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英语名词单数变复数的规则一、绝大多数的可数名词的复数形式,是在该词末尾加上后辍-s。读音变化:结尾是清辅音读s,结尾是浊辅音或元音读z。例:friendfriends; catcats; stylestyles; sportsports; piecepieces;pen-pens 二、凡是以s、z、x、ch、sh结尾的词,在该词末尾加上后辍-es构成复数。读音变化:统一加读iz。 例:busbuses; foxfoxes; matchmatches; flashflashes 但stomach的复数为stomachs。 三、以辅音字母+y结尾的名词,将y改变为i,再加-es。 a o e i u属元音读音变化:加读z。例:candycandies; daisydaisies; fairyfairies; ladyladies; storystories四、以-o结尾的名词,如果不是外来词或缩写,就加-es,否则加-s构成复数。读音变化:加读z。有生命的加es例:tomatotomatoes; potatopotatoes; Negro, hero 反例:silosilos; pianopianos(外来词); photophotos;kilokilos, zoozoos, radioradios, pianopianos, videovideos。 五、以-f或-fe结尾的名词,多为将-f或-fe改变为-ves,但有例外。读音变化:尾音f改读vz。 thief, life, wife, shelf, self, knife, half, leaf, wolf例:knifeknives; lifelives; leafleaves; staffstaves; scarfscarves反例:roofroofs2. 不规则变化名词单数变复数的不规则变化要注意以下几点:含man的名词,一般变man为men。如womanwomen, policemanpolicemen, EnglishmanEnglishmen。但GermanGermans。将oo改为ee的有footfeet, toothteeth, goosegeese等。复数以en结尾的有childchildren, oxoxen等。将ouse改为ice的有mousemice, louselice(虱子)等。单复数同形的有sheep, deer, fish, means, works(工厂), Swiss, Japanese,Chinese等。 除人民币元、角、分外,美元、英镑、法郎等都有复数形式。例:a dollar, two dollars; a meter, two meters以O结尾的词,许多加es构成复数,特别是一些常用词如:heroes,potatoes,tomatoes,echoes,tornadoes,torpedoes,dominoes,vetoes,mosquitoes,Negroes,mangoes,buffaloes,volcanoes 但下面几类词只加s:1.以“元音+o”或“oo”结尾的词如:videos,radios,studios,folios,oratorios,embryos,zoos,bamboos,kangaroos,taboos 2.一些外来词,特别是音乐方面的词,如:pianos,solos,concertos,tobaccos,mottos,cellos 3.一些缩写词和专有名词,如:kilos,photos,memos,micros,Eskimos,Filipnos 有个别词加两种词尾都可以,如:archipelago(e)s,halo(e)s,cargoes(英),cargos(美)名词由单数变成复数的练习写出下列名词复数leaf_ puppy小狗_ box_ knife_ fly_ fox_ bus_ bench_ brush_ kiss_ church_ dish_ peach_ glass_ pencil_ boy_ zoo_ man_ roof_ sheep_ knife_ lady_ key_ story_ watch_ bamboo_ city_ family_ day_ apple_ eraser_ speech_ thief_ mouse_ fish_ goose_ people _ ox_ Chinese _ deer _ foot_ child_ tooth_ guy_ hero_boss_ monkey_ city _ goat _ radio _ horse _ dog _用所给的单词的复数的正确形式填空:1There are so many_(wolf)in the forest.2There are three _(chair) in the classroom.4_(hero) are great.5My brother looks after two _(baby)6There are some _(deer) eating the grass.8Chinese _(people)like to eat noodles.9I have a lot of _(toy) in my bedroom.10I help my mother wash _(dish) in the kitchen.11I have two _(pencil-box). 16Michael likes the _(mouse).17There are some _(goose)in the river.选出正确形式1I can see three _ in the zoo. A monkeies B monkeys C monkey3.My two brothers are both _.A. policeman B. policemans C. policemen5.I can see ten _ in the picture.A. sheep B. dog C. pig6.The _ has three_.A. boys, watches B. boy, watch C. boy, watches7.Can you see _on the plate? A. bread B. breads C. breades9.Mr Black often drink some _.A. milk B. milks C.milkes10.There are some _ on the floor.A. child B. water C. books11. _ will learn English. A. Woman B. Women C. Man13. I drank two _.A. bottles of orangeB. bottle of orangeC. bottles of oranges14.The cat eats two _ last night.A. mouses B. mice C. mouse15.I need a pen and some _. A. books B. desk C. chair16 Jim was late for two classes this morning. He said that he forgot both of the _ A. rooms number B. Room numberC. Rooms number D. Room numbers17. The newly-built library is a _ building.A. five-storey B. five storeysC. five-storeys D. five storeys18. - Whose umbrella is it?- Its _.A. somebody elses B. Somebody else C. Somebodys elses D. Somebodys else19. I feel terribly hot, Whats the _?A. temperature of room B. Rooms temperature C. Room temperature D. Temperature of rooms21.The girl talking to Mary is a friend of _.A. Marys sister B. Mary sistersC. Marys sisters D. sister of Marys22. The woman over there is _ mother.A. Julia and Shelleys B. Julias and ShelleysB. C. Julia and ShelleyD. Julias and Shelley 24 -Excuse me,where are _ offices?-Over thereA teachers B teachers C the teachers D the teachers25 Today is September 10th. Its_ Day. Lets go and buy some flowers for our teachers.A. Teacher B. TeachersC. the Teachers D. Teachers一.写出以下单词的复数.I _him _this _her _watch _child _photo _diary _day_ foot_ book_ dress _tooth_ sheep _box_ strawberry _thief _yo-yo _ peach_ sandwich _man_ woman_ paper_ juice_water_ milk_ rice_ tea_二、判断正误。下例表述正确的,在题后横线上打“”,错误的改正并说明其错误原因。 1、sheeps_ 2、buses_ 3、my classmatess father_ 4、a onion_ 5、some boys_ 6、five goose_ 7、two womans_ 8、the childrens toys_9、a map of China_ 10、a paper_ 11、three bottle of water_ 12、two babys_ 13、peachs_ 14、potatoes_ 15、foxs_ 16、some leafs_ 17、photoes_ 18、dogs_ 19、the classrooms wall_ 20、mouses_ 二、写出下例名词的复数形式 1、monkey _ 4、house_ 5、bus _ 6、lady_ 7、sheep _ 8、deer _ 9、child_ 10、foot _ 1 2、ox _ 13、desk_ 15、pencil_ 16、dish _ 17、film _ 18、day _ 19plane _ 20、month _ 21inch _ 22village _24、family_ 25、knife _ 26、people _ 28、thief _ 29、chinese _ 30、glass _ 四、完成下例句子。 1、LanLan and I_(是学生). 2、There are _(许多尺子)on the dask. 3、There are_(二十八天)in February this year. 4、Give me _(两瓶兰墨水),please. 5、There are_(五个动物园)in ShangHai. 6、I have _(三个新铅笔盒). 7、He has _(许多老照片). 8、Have you_(两张绿纸)? 五、把下例各句改成复数形式。 1、This is a zoo._ 2、I am a good child._ 3、It is a greedy wolf._ 4、He is drawing a mouse._ 5、There is a baby on the floor._ 六、用正确的名词形式填空 1、Lily and Lucy are my_(classmate). 2、There are seven_(sheep). 3、My uncle has two_(child). 4、How many _(subway)are there in ShenZhen? 5、Can you give me two bottles of_(water). 6、I brush my_(tooth)three times a day. 7、I have two_(cup)of coffee for breakfast. 8、The_(leaf)turn green in spring. 9、There are some_(policeman)in the police station. 10、The green sweater is his_(brother). 七、选择正确的词填空 1、Those_(fishfishes)are very beautiful. 2、Those hamburgers are_(TomToms). 3、Nina is at_(grandmasgrandma).She went there yesterday. 4、We have 16 new_(lightlights). 5、_(The classrooms doorThe classroom)is broken 6、My friend Edward has three_(childchildren). 7、Do you like eating_(ricerices)? 8、There are 4_(teacups of tea)on the desk. 9、How many_(wolfswolves)are there? 10、I like_(chickenchickens)better than pork? 八、选择填空 ()5、Father has_for breakfast. A.two piece of bread; B.two pieces of bread; C.two pieces of breads; D.two piece of breads; ()6、Im thirsty.I need_to drink. A.three bottle of juice; B.three bottle of juices; C.three bottles of juices; D.three bottles of juice; ()9、-How many_can you see in the picture? -eight. A.sheep B.sheeps C.duck D.cow ()10、About ten_are going to visit the Chinese Art Museum the day after tomorrow. A.Englishman B.German C. Japanese D.Indian ()12、_love seeing ChengLongs films. A.Peoples B.people C.People D.person ()14、There were many_and there werent_then. A.factories; subwaies. B.factory; subways. C.factories; subways. D.factorys; subwaies. ()15、Maths_my favorite subject. A.is B.am C.are D.be ()16、Can you give me_? A.a paper B.some papers C.some paper D.papers ()17、Whats_name,Peter? A.he B.the boy C.The boys ()18、Look at_photo. Is it nice? A. Alice B.Alices C.Alices ()19、My brother is reading_. A.todays paper B.today of paper C.todays papers ()20、There are many pictures on_. A.the classrooms walls; B.the walls of the classroom; C.The walls in the classroom. ()21、That girl is Susan. She is _. A.a friend my sister; B.a friend of my sister C.a friend of my sisters ()23、-Can we put_here?-Yes,Please. A.our coats B.our coat C.my coat ()24、She must look after those_. A.dog B.sheep C.parrot 选词填空。and ,receive , satellite , weather , change ,help, or , early , for, when, forecast , star Satellites Forecast the WeatherNow satellites are helping to forecast (预报) the weather. They are in space, and they can reach any part of the world. The 1._ take pictures of the atmosphere (大气), because this is where the weather forms (形成). They send these pictures to the 2. _ station. So the scientists there can see the weather of any part of the world and tell how the weather will change. Today, nearly five hundred weather stations in sixty countries can 3. _ satellite pictures. 4. _they receive the new pictures, they compare (比较) them with the earlier ones. Perhaps they may find that the clouds have 5. _ during the last few hours. This may mean that the weather on the ground may soon change, too. In their next weather 6. _, they can tell people about it. So the weather satellites are of a great 7. _ to the scientists at the station. In the past they could forecast the weather for about 24 or 48 hours 8. _. Now they can make good forecasts for three 9 _ five days. Soon, perhaps, they may be able to forecast the weather 10. _ a week or more ahead. 19请根据下图的提示在短文的横线上填入适当的词,使短文意思完整与正确。(一)One day, Mrs King 1 Lucy to go shopping, and 2 her a shopping list. When Lucy 3 to the shop, she bought all the things 4 the list. Now it was time to pay for them.“Sorry!”she said. “Ive 5 my money!”So she went 6 home quickly. Her money 7 still 8 on the chair. She got the money to pay for the things. Then she said 9 to the shop-keeper and 10 the things home. (二)It(1)w Saturday yesterday. Li Lei and Zhang Hua(2)d go home. They(3)s in the classroom to read and write.It was noon. It was(4)t for them to have(5)l . They left the classroom. About two(6)h later(之后),they came(7)b to the classroom, again. “Look, Li Lei!”said Zhang Hua. “There is a problem(题目)on the(8)b .”“Whats the next number, please?”asked Li Lei. “Let me(9)s . Um, I know its(10)n !”answered Zhang Hua. 完形. Jack lost(丢失)his Job last week. It was difficult for him to find another 1. 2told him that it was possible(可能的) to get a new one in a town two hundred kilometers3 . He decided to get there 4. So he went to the railway station and got5 a train. He was the only one in the car(车厢). The train started. Suddenly a man came in 6 a gun(枪) and said to him,“Your money 7 your life!” Jack sat there without 8 up. “I 9 any money,”Jack answered. “Then why are you so afraid of me?”the man asked angrily. “Because I 10 you were the conductor, and I didnt buy a ticket,”answered Jack.()1、A.workB.jobsC.onesD.one ()2、A.Nobody B.Somebody C.AnybodyD.No one ()3、A.from B.fartherC.awayD.off ()4、A.by bike B.on foot C.by train D.by bus ()5、A.off B.on C.upD.to ()6、A.with B.has C.haveD.there was ()7、A.but B.and C.so D.or ()8、A.stands B.standing C.stood D.stand ()9、A.dont have B.have no C.didnt have D.had ()10、A.know B.didnt know C.think D.thought


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