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沪教版第六中学初中部2019-2020学年七年级上学期英语期中考试试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)下面全是元音字母的一组是 A . E, O, YB . A, R, UC . E, I, UD . I, U, Y2. (2分)The ID card is _ the backpack.A . inB . atC . forD . to3. (2分)Why dont you _ an English club to practice _English? A . to join;to speakB . join;speakingC . join;to speakD . to join;speaking4. (2分)Thats a girl. Her name is _. A . Wang XiaolingB . Wang Xiao LingC . Wang xiaolingD . Wang xiao ling5. (2分) How do you like this book? _.A . Its interestingB . It has a lot of picturesC . Its not mineD . Yes, I like it very much6. (2分)Look ! Theres _ football under the teachers desk. Lets play _ football, OK?A . /, /B . a, /C . a, theD . a, a7. (2分)The ruler is blue. Its blue ruler.A . a;/B . /;aC . a;aD . /;an8. (2分) The dress looks _ _ you. Really? Then Ill take it.A . nice; inB . nice; onC . ugly; inD . ugly; on9. (2分)Please come to the _ Sports Center. A . StudentsB . StudentsC . Studentss10. (2分)Where are pens? Are in the pencil box? A . my; theyB . I; theyC . yours; you二、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)11. (1分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。Yesterday was Lucys fathers birthdayIn the morning,Dad left1early and said he might get back lateDad is so2that he didnt remember his birthday, thought LucyAfter Dad left, Lucy decided to make a birthday cake3himShe thought it was a(n)4gift because it was a handmade(手工制作的)oneSoon she began to make it with her mothers5 Dad is heavy, so Lucy just put a little sugar(糖)in itTwo hours later, they made a great cake6you have anything to say to your father, you can make a birthday card and7it down on the card,said MomLucy thought her mothers8was good,and she made a cardDad came back at nightHe was happy to9the cake with a cardAnd the card read:Dad, you are so busy, but you have to keep a good living habitWe wish10healthyHappy birthday, Daddy!(1)A . home B . station C . shop D . school (2)A . lazy B . terrible C . busy D . interesting (3)A . for B . to C . from D . with (4)A . large B . delicious C . special D . expensive (5)A . work B . rule C . show D . help (6)A . But B . If C . After D . Because (7)A . take B . put C . let D . write (8)A . lesson B . stow C . idea D . question (9)A . find B . see C . cook D . know (10)A . her B . him C . me D . you 三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共48分)12. (10分)阅读理解 Lost: My new bike.Its red.My name is Jimmy.Please call me at 678-42190.Found: Is this your ring?Please call Betty.Phone number: 892-02311.Lost: My cup.My name is Bruce.Please call me at 708-52097.Found: Is this your bag?Please call David at 459-37820.(1)_ lost a bike. A . BettyB . JimmyC . BruceD . David(2)The _ is Bettys. A . ringB . bagC . cupD . bike(3)Jimmys new bike is_. A . RedB . WhiteC . BlackD . Green(4)You can call _ for the bag. A . BettyB . JimmyC . BruceD . David(5)Bruces phone number is _. A . 678-42 190B . 892-02311C . 708-52097D . 291-2084513. (2分) Growing mushrooms(蘑菇) is probably the easiest thing you can do even if you are new to mushroom growing. It is becoming more common because restaurants are starting to create more dishes that include mushrooms.Mushroom growing is easy. To start, you need to have a space where you are going to grow these mushrooms. It does not have to be a huge space but just enough for you to grow as many mushrooms as you need. When you have found the space perfect for you, you can start researching what kind of mushrooms you want to grow. There are a lot of mushrooms to choose from and not all of them are suitable to eat.When you decide what kind of mushrooms you want to grow, you can start getting ready to plant the mushrooms. Sometimes you may want to hire some workers to help if you have a large mushroom farm, or if you are trying to start a professional mushroom growing business. Trying to have a business by yourself can be stressful. If you dont have enough time to spend taking care of everything yourself, dome helpers may be the best choice.After you have started the mushroom growing, you should regularly check that your mushrooms grow properly and that they are not being attacked by any pesticides(农药) or any other animals or something that could be dangerous to them. That is the worst part of mushroom developing. Protect your mushroom farm well with a fence(围栏) or a gate so that only you and your workers can get in and out.Mushroom growing is not difficult and it is easy to get stared in the world of farming. You will soon possibly be able to provide some of the great cooks of the world with high quality mushrooms that will be enjoyed by thousands of people all over the world.(1)According to the passage, many people begin to plant mushrooms probably _.A . because they are in great needB . because they look very beautifulC . because they are healthy foodD . because they are very expensive(2)Which of the following is the right order of planting mushrooms?a. Choose suitable mushrooms.b. Protect your mushrooms well.c. Find some workers to help you.d. Start to grow the mushrooms.e. Find a place to plant your mushrooms.A . cadbeB . eacdbC . caebdD . eadbc(3)It can be inferred from the passage that _.A . pesticides can be used in mushroom growingB . anyone can produce high quality mushroomsC . after starting, you should always take care of the mushroomsD . having a mushroom business is not so difficult(4)The best title of the passage is _.A . Healthy mushroomsB . The value of mushroomsC . How to choose mushroomsD . Suggestions on growing mushrooms14. (10分)阅读理解 London is a famous city. It has a long history. Many people visit the beautiful city every year. There are many beautiful places. When you visit London, you must see these beautiful places. Buckingham PalaceDo you know who lives there? Of course, the queen lives there. It was built in 1703. After that, many buildings were built there. In the Palace, there are a lot of art works. The Palace is opened to public(公众)for two months each summer. Big BenIt is a very famous clock in London. It is on the tower. The tower is 320 feet high, and the clock is 23 feet wide. The minute hands are14 feet long. It was built in 1859. Tower Bridge It is Londons most famous landmark. Inside the twin towers, you can see the stories of the bridge. London ZooChildren must be interested in it! It was opened in 1828. It is one of the most famous zoos in the world. You can see 650 kinds of animals in the zoo. (1)When can people visit the Buckingham Palace? A . Each spring.B . Each summer.C . Each autumn.D . Each winter.(2)What can you see in the Tower Bridge? A . The stories of the bridge.B . Many animals.C . Some queens.D . The clock.(3)How old is London Zoo now? A . Nearly 160 years.B . Nearly 170 years.C . Nearly 180 years.D . Nearly 190 years.15. (1分)下面是5个学生遇到的难题,请把它们和某报刊编辑的建议配对。 某报刊编辑的建议:A. Dont worry. A lot of practice is the only way to become a good pianist. B. Try to tell your classmates that you need their friendship. C. When you feel angry, you should stop talking and become a good pianist. B. Try to tell your classmates that you need their friendship. C. When you feel angry, you should stop talking and walk away until you calm down. D. Dont worry. Everyone worries about their schoolwork Find a hobby or a sport to relax yourself. E. Let your parents know you will be lonely if you cant go out. Also, you can ask a teacher to talk to your parents about the after-school activities. (1)Sometimes I get angry easily and shout at my friends. That in akes them think Im not friendly. (2)Im new at this school. I have no friends. I always feel lonely. No classmates play with me after class. What should I do? (3)In my teachers eyes, Im a good student. But I often worry about my schoolwork. (4)I want to join in some after-school activities, but my parents think they are too dangerous and they dont let me go out alone. (5)My mother gets me to take piano lessons. She makes a rule that I must practice two hours a day. I really do my best, but still I cant play well. 16. (25分)第-是某游泳池有关安全事项的图标的说明。从AE中选出符合各说明的图标。 A. B. C. D. E. Have a shower before and after you use the pool. _Dont leave money or watches in the changing rooms. Put them in a locker. _Children under 14 can only use the pool with an adult. _No diving into the pool. _Be careful when you walk around the pool. Dont run. _四、 补全对话 (共1题;共1分)17. (1分)补全对话,每空一词。A:Good morning, boys and girls._names Rose Green. Whats _name?B:_Jim.A:Nice to meet you, Jim.B:Nice to meet you,_.A:Whats his name, please?B:_name is Bob. He is my good friend.A:And whats _name, please?B:Her name is Jenny.A:_she your good friend?B:Yes, _is.五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)18. (5分)假如你是李华,你的美国朋友Kate给你发微信邀请你本周某天放学后和她一起去商店买衣服。请你根据下面表格中的内容提示写一篇英语短文,告诉她你本周放学后的安排并和她商定见面时间。WhenWhat to doMondayhave a music lessonTuesdayplay table tennisWednesdayThursdaygo to Lindas birthday partyFriday要求:1)短文须包括表格中所有提示内容,也可适当发挥,以使行文连贯;2)词数60左右。第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共48分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、14-1、14-2、14-3、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、16-1、四、 补全对话 (共1题;共1分)17-1、五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)18-1、


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