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SectionBPeriodTwo 预习检测 1 上如此多的课外辅导班 2 减掉他们的几个活动 3 疲惫不堪的孩子们 4 一位三个孩子的母亲 5 送他们的孩子们去各种各样的学习班 6 该是到了做作业的时间了 takesomanyafter schoolclasses cutoutafewoftheiractivities thetiredchildren amotherofthreekids sendtheirkidstoallkindsofclasses It stimetodohomework forhomework 7 她们总是把自己的孩子与其他的孩子作比较 Theyarealways them otherchildren 8 人们不应该吧孩子逼得那么紧 People theirkids comparingwith shouldn tpushsohard 学习目标 1 学习新单词2 知识点 compare with send to continuedoingsth todosthsothatcutout cutoff cutupnot until 3 了解各种各样的学习班以及孩子们的减负 问题引导下的再学习 Readthearticleandanswerthequestions 1 WhatisthecommonproblemforChineseandAmericanfamilies 2b Thechildrenhavetoomanyafter schoolactivitieswhichcausethemtobestressed 2 Whogivestheiropinionsabouttheproblem CathyTaylor LindaMillerandDr AliceGreen Lookatthewordsinboldinthearticle Canyouguesstheirmeanings Trytomatchthemwiththemeaningsbelow 2c 1 Keepsonhappening 2 Physicalexerciseandpracticeofskills 3 Worriesaboutthingsathome schoolorwork 4 Usualorcommon continues training stress typical 5 Trytobethebestorthefirsttofinishsomething 6 Gettingbetterorbigger 7 Lookingfordifferencesandsimilaritiesbetweenthings compete development comparing Readthearticleagainandanswerthequestions 2d 1 DoesCathyTaylorthinkit simportantforkidstojoinafter schoolactivities 2 DoesLindaMilleragreewithCathy What sheropinion Yes hedoes No Shethinksitisunfairtocomparetheirkidswithotherchildren Shethinkspeopleshouldn tpushtheirkidssohard 3 DoesDr GreenagreewithCathyorLinda Whatdoesshesay Dr GreenagreeswithLinda Shesays Kidsshouldhavetimetorelaxandthinkforthemselves too Althoughit snormaltowantsuccessfulchildren it sevenmoreimportanttohavehappychildren Languagepoints 1 cutout删除 删去 动副短语 当代词作宾语时 代词置于中间 关于cut的短语还有cutup cutdown cutoff 切碎 砍伐 切除 切断 2 Manyofthemarelearningexamskillssothattheycangetintoagoodhighschoolandlateragooduniversity sothat意为 以便 为了 引导目的状语从句 that从句中常使用can may等情态动词 我们必须努力学习以便于将来能挣很多钱 Wemuststudyhardsothatwecanmakealotofmoneyinthefuture 今天早晨他早早起床以便于能赶上早班公交车 Hegotupearlythismorningsothathecouldcatchtheearlybus pare动词 比较 比作 compare with 把 与 作比较 对比compare to 把 比作 例 1 我们常把儿童比作花朵 Weoften children flowers 2 不要把我跟别人比较 Don t me others compareto compare with 练习一下吧 1 Peopleoften teachers candles 2 Don t myhandwriting myfather s compareto comparewith 4 Thetiredchildrendon tgethomeuntilafter7 00pm not until 直到 才 我昨天晚上直到写完作业才去睡觉 Ididn tgotobeduntilIfinishedmyhomeworklastnight 5 continue动词 持续 继续 continuetodosth 指做完一件事后继续去做别的事 continuedoingsth指一件事中断的后再继续做这件事 我做完作业之后 又继续帮助妈妈做家务 Afterfinishingmyhomework I mymotherwithhousework 休息了10分钟之后我又继续做作业 I myhomeworkafter rest continuedtohelp continueddoing10 miunte 练习一下 Afteransweringthephone Icontinue do housework Wecontinued work afterashortrest todo working 6 Motherssendtheirsmallkidstoallkindsofclasses 送某人到某地 寄给某人某物 各种各样的 昨天晚上他奶奶病了 他爸爸送她去医院 sendsbtosp sendsbsthsendsthtosb allkindsof Hisgrandmotherwasilllastnightandhisfathersenthertothehospital 7 Peopleshouldn tpushtheirkidssohard人们不应该把孩子逼得这么紧pushverb督促 逼迫他逼迫他们接受这个计划 Hepushedthemtoaccepthisplan 她父母督促她努力学习 Herparents her hard tostudy pushed 课时重点回顾 Review sothatbealwaysdoingsth cutout cutoff cutup cutdowncompare with compare to inone sopinion The Green areleavingforCanadanextweek It stimeforus have class Johnisalways watch TVonweekends Toomuchpressureisbadforachild s develop WhatshouldIdo relax Greens tohave watching development torelax 完成句子现在许多学生都上课外补习班 Nowalotofstudents after school 2 你应该把它删去 Youshould 3 孩子们应该有时间放松并为自己考虑 Childrenshouldhavetime and themselves take classes cutitout torelax thinkfor areatypicalAmericanfamily A WhitesB TheWhiteC WhiteD TheWhites2 It stime us sports for playB for playingC for toplayD to toplay3 Theycontinued afterhavingashortrest A walkB walkingC towalkD walked4 Someparentsarealwayscomparingtheirchildren otherchildren A toB withC asD for D C B B 5 Doctorssaytoomuchpressureisnotgoodforchild s A developB developmentC opinionD independent6 Peopleshouldn t theirkidssohard A compareB argueC fightD push7 They comebackhome itwasverylate A don t untilB didn t untilC won ttillD won t until B D B 8 Theteacherspeaksveryloudly allthestudentscanhearher A sothatB becauseC since 9 You dbettertakethemapwithyou youwon tgetlost A aslongasB assoonasC sothat 1 Idon thaveapartnertoplaytabletenniswith Why asportsclubtopracticealot A don tjoinB notjoiningC nottojoinD don tyoujoin 实战中考 2 根据中文意思完成句子 很抱歉今天不能陪你去购物 明天怎么样 I msorryIcan tgoshoppingwithyoutoday tomorrow 3 Wouldyouliketowatchthemoviewithmetonight butIhavetoomuchhomeworktodo A I dlovetoB That sallrightC Itdoesn tmatterD Notatall How Whatabout 4 Susan whataretheadvantagesofMP5players Mom theyaresmallerandlighter theycanbecarriedveryeasily A unlessB ifC untilD sothat5 单词拼写 Thenaughtyboyisalways fight withothers fighting 6 Look It srainingheavily takearaincoatwithyou Well I lltakeonerightnow A WhynotB Whydon tC WouldyoumindD Wouldyoulike7 ShallwegoforavisittotheWorldExpoinShanghaiduringsummervacation 写出同义句 goforavisittotheWorldExpoinShanghaiduringsummervacation Whynot 8 Wedon thavemuchhomeworkthisweekend Shallwegoouttogether OK Whatabout amovie A toseeB seeingC seeD sees9 It sveryhotoutside Why youstayathome A notB nottoC don t Homework Whatdoyouthinkoftheafter schoolclasses Writeanarticleaboutit Preview TopreviewthenewwordsandexpressionsTopreviewwhatpeopleweredoingwhentherainstormcame Thankyou


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