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人称代词讲解 人称代词 I我 we我们 you你 you你们 he他 she她 it它 they他们她们它们 人称代词 I我 we我们 you你 you你们 he他 she她 it它 they他们她们它们 Iam我是Weare我们是Youare你是Youare你们是Heis Sheis Itis他 她 它是 Theyare 他们她们它们是 看看它们的缩写形式吧 Iam I mweare we reyouare you reyouare you retheyare they reheis he ssheis she sitis it sisnot isn tarenot aren tamnot永远没有缩写形式 I we me us you you you you he she it him her it them they 形容词行物主代词 my our your your his her its their 主格 在句子中做主语 用在动词之前 be动词 am is are have has like Ihaveabike Weareahappyfamily Shelikesplayingbasketball 宾格 在句子中做宾语 用在动词或介词之后 Showmethatjacket Letuschant Theboyisme Theyloveus Thehatisforhim 形容词性物主代词具有形容词的特性 常放在名词前面作定语 表明该名词所表示的人或物是 谁的 1 形容词性物主代词相当于形容词 在句中只能用作定语 后面必须跟名词 例如 Isthatyourbike 那是你的自行车吗 2 如果名词前用了形容词性物主代词 就不能再用冠词 a an the 指示代词 this that these those 等修饰词了 例如 这是他的书桌 误 Thisishisadesk 正 Thisishisdesk 3 与形容词一起修饰名词时 形容词性物主代词要放在形容词的前面 如 hisEnglishbooks他的英语书 theirChinesefriends他们的中国朋友 4 汉语中经常会出现 我妈妈 你们老师 等这样的语言现象 虽然代词用的是 我 你们 但实际意义仍是 我的 你们的 所以在英译时 注意要用形容词性物主代词 my your 例如 你妈妈在家吗 误 Isyoumotherathome 正 Isyourmotherathome 5 it s与its读音相同 he s与his读音相似 但使用时需注意它们的区别 it s和he s分别是itis和heis的缩略形式 但its和his却是形容词性物主代词 例如 It sabird ItsnameisPolly 它是一只鸟 它的名字叫波利 He sastudent Hismotherisateacher 他是一名学生 他妈妈是一位教师 代词练习题 一 用人称代词代替下列各词或划线部分 1 Mr Li2 heruncle3 MissLiu4 myfamily5 mycousinandI6 ourpencils7 itstail8 hisgrandmother9 yourT shirt10 Bob11 theirpears12 thepark13 Jenny14 theanimals15 mymotherandfather he she they they it it they he she it they they she it he we 1 Thisisn t knife she 2 Theseareyourbooks Kate Put inthedesk please they 3 WeiFang isthat ruler Yes itis you 4 It sLinTao sbag Giveitto he Don tworry Let I help you 二填入正确的人称代词和物主代词 her them your him me you 6 isaboy nameisMike Mike sfriendslike verymuch he 7 Mysisterisin room isateacher she 8 Janeisalittlegirl motherisanurse she his He him her She Her 9 Myfatherandmotherareteachers arebusy them They 演练场 1 What s telephonenumber It s8265 3412 youB yourC my 2 IsheLiPing Yes A I mB he sC heis 3 Whatarethese aredesks A ThisB ThoseC TheyD It 4 Who sthat Kangkang Mary That sB She sC He sD They re 5 Arethosebooks Yes A theyareB theyaren tC thoseareD thosearen t 6 Isthatanorange It sanapple A YesB NoC ItisD Itisn t 7 What s overthere 在那边 It sabus A theseB thoseC thisD that Thisis my I mother 2 Nicetomeet your you 3 He His nameisMark 4 What s she her name 5 Excuse me my I 6 Are your you MissLi 7 I My amBen 8 She Her ismysister 9 Fine thank your you 10 Howoldis he his exercises 用所给代词的正确形式填空 1 Theseare he brothers 2 Thatis she sister 3 Lilyis Lucy sister 4 Tom thisis me cousin Mary 5 Now herparents areinAmerica 6 Those child are I father sstudents my her Lucy s my they children his exercises 7 Doyouknow it name 8 MikeandTom be friends 9 Thanksforhelping I 10 Ann安 motheris we teacher Its are me Ann s our


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