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课题 Unit 5 Feeling HappyTopic 1 Why all the smiling faces?Section A 教学内容:1. (1)复习并学习一些描述情感和情绪的形容词: happy, unhappy, sad, worried, excited, afraid, angry, funny, active(2)学习其它的词汇和短语:invite, say thanks to, smile, none, taste, silly, cruel2.了解系表结构 “系动词+adj.”:You look excited. Thats very exciting.I feel disappointed.It tastes so delicious.3. 表达开心:Thats great! Im so happy.How nice!4. 表示可惜:What a shame!教学目标:1. (1)复习并学习一些描述情感和情绪的形容词: happy, unhappy, sad, worried, excited, afraid, angry, funny, active(2)学习其它的词汇和短语:invite, say thanks to, smile, none, taste, silly, cruel2.了解系表结构 “系动词+adj.” 表述自己或他人的情感和情绪:You look excited. Thats very exciting.I feel disappointed.It tastes so delicious.教学重、难点:.了解系表结构 “系动词+adj.”: You look excited. Thats very exciting.I feel disappointed.It tastes so delicious. 本课重点活动是1和3a。课时安排:1课时教学过程:(一)教学基本流程目标检测巩固与小结呈现新知预习检查情景导入 (二)问题及活动 Step1. 预习检查。翻译下列单词和短语:(1)担心的 (2)滑稽的 (3) 快乐的 (4)悲伤的 (5) 生气的 (6)担心的 (7)活泼的 (8)其中之一 (9)对某人说谢谢 Step2. Review情景导入 1.呈现学习目标。2. 复习表达情感的形容词并处理新词句。 寒假过后,师生见面,相互问候,然后教师以简笔画的形式表达出自己在寒假中的感受并让学生试着来表达,引出部分表示情感的形容词.T:Did you have a good time in your winter holiday?Ss:Yes, we did.T:S1, did you ask your friends to your home for dinner?S1:Certainly.T:Oh, I know you invited your friends to your home. Were you ? S1:Yes, we were very happy.T:Great. I know all of you had a good winter holiday. Now lets use stick figures to express your feelings in the holiday. sad excited angry worried(板书并要求学生掌握invite和none;理解worried;了解disappointed。)invite, none, disappointed, worriedStep3. Presentation 呈现1. (教师总结并导入1。)T: We had a good time in the winter holiday. So we are all happy today. What about Kangkang? Lets listen to 1 and find it.听录音回答下面的问题:(板书)How does he feel? (核对答案。)2.听录音让学生跟读1并画出文中重点词、句,抽学生翻译对话然后教师板书。学生掌握say thanks to, go to the movies = go to the cinema , invite sb. to somewhere , invite sb. to do sth. one of, 等短语4.全班齐读一遍1a.5. (导入3a。掌握生词smile。)T: Kangkang, Michael, Maria and Jane are happy. What about their teacher, Mr. Lee? Now listen to 3a and answer my questions.(用小黑板呈现听力问题。)a. Why all the smiling faces?b. How does Mr. Lee feel? (核对答案。)6. (再听录音,让学生画出本对话生词及疑难点,教师板书并给予适当讲解。)T: Listen again, underline the new words and difficulties.(板书)movie theater, exciting, The Sound of Music, lucky, none, disappointed, How nice! What a shame!Step4. Consolidation巩固 巩固1和3a的知识点。1. (通过师生问答,呈现并讲解系表结构。) Kangkang/excited Mr. Lee/disappointedT: Kangkang looks excited. What about Mr. Lee?S1: He feels disappointed.主 系表(让学生总结学过的系动词,教师板书,学习生词taste。)be, look, feel, sound, taste2. (给学生10分钟时间,完成2与3b的练习。)T: You have10 minutes to finish 2 and 3b.(教师板书答案。)2. (1) The woman is/looks/feels very worried and the boy is/looks/feels sad.(2) Michael is/looks so active/happy.(3) The teacher is/looks/feels angry and the student is/looks/feels afraid.(4) The girl is/looks/feels sad. (5) The man is/looks funny. 3b. How do the children look? They look happy.How does the music sound? It sounds wonderful.How do the people feel? They feel excited.Step5. Sum up 小结1. (1、让学生总结出系动词有哪些写出越多越好 。 2、让学生总结这一节出现的短语: 3. (让学生在1和3a中圈出系表结构的句型,核对并朗读。)T: Circle the sentences with “linking verb + adj” and read these sentences.Step6. Practice目标检测 比一比,看谁选得快: ( ) 1. How are you _? , thank you. A. going; Good B. getting; Better C. doing; Fine D. feeling; Nicely( ) 2. Your father helps me a lot. Please your father.A. say hello to B. say thanks to C. say sorry to D. say goodbye to( ) 3.lucy looked so when she heard the news. A. happy B. silly C. cruel D. sad( ) 4. -Who cooked the chicken? It so nice. -My mom. A. looks B. feels C. tastes D. sounds( ) 5. One of my friends from Fuzhou.A. is B. are C. comeD. amStep7配餐作业 1、根据今天所学短语say thanks to, invite sb. to do sth. one of, 造3个句子。 2、根据今天所学语法,造5个句子用系表结构。Step8.课后反思:


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