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人教PEP 六年级英语下册课件 期末复习 句子 课时一 参考话题 Myholiday等涉及句式 一般过去时 特殊疑问句 一般疑问句等 涉及词汇 动词 六下Unit3Unit4五上 Unit4 地点 国家 城市 交通工具 课时二 参考话题 Mypenpal等涉及句式 现在进行时 特殊疑问句等 涉及词汇 动词 五下 Unit4Unit5Unit6 天气 四下Unit4 等 课时三 参考话题 Myweekend等涉及句式 一般将来时 特殊疑问句 一般疑问句等 涉及词汇 动词 五上Unit2Unit4五下 Unit2六上Unit3 地点 城市 交通工具 六上Unit1 等 课时四 参考话题 Myfamily等涉及句式 一般现在时 形容词的比较级等涉及词汇 动词 五上Unit4六上Unit4 形容词 五上Unit1六下Unit1Unit2 人物 三下Unit2 职业 六上Unit5 食品 饮料 三上Unit5 水果 三下Unit4 蔬菜 五上Unit3 衣服 四下Unit3 动物 三上Unit4 交通工具 六上Unit1 数词 三上Unit6三下Unit3 月份 五下Unit3 季节 五下Unit2 等词 课时五 参考话题 Myhome等涉及句式 therebe句型 一般疑问句等 涉及词汇 杂物 方位 六上Unit2 介词 五上Unit5 地点 四上Unit4 食品 饮料 学习用品 三上Unit1 衣服等 课时六 参考话题 Abirthdayparty等涉及句式 特殊疑问句 一般疑问句等 涉及词汇 天气类形容词 四下Unit4 衣物类名词 四下Unit3 等 AtSarah shomeSarah Mom todayisAmy sbirthday I mgoingtoherhome CanIwearmyT shirtandjeans Mom No youcan t It shottoday Youcanwearyourdress Sarah Whereismyreddress Mom It sinthecloset Sarah Oh thisdressistooshort Mom Yeah let sbuyanewdress Sarah Thankyou mom Let sgo Mom OK AtashopAssistant CanIhelpyou Mom Yes please Iwantadressformydaughter Assistant Howaboutthisdress Mom Ilikethecolour butit stoolong Assistant Lookatthatdress It slonger Mom Yes it spretty Assistant IsthisoneOK Sarah Yes Ilikeit mom Mom Howmuchisit Assistant It seightyyuan Mom That sexpensive Howaboutseventyyuan Assistant OK Mom I lltakeit AtAmy shomeSarah Hello Amy Youlooksobeautifultoday Amy Thankyou Sarah Sarah Thisisforyou Happybirthday Amy Thankyouverymuch Sarah Wherearemyclassmates Amy Idon tknow John Mike whereareyou John Mike Wearehere inthestudy Sarah I mcoming Whatareyoudoing John Mike WearemakingabirthdaycardforAmy Sarah Goodidea John Whenisyourbirthday Sarah Mybirthdayisinspring Mike Doyoulikespring Sarah Yes springisgreenandbeautiful Itismyfavouriteseason John IsyourbirthdayinMarch Sarah No mybirthdayisinMay May5th John Oh May5th Iknow I llsendyouabirthdaycardthen Sarah Thankyou Let seatthebirthdaycake John Mike OK PEP小学英语 综合练习卷 词句 一 Whichdoesn tbelong Pleasereadandcircle tallercoolerthinnerfarmer sadsnowyhappytired fevercoldmattertoothache4 milkCDjuicetea5 breadsweaterpizzacake6 cardsbooksplanspicturesjeansphotosshoesslippers7 auntmothergrandfatherclassmate teacherdoctorsalespersonpeople hospitalflowerlibrarycinema divingsingingdancingexciting rainsnowwindfall watersportrootsseeds SundayyesterdaySaturdayMonday hopsupermarketmuseumleaf subwaystraighttrainship drinktodaytomorrowtonight riverturnsealake newspapercinemamagazinedictionary eastnorthlightwest21 JanuaryAugustNovemberbirthday22 usuallybecausesometimesoften23 springOctoberwintersummer24 seasonsecondtwelfthninth25 butterflybreakfastlunchdinner26 tomatoescabbagewatermeloneggplant 二 Look readandchangethewords talltaller short nice funny fat cold thin happy small old young wet 2 watchwatchedwash play clean dance visit go do read fly study is ecomeswear dig hurt go do have climb catch watch wash eat 4 collectcollectingswim sing buy get take run fly drink write talk drive 三 WritethewordsandChinesemeaning 1 p nc l 2 r l r 3 sch l 4 w nd w 5 b f 6 f th 7 c mp ter 8 p ct r 9 s v n 10 f v 11 m sic 12 Ch n s 13 y l w 14 sk t 15 w m 16 l ng 17 ran e 18 r bb t 20 k nd 21 str ct 22 Th sd y 23 p t to 24 gr pe 25 b thr m 26 f r st 27 h se 28 b h nd 29 su lly 30 s mm 31 J n 32 f ght 33 h n y 34 l br ry 35 tr ff c 36 h bb 37 cc nt nt 38 r n 39 str m 40 xc t d 41 sm ll r 42 w kend 43 d nc 四 Translate翻译1 teacher putergame6 baseballplayer7 universitystudent8 dohousework9 naturepark10 infrontof11 readamagazine12 wakeup13 做饭14 打扫卧室15 使用计算机16 数昆虫17 照相18 画画19 下棋20 听音乐21 堆雪人22 弹钢琴23 去远足24 今天上午25 下周26 去看电影27 做风筝28 集邮29 头疼30 发烧31 那是你的电脑 32 这是讲台吗 是的 33 今天很暖和 34 那儿有多少匹马 35 我会浇花 36 你们星期四有什么课 37 你的英语老师是谁 38 她在写报告吗 39 你在干什么 40 你为什么喜欢冬天 41 雨是怎样形成的 42 你妈妈是干什么的 43 今天下午你打算到哪儿去 44 我经常步行上学 45 上个周末你干了什么 46 你怎么啦 47 你有多重 48 我比你瘦而且矮 49 我昨天踢了足球 50 我的喉咙痛 五 Readandchoose 1 Whatcolouristhenewpostoffice A It ssuper B It sgreen 2 Isitfar It seastofthecinema B Sorry Idon tknow 3 Where sTom shome A Icangothereonfoot B OntheNo 39Zhongshanstreet 4 Whatareyougoingtodo A I mgoingtobuyabook B I mgoingthisafternoon 5 Excuseme isthereacinemanearhere A Yes thereis B Thankyou 6 Howdoyougotoschooleveryday A Igotoschoolbybike B Igotoschoolbyair 7 WhereisMikegoing A HewenttoBeijing B He sgoingtoBeijing 8 HowdoesAmyfeel A She sexcited B Shewantstoeat 9 Howlongareyourlegs A 72kg B 76cm 10 Aboyis150 tall A mB cm 六 Let sreadSarchandHerSistersSarahhasfoutsisters TheyareBetty Mary RoseandAnn Sarahistheoldestofthefive Bettyisthirteenyearsold SheistwoyearsyoungerthanSarahandoneyearolderthanMary RoseisnineandAnnisseven SarahandBettyinamiddleschool Mary Rose andAnnstudyinaprimaryschool Theprimaryschoolisneartheirhome Theywalkthere Themiddleschoolisveryfar SarahandBettygotherebybus 1 Readandtickorcross 1 AnnisolderthanRose 2 SarahandBettyaremiddleschoolstudents 3 Mary Rose andAnnoftengotoschoolbybus 4 Theirhomeisneartheprimaryschool 2 Readandchoose 1 HowoldisSarah A Nine B Twelve C Thirteen D Fifteen 2 Howmanygirlsarethereinthereintheirfamily A Two B ThreeC Five D Six 3 Whoistheyoungestgirlofall A BettyB Rose C AnnD Mary 4 Whoisamiddleschoolstudent A BettyB MaryC RoseD Ann PEP小学英语 综合练习卷 语法 一 Readandchoose 1 Doyouhavepaper Sorry Idon thave butIhavepencils A some some anyB any some someC any any someD some any some 2 Howmuchhaveyougot A rulersB moneyC dogsD books 3 What sthematteryou Linda A aboutB forC toD with 4 It saquartersix Let sgohome A ofB inC toD at 5 Theboyissittingherfatherandmother A amongB betweenC afterD before 6 AreyougoingtoplayPing Pongfootball A orB andC butD so 7 It sverydifficult Icandoitmyself A andB soC butD or 8 Thewomanisold butshelooks A goodB youngC whiteD right 9 isyourprincipal A WhoB WhatC Who s 10 MrsHeartiskindpretty A butB andC so 11 MrRiceisstrict heisnice A SoB AndC But 12 OurEnglishclassissofun A manyB muchC math 13 Leeisauniversitystudent She sveryyoung A MrB LadyC Miss 14 WelikeourChineseteacher A allB anyC am 15 thereapathhere A IsB Are 16 Arethereanyinthemountains A pandaB pandas 17 Isthereaforestoverthere A Yes thereisn t B Yes thereis 18 Arethereanytallbuildingsinthevillage A No therearen t B No thereisn t 19 Arethereanymonkeyshere A Yes theyare B No therearen t 20 What syourpenpal shobby A He sclimbingmountains B Helikesclimbingmountains 二 Readandwrite 1 What be youdoing Iam write 2 What be yourgrandmadoing Sheis wash 3 What be theydoing Theyare draw 4 What be yourmotherdoing She be reading 5 Janeoften read reads Englishinthemorning 6 Thegirlusually watch watches TVintheevening 7 Myfriend go goes homebysubwayeveryday 8 Iusually get gets upat6 30 9 He play plays footballafterclass 10 Theyoften climb climbs mountainsonweekends 11 Hishandwritingis good thanhers 12 We see elephantsinthezoolastweek 13 Theelephantismuch strong thanthedog 14 Amyoften buy acardforherteacheronTeachers Day 15 Mylittlesisteristoo young togotoschool 16 Whocanhelp I withmyheavybox 17 I row aboatyesterday 18 benot youateacher 19 Mikeis draw apictureonthewall 20 Iwill play basketballwithmyfriendstomorrow 21 I watch TVyesterdayevening 22 Mike do homeworklastnight 23 We play footballyesterday 24 Mymother clean theroomlastSunday 25 Amy visit hergrandparentslastweek 26 I go toschoolbybike 27 Myfather go toworkbysubway 28 Billoften read newspaperafterlunch 29 Myfamily watch TVatnight 30 ChenJielikes ride bikes 三 look readandwrite1 There is are somebananas on near thetable 2 There is are afootball in under thebed 3 There is are sometallbuildingsinthe village city 4 Myteacheris strong thin Andshe s old young 5 Ihave onions mutton andcabbageforlunch 6 Mike has have Englishand science math on Friday Thursday When Where What Who How Why1 CanIgettothezoo Youcanrideabikethere 2 doyougotoschoolonfoot Becausemyhomeisnear 3 areyougoingafterlunch Iamgoingtothebookstore 4 areyougoing Iamgoingat4o clock 5 areyougoingtodo Iamgoingtoplayfootball 6 areyougoingtoplaywith Mybrother 四 Readandwrite 例 Mikedrawsacar Mikeisdrawingacar Mikeisgoingtodrawacar Mikedrewacaryesterday 1 Thelittlegirlmakesapaperbird be begoingto made 2 Thechildrenhavedinnerathome be begoingto had 3 AnnandAmyswimintheswimmingpool be begoingto swam 4 Weplaythebasketballontheplayground be begoingto played 五 Correcttheerrors 1 WhatdoMikedoyesterday ABCD 2 HewentswimlastSaturday ABCD 3 Didyouwenttoaparkontheweekend ABCD 4 Ivisitgrandparentslastweekend ABCD 5 Shelikesingingsongs ABCD 6 Wheredidyouwentonyourholiday ABCD 7 Wetooklotsofpictureduringourtrip ABCD 8 Isinganddancedwithmyfriendsyesterdayafternoon ABCD 9 Weskiedandmadeansnowman ABCD 10 TomstartedtogoaroundtheworldbybikeinJuly1st ABCD 六 Readandwrite1 MikelearnedEnglishonhisholiday 对划线部分提问 2 IwenttoEnglandbyship 对划线部分提问 3 Theyhadagoodtimeontheirholiday 改为一般疑问句 4 TomorrowIwillgobackhome 改为否定句 5 DidyougodivingonSaturday 做否定回答 Goodbye


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