ring off挂断(电话)314 have a word( a few words) with ; 和。讲句话 have words with sb. 与。吵架 ;have much/nothing to do with 与。很有(没有)关系315 from head to foot 浑身 head for 朝。行走; hold ones head high 趾高气扬316 be in good(poor,bad) health 健康(不健康);heart and soul 全心全意 ;learn sth. by heart 记住某事 ;put ones heart into 用全部精力做某事317 cant help (to )do 不能帮忙做 cant help doing 禁不住做318 say hello(sorry) to sb. 向某人问好(道歉)319 help oneself to 随便用(吃);help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事; with the help of (with ones help) 在。帮助下;help out 帮助(解决困难)320 hesitate at/about/over sth. 对。迟疑不决 hesitate to do sth. 不好意思做某事321 on /for hire 供租用 ;322 hold back 阻止 ;hold on 坚持下去;hold up 举起; 阻挡 take( catch,get,seize) hold of 抓住323 on holiday 在休假中 take(have/spend) ones holiday 度(休)假324 be/feel at home 感觉舒适 ;on ones way home 在某人回家的路上325 in honour of 为。纪念。 pay (give)honour to 向。致敬326 in hope of( in the hope of/in the hope that) 怀着。的希望327 be in hospital 住院328 g


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