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六年级英语pep上册期中复习试题 二 一 选择正确答案1 I mgoingto treesthisweekend A plantB takeC go2 I beateacher A wantB amgoingC wantto3 UsuallyIgotoschoolonfoot myhomeisnear A andB butC because4 Iliveonthe floor A fiveB 5C fifth5 whatareyougoingtodo Saturdaymoning A atB onC in6 I mgoingtothesupermarket mybrother A withB togetherC and7 What Amygoingtodothisevening A doesB doingC is8 where sthehospital It s thecinema A frontB mextC nextto9 InChina driversdriveonthe sideoftheroad A rightB leftC Right10 Thankyoufor here A comeB comingC comes 11 I mgoingtothesupermarket theweekend A inB onC at12 Myhomeis A nearB nearlyC nextto13 LiYanggoestoschool foot A onB inC by14 Thereisastampshow themuseum A onB inC at15 Thepostoffficeisin frontoftheschool A theB C a16 isthelibrary A WhereB WhichC What17 Iwantto adoctor A isB amC be18 Myuncle goingtoBeijingthisweekend A aB isC are19 Iwillgotoschool mysister A withB andC of20 I mgoingto GreatWall A aB theC 二 Readandmatch 从右栏中找出左栏中句子的答语并连线 1 Howdoyougotothelibrary A YoucangobytheNo 12bus 2 CanIgoonfoot B No it snotfar 3 HowcanIgettothezoo C Sure ifyoulike 4 Isitfarfromhere D It snexttothehopital 5 Whereosthecinema E UsuallyIgobybus 6 Whatareyougoingtodo F Iamgoingat2o clock 7 CanIhelpyou G I mgoingtothecinema 8 Whenareyougoing H Yes Iwanttobuyabook 9 Doyouhavecomicbooks I I mgoingtobeadoctor 10 Whatareyougongtobe J Yes Heretheyare 三 Readandfindout 华佗在世 请为下列句子诊断并开出药方 1 Lookoutthetrafficlight 2 Whatdowegotothepark 3 It sanredlight 4 Nowletmetellyouhowcome 5 Getoffinthepostoffice 四 Readandwrite 对话线部分提问 1 IgototheUSAbyplane gototheUSA 2 Thecinemaiseastofthebookstroe thecinema 3 I mgoingtobuyanEnglishbook goingto 4 I mgoingtothesuperkarket going 5 I mgoingtothebookstoreat3o clock goingtothebookstore 五 Makesentences 排列顺序 使其成为通顺的一句话 1 tomorrowgoingtoyoudoWhatare2 righttheonItis3 postofficeamgoingItheto4 homeMyhospitalnearisthe5 HowgettocanIbookstorethe6 minutesforstraightwalkYouthreecan7 postofficemuseumnextisthetoThe8 theWherebookstoreis9 cinemaIttheofiseastthe10 gocanNo 8Youthebustakethereto 六 Readandchoose用适当的疑问词填空 WhoWhereWhenWhatHow1 areyougoingonNationalHoliday ToHainan 2 areyougoingtoShanghai NextMonday 3 areyougoingwith Withmyparents 4 areyougoingtoBeijing Byplane 5 areyougoingtodothisevening WatchTV 七 Let sread 阅读理解 一 MybusyweekendHi I mWuYifan I mgoingtohaveabusyweekend OnSaturday myfatherisgoingtobuysomenewspapers Mymotherisgoingtogoshopping I mgoingtovisitmyfriend Mike OnSunday myfatherisgoingtoreadamagazine MymotherisgoingtowatchTVI mgoingtothebookstore I mgoingtobuysomecomicbooks Afterthatwearegoingtothecinema Thisismybusyweekend Iamveryhappyontheweekend 阅读短文判断正 T 误 F 1 WuYifan sfatherisgoingtobuyadictionaryonSaturday 2 HismotherisgoingtogoshoppingonSunday 3 WuYifanisgoingtovisithisfriendonSunday 4 HismotherisgoingtowatchTVonSaturday 5 WuYifanisgoingtobuysomecomicbooksonSunday 二 John Whatareyougoingtodothisweekend WuYifan I mgoingtovisitmygrandparents John Howdoyougetthere WuYifan Igettherebysubway John Wheredotheylive WuYifan Theirhomeosnexttothesupermarket Iturnleftatthetrafficlightsinfrontofthebusstop thengostraight Theirhomeisontheleft John I mgoingtothesupermarketthisafternoon Iwanttobuysomefood Let sgotogether WuYifan OK Seeyouat2 00o clock John Seeyouthen A 判断对 T 错 F 1 WuYifanisgoingtovisithisaunt 2 WuYifanisgoingbybus 3 Johnisgoingtothesciencemuseum 4 JohnandWuYifanaregoingtogether 5 WuYifan sgrandparentslivenexttothesupermarket B 根据短文内容回答以下问题 1 WhatisWuYifangoingtodothisweekend 2 Howishegoing 3 WhereisJohngoing 4 WhatisJohngoingtobuy 5 Whenaretheygoing 二 John Whatareyougoingtodothisweekend WuYifan I mgoingtovisitmygrandparents John Howdoyougetthere WuYifan Igettherebysubway John Wheredotheylive WuYifan Theirhomeosnexttothesupermarket Iturnleftatthetrafficlightsinfrontofthebusstop thengostraight Theirhomeisontheleft John I mgoingtothesupermarketthisafternoon Iwanttobuysomefood Let sgotogether WuYifan OK Seeyouat2 00o clock John Seeyouthen B 根据短文内容回答以下问题 1 WhatisWuYifangoingtodothisweekend 2 Howishegoing 3 WhereisJohngoing 4 WhatisJohngoingtobuy 5 Whenaretheygoing 八 用英语写一写你的周末计划 不少于八句话 MyWeekend PEP小学六年级上册英语练习题一 选择题1 Myhomeisnear Igotoschoolonfoot A UsuallyB SometimesC Never2 Let s tothesupermarket A goB comeC going3 Myclassroomisonthe floor A fiveB fifthC fiveth4 InEngland driversdrive theroad A ontherightsideofB ontheleftsideofC inthemiddleof5 doyougotoschool A WhatB WhereC How6 HowcanI themuseum AgetonB getoffC getto7 Let dgoto parkthisafternoon A theB aC 8 Igetthere subway A byB onC with9 Igettothezoo Youcangobybus A HowB HowcanC Howmuch10 I gotoschoolbyplane A someB alwaysC never11 lightmeanswait A RedB YellowC Green12 Howdo gotothepark A sheB weC he13 thetrafficrules A NovemberB DecemberC Remember 二 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1 CanI go onfoot 2 Youcangoby theNo No the 12bus 3 Mymother be ateacher 4 Amy go toschoolbybike 5How do yourfathergotowork 6 Myparents go toworkbybus 7How do ourChineseteachergotoschool 8 Greeenlight mean Go 9 Youmust know thetrafficrules 10 Therearealwaysthree light 三 连词成句1 youtodogohowschool 2 No 102cantheyoubustake 四 填空1 yourmothergotowork She bybus 2 How yourbrothergotoschool Myhomeis theschool hegoestoschoolonfoot he bybike 3 Wemustknowthe ataredlight atayellowlight Go a light 4 Therearealwaysthreelightsineverycountry and 五 按要求改写句子 1 Wecangototheparkonfoot 改成否定句 2 Iamgoingtoseeapictureshow 改成一般疑问句 3 DriversdriveontheleftsideinEngland 改成一般疑问句 4 Myhomeisfarfromhere 用Where提问 5 Igototheshoponfoot 用how提问 6 YoucangobytheNo 15busthere 对划线部分提问


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