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2011中考英语作文分类范文1.保护环境某英文杂志正在举办以“Protect our environment”为主题的征文大赛。假如你是阳光学校(Sun School)初三5班的李敏,请你写一篇短文参赛,文中请先介绍自己(如姓名、班级等),然后谈谈作为中学生,我们可以为保护环境做点什么,并呼吁大家参与到环境保护的行动中来。提示词语:name, save, energy, recycle, wastes, duty, join范文My name is Li Min, a girl from Class 5, Grade 3, Sun School. As middle school students, we should do something to protect our environment. First, we can save as much energy as possible. For example, we can go to school by bike instead of by car. Second, try to recycle wastes such as old newspapers, bottles and cans. Third, we can plant more trees to make our environment greener and cleaner.In a word, the environment is very important and its our duty to protect it. Please join us and take action.2.假期计划 1)暑假即将来临。你班同学们正在讨论假期计划,提出了不同的看法。有的想和家人外出旅游,有的想和同学一起打球。你有什么看法呢?请你根据你自己的实际情况谈谈你的打算和想法。提示词语:the summer holiday, come, your classmates, talk about, travel, play, think, do范文The summer holiday is coming. Your classmates are talking about what to do during the holiday.Some are going out for travelling with their families. Of course they will spend more money. Some are going to play ball games with their classmates. Though its good for health, its not my favourite.I think its much better to stay at home. I can do many things as I like, such as reading, watching TV and helping my parents with the housework. In this way I can not only increase my knowledge but also do something for my parents.2)紧张的初中生活就要结束,你一定想好好放松一下。老师希望你过一个既有意义又充实的假期。请以“My Summer Holiday Plan”为题写一段话,把你的想法告诉老师。提示词语:tired, trip, relax, exercise, read, help, houseworkMy Summer Holiday Plan 3.英语口语二十一世纪英语报针对如何提高英语口语技能进行专题征文。请你向该报投稿,稿件内容包括:你对英语口语(spoken English)的认识、你是如何练习的以及你今后的打算。 提示词语:important, talk, an Englishman/ Englishwoman, by, speak, pronunciation范文 Spoken English is very important. We often talk with an Englishman by spoken English. It is one way to express our ideas. I like to speak English as much as possible. I often talk in English with people around me . I have recited most of the texts in our English books. Besides, in the morning I read English aloud to practice my pronunciation/ sound or listen to radio to improve my pronunciation. Im happy that the teacher says my pronunciation is good. In the future, Ill listen to more tapes and do more speaking. If I have a chance, Ill go to England to learn spoken English. (110 words)4.针对问题提出看法及建议1) 假如你叫刘风,是美国中学生Mike的朋友,你收到了他的一封电子邮件。请你根据他来信的内容写一封回信,谈谈你对他所提问题的看法、你是怎么做的,并给他提出建议。Dear Liu Feng, I feel sad these days because my parents dont let me watch TV any more. They say I should put my heart into my lessons or do something interesting instead of enjoying music on TV the whole evening. But I like music. I enjoy the pop songs, and I like the pop stars very much. What shall I do? Can you help me?Yours,Mike范文I think your parents are right. It is not good for us to spend whole nights enjoying music on TV. We have a lot of things to do except homework, such as reading, doing sport, and helping around the house. When I have finished my homework, I usually read magazines, wash my clothes, or watch news on TV. It is all right that you like pop music. You can enjoy it on weekend. I think your parents will be glad to see that. (81) 2)假如你叫Sally,是英国中学生Betty的笔友,你收到了她的来信。请给她写一封回信,回答她的问题,并为她提些建议。Subject: I have a problem. Receiver: sally;Time: 2011. 4. 21 10:25 (Thursday)Sender: betty;Dear Sally,I have a problem now. Next Monday morning, I have to give a short speech at the school meeting and Im very nervous. You know, Im afraid of facing so many people. I have never spoken to so many people. I think Im going to give up. But all my teachers, classmates and my parents say it is a good chance for me to practise. What shall I do if I forget my words? And if my face turns red? Do you have any good ideas? Please, please tell me as soon as possible.Many thanks.Yours, Betty 范文:Dear Betty,Thank you for your letter. Im glad you have such a good chance to practise. Congratulations! I think you can practise your speech again and again until you can speak well enough. So youll be sure you can do it well and wont forget the words. When you speak, imagine you were speaking to some trees or couldnt see the people. For the red face, dont you think you will look more beautiful? I hope you will make an excellent speech.Yours, Sally 3)假设你叫杨洋。是加拿大中学生Paula的笔友,下面是你收到的她的电子邮件。请你根据她来信的内容写一封回信。针对她的问题,谈谈你的看法,同时提出一些帮助她解决问题的建议。Dear Yang Yang,Im having troubles these days. Its difficult for me to get down to work, I cant concentrate on studying. At home I spend most of my time playing computer games instead of doing my homework. I go to bed very late, so I feel very tired in class. Sometimes I want to listen to the teachers but I cant stop thinking about the games I played at home. As a result, I can hardly understand the teacher now. Im afraid I cant pass the final exam. What should I do? Can you help me with the problem?Yours, Paula范文:Im sorry to hear you are in trouble now. I can understand your feeling. But I dont think it is right for you to do things like that. Dont worry. Here are some suggestions for you:As a student, its important for you to study hard to get more knowledge. So I think doing homework is necessary and useful. You should do your homework first. If it is not too late, you can play computer games for a while. Remember to go to bed as early as possible, then you wont feel tired the next day. In class, you need to listen to the teachers carefully and take notes. Whats more, its important to take part in class activities, try to answer at least two questions each class. If you have any problems, ask your teachers or classmates for help. I m sure youll make great progress and pass the final exam. Good luck! 4)目前,许多同学学会了上网聊天。他们在结识新朋友,学习新东西的同时,也遇到了很多问题。下面是几个同学的困惑,请你针对他们的问题,谈谈你对网上聊天的看法,并给他们提出一些可行性的建议。PeterIf the net-friends want to know my phone number, what should I do? JohnSometimes, I meet some adults. I have nothing to chat with them. What should I do? GeorgeIf they want to visit or invite me, what should I do? 范文Nowadays, more and more students like chatting with friends on line. While chatting, they make new friends and learn new things. But they also meet with some difficulties. Peter says some net-friends want to know his phone number. I dont think we should tell strangers our phone numbers. Knowing our phone numbers, they might call us often. Sometimes we meet adults like John. If you have nothing to chat with them, skip it. You can just look for some information you like. George doesnt know what to do if net-friends want to visit or invite him. In my opinion, if you want to see them, you had better ask your parents to go with you. Inviting them to your house is a good idea. In a word, if you are often on line, be careful. Dont let strangers know you easily. ( 138 words ) 5. 介绍朋友毕业时刻即将到来,你校英文校刊向初三年级学生征文,题为 “My Best Friend”,以此作为对初中生活的纪念。请你写一篇征文,介绍你初中阶段的好友。内容包括他/她的学习情况、性格特点及爱好。(好友的名字用Mary或Jack代替。)提示词语:hard-working, be good at, friendly, get on well with, dance, draw, win prizesMy Best Friend范文:My Best FriendMary is my best friend. She is hard-working and interested in all the subjects we learn at school. She is really good at Chinese and English. Mary is very friendly. She is always ready to help others. So she gets on well with her classmates and friends. Whats more, she is outgoing. She enjoys taking part in all kinds of school activities. She enjoys dancing, and she also draws well. She often joins in competitions and has won many prizes. I feel proud of her as her best friend. After this summer vocation, we may go to different schools for further study, but Im sure that well be good friends forever.6.谈体会发出倡议“彩虹读书活动” 在我区已经开展两年了, 两年来你读了多少本书?请根据自己的亲身体会,谈一谈读书的好处,并向全校学生发出倡议:多读书,读好书。 提示词语: important,learn, find , suggest,gain knowledge(获取知识) ,culture (文化),open our mind(增长见识), clever and happy, confident,范文Ive read 3 English books since last year. I think reading is very important in our life. When I read for pleasure, I can learn how English speakers use English; I also find examples of good writing in English; I can learn new words and learn about the western cultures.So here, I would like to suggest that everyone should read more books and read good books. We can gain knowledge through reading. It can not only open our minds but also makes us cleverer and happier. The more books you read, the more confident you will be. Lets start reading now! (102)7.志愿者活动“国际节水活动周”(International Water-Saving Week)举办单位目前正在招募志愿者。假设你是李华,你想申请成为这个活动的志愿者。首先介绍你自己,然后说明你胜任的理由和申请成为志愿者的目的。提示词语:name, student, No. 9 Middle School, join in, a member of the schools Water-Saving Club, speak good English,team work范文:My name is Li Hua, a student from No 9 Middle School. I am very much interested in this activity so Id like to join in it as a volunteer. I am a member of our schools Water-Saving Club. I can speak good English. I am in the habit of saving water and good at team work. The world is thirsty for water. I think I have a duty to do something. Its also a good chance for me to make more friends.8. 分析调查数据结合自己理由 现在的中学生每月都有一定数量的零花钱。某校对九年级(1)班的30学生进行了零花钱用途的调查。结果如下:有的同学常买零食或书籍,有的同学把钱花在手机或其他方面,也有的同学把零花钱存了起来。请你任选图表中的2至3项简述调查结果,谈谈你是如何支配零花钱的,并说明理由。范文Nowadays, most middle school students have pocket money every month, and we did a survey in Class 1, Grade 9.As the result shows, among the thirty students taking part in the survey, most of them often buy snacks; about a half spend their pocket money on books, and a few save some of it. However, things on me are quite different. I usually spend most of the money buying good and educational books which I think make me more knowledgeable. Only a small part is spent on snacks as most of the snacks are in fact unhealthy for us. And I save the rest against a rainy day. It is true that we have more and more pocket money now. Whether we can make good use of it really counts, because it is partly influencing the way we are growing up.9.校园、社会安全规则1)校园-从小到大,你一定收到过一些礼物吧?在你收到的礼物中,哪一件是你最喜欢的?请以“My favourite gift”为题写一篇不少于60词的短文,简单介绍这件礼物,并说说你喜欢它的理由。下列词语供选用:show love/friendship, special, memory 范文One possible version: People often give gifts to show their love and friendship. Among all the gifts I have got, the most special one is a hand-made calendar.It was made by my best friend Jane. On each page of the calendar, there is a picture of Jane and me with some words written by Jane. She either tells me how she feels about our friendship or encourages me to try my best and live a happy life. Whenever I look at the calendar, I am touched by something warm, and my heart is filled with love. It is a memory of the wonderful time which I spent with my best friend in junior high school. I will keep this special gift forever. 2)交通安全至关重要。假如你是学校交通安全宣传员。请按以下提示信息写一篇短文,向你校外籍学生宣传交通安全知识并提出自己的建议。red lightstop/ not allowed to do somethinggreen lightsafe to go/ turnorange lightred light will be on, be carefulsuggestionsfollow/ break, better life范文Its very important for students to know about the traffic rules. When the red light is on, you must stop and you are not allowed to go on walking. Its safe to cross the road when the light is green. When the orange light is on, you must wait and be careful, because the red light will be on. Here are some suggestions to protect ourselves. First, we should follow the traffic lights and cant break the traffic rules. Second, wed better look left and right to make sure we are safe when we want to cross the street. Last but not least, dont forget that its very dangerous to play on the street. If everyone follows the traffic rules we will have a happy life.10、节假日活动地铁四号线延长至大兴,大兴人出行更方便了。你可以用半个小时去西单购物,四十分钟去动物园看动物,也可以花上一个半小时去颐和园游玩。周末到了,你打算乘地铁体验一下。请你选择上面三个目的地(西单、动物园、中关村、颐和园)中间的一个拟定一个出行计划。写作要求:1. 要说明选择这个目的地的理由。2要说明到目的地后的一些活动。3. 说说自己希望得到的感受。英文参考词汇: 地铁四号线 Subway Line 4 方便 convenientPlaceXidanThe ZooThe Summer PalaceActivitydo shopping enjoy foodsee pandasfeed birdsgo boatinghave picnic范文例文1:Subway Line 4 has reached Daxing recently. Its easier for people to travel around Beijing. Next Sunday, Id like to go to Xidan by subway. Ill invite my good friends Lily and Lucy to go with me. We all like shopping. And at Xidan we can meet different people from all over the world.We plan to set off in the morning and then we plan to take some photos of the goods and buildings. There are all kinds of books in the Xidan Bookstore, so well buy some good books. And there we want to try some delicious food from different places of China or world. Well come back in the afternoon.I think well have a good time and will be very relaxed after this trip.例文2:Subway Line 4 has reached Daxing. Its easier for us to travel around Beijing. Next Sunday,Id like to go to the Zoo by subway. Ill invite my good friends Lily and Lucy. We all like animals very much. And in the Zoo the air is fresh and we can relax ourselves.We plan to watch some animals after we get there. We can see some animals like monkeys, pandas or lions because the Zoo is so large. Then we want to feed the birds by the lake. We are going to take some photos for the animals so that our classmates can share them.Im proud that Im living in Daxing. And I think Ill be more joyful after this trip.例文3:Subway Line 4 has reached Daxing. Im glad to hear that because its convenient for Daxing people to travel around Beijing by subway.The weekend is coming. My friends and I are going to visit the Summer Palace by subway. We are looking forward to seeing the subway and taking it. We plan not only to go boating in the Kunming Lake but also to have a picnic under the trees as soon as we get there. The summer Palace is so beautiful that we will take a lot of photos of it .I will be happy to take the subway in Daxing and I hope I will enjoy myself and have a wonderful trip.11、针对饮食问题提建议 (15分)假如你叫Sally, 是Betty的笔友,你收到了她的来信。请你给她写一封回信,针对她的问题,谈谈你的看法,并给出可行的建议。Dear Sally,Im very glad to enter my school. I enjoy the life here except for the school lunch. I prefer hamburgers, ice creams and potato chips, but we are not allowed to order them according to the school rules. I usually have little lunch and I often feel tired and cant follow the teachers in the afternoon classes. What should I do? Do you have any good ideas? Please write to me as soon as possible.Yours,BettyDear Betty, I have read your letter. _Yours truly,Sally无范文Dear Betty, I have read your letter. _Yours truly,Sally12、表述情感 (15分) 你已在学校学习三年了,这三年中你学到了很多东西,你校以“Thanks for our School.”为题出版英语专刊,请你给专刊投稿。内容包括三年里你有什么收获,你对学校的看法,以及你即将毕业要为学校做些什么。 提示词: I, study, school, three years, learn a lot, book, teacher, beautiful,leave school Thanks for our School.范文Ive studied in my school for three years and Ive learned a lot here. Ive read many books and got more knowledge. Ive made many friends and learned how to get on well with them. I like my school because the teachers here are kind and excellent. My school is not only clean and beautiful but also famous, so Im proud of it. Ill leave school and I think Ill do something for my school. Ill collect money to buy some books for the school library. Whats more, I want to plant more trees and flowers to make it more beautiful.13、生活习惯(15分)根据中文提示和英文书信内容,写一封意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于60词的回信,信的开头和结尾已给出,其词数不计入所完成的回信内。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。假设你叫李平,是美国中学生斯蒂文的笔友,你收到了他的来信。请给斯蒂文写一封回信。根据中国人的性格特点和风俗习惯,告诉他在中国家庭居住时应注意些什么。Dear Li Ping, Im going to China in September. Ill study in No.1 Middle School in Beijing for half a year. And Ill live in a home of a Chinese student. Ive never been to China and I know very little about Chinese families. Can you tell me something about it so that I can get on well with them? Im looking forward to hearing from you Yours,StevenDear Steven,Im glad to hear that you will come to China soon _.Take it easy. Im sure you will get on well with them. Yours, Li Ping范文Dear Steven,Im glad to hear that you will come to China soonIts great to stay with a Chinese family because Chinese people are very friendly. But there are some differences between Chinese people and American people. If you know these well, there will be no problem with your stay in a Chinese family.First , dont call the mother or the fathers name. They will be glad if you call them mum and dad. Second, prepare a little gift for the family. Give it to them when you get to their home. Third, eat together. Remember,dont start eating before the parents do at meals unless they ask you to do so. Above all, tell them beforehand if you cant get home on time. Take it easy. Im sure you will get on well with them. Yours, Li Ping(回信的开头和结尾不必抄写在答题卡上)根据中文提示和英文倡议书的内容,写一封意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于60词的信,信的开头和结尾已给出,其词数不计入所完成的信内。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。14、感谢师恩英语校刊上刊登了学生会(The Students Union) 发出的倡议书“Write to your teacher”。假设你叫李明,读了倡议书以后,给你的英语老师写封信,感谢她对你的关心和帮助。Write to your teacherThree years study will be finished, you will say goodbye to your teachers soon. You must have much to say to your teachers.what you want to say to your English teacher mostwhy you want to say sowhat you want to tell him or her about your future planPlease write a letter to your teacher as soon as possible. The Students UnionDear Mrs Gao, YoursLi Ming范文Dear Mrs Gao, I want to say Thank you. most at the moment when I have to say goodbye to you.I really appreciate what you have done for me. I used to be too shy to speak English in front of the class. You found my problem and helped me out. I can still remember your smile on the day when I won the first prize in the English speech contest. It was you who gave me the confidence.I have a dream of going to Beijing University in the future. Though its hard for me, Im sure your love will encourage me to achieve it.YoursLi Ming15、缓解学习压力(15分) 怀柔初三学生即将参加中考,面临着前所未有的压力,那么缓解自身的压力很有必要。请你就如何学得快乐、学得高效,自信健康地度过最后的初中时光,给初三学生提出合理学习和生活的建议。提示词语:face the pressure, relax, so that, energy, spend无范文:16. 提建议假如你是Steven, 在Sunshine服务中心工作,你收到了Henry的来信。请给他写一封回信,针对他的问题,谈谈你的看法,并在信中提出至少两个建议。Subject: I have a problem. Time: June 2, 2011 (Thursday) Sunshine serviceDear Steven,My parents and I cant get along any more. They are always treating me as if I were still ten years old. They tell me what to wear, and even try to choose friends for me. I want to work things out, but I just cant. Im thinking about running away. Please help.Henry范文One possible version:Dear Henry,Im sorry to hear that you cant get along with your parents, but running awa


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