2019春四年级英语下册 Module 4 Unit 1《Dad played the erhu》课件2 (新版)外研版.ppt

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2019春四年级英语下册 Module 4 Unit 1《Dad played the erhu》课件2 (新版)外研版.ppt_第1页
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2019春四年级英语下册 Module 4 Unit 1《Dad played the erhu》课件2 (新版)外研版.ppt_第2页
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2019春四年级英语下册 Module 4 Unit 1《Dad played the erhu》课件2 (新版)外研版.ppt_第3页
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Module4Unit1Dadplayedtheerhu playedbasketball watchedTV listenedtomusic playedthepiano playedfootball Watchthevideo trytounderstandthemainidea 认真看视频 试着理解课文主要内容 ListentotheCD ROM findouttheanswers 认真听录音 回答问题 Whowenttotheconcert Whoplayedintheconcert Whowenttotheconcert Whoplayedintheconcert lingling Listenandrepeat thenanswerthequestions 听录音并跟读 然后回答问题 concert Whatdiddadplay What sanerhu What sanerhu It saChineseinstrument Itlookslikea concert Whatdidmumplay What sapipa What sapipa It saChineseinstrument Itlookslikea erhu violin lookslike 看起来像 Westerninstrument Chineseinstrument 中国乐器 西方乐器 lookslike 看起来像 pipa guitar Chineseinstrument Westerninstrument 中国乐器 西方乐器 looklike owl cat Theowllookslikethecat Thecatlooksliketheowl Readtogetherandfillintheblanks 齐读课文 并填空 YesterdayItoa Mydadplayedthe Itlookslikea Mymumthe Ita I vegota Itwasmusic It sbeautiful Ilovethismusic went concert played lookslike CD Lookandchoose CD Chinese went played lookslike concert Chinese Let saskandanswer Whatdidhe sheplay He Sheplayed playthepiano playtheflute playfootball playbasketball the the Whatdidsheplay Sheplayedtheflute 第三关Guess Whatdidheplay Heplayedthepiano Theyplayedfootball Whatdidtheyplay play playthe Play play用处大 它的含义常变化 各种球类用到它 它是踢来又是打 各种乐器用到它 它是弹来又吹拉 冠词the别落下 乐器中间留给它 Doyouknow play MemoryGame playedthe instruments Chineseinstruments westerninstruments 拉弦乐器 小提琴violin 大提琴cello 低音大提琴Doublebass 单簧管 又称 黑管 clarinet 木管乐器 双簧管oboe 英国管 大管bassoon 铜管乐器 小号trumpet 大号tuba 长号 trombone 圆号又称 法国号 Frenchhorn 短号cornet 萨克斯 saxophone 打击乐器 定音鼓kettledrum 三角铁triangle 铃鼓tambourine Go 第二关 第三关 第一关 CanyousaytheirEnglishnames 你能说出它们的英语名称吗 第一关 Lovemusic loveyourlife 爱音乐 爱生活 Homework 1 Listenandrepeatthedialogue 2 LookupsomeEnglishnamesofinstrumentsontheinternet


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