中考英语总复习 第一轮 教材复习(考点精讲精练)第10课时 八下 Units 3-4习题课件 人教新目标版.ppt

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中考英语总复习 第一轮 教材复习(考点精讲精练)第10课时 八下 Units 3-4习题课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
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中考英语总复习 第一轮 教材复习(考点精讲精练)第10课时 八下 Units 3-4习题课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第2页
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中考英语总复习 第一轮 教材复习(考点精讲精练)第10课时 八下 Units 3-4习题课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
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英语 第10课时八年级 下 Units3 4 人教版 一 根据句意和汉语提示写单词完成句子 1 Whowilltakeoutthe 垃圾 forus 2 Momcutoneofher 手指 whileshewascooking 3 两者都不 ofthetwoboyswantstogototheparkalone 4 无论什么 yousay Iwon tbelieveyou 5 Aftertheyarrived they 提供 theirhelpforthepeopleindanger 6 Sincethereform 改革 Chinahas 发展 veryrapidly 7 Good 交流 canhelpussolvetheproblembetterandfaster 8 I llgoonwiththevolunteeractivity 代替 ofyou 9 Inthegame wecan 竞争 inafairway 10 Inmy 看法 weshouldbeallowedtochooseourownclothes trash rubbish fingers Neither Whatever provided developed communication instead compete opinion 二 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 11 Beforethefestivalcomes sheusually sweep thefloor 12 Youshouldsorttherubbishbefore throw themintothedustbins 13 Withtherapid develop ofChina ourlivingconditionsarebecomingbetterandbetter 14 Inthecomposition compete Iwonthefirstplace 15 Moreandmorefoodandclotheswillbe offer tothepeopleinthepoorarea 16 Nowpeoplepaymoreattentiontothepeaceand fair ofthesociety 17 WhydidPeterrefused make hisbed 18 ThesedaysChinesechildrenaresometimes busy onweekendsthanweekdays 19 Thewindwassostrongthatlotsofapplesonthetrees drop 20 two wehavelittletimeandfewpeoplecanfinishit sweeps throwing development competition offered fairness tomake busier dropped Secondly 三 根据汉语完成句子 每空一词 21 请饭后把垃圾倒了 Pleaseafterdinner 22 珍妮和她的朋友们关系不好 Jennydoesn therfriends 23 她早早出发了 为的是能及时到达那里 Shestartedearlyarrivethereintime 24 我们的计划取决于我们要去哪儿 Ourplanwewillgo 25 在周末 我过去常常和朋友们闲逛 Iusedtofriendsonweekends takeouttherubbish getonwith inorderto dependsonwhere hangoutwith 题组训练 单项选择 1 Couldyoupleasetellme Abouttwentyminutesago 2015 呼和浩特 A whendidyouseethiskidB wheredidyouseethiskidC whenyousawthiskidD whereyousawthiskid2 CouldyoutellmetheDragonBoatFestivalinChina Sure Peopleusuallywatchthedragonboatracesandeatzongzi 2015 长沙 A whendopeoplecelebrateB whypeoplecelebrateC howpeoplecelebrate C C 3 Wouldyoupleasehelpmewithmywritingskills YoucancometomyofficeeverySaturday 2014 达州 A That sallrightB NotatallC NoproblemD No thanks4 Sir couldyoupleaseputoutyourcigarette Thisisasmoke free 无烟的 school 2015 菏泽 A I msorryaboutthisB NoproblemC Sure I dlovetoD Nevermind5 Couldyoupleasepassmethedictionary 2014 黔西南 A Yes couldB Sure hereyouareC No Icouldn tD No that snoproblem C A B Couldyouplease 常用来向别人有礼貌的提出要求 或委婉地提出看法 意思是 你能 好吗 肯定回答时用OK Sure Noproblem Allright Certainly等 否定回答用 Sorry Ican t 或 Sorry 理由 注意 Couldyouplease 后跟动词原形 其否定形式在动词原形前加not 题组训练 单项选择 1 Taianisareallycomfortablecitytolivein andit sworld famousforMountTai 2015 泰安 A SoitisB SoisitC SoitdoesD Sodoesit2 Theygotoschoolearlyinthemorning 2015 安顺 A SodoTom B SoTomdo C SodoesTom D SoTomdoes 3 Idon tlikeshowersorwindyweather 2015 潍坊 A MeneitherB MetooC SoIdoD NeitherIdo A C A 4 I mnotgoingswimmingthisafternoon Ihavetohelpmymotherdosomecleaning 2014 宜宾 A SoamIB SoIamC NeitheramID NeitherIam5 Sorry sir I vemadesomanymistakesinthispaper 2015 黄石 It sOK Thispaperisverydifficult A SohaveotherstudentsB SodootherstudentsC NeitherdootherstudentsD Neitherhaveotherstudents C D 6 Hehasn tseenthatinterestingfilmbefore 2014 南充 A SohaveIB NeitherhaveIC NordoID SodoI7 Oh mygod RecentlyIhaveputon5pounds IthinkIshouldloseweight 2015 达州 A SodoIB SohaveIC NeitherdoID NeitherhaveI B B 根据汉语完成句子 每空一词 1 如果你不去那 我也不去 Ifyoudon tgothere I 2 Jim和我不擅长弹钢琴 JimIgoodatplayingthepiano 3 他们俩都没去过西藏 thembeentoTibet neitherwill Neither nor am Neitherof has neither作副词 意为 也不 neither be动词 助动词 情态动词 主语 表示前面所述的否定内容也适用于另一个人或物 此时的neither也可用nor替换 neither可与nor构成neither nor 意为 既不 也不 连接两个并列成分 当连接主语时 谓语动词要与nor后面的主语在人称和数上保持一致 拓展 so be动词 助动词 情态动词 主语 表示前面所述的肯定内容也适用于另一主语 题组训练 单项选择 1 It ssmoggythesedays That sterrible Yes Ihopetoplanttrees trees airpollution 2014 昆明 A Themore thefewerB Theless themoreC Theless thefewerD Themore theless2 themountainis theairis 2014 黔南州 A Thehigher thethinnerB Higher thinnerC Thehigher thethinnerD Morehigher morethinner D A 3 Keepon don tstop Theyouclimb theyouwillsee 2014 云南 A highest farthestB high fartherC high farD higher farther4 childrenthereareinfamily theirlifewillbe 2014 安顺 A Theless thebetterB Thefewer thebetterC Fewer richerD More poorer5 Mr Liasksustorememberthatcarefulweare mistakeswewillmake 2014 烟台 A themore thefewerB thefewer themoreC themore themoreD theless thefewer D B A 根据汉语完成句子 每空一词 1 朋友越多 你越开心 Thefriendsyouhave theyouwillbe 2 你越是仔细 你将犯越少的错误 youare mistakesyouwillmake 3 我的家乡变得越来越漂亮了 Myhometownisbecomingandbeautiful more happier Themorecareful thefewer more more the 比较极 the 比较级 意为 越 就越 拓展 比较级 and 比较级 意为 越来越 当其中的形容词或副词的比较级是通过加more构成时 用moreandmore 形容词 副词 题组训练 单项选择 1 Iamintrouble myclassmateswillhelpmeout 2014 成都 A BeforeB WheneverC Although2 youdo I llsupportyouallthetime Thanks A WheneverB WhateverC HoweverD Whether3 Whataniceday WeshouldgosightseeingwatchingTVinthehotel A becauseofB insteadofC togetherwithD outof B B B 4 Oh thenewschooluniformlooksugly Idon tlikethecolor Ithinktheuniformisoutofstyle Andgirlsshouldwearskirtspants A Meneither insteadofB Metoo insteadofC Meneither withoutD Metoo without5 Howwillshedealwiththework Shedoesn twanttodoitbyherself Shewantssomeoneelsetodoit A stillB insteadC eitherD yet6 Let sgoswimminggoinghiking shallwe Goodidea 2013 黔西南 A aswellasB inordertoC inadditiontoD insteadof A B D 根据汉语完成句子 每空词数不限 1 让我们去远足而不是呆在家里 2015 益阳 Let sgohikingstayingathome shallwe 2 他没能按时来 但他请假了 Heaskedforleavecomingontime 3 你买东西的时候会不会带着自己的布口袋而不用塑料袋 Doyoutakeyourownclothbagwhenshoppingusingplasticbags 4 没有咖啡了 改喝茶行吗 There snocoffee Wouldyoulikesometea 5 不管你是谁 都应该遵守规则 youare youmustobeytherules insteadof insteadof insteadof instead Whoever 1 instead是副词 意为 代替 顶替 单独使用时 可用于句首或句末 链接 insteadof也有 代替 的意思 是介词短语 可以接名词 代词 介词短语或v ing形式 2 whatever是代词 意为 任何 每一 无论什么 相当于nomatterwhat 引导让步状语从句 拓展 nomatter 疑问句 结构都可引导让步状语从句 这时可以和 疑问句 ever 互换 题组训练 单项选择 1 CouldIyourbike Mineisbroken 2014 重庆 A giveB lendC borrowD keep2 ThelibrariantoldmethatIcouldthesemagazinesforthreedays 2015 盐城 A keepB buyC borrowD lend3 Anicecar Isityours 2015 武汉 No itisn t Iitfromafriendofminetwodaysago A borrowedB borrowC willborrowD haveborrowed C A A 4 Excuseme canIyourpen Sorry IhaveittoBob 2014 南充 A borrow lentB borrow borrowedC lend borrowedD lend lent5 CanIyourbike 2014 宁波 Withpleasure Butyoumustn tittoothers A lend borrowB borrow lendC lend lendD borrow borrow6 MustIreturnthebookthisweek 2015 遂宁 No you Youcanitfor20days A mustn t keepB needn t borrowC needn t keep A B C 题组训练 单项选择 1 Whichwaydoyouprefer readingonlineorreadingonpaper SometimesIreadonline sometimesIreadonpaper 2015 东营 A BothB NoneC EitherD Neither2 ItriedtwobookshopsforthedictionaryIwanted butofthemhadit 2015 临沂 A eitherB bothC neitherD none3 Whichofthetwosubjectsdoyoulike artormusic Theyarereallyinteresting 2015 益阳 A NeitherB BothC None A C B 4 WhichofthetwoT shirtswouldyoulike Idon tliketheirstyles 2014 扬州 A EitherB BothC NoneD Neither5 Imadeacalltomyparentsyesterday butofthemansweredit 2014 泰安 A eitherB noneC neitherD nobody6 Whichjacketdoyouprefer thisoneorthatone isOK Idon tcaretoomuch 2014 威海 A BothB EitherC NeitherD All D C B 一 单项选择 1 JiefangbeiisnotfarfromChaotianmen Youcaneasilyvisitinaday 2015 重庆 A eachB noneC bothD neither2 Thedrivershavetothetrafficrulesandcontrolthemselvesiftheywanttobesafeontheroad 2015 山西 A followB breakC make3 Incoldwinter thetemperatureinHarbinoftenremainszeroallday 2015 苏州 A aboveB belowC overD under C A B 4 Icouldmybedandmyclothes A make foldB make doC fold doD fold wash5 Idon tlikethefirsttwochapters 章 Iwantto A cutthemoutB cutitupC cutitoutD cutthemup6 DoesMaryonlyhaveanappleforbreakfast Yes Sheeatslikeabird 2014 丽水 A towakeupB tobestrongC toloseweightD tofallasleep A A C 7 Davidenjoysmusicatweekends butIpreferforapicnic A listeningto gooutB listeningto togooutC tolistento togooutD listento goingout8 Don tworry I msureyou llyourclassmatesifyouarekindandfriendlytothem A catchupwithB agreewithC getonwellwithD makefriendwith9 MyparentsalwaystellmeIshouldworkhardandwinfirstplaceineverycompetition Well youmustfeelstressed Yourparentsshouldn tyousohard A pushB makeC throwD hurt B C A 10 Wherewouldyouliketogoforthecomingvacation Ityou I llgowithyou A looksatB worksforC dependsonD writesto11 Therichmandecidedtoeverythinghehastopoorpeopleafterhisdeath A giveoutB giveoffC giveawayD giveup12 TheworkistoodifficultforMr Zhutofinishinaweek Heneedsdays A moretwoB anothertwoC twoanotherD anothermore C C B 13 I mverysadbecauseIgotintoafightwithmybestfriend writehimaletterandsaysorrytohim A WhataboutB HowaboutC WhynotD Wouldyoulike14 I msorry Ididn tdoagoodjob That sOK You vetriedyourbest A afterallB inallC atallD firstofall15 Youshouldtakemoreexercise It sgoodformyhealth A It shardtosayB Idon tthinksoC IagreewithyouD That stoobad C A C 二 完形填空 Mymother slovinghandsNightafternight shecametohelpmesleep evenlongaftermychildhoodyears Idon tremember16itfirststartedmakingmealittleangry mymom shandspushingmyhairthatway Butitreallymademeuncomfortable forthey17rough 粗糙的 againstmyyoungskin Finally onenight I18her Don tdothatanymore Yourhandsaretoorough Shedidn tsayanything 19sheneverdiditagain Yearslater Imissedmymother s20andhergoodnightkissonmyface I mnotalittlegirlanymore Mymomis21hermid seventies andherroughhandsarestilldoingthingsformyfamilyandme Nowmyownchildrenhave22 ItwaslateonThanksgivingEve AsIsleptinmybedroom afamiliarhandranacrossmy23topushthehairfrommyhead Thenakiss eversosoftly touchedmybrow 额头 Takingmymom shand Itoldherhow24IwasforthatnightIshoutedather Butmymomdidn tknowwhatIwastalkingabout Shehadforgottenitlongago Thatnight I25withanewappreciation 感激 formymother scaringhands Andtheguilt 内疚 thatIhadcarriedaroundforsolongwasnowheretobefound 16 A whenB whereC why 17 A lookedB feltC seemed 18 A noddedatB shoutedatC seemed 19 A soB orC but 20 A handsB wordsC smiles 21 A onB inC at 22 A stayedupB wokenupC grownup 23 A noseB faceC mouth 24 A sorryB tiredC relaxed 25 A lefthomeB keptworkingC fellasleep A B B C A B C B A C 三 阅读理解 2015 徐州 Thedaybeforeyesterday whenPeter sfamilywerehavingdinner Fatherraisedaninterestingquestion Wasthereanythinginourpastthatwefeelashamedof guiltyabout orregretted Maybewecanfindwaystosaysorry ortakesomeactiontorightanywrongdoing Thisseemedlikeaveryprivatematter butPeterthoughtaboutitcarefullythewholenight Peterrememberedanincidentfrommiddleschool Inhisschool therewasaworker NeilStone whononeofthekidsliked Onenight Peterandtwoofhisclassmatesdecidedtoplayatrickonhim Theyfoundacanofredpaint andwroteontheschoolmainroadinbrightred NeilStoneisafool Thenextday thewholeschoolsawthesewords Withintwohours NeilhadPeterandhistwoclassmatesinhisoffice HisclassmatessaidthattheyhaddoneitbutPeterlied denyingthetruth Nooneevertalkedaboutit Thismorning Peterwentbacktohismiddleschool NeilStoneisstillworkingthere Sorry Neil Doyoustillrememberwhathappenedtenyearsago IwantyoutoknowthatIdidit Iknewit Neillaughed Theyhadagoodlaughandalivelydiscussion Neil sclosingwordswere Peter Ialwaysfeltbadforyoubecauseyourclassmatesgotitofftheirmind andIknewyouwerecarryingitaroundalltheseyears Iwanttothankyouforvisitingme foryoursake Peterknowsthatnomatterhowdifficultthesituationis itisnevertoolatetoclearupthepastandmakeafreshstart 26 WhatdidPeterrememberdoinginmiddleschool A Somethingfantastic B Somethingunpleasant C Somethingvaluable D Somethinguseful 27 Whatcolorwerethewords NeilStoneisafool A Darkblue B Lightgreen C Purewhite D Brightred 28 Whatdoestheunderlinedword denying mean A 夸大B 赞同C 否认D 承认 B D C 29 WhendidNeilknowwhowrotethewordsontheschoolmainroad A Tenyearsago B Thedaybeforeyesterday C Thismorning D NotuntilPetertoldhim 30 Whatisthebesttitleforthispassage A Peter sstory B Anunforgettablelesson C It snevertoolate D Everydoghasitsday A C 四 词汇运用 A 根据句意及汉语提示写单词完成句子 31 两者都不 ofthemwantstogotothepartyalone 32 Theproject 提供 alotofhelpforthepeopleinthepoorarea 33 Nowmanyteenagersaren t 允许 togooutaloneatnight 34 Theballhasbeen 扔 intothebasket 35 Smilecanmakeyour 交流 withotherseasier B 从方框中选词并用适当形式填空 2015 安顺 dropby falldown eversince onone sown byaccident fallasleep36 Lastnighthefounditdifficultbecauseoftheloudnoiseoutside 37 Myunclealwaysmyhomewhenhecametoourcity 38 HewenttoFrancetheyearbeforelastandIhaven theardfromhimthen 39 Hedidn tgetanyhelpandhadtocompletethework 40 Ireallydon twanttoknowyoursecret Ionlyfoundit Neither provides allowed thrown communication tofallasleep droppedby eversince onhisown byaccident 五 从方框内选词并用其适当形式完成短文填空 good depend chore him drop enough fair keep neighbor developDearSir Ithinkitisimportantforchildrentolearnhowtodo41 andhelptheirparentswithhousework Itisnot42 tojustgetgoodgradesatschool Childrenthesedays43 ontheirparentstoomuch Theyarealwaysasking Couldyougetthisforme or Couldyouhelpmewiththat Doingchoreshelpsto44 children sindependenceandteachesthemhowtolookafterthemselves Italsohelpsthemtounderstandtheideaof45 Sincetheyliveinonehousewiththeirparents theyshouldknowthateveryoneshoulddotheirpartin46 itcleanandtidy Our47 songotintoagoodcollegebutduringhisfirstyear hehadnoideahowtotakecareof48 Asaresult heoftenfellillandhisgrades49 Theearlierkidslearntobeindependent the50 itisfortheirfuture Ms Miller chores enough depend develop fairness keeping neighbor s himself dropped better 六 书面表达 2015 呼和浩特 假如你是某中学的学生会主席王东 为了配合环保教育主题活动 请根据下面所给提示 用英语写一封倡议书 内容包括 1 环保措施和美化城市的措施 各2条 2 你的希望 注意 1 注意文章的整体连贯 2 80词左右 开头和结尾已给出 不计入总词数 Dearfriends Inordertomaketheenvironmentmorebeautiful weshoulddowhatwecantoprotectit First weshouldplantmoretreesandflowerstomakeourcitymorebeautiful Also alwaysremembernottothrowrubbishorpourwastewatereverywhere Asweallknow waterisbecominglessandless Soit squitenecessarytosavewater Forexample turnthetapoffafterwashing Lastbutnottheleast we dbetterrideabikeorwalkwhengoingoutinsteadofdrivingacar Inmyopinion ifeveryonetrieshisbesttoprotecttheenvironment ourcitywillbecomenicerandcleaner Thankyou


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