七年级英语下册 Unit 6 Outdoor fun Revision课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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Unit6Outdoorfun Revision 词汇 户外的 户外乐趣 outdoorfun outdooractivities outdoor 户外运动 反义词 indoor 骑 ride rode whole hole 洞 过去式 同音词 过去式 hit hit 击中 low 低的 矮的 high 反义词 anoutdoorswimmingpool 一个户外游泳池 通过 经过 passby 经过 pass walk gopast passtheexam 通过考试 反义词 fail fail todo sth 做 某事失败 Thelittlegirlfailedtoclimbuptothetopofthehill Shefailedtheexam 这小女孩没能爬到山顶 她考试没通过 fall 掉落 fell locked 锁着的 形容词 名词 lock 动词 锁上 belocked 瞧 所有的门锁着 Allthedoorsarelocked Pleasekeepthedoor He hisdoornow 过去式 locked islocking 觉察到 注意到 感官动词 通知 名词 notice notice 注意到某人正在干某事 注意到某人干了某事 noticesb dosth noticesb doingsth Thereisanoticeonthewall 墙上有一张通知 我每天注意到他步行进入这家超市 今天早晨8 00我注意到我父亲看报 Inoticedmyfatherreadingnewspapersat8 00thismorning Inoticehimwalkintothesupermarketeveryday 注意 相同用法的动词有see notice watch hear see notice watch hearsb doingsth 意为 看见某人在做某事 强调某一刻 看到某人正在做某事 常有时间状语when Atthatmoment justnow then onone sway justnowsee hear watch noticesbdosth 看见 听见某人做过某事 强调看到全过程或连续动作过程 常有时间状语 often usually everyday 注意 1 Ioftenseeher run inthepark 2 WhenIpassedtheclassroom Iheardagirl sing init 3 Atthatmoment IsawAlice run acrossthefield 4 Iwatchedthem play footballontheplaygroundthistimeyesterday run singing running playing 走过森林 穿过 across 横穿 through 从空间穿过 介词 介词 gothroughthedoor walkthroughtheforest 穿过那道门 Thesunlightcomes theglass Beforegoing theroad youshouldlookleftfirstandthenright Canyouswim theriver Itrytogetintotheroom thewindowbecauseIcan topenthedoor Thetigerisjumping theburningring through through through across across excite exciting excited adj 表示 兴奋的 指人 表示 令人兴奋的 使人激动的 指事 It snothingtoget about I vegotan pieceofwork Areyou aboutgoingtoBeijing Hetoldusan storyyesterday WhentheysawJackieChen Theyallshouted excited exciting excited exciting excitedly interestinterestinginterestedsurprisesurprisingsurprisedAmazeamazingamazed 类似的词 become befamousfor 变得 变成 成为 变得 因 而著名 联系动词 becomeaverypopularoutdooractivity 成为一种流行的户外运动 成为一名医生 becomeadoctor become 名词 形容词 become 用法 变胖 becomefat 刘诗雯因打乒乓球而出名 LiuShiwenisfamousforplayingtabletennis alittle little用在不可数名词之前 afew few 用在可数名词复数之前 afew alittle表肯定 一点 一些 few little表否定 几乎没有 一点 少许 alittle little alittle few afew的区别 注意 Thereis waterintheglass Let sgoandgetsome Westillhave applesinthebasket Youdon thavetobuyany Iamnewhere SoIhave friendshere Thereis moneyinmypocket soIcan tbuyanythingnow I m thirsty CanIgetsomethingtodrink mom Thetwinscanspeakonly French 注意 little alittle也可 形容词 alittlefat 如 有点胖 little little alittle afew few alittle decidetodosth 决定做某事 enterthegarden enter 进入 gointo 进入花园 决定 decide remember forgettodosth 忘记 forget 记住 忘记去干某事 不要忘记关灯 Don tforgettoturnoffthelight 反义词 remember Remember forgettoturnoffthelight 太 而不能做某事 be 形容词 enoughtodosth 足够 去干某事 be too 形容词 todosth Heistooexcitedtosayaword 他太激动了 说不出话来 Sheisn tstrongenoughtogotowork Sheistooweaktogotowork 她太虚弱了 不能上班 Myfatherisrichenoughtobuythiscar 我父亲足够富有能买这辆汽车 适合任何一把钥匙把钥匙放进去她发现她自己在一个又长又矮的大厅里让他们逃脱跑过田野如此的重 fitanyofthedoors letthemgetaway findherselfaloneinalong lowhall putthekeyintoit 词组 fitanydoor runacrossthefield that soheavy 西方人发现一种新的造纸的方法在历史上用木材做鸟有着悠久的历史在13世纪 peopleintheWest findanewwaytomakepaper inhistory havealonghistory makeabirdoutofwood usewoodtomakeabird inthe13thcentury 尝起来很甜又喝了一些感觉有点不舒服变得越来越小朝着那扇门走去伸手够到树上的苹果 tastesweet drinksomemore feelalittleill becomesmallerandsmaller walktowardsthedoor reachtheapplesinthetree Lucycanlookafter she nowbecausesheis12yearsold How excite thestudentswerewhentheyheardthegoodnews MrChen fall offhisbikeyesterdaymorning Theboystopped cry afterhismothergavehimatoy Theboywassurprised see asnakeinfrontofhim 抱怨 toomuchtoyourfatherabouthomeworkisnouse 骑车 issaferthan 溜冰 词汇运用 Complaining Riding skating tosee crying fell excited herself Theteacher 注意 thatthestudentwasreadingapicturebook Iseehim 经过 byhishouseeveryday Kiteflying 变成 averypopulargamealongtimeago Inthe18thand19th 世纪 manypeoplemovedtothiscity Mothersaidtheearth go aroundthesun They feel muchtootiredafter run alongway Wedecided have apicnicthisweekend Theboy call LiuTaolikesanimals called noticed tohave running felt goes centuries became pass Eddiewas tired thebag Hestoppedtohavearest A so tocarryB too carryingC too tocarryD that carrying WhenMrLiwalked theplayground henoticedsomeboys basketballthere A passed playB past toplayC past playingD passed playing 3Therearemanytreeson oftheroad They rereallybeautifulinautumn A manysidesB bothsidesC everysideD side 单项填空 B C C XiaoFang wedecided apicnicthisweekend Willyoujoinus I mafraidnot Ihavealotofhomework A tohave todoB tohave doingC having todoD having doing Don tworry Heis tolookafterlittleBetty A carefullyenoughB enoughcarefulC carefulenoughD enoughcarefully 6 Canyou atentbyyourself Sorry It salittledifferentforme A putonB putupC putdownD takeoff B C A Whenspringcomes daysget A longandlongB shortandshortC longerandlongerD shorterandshorter Hissisterdidn tknowthetimebecauseshe herwatchathome A leaveB leftC forgetD forgot bigfishtheyare A WhatB HowC WhataD Howa Don teat food it s badforyourhealth A toomany muchtooB toomuch toomuchC toomuch muchtooD muchtoo toomuch C A B C 重点句型 你喜欢中国的哪些方面呢 什么 昨天他把他的手机遗忘在办公室里 标志牌上写着 禁止吸烟 他们试图开车逃跑 但失败了 约翰每天练习唱歌 对孩子们来说在河里游泳很危险 WhatdoyoulikeaboutChina Thesignreads Nosmoking Theytriedtodriveaway butfailed Johnispractisingsingingeveryday Itisverydangerousforchildrentoswimintheriver Helefthismobilephoneintheofficeyesterday


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