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INSTRUMENT SPECIALTY TERM TOOL 工具1. Multimeter n.物万用表 2. screwdriver 螺丝起子3. long nose plier 尖嘴钳4. wrench 扳手5. 手电筒 flashlight6. toolbox 工具箱7. bench 工作台8. vice, clamp 虎钳 (美作:vise)9. saw 锯10. electric hand drill 手电钻11.back saw blade 锯条12.bow saw 弓锯13.rcular saw 圆锯 (美作:buzzsaw)14.compass saw, scroll saw 钢丝锯15.file 锉16.ruler 尺17.tape measure 卷尺18.folding ruler 折尺19.vernier caliper 游标卡尺20. resistance box电阻箱21.signal generator信号发生器22.megameter 摇表23.current generator 电流发生器24.sandpaper, emery paper 砂纸25.spanner 扳子 (美作:wrench)26.double-ended spanner 双头扳子27.adjustable spanner, monkey wrench 活扳子,活络扳手28.box spanner 管钳子 (美作:socket wrench)29shears 剪子30.wire cutters 剪线钳31.hacksaw 钢锯32.soldering iron 焊铁,烙铁33.electric drill, power drill 电钻34.oxygen weld 氧气焊接, 气焊35.screwdriver螺丝刀.IN COMMON USE MATERIAL常用材料36.保险管 protective tube (fuse)37.rivet 铆钉38.screw 螺丝钉39.nut 螺母40.locknut 自锁螺母,防松螺母41.bolt 螺栓42.pin, peg, dowel 销钉43.washer 垫圈44.活接头 Tie-in45.压力表接头 pressure gauge tie-in 46.不锈钢管 stainless steel pipe 47紫铜管 red cooper pipe48.闸阀 Gate valve49.截止阀 stop valve50球阀 ball valve 51.黑胶布 Black rubberized fabric52.白胶布 White rubberized fabric53.白布带 White cloth tape54.透明胶带 scotch tape (adhesive tape)55.平行线 Equal wire,parallel56.多功能电源插座More functionelectrical outlet57.焊锡丝 soldering tin wire58.塑料带 Plastic tape59.四氟带 F.T.P.E tape60.毛刷 Brush61.螺纹松动剂 Screw loosening agent 62.粘合剂 Agglutinate glue63.胶水 GluewaterIN COMMON USE TERM 常用术语64.电磁阀, 电磁活门solenoid value65.pressure压力66.flow流量67.temperature 温度68.液位 level69.变送器 transducer70.继电器 rely71.孔板 orifice72.定位器 localizer 、positioner73.热电偶 thermocouple74.热电阻 Resistance Temperature Detector(RTD)75.三阀组 Manifold valve 76.控制阀 control valve77.量程 range78.零位 zero79.压力开关 pressureswitch80.interlock 连锁81.趋势 trend82.趋势记录 trendline record83.alarm record 报警记录84.自动 automatic85.手动 manual86.调整 adjust87.参数 parameter88.检查 check89.气动 pneumatic90.故障 fault 、failure91.停车 shut down92.显示 display93.位移 displacement94.振动 vibration95.组态 configuration96.电/气 electric pneumatic convertor97.测量 measure98正压阀 positive valve99负压阀 negative valve100.通讯 communication常用语句 IN COMMON USE SENTENCE 装探头调整至合适位置Adjust probe and justify it to a good position 拆卸检查控制阀 Demount and check control valve 拆除探头以免损坏 Demount probe to avoid demage 拆卸阀门定位器,校验控制阀 Demount valve positioner , calibrate control valve. 测量热电偶的输出毫伏制 Check thermocouple output millivolt 打开引压阀 Open instrument pressure first valve 关闭引压阀Close instrument pressure first valve 打开正压阀 Open positive valve 打开负压阀 Open negative valve10.关闭正压阀 Close positive valve11.关闭负压阀 Close negative valve12. 打开平衡阀 Open balance valve13. 打开放空阀Open exhaust valve14.灌隔离液Filling sealing liquid15.测量热电阻的阻值 Check RTD output resistance16.检查仪表零位 Check instrument zero position17.检查信号线的通断、绝缘 Check signal wire through or break and insulation.18.控制阀盘根漏,加盘根 The sealing carrier of Control valve leakage, add packing19控制阀不动作,检查执行机构 When control valve cant act,check actuating mechanism20.阀位变送器输出线性不好,调整零位及量程 Valve transducer output is nonlinear, adjust zero and range.21.引压阀漏,更换引压阀 Instrument pressure first valve leakage ,change it.22.平衡三阀组,检查仪表零位 Balancing manifold valve,check instrument zero.23.调出历史记录,查看趋势记录 Open history record , examine tendency chart.24.系统报警,按确认键并检查处理。 System alrm, press acknowledgement key ,check problem and treat.25.液位指示偏低,检查变送器 Level transmitter indication is lower,check it.26.温度指示跑零下,检查热偶是否接地, Temperature transmitter indication under zero,check it.27.润滑油油压低,引起压缩机跳闸。 Lube oil pressure is lower,so compressor shutdown28.压缩机轴温高,检查并处理。Compressor shaft temperature is high ,check and treat.29.变送器指示不准,需重新校验 Transmitter indication isnt right, needed anew calibration.30.用手操器对智能变送器进行参数设定。 Use communication HART writing parameter in intelligent transmitter.31.仪表引压管线打冲洗油 Washing instrument pressure pipe with oil.32.仪表引压管线堵 Instrument pressure pipe was jammed . 33.引压线凝,仪表指示偏低The object in instrument pressure pipe was coagulated, instrument indication is low.34.信号线接线端子可能接触不良。 Signal wire terminal is possible contact defective.35.检查仪表供电是否正常。 Check instrument power supply whether its normal.36. 检查仪表气源是否正常。Check instrument air supply whether its normal37.开机前,必须做连锁实验 Before start compressor, we must have interlock test38.处理参与连锁的仪表时,必须先摘除连锁。 When we dispose instrument that is concerned with interlock, we must release interlock at first.39.控制卡件故障,经检查已损坏,更换。 Cotrol module has a failure, after checking it has bad and change it.40.压缩机轴振动偏高,检查探头是否松动。 Compressor shaft vibration is high,check probe whether it become loose41.调整PID参数,使控制阀保持平稳。 Adjust PID parameter, made control valve holding stabilization.42.小心,不要损坏密封垫片。 Be careful ,dont destroy sealing gasket.43.测量值超程,更改量程范围。 Measure value over range, change measure range.44. 控制阀跑位,重新校验。 Control valve lost its position, needed anew calibration45.电液滑阀报警,检查处理。 Electro- hydraulic slide valve alarm,check and treat.46. 阀位回讯开关接触不良,处理。 Conrtol valve position switch contact isnt good ,treat it.47.校验压力开关,并安装起用。 Calibrate pressure switch , install and operate48.校验控制阀并填写校验记录。 Calibrate control valve and write calibration record.49.检查事故记录,分析停车原因。 Inspect event record , analyzing shutdown reason.50.检查热电偶、温度变送器。 Inspect thermocouple ,temperature transmitter.


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