七年级英语下册《Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town Integrated skills》课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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七年级英语下册《Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town Integrated skills》课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt_第1页
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七年级英语下册《Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town Integrated skills》课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt_第3页
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Integratedskills theGreatWall ChinaScienceandTechnologyMuseum ChinaSpaceMuseum thePalaceMuseum TaihePalace ZhonghePalace BaohePalace HuangjiPalace FengxianPalace 奉先殿 皇极殿 TaihePalace 太和殿 ZhonghePalace 中和殿 BaohePalace 保和殿 HuangjiPalace 皇极殿 FengxianPalace 奉先殿 goldenthrone 金色宝座 emperor worksofart Chinesepaintings 中国画 clocks watches TheShowsatthePalaceMuseum CometothePalaceMuseum Therearemanythingstoseehere Don tmissthem TaihePalace thegoldenthroneBaohePalace worksofartHuangjiPalace Chinesepaintings andmanymoreYoucanlearnallaboutChina shistoryatthemuseum A2 10 00a m thegoldenthrone 10 30a m worksofart 11 00a m worksofart 1 00p m Chinesepaintings 2 30p m clocksandwatches HelpNeilunderlinethemistakesandcorrectthem 1 SeethegoldenthroneinTaihePalaceat10 00pm 2 GotoZhonghePalaceat10 13a m 3 GotoHuangjiPalacetoseeworksofartat11a m 4 SeeChinesepaintingsinBaohepalaceat1p m 5 SeeclocksandlampsinFngxianPalaceat2 30p m 10 00am 10 30 BaohePalace Huangjipalace watches A4 Fillintheblanks DearMum IamhappyinBeijingtodaybecauseIvisitedthe Itisveryfamous Ithaslotsofpalacesandinterestingthingsthere TaihePalaceisthehighestpalace Itisabout27metreshigh Thethroneisinthispalace Itiswonderful ThereareniceofartinZhonghePalaceandBaohePalace InHuangjiPalace IsawsomeChinese TherearesomeclocksandinFengxianPalace PalaceMuseum tosee golden works paintings watches Itisagreatdaytoday IlearnalotaboutthehistoryofChinaatthemuseum IfyouvisitBeijingnexttime don tmissit Bestwishes Neil 1 Whenandwherewilltheymeet TheywillmeetinfrontofNeil shotelat8 30a m tomorrowmorning Speakup SimonisinvitingNeiltoBeihaiPark Listentotheirconversationandanswer Whatcantheydointhepark HowfaristheparkfromNeil shotel Theycanrowaboatonthelake It sabout40minutesbybus Makeanewdialogue A Wouldyouliketo B OK Whatcanwedothere A Wecan B That sgreat Whattimeandwhereshallwemeet A Let smeet B That sfine Howfarisitfrom A It sabout B OK We llhaveagoodtimethere 1 在故宫的一天2 不要错过他们3 金色宝座4 艺术品5 中国画 adayatthePalaceMuseum Don tmissthem thegoldenthrone worksofart Chinesepaintings Translatethephrases 6 还有很多7 划船8 在你的旅馆前面9 有许多东西可以看10 全面了解中国的历史 manymore rowaboat infrontofyourhotel Therearemanythingstosee learnallaboutChina shistory 1 Recitethedialogue 2 Finishtheexercisesintheworkbook Homework Thankyou


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