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Entertainment and sports Words related to sports1. Events football, baseball, jog, golf, marathon relay race, tennis, ski basketball, badminton, bowling, boxing, volleyball, dive, skate, swim, gymnastics, chess, hurdles amateur, professional 2. People and places court, field, track, gym, pool, stadium, gymnasium athlete, captain, coach, judge, referee, audience gifted, athletic, competitive, in high spirits, tired 3. Activities take part in, participate, attend, be involved in competition, match, event, final, tournament, Olympics, sports meet compete, goal, score, beat, defeat, win, lose, go all out (to do/ for sth.), cheer, play, enjoy champion, medal, victory, prize, medal hold the record, break the record Complete the paragraph with the words just learned. In August, 2000, he joined the National Track and Field Youth Team. In 2002, he_ the gold_ in the mens 110m hurdles at the Asian Games and the Asian Championships. The next year, he_ (获第三)in the 60m hurdles at the World Indoor Championships in England. The most exciting moment came when at the Athens Olympic Games on August 27, 2004, he took the _ and put a Chinese name in the record books. Such success made him more confident, and hes now eyeing the 2012 _in London. 翻译句子1. 我们班在校运动会中获得第一名。因为全体同学都情绪高昂,为班级而奋力拼搏。 4. Benefits sports are a good combination of recreation and exercise playing sports is fun develop hand-eye coordination give the body a good exercise increase strength and burn calories relieve pressure and refresh the mind help build confidence lead to an improvement in the overall health improve quality of life help develop teamwork and leadership skills children who find passion in sports may hold on to this passion throughout life lead to a healthier and more successful future. promote friendship between nations remove prejudice and bias achieve social integration Team sports help children build confidence. Children can learn how to cooperate with teammates in the games. Children who find passion in sports may hold on to this passion throughout life. Team sports help children learn to be confident because getting involved in team sports they have reliable support. In other words, teammates look out for one another in a game, which helps a child build confidence. Whats more, children can learn how to cooperate with teammates in the games, and this contributes to the development of teamwork skills. Last but not least, children who find passion in sports may hold on to this passion throughout life, leading to a healthier and more successful future.5. Attitude Im a sports fan. I love most sports as both participant and spectator. I love doing sports. I enjoy all kinds of sports. I occasionally do . but I dont do any other sports. Words related to entertainment1. Music musician, band, orchestra, conductor, pianist, violinist, album, opera, tune, rhythm, live concert, audience 2. Types of music folk, country music, jazz, rock, light, classical, popular(pop), symphony 3. Benefits change your mood reduce stress, refresh takes away the effects of stress, depression and anxiety from a person bring a more positive state of mind you may imagine different things while listening to songs keep creativity and optimism levels higher ease muscle tension enhance exercise performance 4. Movie & television act, actor, actress, star, cast, director, producer screen, cinema, theater, film, movie, drama, TV program, channel, TV series, soap opera, variety show performance, plot, role, box office, studio, mass media popular pastime, draw in large audiences 5. Types of movies action, cartoon, comedy, musical, science, fiction, thriller, detective, romantic, horror, tragedy joy, sorrow, adventure, drama, action, fun, laughter, passion, romance Complete the paragraph with the words just learned. Marlon Brando is an excellent _and in On the Waterfront he gave his finest _. It was his best-known _. The _also included Eva Marie Saint and Karl Malden and the films _Elia Kazan, who had never made a better film. Parts of the movie were shot in the _ in Hollywood, but a lot was made on location in the streets of New York. Critics loved this movie, which also made a big profit a great and was considered a _ success as well. The _is about a young mans pursuit to be a boxing champion. 6. Review - critic boring, dull, violent, horrible humorous, magic, funny, powerful, interesting, moving, brilliant, entertaining be impressed by the best part is what I really enjoy is it tells a story about. the story is set in New York the story is based on. 翻译句子1. 每当圣诞季来临时,影迷就知道好电影会随之而来,今年也不例外。 2. 这部影片集悲、喜、冒险与友谊于一身。 7. Problems be concerned about, worry time-consuming violence, advertisement, commercial, mislead be dominated by various kinds of entertainment shows offer little beyond entertainment materialism and money worship 高考题目假设你将参加某英语杂志社开展的一次征文活动,征文的内容要求你在电视、手机(cell)和网络三者中,放弃其中一个并陈述理由。请你以Which would you give up: TV, cell, or Web? 为题,写一篇英语短文。 例文: TV is a wonderful invention, which brings the world into our sitting room. And it is the most popular pastime. However, worried about the quality of TV programs today, Id suggest that teenagers should give up TV. The first problem is that there is too much violence on the screen. It is a fact that many TV programs glorify violence, misleading the young. When teenagers watch these programs they may think violence is a good way to solve problems or even consider it fun. A second concern lies in shows that offer little beyond entertainment. The matchmaking programs, for example, have become the subject of much debate in China, which are criticized for advertising materialism and money worship. In a word, the quality of Chinese television programs should be improved to meet different audiences needs instead of existing to make profits. And before that happens, I believe teenagers should stay away from the TV set. 写作练习写一段话说明运动的必要性。 要求: 1.写出至少三条原因。 2.使用适当的连接词使文字连贯通顺。

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