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港口国监督检查英语速用手册目 录左页右页A For CaptainA/1 船况介绍正 文左页右页A/1.2 介绍船况(Introduction of Ship)PSCOCaptain简单介绍一下船况Introduce your ship briefly.我们的货船船龄10年。船的吨位是2万吨。Our ship is a 10-year-old cargo ship. cargo ship.可替换为:u fishing boat 渔船u merchant ship 商船u passenger boat 客船u Oil Tanker 油轮The ship has a tonnage of twenty thousand.你船上有多少船员? How many people are there on board your vessel? people可替换为:u passenger 乘客24名船员/乘客没有乘客There are 24.No passengers on board.船长,你船应配员26人。Captain, you should be manned with 26 crew.我们将尽快配齐My ship will be properly manned as soon as possible.你们的上一个和下一个挂靠港是哪里?Whats your last port of call and next port?上一港是马来西亚的Klang港,下一个是新加坡。My last port is Port Klang ,Malaysia,and next port is Singapore.你的船是单壳的还是双壳的?Does your ship have a double hull or single hull?单壳双壳Single hull.Double hull你目前在装卸什么货物?What type of cargo are you handling now?卸二乙醚We are discharging the diethyl ether.上一次检查中有缺陷吗?Have you got any deficiencies during the last inspecions?没有缺陷是的,有几个小的缺陷。我们已经根据相关的法规及公约进行了改正。No deficiencies.Yes,weve got a few minor deficiencies.Weve improved and rectified them according to the relative regulations and conventions.哪个公司负责船舶的运营?Which company is responsible for the operationg of the ship?公司负责。总经理为Ocean Shipping Company .And the general manager is Mr./Ms.在公司,谁是你船的“岸上指定人员“?Who has been appointed as the Designated Persong Ashore (DPA) in you company ?先生Mr.船上有几个救生筏?How many inflatable liferafts are provided on board ?我们一共有5个救生筏。救生艇甲板每舷有2个 15人的筏。船首楼还有一个6人筏。Totally we have 5 liferafts.2 for 15 persons equipped on board on port and starboard side of L/B deck respectively.One liferaft for 6 persons on the forecastle.你船装备自动识别系统了吗?Has your ship already been equipped with the Automatic Identificationg System(AIS)?几个月前,在上次年度检验前已经安装了AIS。Yes,the AIS was fitted on board a few months ago, before the last annual survey.船上是哪种固定灭火系统?What type of fixed fire extinguisher system is provided on board?高压二氧化碳灭火系统High pressure carbon dioxide system.多少瓶?How many cylinders do you have?一共是80 瓶,包括2个启动瓶。80 cylinders including 2 pilot bottles.所有气瓶是保护机舱和货舱的吗?Do all the cylinders protect the engine room and cargo holds?是的。不是,仅仅保护机舱Yes.No,they protect the engine room only.A/2 船舶证书和文书(ships certificates and documents)A/2.1 常规检查(general inspection)PSCOCaptain船上所有要求的证书都有效并经过签注吗?Are all required certificates on board valid and respectively endorsed?是的,所有证书都有效。Yes,they are all valid.船长,请出示所有船舶证书?Would you please show me all your shipcertificates,Captain?先生,你需要什么证书?稍等,我去取.给你.What certificate do you want,sir?Just a moment ,Ill get them for you.Here you are.让我检查一下国际吨位证明书Let me check International Tonnage Certificate好的,所有证书已齐备。Okay.All certificates are available and complete.所有法定证书I need all of the statutory certificates.所有的证书都在这,这里还有一份证书的目录,可能对你有所帮助Here you are,sir,and there is the index of certificates,which maybe helpful to you.载重线证书在哪?Where is the International load line(LL) cetification? the report可替换为:u Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate(SC) 货船构造安全证书u Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate(SE) 货船设备安全证书u International oil pollution prevention certificate(IOPP) 国际防止油污证书.u Document of Compliance(DOC) 符合证明u Safety Management Certificate(SMC) 安全管理证书u International Ship Security Certificate(ISSC) 国际船舶保安证书u Certificate of Fitness(COF) 适装证书给你。保存在这个文件夹里。Here you are.It is kept in the file.请出示四月份的检验报告Please show me the report the report可替换为:u the Condition Evaluation Report (CER) 状况评估报告u Thickness Measurement Report 测厚报告u The weight and blow through check report of your cabon dioxide system 二氧化碳的称重和吹通试验报告。请稍等,这就是好的.Please wait a minute,here you are .Okay。请出示应急无线电示位标的年度测试报告。Would you please show me the annual testing report of EPIRB?等一会儿,我让二副马上把报告拿到我的房间。测试是三个月前做的。Just a moment.Ill ask the second officer to bring the report to my cabin right now.The test was carried out 3 months ago.请出示上次的PSC 检查报告。And last port state control report,please.我们刚刚无缺陷通过了美国海岸警卫队的PSC 检查,报告在这儿。We just passed the USCG PSC without any deficiency .here is the report.我可以看看你的AMDSS岸基维修协议吗?May I have a look at your shore base maintenance agreement for GMDSS?可以,给你Certainly .Here you are.A/2.2 证书过期(Certificate Invalid)PSCOCaptain所有的证书在几天前已经过期,因此你的船是不适航的,将会在本港被滞留。All certificates have expired a few days before.Thus ,your ship is unseaworthy, she will be detained in our port.验船师马上就到,您可以和验船师共同检查。The surveyor will soon be there,I wish you and the surveyor take a joint inspection.船舶载重线证书由于没有进行年度检验,在几天前已经过期。Your shipLoad Line Certificate expired a few days ago because of the annual survey hasnt been carried out.验船师将在今天下午上船进行年度检查。Surveyors will come on board this afternoon to conduct the annual survey.这些证书都在1个月前过期了。Im afraid these reports were overdue one month ago.我明白,我们将在开航前进行检验。I see .The survey will be carried out before departure.A/2.3 证书不合格(Certificate unqualified)PSCOCaptain你的安全管理证书和符合证明中记录的管理公司地址不一致。Im afraid the address of your management company recorded in DOC and SMC is differernt.公司搬家了,安全管理证书还没有及时更新。The company moved,but the SMC has not been updated.连续概要记录上记载的认可保安组织与国际船舶保安证书的不一致.The recognized security organization(RSO) record in your CSR is different from thant of the International Ship Security Certification我想这是一个打印错误,我会通过船东去通知船级社的。I think it is a typing mistake.I will inform my class through the owner.你的稳性手册没有经船旗国政府或船级社认可。The stability booklet hasnt been approved by flag State government or classification society.这是副本,原件由大幅保管,已经被NKK船级社认可了。This one is a copy and the original booklet is kept by Chief Officer .It has been approved by NKK.恐怕SOPEP得附录不是最新的。Im afraid the Appendix of the SOPEP is not up-up-date.我明白,船东已经寄出了,外勤代理将在今天下午各我带过来。I see. My owner has sent it to me, and it will be brought to me by the boarding agent this afternoon.证书恐怕有点问题,交船日期没有在Form B上记录。Im afraid the certificate has some problems ,since the date of delivery is not recorded in Form B.我会提醒船东去通知验船师的。I will remind my owner to inform the class surveyor.A/2.4 航行超过规定的航区(Operating Beyond Trade Area)PSCOCaptain你船只能在A1+A2 海区航行,由于你的上一航次和计划航次超出了A1+A2 海区,船舶将在本港被滞留。Your vessel can exclusively operate at A1+A2 sea area .Because your previous voyage and intended voyage exceed A1+A2,she will be detained at this port.我明白,我先联系一下传动然后再回答您,可以吗?I understand. Can I communicate with my owner and answer your question after a while?根据你的船级社划定的可行区域,贵船只能航行在东南亚海域,而现在她停靠在位于印度洋的我港,超过规定航域。According to the Trade Area restricted by your classification society,your ship can exclusively operate at East Asisa.Now,your ship is berthing in our port where is located in the Indian Ocean.Obiviously,your ship operates beyongd the defined trade area.负责人通知已经到船级社延伸证书。The representative informed me that he extends the certificates on Trade Area.A/3 船员证书(crew certification)PSCOCaptain请准备一份船员名单Please prepare a copy of the crew list这就是Here you are.有多少个船员How many crew are there on board?一共19个,4个中国人和15个菲律宾人。Totally 19,4 Chinese and 15 Filipinos on board.请出示所有的船员适任证书。Please show me all the certificates of competency.没问题。Sure.还请出示船旗国签发的承认证书。And endorsements issued by the flag State,please.好的,除三幅外,所有高级船员都持有承认签证,三幅一个月前才上船,证书还没有办好。Okay,all officers hold the endoresement except for the third officer.He just signed on one month ago and his endorsement is under way.我想你的大幅是不适任的,因为他的证书上有你们主管机关的签注,说“不适用于油船”。I suppose thant your chief mate is not competent,as the endorsements of his certificate stated by your administration say “Not applicable for Oil Tanker”.非常对不起,大幅刚刚通过船长考试并获得证书,刚才我忘记给您看新证书了。I am terribly sorry.The chief officer has just passed the examination and obtained a captain certificate.I forgot to show you the new certificate.我想知道有关休息时间的要求是否能满足。I want to know whether the rest period requirements are complied with or not.当然,每个船员每天至少休息8小时,并有相关的记录。Certainly.Each crew rests at least 8 hours per day,and we have the record of rest.有多少驾驶员持有通用无线电操作员证书?How many deck officers hold the general operators certificate(GOC)?所有的驾驶员都持有通用无线电操作证书。两个,大幅和我。Every deck officer holds the GOC.Two , Chief Mate and me.谁负责GMDSS 设备?Who is in charge of the GMDSS installation?大幅和我。Chief Mate and me.我将一个一个检查他们的操作技能。I will check their operational sklls one by one.没问题。我通知他们在电报房集中。No problem.I will inform them to muster at radio room at once.能出示值班安排表吗?Would you please show me your watch schedule?当然可以,我也参加值班了。Of course,I also participate in keeping watch.B For Deck OfficersB/1 For Chief OfficerB/1.1 检查生活区PSCOCaptain船上的垃圾箱在哪里?Where is the garbage bin on board?在艉甲板.Its on the poop deck.垃圾是如何分类的?How is the garbage assorted?主要分为生活垃圾和塑料垃圾。They are mainly separated into daily garbage and plastic garbage.你们每天是如何处理船上的塑料垃圾的?how do you deal with the plastic waste on board every day?在海上航行时,塑料垃圾通常都焚烧掉.在港时,则排放到岸上的接收装置。We usually incinerate it at sea,but when we re in a port, it will be disposed ashore B/2 检查船舱B/2.1检查空气管PSCOCaptain各舱的空气管、加油管及测量管的情况如何?Whats the condition of the air pipes,filling pipes and sounding pipes for each hold?每根都标明了对应的舱柜名称。关闭盖也完好无缺。Every one is clearly identified with the name of the Corresponding tank it servesAll pipe covers are in sound condition燃油舱空气管的防火网已破损,尽快换新的。Tlhe air pipe fire screen for the fuel oil tank is broken。Please renew it as quickly as possible.没问题,马上就换。No problem,well renew it immediately.有些空气管的自闭器失灵了。Some of the self-closing devices for air pipe are seized up.我会通知轮机长检查它们的。I will inform the chief engineer to check them.B/2.1检查风雨密门PSCOCaptain风雨密门的状况如何?How about the weathertight doors?所有风雨密门情况良好,把手齐全,保养得当。All weathertight doors are in good condition,with bandles complete and well maintained这部分密封胶条有老化现象The rubber seal of this part aged.我们有备用的,我们将在开航前更换。We have the spare parts,and we will renew them beforesailingB/2.1检查风雨密门PSCOCaptain风雨密门的状况如何?How about the weathertight doors?所有风雨密门情况良好,把手齐全,保养得当。All weathertight doors are in good condition,with bandles complete and well maintained这部分密封胶条有老化现象The rubber seal of this part aged.我们有备用的,我们将在开航前更换。We have the spare parts,and we will renew them beforesailingB/2.2检查舱盖PSCOCaptain舱盖有漏水状况吗?Is there any leaking sign of the hatch covers?当然没有,舱盖的水密性非常好。Of course not.The tightness of our hatch covers is very reliable.舱口围板状况怎么样?How about the hatch coaming?情况很好。无明显损坏They are in normal condition.No damage is found. damage可替换为:excessive deformation 过度使用corrosion 锈蚀rustle hole 穿孔舱盖轨道有裂纹。The hatch cover rail is fractured.轨道在装卸货物时被撞了,我们会尽快修好的。The rail was hit during cargo handing.We will repair it as soon as possible.这部分密封胶条有老化现象The rubber seals of this part aged.我们有备用的,我们将在开航前更换。是的,我们计划更换,但是新的还没到。We have the spare parts,and we will renew them beforesailingYes,we have planned to renew them,but the new are unavailable.我发现舱盖的楔耳和楔子不完整。我发现部分封藏螺杆缺失。I found the cleats and wedges are not efficacious.I found some of the securing dogs are missing.是的,我们已经向管理公司报告了,它保证在本港提供备件。Yes,we have reported it to management company,and the company ensures that the spare parts will be supplied at this port.人孔夹扣腐蚀很严重。The clamping devices are corroded seriously.能帮帮忙,等我们到下一港再保养它们吗?Will you do me a favor and allow us to maintain them at next port?B/2.3检查系泊装置PSCOCaptain锚机运转情况如何?How does your windlass perform? windlass可替换为mooring winches 绞缆机测试情况良好。刹车有点问题,正在修理。It is tested satisfactorily.The brake band is inoperative, and we are repairing it now.如何保养锚机?Whats your maintenace work for the windlass and mooring winches?我们严格按照规定定期保养。We maintain them periodically and strictly according to the regulation.缆绳的情况如何?What about the condition of mooring lines?情况良好、They are in good condition.B/2.4 检查甲板PSCOCaptain栏杆的状况好吗?Are railings in satisfactory condition? railings可替换为catwalks 步桥side scuttles 舷窗是的,一切保养良好。Yes ,everything is in good maintenance.永久性歩桥被润滑油桶所堵塞。The permanent catwalk is blocked by lubricating oil casks.我们马上移走。Sorry ,we will remove them right now.舷梯踏板严重变形。The steps of the gangway are seriously deformed.船东已经订购了一具新的舷梯,我们将在一个月内换新的。The owner has already booked a new one,so we will replace it in one month.为什么左舷船壳板凹陷?What caused the shell plaing damage on the port side ?上一港与拖船碰撞了。We collided with tug boat at the last port.艄楼甲板状况不良,锈蚀严重。The forecastle deck plating is not in good


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