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湖北省荆门市龙泉中学与多伦多职业商务学院合作办学协议Cooperation Agreement between Jingmen Longquan High School of Hubei Province and Toronto Vocational Business College一、双方责任和义务I. Responsibilities and obligations of both parties1.中方的责任和义务1. Responsibilities and obligations of Chinese party1.1负责组织申报成立国际部所需的文件、资料、材料和证明,办理国际部所需的各项审批手续,取得办学合法批文。负责国际部的筹备、宣传和招生工作; 1.1 Organize documents, data, materials and certificates required by application for establishment of International Department, go through all procedures required by International Department, obtain legal approved documents for school running, and take charge of preparation, propagation and enrollment of International Department;1.2为国际部提供现有教学设备,包括教学教室、多媒体教室、图书馆、计算机房及网上教学设施、实验室及相应设备,餐厅、学生活动场地、体育场馆、学生宿舍等; 1.2 Provide International Department with existing teaching facilities, including teaching classroom, multi-media classroom, library, computer room, online teaching facility, laboratory and corresponding equipment, dining room, student activity center, stadium, students dormitory, etc.;1.3会同合作方选聘中方的优秀师资和管理人员,并负责其工资、奖金、福利和待遇等应得报酬,对教职员工进行日常管理; 1.3 Select and hire Chinese excellent teachers and management personnel with its partner, take charge of remuneration like salary, money award, welfare and treatment for those teachers and management personnel, and carry out routine management for faculty and staff;1.4负责国际部学生的日常教学、行为规范和生活管理。向完成高中学业的合格者颁发龙泉中学高中毕业证书;1.4 Take charge of management on routine teaching, code of conduct and life for students of International Department, and issue diploma of Longquan High School to the qualified students who accomplish courses of high school; 1.5为每位外籍教师提供二居室外教公寓及基本生活设施和用品;提供外籍教师的办公地点和办公、教学设备,计算机和上网设施。负责办理外籍教师在国际部工作的签证事宜;负责支付外教的工资、个人意外伤害保险、带薪假期以及往返国际旅费;每100名学生配备一名外籍教师;1.5 Provide an apartment with two bedrooms and basic living facilities and supplies for each foreign teacher, provide foreign teachers with offices and office and teaching facilities, handle matters concerning visas for foreign teachers who work in International Department, pay salary, personal accident insurance, expense for paid vacation and international travel expense for foreign teachers, and allocate one foreign teacher for every 100 students; 1.6负责按有关部门批准的收费项目收取每学年注册国际部的学生三年一次性交纳的学费或分学年度/学期交纳的学费及其它费用;1.6 According to charge items approved by relevant departments, collect tuition paid for three years at one time or tuition and other expense paid by school year/ semester from the students who registered to International Department every year; 1.7协且外方组织和实话每年度国际部师生与加拿大中学的师生学术交流和互访活动;1.7 Assist Canadian party to organize and implement academic exchange and exchange visit activity for teachers and students in International Department and teachers and students in high schools of Canada on an annual basis; 1.8学生中途退学的,由中方核定应退款项,中、外双方按各自所占比例承担;1.8 Where any student drops out of school, refund will be verified by Chinese party and shall be borne by both parties in accordance with their respective proportions;1.9中方接受加方每三年一次的对合作办学项目的监督检查并承担人民币五万元差旅费。 1.9 Chinese party shall accept supervision of Canadian party on cooperation program every three years and shall bear travel expense of RMB 50,000 Yuan.2.加方的责任和义务2. Responsibilities and obligations of Chinese party 2.1负责提供国际部所需的文件、资料及相关法律证件;2.1 Provide documents, materials and relevant legal certificates required by International Department;2.2协助中方开展国际部的宣传和招生工作。2.2 Assist Chinese party to carry out propagation and enrollment of International Department; 2.3为国际部提供具有国际水准的国际高中的教材、考试试题;2.3 Provide International Department with teaching materials and examination papers of international level; 2.4负责招聘具有合格资格的外籍教师担任国际部教学工作,并协助中方办理外籍教师签证事宜;2.4 Hire qualified foreign teachers to undertake teaching for International Department and assist Chinese party to handle matters concerning visas of foreign teachers; 2.5安排外籍教育专家在龙泉中学举办英语培训及文化交流活动;2.5 Invite foreign education experts to carry out English training and cultural exchange activity in Longquan High School; 2.6接受龙泉中学中层以上管理人员及教师赴加拿大进行教育、教学管理学习,费用由中方支付;2.6 Agree that management personnel and teachers of Longquan High School go to Canada for learning education and teaching management, costs of which will be borne by Chinese party; 2.7为愿意自费赴加拿大就读中学、大专院校的国际部学生提供咨询和相关服务;2.7 Provide consultation and relevant service for International Departments students who will go to study in high schools and institutions of higher education in Canada at their own expenses; 2.8组织和实施国际部师生与加拿大师生学术交流和互访活动,相关费用双方自行分担。2.8 Organize and implement academic exchange and exchange visit activity for teachers and students from International Department and Canada. Relevant expenses shall be borne by both parties respectively. 二、课程设置和教学计划II. Curriculum provision and teaching program课程设置和教学计划以中华人民共和国教育部制定的中学教学大纲及有关部门制定的教育法规为基本依据,同时吸收加拿大学校先进的教学方法和国际高中课程,逐步形成具有特色的适合国际部模式的教学大纲、教学计划及课程设置。国际部的学生修完全日制普通高中考试合格后,可获得湖北省荆门市龙泉中学高中毕业证,学生既可在国内参加高考,升入国内大专院校,也可由合作方帮助申请赴海外留学。Curriculum provision and teaching program is based on the teaching syllabus of high school enacted by the Ministry of Education of Peoples Republic of China and laws, regulations of education formulated by relevant departments, and absorb the advanced teaching methods and international high school curriculum of the schools in Canada, in order to gradually form the characterized teaching syllabus, teaching plan and curriculum for proper model of International Department. When students in International Department complete the full-time high school curriculum and pass the examination, they can obtain the high school diploma of Jingmen Longquan High School of Hubei Province; then the students can participate in the college entrance examination in the country to promote to the domestic universities and colleges, or apply for study abroad by the partners.三、招生对象及办学规模. Entry requirements and enrollment scale国际部招收应届初中毕业生,列入湖北省高中招生计划,每年招收150名学生。以后可以根据需要及办学条件,逐年适当扩大招生规模。International Department admits fresh graduates of junior high school, and it is included in the enrollment plan of high school in Hubei Province; the International Department takes in 150 students every year. It may appropriately expand the enrollment scale yearly according to the demands and operation conditions.四、财务管理及税务IV. Financial management and tax1.国际部财务室纳入中方学校统一管理,定期结算财务收支。中方负责落实国际部依法应享受的各项国家规定的优惠政策。负责办理国际部所发生的所有赋税手续,并依据中国国家税务管理办法按中外双方各自收取的费用分别承担。1. Financial Office of International Department shall be managed uniformly by Chinese party. Financial incoming and outgoings shall be settled regularly. Chinese party is in charge of implementing all kinds of preferential policies which shall be enjoyed by the International Department according to laws, handling all tax procedures happening in the International Department. These taxes shall be shared respectively by Chinese and foreign party based on charged fees according to Administrative Measures for National Tax of the Peoples Republic of China. 2.中方负责按有关部门批准的收费项目收取每学年注册国际部的学生交纳的学费及其它费用;学生学费收取标准以国家物价部门批准确定为准(目前学生学费为12000元人民币/生/年)。中方校长负责费用支出审批权。2. Chinese party is responsible for charging tuition and other fees of students enrolled in International Department each academic year according to charge items approved by relevant departments. Charging standard of students tuition is subject to the permission of State Commodity Price Department (now students tuition is RMB 12000 Yuan /per student/ per year). Headmaster of Chinese party is accountable for rights of approval of expenses.3.中方需每年向加方支付质量监督费、管理费及税金共计x万加元(按人民币x万元支付,不随汇率变动而改变)。3Chinese party needs pay 10x thousand CAD (paid as per RMB 10x thousand Yuan, not change with the fluctuation of exchange rate) including quality supervision fees, management fees and taxation expenses.五、合作期限及协议的变更与终止V. Duration of cooperation and change and termination of the agreement1.中、外双方合作期限为三年,自2013年7月起至2016年7月止(具体时间以湖北省教育厅批准为时限);1. The duration of cooperation of Chinese and foreign parties is three years from July, 2013 to July, 2016 (the concrete time is subject to the approval by Education Department of Hubei Province);2.协议期限内,由于中外双方主、客观情况发生变更而导致协议部分内容的变更,经双方协商同意后签署变更协议;2. During the duration of agreement, Chinese and foreign parties shall sign the changed agreement after their negotiation and approval, if the alteration of subjective and objective conditions of Chinese and foreign parties results in the alteration of any part of agreement;3.在合作期满前6个月,如果中外双方愿意续签合作协议,双方可以协商延续合作有关事宜;3. Before six month of expiration of cooperation duration, if Chinese and foreign parties are willing to renew the cooperation agreement, the two parties can negotiate related matters of continuous cooperation; 4.合作期间发生下列情形之一时双方可以终止协议:4. During the cooperation, if any of the following situations takes place, the agreement can be terminated by the two parties:4.1合作按期圆满完成;4.1 The cooperation is completed successfully on schedule;4.2合作期内出现客观情况的改变,经双方同意终止合作;4.2 If the objective conditions change during the cooperation, the cooperation can be terminated after approval of both parties;4.3合作期间出现不可抗力影响而导致协议无法履行;4.3 During the cooperation, the effects of force majeure appear so that the agreement cannot be fulfilled;5.无论以何种形式终止合作,双方要妥善安置在校学生完成学业以及国际部其它善后事宜。5. Regardless of the form by which the cooperation is terminated, both parties should make proper arrangements for the students to complete their study as well as other affairs of International Department.六、违约责任VI. Liability for breach of contract1.由于一方违反协议,导致本协议不能完全履行而造成双方损失,由过失方进行赔偿;如属双方违反协议,由双方各自承担应负的违约责任;1. If one party violates the agreement, the agreement cannot be fulfilled. The party at fault shall make compensation for the losses of both parties. If both parties violate the agreement, they shall bear the liability of breaching the contract respectively.2.由于自然因素、人为因素以及其它任何不可抗拒力量,影响本协议的履行时,双方可协商解除协议,或延期履行,或免除责任;2. If natural factors, human factors, as well as any other irresistible force affect fulfillment of the agreement, both parties can negotiate to cancel the agreement, delay the fulfillment, or exempt the responsibility; 3.如果中外双方共同提出终止合作协议,所有违约责任由双方协商解决;3. If Chinese and foreign parties propose to terminate the cooperation agreement, all liabilities for breach of contract shall be solved by both parties through negotiation;4.双方本着相互谅解和友好协商的原则,解决执行本协议过程中发生的一切争议。如果协商无法解决或不愿意通过协商解决,可提请中国有关仲裁机构或向中国管辖范围内的人民法院申请仲裁。4. Base on the principle of mutual understanding and friendly negotiation, the parties solve all disputes occurred in the process of performing the agreement. If such disputes cannot be solved through negotiation or both parties are not willing to solve disputes by negotiation, the parties can submit disputes to Arbitration Authority in China or apply for arbitration to Peoples Court in scope of jurisdiction in China.七、协议的生效VII Effectiveness 本协议须经中外双方代表签字时生效。未尽事宜可另行签署补充协议。The agreement can become into effect after being signed by the Chinese and foreign parties and the unaccomplished matters can be separately included in the supplementary agreement.在协议有效期内,任何一方不得对外公布本协议。Within the validity of the agreement, no party can disclosure this agreement to the public.本协议属中华人民共和国的法律管辖。The agreement is under the state law of Peoples Republic of China.


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