新目标版(Go for it)2019-2020学年初中英语九年级全册Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to. 单元练习D卷.doc

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新目标版(Go for it)2019-2020学年初中英语九年级全册Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to. 单元练习D卷.doc_第1页
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新目标版(Go for it)2019-2020学年初中英语九年级全册Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to. 单元练习D卷.doc_第2页
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新目标版(Go for it)2019-2020学年初中英语九年级全册Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to. 单元练习D卷.doc_第3页
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新目标版(Go for it)2019-2020学年初中英语九年级全册Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to. 单元练习D卷一、 单选题 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)Please the water when you brush your teeth.A . turn downB . turn offC . turn onD . turn up2. (2分)Mum, can we have dinner now? Im hungry.Oh, we have dinner until your dad back.A . will, comeB . will not, will comeC . do not, will comeD . will not, comes3. (2分) How do you like the book? You mean the book _I bought yesterday? I havent finished it yet.A . whichB . whereC . whomD . what4. (2分)This machine, _ for many years, is still working perfectly.A . after which I have lookedB . which I have looked afterC . that I have looked afterD . I have looked after5. (2分)Everyone _ has been to Shanghai says it is a modern city.A . whyB . whoseC . whoD . which6. (2分)What kind of music do you like?I like music _ I can dance to.A . thatB . whenC . who7. (2分)(2017河南) I hate the dogs live in the next house. They make loud noises all night.A . whoB . thatC . whatD . whom8. (2分)The baby is sleeping. Please turn _ the radio. A . upB . downC . toD . on9. (2分)Mary, where do you work?I work in a company _ sells clothes.A . whereB . whatC . whoD . which10. (2分)Since several years ago, many supermarkets in China have _ free plastic bags.A . to stop providingB . to stop to offerC . stopped to provideD . stopped offering11. (2分) Which country has _population, America or China? China, of course.A . moreB . largestC . largerD . smaller12. (2分)Wow.another gift! Whats in the box? Im not sure. It be a pair of sports shoes.A . mustB . mayC . will13. (2分) How about Little Toms drawing? He can draw _. His drawings are very _.A . nice; niceB . well; niceC . good; wellD . well; well14. (2分)The child stopped talking and ran towards me as soon as he saw me.A . onB . ofC . to15. (2分)Tom and Tim are twins, but they look_.A . differentB . sameC . likeD . difference16. (2分)difficult questions the teacher is asking! Only a few students can answer them!A . What a.B . How aC . WhatD . How17. (2分)Linda won the maths competition yesterdayHer parents her A . are worried aboutB . are proud ofC . are patient withD . are careful with18. (2分)If you dont know how to spell a new word, youd better _ in a dictionary. A . look it overB . look it upC . look at itD . look for19. (2分)The paper is made _ wood and the desk is also made _ wood.A . of, fromB . of, ofC . from; ofD . from; from20. (2分) What do you think of the news?The news _ terrible. But we are _ in it.A . sound, interestedB . sounds, interestingC . sounds, interestedD . is sounding, interested二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)21. (15分)完形填空 Very long ago, there was a huge apple tree. Little Mark 1to play with him. The tree enjoyed spending with the little boy.Later, Mark joined school. 2several months, Mark came to the tree. He said3,My parents dont have money to buy toys for me. The tree replied, I dont have money to buy toys for you, 4you can pick my apples and sell them So Mark picked plenty of apples.The tree was looking forward to seeing Mark. However, he never returned for5years. The tree was sad and it did not 6any apples after that.After ten years, Mark returned7a young man. The tree asked Mark to play with him. Mark said, I am sorry I dont have time to play with you as I have to work. I want to8a house. Can you help me? The tree replied, Cut my branch(树枝) and get as much wood as you want. Mark started to cut the branches of the tree and left.After several years, Mark returned as a middle-aged man. The tree was happy. He said, Can you play with me now? Mark replied, I want to 9from heavy work. I need a boat to10to my places. The tree replied, I dont have a boat for you, but you can cut my trunk(树干)and make one .Mark cut the trunk of the tree and made a boat.After twenty years, Mark returned as an old man .The tree said, Now I have11to give you! Old Mark said, I just need rest. The tree said, Come to me, my dear! Hearing this old Mark smiled with12!This is a13story of everyone .When we are young, we need your parents support. As we grow old, we ignore(忽视) them and seldom14them. However, we ask for help15we want(1)A . used B . went C . came D . had (2)A . In B . After C . For D . By (3)A . happily B . loudly C . friendly D . sadly (4)A . and B . or C . but D . so (5)A . a few B . a little C . few D . little (6)A . make B . give C . produce D . bring (7)A . as B . like C . with D . for (8)A . buy B . borrow C . set D . build (9)A . come B . relax C . get D . cross (10)A . sail B . visit C . arrive D . leave (11)A . something B . anything C . everything D . nothing (12)A . fears B . tears C . pains D . worries (13)A . travel B . life C . health D . love (14)A . wait for B . look for C . care for D . ask for (15)A . whenever B . whatever C . wherever D . however 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共17分)22. (6分)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。Good morning. The program today is about music. The word music comes from the Greek word muse. The Muses are the goddesses of the arts. The Music is only one of the arts. It is like the spoken language, but it uses sounds. Todays program brings together music from different concerts of the world. Who invented music? Who sang the first song? No one knows exactly the answers to these questions. But we know that music plays an important part in almost everyones life. Babies and young children love to hear people singing to them. When they are a little older, they like to sing the songs they have heard. When children go to school, their world of music grows. In the middle grades, students take music lessons. When they reach high school, they become interested in listening to pop music.The records we have chosen for you today are from American country music, Indian music, pop music and so on. Music has meaning for everyone. It can make people happy or it can make them sad. In this program we shall study the language of music. We shall be trying to find out more about how music works. We shall try to find out how music says what people feel.Now, here comes the music today, I shall explain why they are all good music.(1)The first paragraph is mainly about the _. A . styles of musicB . history of musicC . taste of musicD . knowledge of music(2)Which is NOT the purpose of this music program? A . To study the language of music.B . To learn more about the music.C . To give a complete background to the music.D . To give people some music to listen to.(3)The speaker is probably_. A . a hostB . a singerC . a dancerD . a teacher23. (6分)阅读理解Characters: Peppa, George, Mummy Pig, Daddy PigSetting: Mummy Pig is working on her computer. Daddy Pig is making soup for lunch.Peppa: Daddy? Can we go and watch mummy on her computer?Daddy Pig: Yes, as long as you dont disturb her. She has a lot of important work to do today.Peppa: Thank you, Daddy!Peppa: (Peppa and George run into mummys room.) Mummy. Can George and I sit on your legs and watch you work?Mummy Pig: Yes, if you both sit quietly.Peppa: (Peppa and George watch mummy work on the computer for a while.) Mummy? Can we play that computer game Happy Mrs. Chicken?Mummy Pig: We can play Happy Mrs. Chicken later. But now I have to work.Peppa: Mummy? Can we help you work?Mummy Pig: No, Peppa! You mustnt touch the computer. And George, you mustnt touch the computer, either.Peppa: Yes, George. You mustnt do this (Peppa began to knock on the keyboard).Mummy Pig: Peppa, stop!Peppa: Sorry, Mummy. I was just showing George what not to do.Mummy Pig: Oh, dear. The computer doesnt work!(1)Where is Daddy Pig while Mummy Pig is working? A . In the living room.B . In the garden.C . On the balcony.D . In the kitchen.(2)From the script, we can know that Happy Mrs. Chicken is a . A . bookB . songC . cartoonD . game(3)Who made the computer stop working in the end? A . PeppaB . GeorgeC . Daddy PigD . Mummy Pig24. (5分)配对阅读,左栏是五个人的个人情况介绍,右栏是七位医生的介绍。请为每个人选择相应的医生。_Kent has endless work to do every day. He is under a lot of pressure and has trouble falling asleep at night._Tom is an eight-year-old boy with a sweet tooth and he has already had four bad teeth. His mom is worried about his toothache._Jack has been a heavy smoker for 20 years. He decided to give up smoking because a body check showed he had heart problems._Recently, Betty eats whatever she likes. She found herself putting on weight week by week but just cant stop eating._Gina has a high fever because of the flu she caught at school. Her headache is so terrible that she has to stay in bed at home.AFamous home and abroad, Dr. Grey is one of the top doctors in the field of heart diseases. He has published (发表) over 100 papers in the area and got years of experience in performing heart operations (手术).BDo you have problems with your teeth? Go to Dr. smiths. He is good at planting false (假的) teeth for people aged over 60. Nothing helps you feel better about yourself than to have perfect good teeth at an old age.CDr. Lee has got a doctors degree in traditional Chinese and Western medicine. She is good at using both to treat flu patients while reducing (减少) their pain caused by high fever and terrible coughs.DDr. Chen is well experienced in helping patients get good sleep. He not only gives his patients good medical care but also provides them with useful advice on how to relax from their busy work.EDr. Wright is always ready to offer help on eating problems. He believes each patient needs a different plan to control his or her diet. He has helped hundreds of over-weight patients back to normal.FNeed help to make your children control their love for candies? Perhaps Dr. King can help. He is one of the best dentists in the city, with great skills in fixing bad teeth and communicating with kids to win their trust.GDr. Yang has developed some new ways to help patients give up smoking and they are proved to be successful in treating heavy smokers. She also does well in treating diseases caused by long-term smoking.四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共10分)25. (10分)根据句子意思,用括号中所给的汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。When Li Na appeared, some of her fans jumped with _(excite).The second-hand smoke is also _to peoples health. (harm)Han Han is _known as a writer and a racing driver . (wide)Please check if the printer is_to the computer. (connect)My grandmother told me the sun _ in the east and sets in the west. (rise)Its difficult for a common young man to_to buy a flat in modern cities. (买得起)Shopping online is more and more popular among the young at_. (现在)Many rich Chinese families like to send their children to study _now. (国外)Youd better buy some _toys for your children as gifts during the festivals. (教育性的)They have a _ research about how to prevent AIDS. (far)五、 选词填空 (共1题;共4分)26. (4分)Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次。注意有一个多余选项):A.Monday B.sure of C.such D. biggest E. ThursdayThanksgiving Day is a big holiday in America. It falls on the fourth _in November. The day after Thanksgiving Day is Black Friday. It has become the _shopping day of the year in America. Why is it called Black Friday? How did it become _a big shopping day?In fact, nobody is _where the name comes from. Some people say the term Black Friday from Philadelphia in the 1960s. At that time, the police used the term to describe the traffic jam that happened on the day after Thanksgiving Day.第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共20题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)21-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共17分)22-1、22-2、22-3、23-1、23-2、23-3、24-1、四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共10分)25-1、五、 选词填空 (共1题;共4分)26-1、


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