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被打的豆豆 被动语态讲解 遥远的小岛上 住着一个倒霉蛋 它叫豆豆 那里的人只有三件事要忙 吃饭 睡觉 打豆豆 你看 它总是被打 还不知道是谁打的 Doudouisalwaysbeatenbysomeone 昨天晚上 夜黑风高 它又被打了 Doudouwasbeatenyesterdayevening 明天 豆豆还会面临n顿暴打 可怜的豆豆啊 Tomorrow Doudouwillbebeatenseveraltimes 可怜的豆豆 已经被这样打了很多年 命运一直没有改变 PoorDoudouhasbeenbeatenformanyyears 我们亲爱的豆豆现在在干嘛 不用问 一定是正在被打 Ourdeardoudouisbeingbeatennow 随时可能被打的豆豆啊 谁来救救它啊 PoorDoudoumaybebeatenanytime 语法精讲 被动语态 被动语态的基本构成 be 动词的过去分词 be done 1 一般现在时am is are done Wecleantheclassroomeveryday Theclassroomiscleanedbyuseveryday Heputonacoat Acoatwasputonbyhim 2 一般过去时was were done Hemadethekite Thekitewasmadebyhim 3 一般将来时shall will begoingto bedone Theywillplanttreestomorrow TreeswillbeplantedbythemtomorrowHeisgoingtowritealettertohismother Aletterisgoingtobewrittentohismotherbyhim 4 现在完成时has have beendone Jimhasfinishedthework TheworkhasbeenfinishedbyJim 5 含有情态动词的被动语态 can may must should bedone Icanfindhim Hecanbefoundbyme 被动语态的用法 1 不知道动作的执行者是谁 这块手表是中国制造的 2 没有必要指出动作的执行者 每年都应该种更多的树 ThiswatchismadeinChina Manytreesshouldbeplantedeveryyear 3 需要强调或突出动作的承受者 世界上越来越多的人说汉语 4 句子的主语是动作的承受者 许多房屋被冲走了 Chineseisspokenbymoreandmorepeopleintheworld Manyhouseswerewashedawaybytheflood 主动语态变被动语态的方法 主语 宾语 主动语态 动作的执行者 谓语动词的主动形式 动作的承受者被动语态 动作的承受者 谓语动词的被动形式 动作的执行者 主语 宾语 说明 1 要将主动句里的宾语变为被动句中的主语 若主动句中的宾语为人称代词 要将宾格变成主格 2 把主动句中的主语变为被动句中的宾语 主格变宾格 并由by引导 3 谓语动词变成相应的被动形式 主动语态变被动语态应注意的问题1 把主动语态变为被动语态时 应保留主动语态原来的时态 如 Sheoftencleansthehouse Thehouseisoftencleanedbyher 2 有些动词可以有双宾语 在用于被动结构时 通常变为主语的是间接宾语 sb Hismothergavehimapresentforhisbirthday Hewasgivenapresentbyhismotherforhisbirthday 3 当 动词 宾语 宾语补足语 结构变为被动语态时 将宾语变为被动结构中的主语 其余不动 Someonecaughttheboysmokingacigarette 香烟 Theboywascaughtsmokingacigarette 4 在使役动词have make get以及感官动词see watch notice hear feel observe等变为被动结构时 要加to Someonesawastrangerwalkintothebuilding Astrangerwasseentowalkintothebuilding 5 有些相当于及物动词的动词词组 如 动词 介词 动词 副词 等 也可以用于被动结构 但要把它们看作一个整体 不能分开 其中的介词或副词也不能省略 ThemeetingistobeputofftillFriday 补充部分 1 主动结构表被动意义 某些可用来表示主语内在品质或性能的不及物动词 如sell write wash clean last 耐久 wear 耐穿 它们的主语为物 可以用主动语态表被动意义 Thiskindofshirtsellswell 2 look sound taste smell等系动词用主动表被动意义 例 Itsmellswonderful Mooncakestastedelicious 3 在beworthdoing中 doing表被动意义 例 Thisbookisworthreading 4 want need require doing want need require tobedone例 Mybikeneedsrepairing Mybikeneedstoberepaired 我的自行车需要修理 5 动词不定式的主动形式表示被动意义 不定式作定语与被修饰的名词或代词构成动宾关系时 如 我有许多事情要做 他有几项任务要完成 Ihavealotofthingstodo Hehasseveraltaskstocomplete 2 在 系动词 形容词 不定式 结构中 常见句型有 n be too adj todo Theplaneistoohightosee 2 n be adj enough todo Thebookischeapenoughformetobuy 3 n be adj todo Thequestionisnoteasytoanswer 课堂练习 一 改写句子1 Weplanttreesinspringeveryyear byusinspringeveryyear 2 Shepostedtheletteryesterday byheryesterday 3 MrTurnergavemeabirthdaypresent abirthdaypresentbyMrTurner 5 Youmayhandinyourhomeworktomorrow byyoutomorrow 6 Sheisgoingtowritealetter byher Treesareplanted Theletterwasposted Iwasgiven Yourhomeworkmaybehandedin Aletterisgoingtobewritten 7 Ihavegivenyouthenewbook toyou 8 Herbagcannotbefoundbyher herbag 9 DoyouoftenhearhersingRussiansongs Russiansongsbyyou 10 Shedoesn tlethersonswimintheriver intheriverbyher 11 Thebridgewasbeingbuiltbythematthistimelastyear thebridgeatthistimelastyear 12 Doessheoftensingthesong byher Thenewbookhasbeengiven Shecannotfind Issheoftenheardtosing Hersonisn tlettoswim Theywerebuilding Isthesongoftensung 1 Ifcitynoises fromincreasing people shouttobeheardevenatdinner A arenotkept willhavetoB arenotkept haveC donotkeep willhavetoD donotkeep haveto2 Thefifthgenerationcomputers andperfectednow A developedB havedevelopedC arebeingdevelopedD willhavebeendeveloped3 thesportsmeetmightbeputoff Yes italldependsontheweather A I vebeentoldB I vetoldC I mtoldD Itold A C A 4 Ineedonemorestampbeforemycollection A hascompletedB completesC hasbeencompletedD iscompleted5 Rainforests andburnedatsuchaspeedthattheywilldisappearfromtheearthinthenearfuture A cutB arecutC arebeingcutD hadbeencut6 Thenewbridge bytheendoflastmonth A hasbeendesignedB hadbeendesignedC wasdesignedD wouldbedesigned7 Whenpartofapencilisinaglassofwater itlooksasifit A breaksB hasbrokenC wasbrokenD hadbeenbroken D C B C 8 Greatchanges inthecity andalotoffactories A havebeentakenplace havebeensetupB havetakenplace havebeensetupC havetakenplace havesetupD weretakenplace weresetup9 Thatsuit over60dollars A hadcostedB costedC iscostedD cost10 Look Everythinghereisunderconstruction What stheprettysmallhousethat for A isbeingbuiltB hasbeenbuiltC isbuiltD isbuilding11 Doyoulikethecloth Yes it verysoft A isfeelingB feltC feelsD isfelt B D A C 12 Itisdifficultforaforeigner Chinese A writeB towriteC tobewrittenD written13 Ihavenomoreletters thankyou A totypeB typingC tobetypedD typed14 Takecare Don tdroptheinkonyourshirt forit easily A won twashoutB won tbewashedoutC isn twashedoutD isn twashingout15 Nobodynoticedthethiefslipintothehousebecausethelightshappenedto A beputupB giveinC beturnedonD goout B C A D 16 Thecomputersonthetable ProfessorSmith A belongsB arebelongedtoC belongstoD belongto17 Whatdoyouthinkofthebook Oh excellent It sworth asecondtime A toreadB tobereadC readingD beingread18 Thesquirrelwasluckythatitjustmissed A catchingB tobecaughtC beingcaughtD tocatch19 Thispageneeded again A beingcheckedB checkedC tocheckD tobechecked20 manytimes theboystilldidn tknowhowtodoit A HavingtaughtB HavingbeentaughtC taughtD Teaching D C C D B


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