七年级英语下册 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar Section B课件2 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

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七年级英语下册 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar Section B课件2 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar Section B课件2 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第2页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar Section B课件2 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
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Unit1 Canyouplaytheguitar Unit1 SectionB3a SelfCheck begoodwith 2 makefriends 3 helpsb withsth Makesentenceswiththephrases I mgoodwitholdpeople Doyouliketomakefriends Iwanttohelphimwithhissports 4 ontheweekend 5 also 6 call at 7 playthepiano Let splaychessontheweekend Hissistercanalsoplaythedrumswell PleasecallMrBushat347 9621 Canyoursisterplaythepiano Tellsomethingaboutyourself Myname sJack Iliketoplaysports Icanplaysoccer Icanplayvolleyball Icanplaybasketball Icanplaytennis Icanplayping pong Ilikemusic Icanplaytheguitar Icanplaytheviolin Icanplaythepiano Icanplaythedrums It syourturnnow Completetheadwiththewordsinthebox 3a guitarcancalldancemusicplay MusicianWantedforSchoolMusicFestivalDoyoulike Canyousingand Canyou thepianoortheviolin Canyouplaythe orthedrums Thenyou beinourschoolmusicfestival Please Mr Zhangat622 6033 思路指导 首先 应通读广告及所给选项单词 掌握大意 由本文的题目 为学校音乐节招聘音乐家 可知第一空格处应为 音乐 之意 第二 三及四空格处为与音乐相关活动 演奏某种乐器为 playthe 乐器 最后一句为学校的联系方式 可知为 call at 电话号码 结构 guitarcancalldancemusicplay MusicianWantedforSchoolMusicFestivalDoyoulike Canyousingand Canyou thepianoortheviolin Canyouplaythe orthedrums Thenyou beinourschoolmusicfestival Please Mr Zhangat622 6033 music dance play guitar can call Answers Thenyoucanbeinourschoolmusicfestival 那么你就可以参加我们的学校音乐节了 can是情态动词 其后面要跟动词的原形形式 而be就是am is are的原形形式 如 Theycanbeinthesoccerclub 他们可以参加足球俱乐部 Canshebeinthelibrary 她可能会在图书馆吗 Languagepoints Makeaposter Askforhelpwithaneventatyourschool 3b 你们学校的体育俱乐部招聘一位体育老师来帮助学生练习体育运动 请你来写一个招聘广告 要求 擅长与孩子们交往 会多种体育项目 打电话337 6013联系吴老师 P E TeacherwantedfortheSchoolSportsClub 写作指导根据前面学过的招聘信息 我们可以用一般疑问句提出要求 让应聘者了解信息 根据提示信息 可知应聘者应喜欢孩子 热爱体育 会多种体育项目 最后 说明学校联系方式 Doyoulikesports Areyougoodwithchildren Weneedhelpwithsportsinthesportsclubinourschool Canyouswim Canyouplayvolleyballortennis Canyouplaybasketballorsoccer ThenyoucanaP E teacherinourschool CallMrWuat337 6013 P E TeacherwantedfortheSchoolSportsClub 示例 Guesswhathe shecando LinTaoisgoodatsports Whatcanhedo Canyouguess Hecanplaybasketball Hecan swim playping pong playtennis playsoccerandplayvolleyball Jennyisgoodatlanguages Whatcanshespeak Canyouguess Shecanspeak English Chinese JapaneseandFrench Shecansing Shecan Lindaisgoodatmusicandarts Whatcanshedo Canyouguess draw dance playtheguitar playtheviolin playthepianoandplaythedrums Graceisgoodatmanythings Whatcanshedo Canyouguess 从前 在森林里有一个 Shecan helpwitholdpeople helpwithmom tellstories helpwiththecat helpwithmath helpwithsports Addasmanywordsasyoucantomakephrases playthedrums speakEnglish helpwithmath begoodwitholdpeople Chinese Japanese French thepiano theguitar theviolin Chinese sports music science history physics children kids students Whatcanyoudo Whatyourfamilymembersdo Makeasurvey Canyou Yes Ican No Ican t Report Hello everyone I m Ican butIcan t Mymomcan and butshecan t Mydadcan buthecan t Mysistercan butshecan t Thentrytomakeareporttoyourclass 1 Doyouliketomakefriends 2 Canyouplaythepiano 3 Canyoudadplaytheviolin 4 Whatcanyourmomdo 5 Areyoufreethisweekend 一 根据实际情况回答 Yes Ido No Ican t Yes hecan Shecanplaythedrums Yes Iam 二 写出句子 注意标点和大写字母 1 chess to you like play do 2 you can the play piano 3 you club our be music in can then Doyouliketoplaychess Canyouplaythepiano Thenyoucanbeinourmusicclub 4 is old good Linda people with 5 help can with your and music English I 6 tell his draw can t or stories brother IsLindagoodwitholdpeople IcanhelpwithyourEnglishandmusic Hisbrothercan tdrawortellstories 三 选词补全招聘广告 Helpforkids 儿童 Areyougood kids Doyouliketo gameswithkids Doyoulikemusic Doyoulike Canyoudraw playchess Canyousingor Canyoutell PleasecometotheChildren s MsBlackat578 3210 with play sports or stories dance or sports with Call stories play dance Center Center Call 华美外国语学校招聘一位体育老师来教讲英语的孩子们体育 请写一则广告 要求 会说英语 擅于与孩子们交往 喜欢与孩子们交朋友 会几种体育项目 P E Teacherwanted Seeyounexttime


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