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Unit5 FirstAid 1 vt n 帮助 救助 支援2 n 伤害 损害3 vi 出血 流血4 vt 使窒息 哽住5 v n 发热 燃烧 burn aid injury bleed choke 7 n vt 毒药 使中毒8 n 对待 论述9 n 救护车10 adj 温和的 温柔的11 electricadj 12 swellv poison treatment ambulance mild 电的 发电的 肿起 使增长 13 symptomn 14 ceremonyn 15 braveryn 16 pressuren 压 按 榨 压迫 症状 征候 征兆 仪式 典礼 礼仪 勇敢 勇气 壮观 1 生病 2 榨出 挤出 3 在适当的位置 在通常的位置 4 找到 得到 5 许多 大量 只修饰可数名词 6 受伤 fallill squeezeout inplace putone shandon anumberof getinjured 7 被烧伤 8 保护 免于 9 触电 10 轻微的红肿 11 beproudof 12 carryout 13 closeto 14 dependon beburned protect from electricshock mildlyswollen 为 自豪 实施 执行 接近 依靠 15 firstaid 16 hangup 17 inhonourof 18 inhospital 19 inplace 20 makeadifference 急救 挂断电话 向 表示敬意 住院 在适当或通常的位置 有作用 Whathappenedjustnow Whatwillyoudoinsuchasituation Callforadoctororanambulance Neverpullheroutofthecaroryoumayhurtherneckorback Justleaveherwheresheis Findenoughpeopletoliftthecarsafelyandtakehertohospitalatonce Makesurethattheaccidentsceneissafe So Therewere760 327trafficaccidentsinChinalastyear resultingin106 367deaths 71 16 ofthedeathswereduetothelackoftimelyfirstaid Firstaidisimportantforthevictims 受害者 andnecessaryforustolearnabout Whatisfirstaid Firstisthekindof giventosomeonewhosuddenly orgets beforeadoctorcanbefound Oftentheillnessorinjuryis butthereare whengivingfirstaidquicklywill help fallsill injured notserious othertimes saveone slife Warmingup Lead in Whatsituationcanyouthinkofthatneedsfirstaid asnakebite bleeding asprainedankle choking abrokenarm anosebleed Brainstorm Discusswhatkindoffirstaidyoushouldgiveinthefollowingsituationsandthenactthemout Pressthewound Wrapbandage Cooltheinjurywithice Fastenwithbandage Pinchthenostrilsandpressupward Coolthebridgeofthenose showtime Canyouguesswhatwillhappentothegirl Howwillhermotherdealwiththeburn Lookatthepictureontheleft Whathashappened Thegirlhaspulledboilingwaterontoherself Shewillgetbadburns FastReading Inwhichorderarethesetopicscoveredinthetext Numberthemfrom1to5 thethreetypesofburns whattodoifsomeonegetsburned thepurposeofskin thesymptomsofburns howwegetburns 3 5 1 4 2 FirstAidForBurns DetailInformation Fillintheblanks basedonthe1stPara Ourbody slargestorgan Wehave oftheskin Yourskin you or It yourbody 5 Itgivesyouyour skin threelayers keeps warm cool prevents from losing water sense of touch Answerthequestions basedonthewholetext 1 Whatcancauseburns Hotliquids steam fire radiation thesun electricityandchemicals 2 Whyshouldyouputcoldwateronaburn Thecoldwaterstopstheburningprocess stopsthepainandpreventsorreducesswelling 3 Whydoesn tathirddegreeburnhurt Becausethenervesaredamaged Iftherearenonerves thereisnopain Types characteristicsofburns basedonpage34 layer top second allthree swollen Rough tissue Mildly Littleno pressed Blisters charred C rough redandswollenwithblisters dry redandmildlyswollen blackandwhiteandcharred seconddegreeburns firstdegreeburns thirddegreeburns Characteristicsofburns Part4 B A Characteristics Accordingtotheformabove labelthesepictureswithfirstdegreeburns seconddegreeburnsandthirddegreeburns firstdegreeburns seconddegreeburns thirddegreeburns clothingandjewelryneartheburns theburnswithcoolbutnoticywater cool cleanwetclothsontheburns theburnedareagently Takeoff Cool Place Dry Dos Firstaidtreatment Part5 5 theburnedareawithadrycleanbandage 6 theburnedarea thantheheart ifpossible 7 thevictim thedoctororhospital iftheinjuriesaresecondorthirddegreeburns Cover Keep higher Get Dos to Don ts Donot theclothingthatisstucktotheburns 2 Donotcooltheburnswith water 3 Donotputcoolwateron degreeburns 4 Donot butter oil ointmentonburns 5 Donot theburns itwillbreaktheblisters remove icy third put rub Homework Recitethenewwordsandexpressionsofthisunit Findoutthenewphrasesanddifficultsentencesinthetext 24 DecidewhetherthefirstaidtreatmentisRight R orWrong W basedonpage35 Whensomeoneisburned youshouldplacesomeiceonhiswound Weshouldputdampclothsontheseconddegreeburns Weshouldn tbreaktheblisters ortheywillmakethewoundinfected Sometimes wecanputoilorointmentsonburnstostoptheinfection Ifburnsareontheface weshouldmakethevictimsitup W R R W R 26 ThankYou


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