七年级英语上册 Unit 7《Shopping Welcome to the unit》课件2 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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七年级英语上册 Unit 7《Shopping Welcome to the unit》课件2 (新版)牛津版.ppt_第1页
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七年级英语上册 Unit 7《Shopping Welcome to the unit》课件2 (新版)牛津版.ppt_第3页
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Unit7Shopping Welcometotheunit Theylikeshopping shoppingn 购物 Freetalk Doyoulikeshopping Whendoyougoshopping Whodoyouoftengoshoppingwith Doesyourmotherlikeshopping Yes Ido No Idon t IoftengoshoppingonSaturday atweekends Ioftengoshoppingwith Yes shedoes No shedoesn t ashoppingmall mall shoppingmall 大型购物中心 Wouldyouliketogoshoppinginthemall clothesshop clothes skirts shirts jackets grandparents parents children sportsshop balls bats rackets 球拍 sportsclothes friends classmates bookshop bookstore books musicCDs classmates friends children toyshop toystoycars trains planes dolls friends children shoeshop shoesleathershoes 皮鞋 trainers 软底鞋 boots 靴子 grandparents parents children electricalshop lektr kl bakery be k r fruitshop TVs washingmachines fridges bread cakes biscuits apples peacheslemons pears bananas Someothershops 1 Ifyouwanttobuyawatchforyourfather youcangotoa 2 Therearedifferentkindsofbooksina 3 Lookatthebeautifulclothesinthis 4 Wecangotoa tobuythefoodforthebirthdayparty 5 Simonlikessports Wecanfindsomethinggoodforhimina 6 Let sgotothis tofindapairofshoestomatchmynewskirt 7 Ihaveateddybear Youcanalsobuyonein 8 Flowersareanicebirthdaypresent Wecanbuysomeina Differentshops giftshop bookshop clothesshop supermarket sportsshop shoeshop toyshop flowershop Wheretobuy giftshop bookshop clothesshop supermarket sportsshop shoeshop toyshop flowershop S1 What sthenameofshop S2 It s S1 Whatcanwebuythere S2 Wecan S1 Whocanwebuyapresent giftfor S2 Differentshops alotofmoney moneyn 钱 lotsofmoney Whatdoweoftenusetobuythingsinthemall Thereissomemoneyinthewallet walletn 钱包 Pleasewalkdirectlydowntheroadandyou llgettothemall downprep 沿着 向下 CD compactdisc 光盘 激光唱片 amusicCD Heisinterestedinbasketball beinterestedin 对 感兴趣 stampn 邮票 astamp carryvt 拿 提 搬 Theyarecarryingabox collectvt 收集 搜集 collectstamps Thankyouverymuch You rewelcome You rewelcome别客气 不用谢 Talkaboutwhatpresentstobuy iscoming 1 Danielwantstobuy apresent MillieB SimonC himself2 WhatisDanielgoingtobuy A AMusicCDAChristmascardC Somestamps Talkaboutpresents Talkaboutpresents A Hi iscoming 即将来临 Iwanttobuy Doyouhaveanyideas B Whatabout A I mnotsure Maybe B Thenyoucanbuy A That sagoodidea Thankyou B You rewelcome Talkingaboutpresents Readthesenewwords mall shoppingmall大型购物中心shoppingn 购物hatevt 讨厌 恨downprep 沿着 向下well好吧 那么 哎呀moneyn 钱walletn 钱包carryvt拿 提 搬 bookshopn 书店giftn 礼物CD光盘 激光唱片sureadj 确知 肯定 有把握maybeadv也许 可能beinterestedin对 感兴趣stampn 邮票collectvt 收集 搜集You rewelcome 别客气 不用谢 1 Wholikesshopping EddieorHobo 2 WhydoesHoboneedEddie Listenandanswer Hobo HoboneedsEddietocarryallthebags Actoutyourconversation Explanation 1 buysb sth buysth forsb 给某人买某物Iwanttobuymymotherabirthdaypresent Iwanttobuyabirthdaypresentformymother 2 haveanidea有一个主意 想法 haveagoodidea有个好主意havesomeideas有一些想法 3 I mnotsure 我不清楚 我不知道 我不确定 I msure that 句子 I msureheiscoming 我肯定他会来的 4 maybeadv 也许 可能maybe 是由情态动词may后接动词原形be 这里的may意思是 可能 虽然他们不是同义词 但有时可进行同义句转换 Maybeyouareright 也许你是对的 Youmayberight 5 beinterestedinsth doingsth 对某事感兴趣 对做某事感兴趣Areyouinterestedinsports Heisinterestedinreading 6 need sb todosth 需要 某人 做某事Weneedtofinishtheworkbefore8a m 7 collectstamps集邮Collectingstampsisherhobby 9 That sagoodidea 这是个好主意 10 表达 不用谢 的英语 You rewelcome Notatall That sallright It sapleasure Exercises 一 根据对话内容填空Christmasiscoming Danielwantsto Simona Buthedoesn thaveany Simonisnot inmusic MillieknowsSimonisinterestedin stamps SoDanielwantstobuyhimsome buy present ideas interested collecting stamps 二 翻译1 这条街上有一家新的购物中心吗 2 猫儿讨厌水 3 她需要点吃的东西 4 你想给Jim买什么 Isthereanewmalldownthestreet Catshatewater Sheneedssomethingtoeat WhatdoyouwanttobuyforJim Homework1 Acttheconversationinpairsafterclass 2 PreviewthenewwordsinReading


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