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If you cant do better than that, go back to your room. 如果你不能表现的好一点的话,你就回房去。Youll receive a whipping if you keep doing that. 如果你还一直那样的话我就要打你屁屁了。排队(Line up)小手摆起来有精神(Sheik your hands one two one)、听音乐拍手(Listen to the music and clap your hands )、让我们一起唱歌(Lets sing the song together)、仔细听音乐(Listen to the music carefully)情境表演Go shopping,让幼儿通过观看表演,理解并学说对话:售货员说Can I help you?顾客说I want to buy a .(Id like to buy a.)、How much?售货员说One yuan,售货员说 Here your are, 顾客说Thank you ,Bye-bye。英语大家说。该节目既有生活指令语,如:Line up please、 Put up your hands ;又有游戏用语,如:Can I help you? 、How much?、Welcome 、Follow me;更有英文歌曲DO RE MI、GODD MORNING。1.She is my sweetheart(sweetie,honey). 她是我的宝贝。 2. Mom, hold me. 妈妈,抱抱。3. Let go. 放开我。(有些小孩子也是很有脾气,你要抱她,她不给你抱,她就会说Let go!。这个 let go 就是放开手的意思。例如你看到别人抓着一根绳子,你要他松手,也是说 Let go。不过注意一下这个 let go 和 lets go 是有很大的不同就是了。另外,leave me alone 或是 get out of here 也都是别管我,别烦我的意思)。 4. He wet his cloth. 他把他的衣服尿湿了。(小孩要随时帮他们换尿布(diaper)。不然的话,他就直接给你尿在衣服上,这个尿在衣服上就是wet his cloth。尿床就是 wet ones bed)。 5. I want to pee-pee. 我想尿尿。(小孩子讲话都很喜欢把同一个词重复说两次, 例如 pee-pee 他们就不会说成 pee,另外,跟 pee-pee 相对的就是 poo-poo,也就是儿语中上大号的意思。一般大人上厕所最常用的是 go to the restroom,use the bathroom 或是 wash my hands。当然你说 I want to pee 也是可以的,只是非常俚俗罢了。) 6. Do you want to go to the potty? 你要上厕所吗?(Potty 就是那种给小孩专用的便壶,所以小孩子从很小就知道什么是 potty。他们要去上厕所有时自己也会说 I want to go to the potty。另外,potty trained 是每个小孩子成长的必经之路。Potty trained 就是指小孩子必须被训练会控制自己的排泄)。7. “GET UP,PLEASE!”,起床Good morning!I wash my handsface,I have my breakfastlunchsupper,May I go peedoo?Go to bed,Get up,Good bye!:“May I?” 待孩子们稳定后,我便回答“Ok!”孩子们开心的应一句“Thank you!” “Thats all right! 小学英语课堂用语一、问候用语1. Hi! 你好!2. Hello! 你们好!3. Good morning/ afternoon! 早上/下午好! 4. Good morning/good afternoon, class/everyone/boys and girls! 同学们,上午/下午好! 5. How are you? 你们好吗?6. Nice to meet/see you. 很高兴见到你们Nice to see/meet you again/Its nice to see you again.很高兴再次见到你们! 7. Happy Childrens Day.儿童节快乐!8. Merry Christmas Day.圣诞节快乐! 9. Happy Mid-Autumn Day. 中秋快乐!10. Happy birthday to you! 祝你生日快乐! 11. Happy New Year! 新年快乐!12. Happy Teachers Day! 教师节快乐! 二、 告别用语1. Bye.再见!2. Goodbye/bye-bye。再见! 3. See you!再见! 4. See you tomorrow!明天见!5. See you on Tuesday.星期二见! 6. Have a nice weekend.周末愉快!7. Have a nice holiday.假期愉快! 8. Have a good time! 祝你们度过一个快乐的时光! 9. Hope to see you again.希望再次见到你们。 三、表扬用语1. Good! ( better best )好!(更好!最好!) 2. Right! 正确! 3. Yes! 是的! 4. Very good!非常好!5. Great!太棒了! 6. Wonderful! 非常精彩!7. Excellent! 很棒的! /FO Good afternoon every one !Are you ready ?Are you ready for class ? Is everyone here? In pairs, please Lets do it one by oneIts your turn now.So great ! Go ahead ! 设为首剑桥少儿英语教学课堂用语(1) Lets begin our class.(2) Stand up, please.(3) Sit down, please.问候(1) Hello, boys and girls /children.(2) Good morning/ Good afternoon, class(3) How are you? (today)提起注意(1)Ready? / Are you ready?(2)Do you understand?(3)Are you clear?(4)Be quiet, please. / Quiet, please.(5)Listen, please. / Listen carefully, please.(6)Listen to the tape.(7)Look carefully, please. /look at the blackboard. / picture.课堂活动(1) All together / boys/ girls/ group by group/ line by line/ practice in pairs. (2) Everybody finds a partner/ friend.(3) Now you, please. / Your turn.(4) Lets act.(5)Stand in line. / line up(6)Dont speak out.(7)Turn around.鼓励和评价(1) Good / very good / great / wonderful / excellent / well done.(2) Can you try?(3) Try your best. / Do your best.(4) Think is over and try again.(5) Dont be afraid/ shy.(6) Thats interesting.(7) Dont worry about it. / No problem.指令(1) Read/ say after me, please.(2) Follow me, please.(3) Repeat, please. / Repeat after me.(4) Once more, please. / One more time, please.(5) Come here, please.(6) Come and write it on the blackboard. / Come to the front.(7) Put up your hand. / Put down.(8) Please take out your books.(9) Open your books and page/ Turn to page(10)Please answer the question(s).(11)Please read out the letter / word / sentence.(12)Please stop now. / stop here, please.(13)Clean up your desk/ classroom, please. / clean the blackboard.(14)Now, lets listen to the tape(15)Quickly! / Hurry! / Hurry up, please.布置作业(1) Practice after class. / Practice at home.(2) Say it out loud, before you write it down.(3) Copy / print / write each word twice.(4) Remember (memorize) these words / sentences.(5) Learn these words / these sentences / this text by heart.(6) Do your homework. / Do the next lesson. / Do the new work.下课(1) Hand in your workbooks, please.(2) Lets stop here.(3) Thats all for today.(4) Class is over.(5) Good bye. / Bye. / See you next time.上课(1) Lets begin our class.(2) Stand up, please.(3) Sit down, please.问候(1) Hello, boys and girls /children.(2) Good morning/ Good afternoon, class(3) How are you? (today)提起注意(1)Ready? / Are you ready?(2)Do you understand?(3)Are you clear?(4)Be quiet, please. / Quiet, please.(5)Listen, please. / Listen carefully, please.(6)Listen to the tape.(7)Look carefully, please. /look at the blackboard. / picture.课堂活动(1) All together / boys/ girls/ group by group/ line by line/ practice in pairs. (2) Everybody finds a partner/ friend.(3) Now you, please. / Your turn.(4) Lets act.(5)Stand in line. / line up(6)Dont speak out.(7)Turn around.鼓励和评价(1) Good / very good / great / wonderful / excellent / well done.(2) Can you try?(3) Try your best. / Do your best.(4) Think is over and try again.(5) Dont be afraid/ shy.(6) Thats interesting.(7) Dont worry about it. / No problem.指令(1) Read/ say after me, please.(2) Follow me, please.(3) Repeat, please. / Repeat after me.(4) Once more, please. / One more time, please.(5) Come here, please.(6) Come and write it on the blackboard. / Come to the front.(7) Put up your hand. / Put down.(8) Please take out your books.(9) Open your books and page/ Turn to page(10)Please answer the question(s).(11)Please read out the letter / word / sentence.(12)Please stop now. / stop here, please.(13)Clean up your desk/ classroom, please. / clean the blackboard.(14)Now, lets listen to the tape(15)Quickly! / Hurry! / Hurry up, please.布置作业(1) Practice after class. / Practice at home.(2) Say it out loud, before you write it down.(3) Copy / print / write each word twice.(4) Remember (memorize) these words / sentences.(5) Learn these words / these sentences / this text by heart.(6) Do your homework. / Do the next lesson. / Do the new work.下课(1) Hand in your workbooks, please.(2) Lets stop here.(3) Thats all for today.(4) Class is over.(5) Good bye. / Bye. / See you next time.上课(1) Lets begin our class.(2) Stand up, please.(3) Sit down, please.问候(1) Hello, boys and girls /children.(2) Good morning/ Good afternoon, class(3) How are you? (today)提起注意(1)Ready? / Are you ready?(2)Do you understand?(3)Are you clear?(4)Be quiet, please. / Quiet, please.(5)Listen, please. / Listen carefully, please.(6)Listen to the tape.(7)Look carefully, please. /look at the blackboard. / picture.课堂活动(1) All together / boys/ girls/ group by group/ line by line/ practice in pairs. (2) Everybody finds a partner/ friend.(3) Now you, please. / Your turn.(4) Lets act.(5)Stand in line. / line up(6)Dont speak out.(7)Turn around.鼓励和评价(1) Good / very good / great / wonderful / excellent / well done.(2) Can you try?(3) Try your best. / Do your best.(4) Think is over and try again.(5) Dont be afraid/ shy.(6) Thats interesting.(7) Dont worry about it. / No problem.指令(1) Read/ say after me, please.(2) Follow me, please.(3) Repeat, please. / Repeat after me.(4) Once more, please. / One more time, please.(5) Come here, please.(6) Come and write it on the blackboard. / Come to the front.(7) Put up your hand. / Put down.(8) Please take out your books.(9) Open your books and page/ Turn to page(10)Please answer the question(s).(11)Please read out the letter / word / sentence.(12)Please stop now. / stop here, please.(13)Clean up your desk/ classroom, please. / clean the blackboard.(14)Now, lets listen to the tape(15)Quickly! / Hurry! / Hurry up, please.布置作业(1) Practice after class. / Practice at home.(2) Say it out loud, before you write it down.(3) Copy / print / write each word twice.(4) Remember (memorize) these words / sentences.(5) Learn these words / these sentences / this text by heart.(6) Do your homework. / Do the next lesson. / Do the new work.下课(1) Hand in your workbooks, please.(2) Lets stop here.(3) Thats all for today.(4) Class is over.(5) Good bye. / Bye. / See you next time.


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