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四上英语句型转换专练班级_ 姓名_ 学号_成绩_一、一般疑问句:1. We like pandas. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)_ _ like pandas? Yes, we _.2. They are at home. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_ _ at home? No, they _.3. Id like some pies. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)_ _ like _ pies? _, _.4.I like purple grapes. (改一般疑问句,否定回答)_ _ like purple grapes?_, I _.5. My skirts are on the bed.(改为一般疑问句,肯定回答)_ _ skirts on the bed? _, _ _.6. Your cap is on the table.(改为一般疑问句,否定回答)_ _ _on the table? _, _ _.7. Our books are in the bedroom. ( 改一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_ _ books in the bedroom? No,_ _.8. We would like some juice.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)-_ _ like _ juice? -_, _.9. I can see some birds.(改为一般疑问句, 否定回答)-_ _see _ birds? -_, _ _. 10. They have some juice.(改为一般疑问句, 肯定回答)-_ they have _ juice? - _, _ _.二、对划线部分提问:1. My coats are on the table.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ coats?2. The schoolbag is behind the door. (对划线部分提问)_ the schoolbag?3. We have four mangoes. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ _ _have?4. We have four mangoes. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ have?5. The girl can see only one zebra in the zoo._ _ the girl see in the zoo?6. The girl can see only one zebra in the zoo._ _ _ _ the girl see in the zoo?7. I can see ten nice stickers._ _ _ _ _ _ _?8. I can see ten nice stickers._ _ _ _?9. These stickers are fifteen yuan. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ these stickers?10. We have 28 yuan._ _ _ _ have?11. Its ten oclock _ _ is it?12. The boy is thirteen years old._ _ _ the boy?13.We have dinner at six._ _ _ _ have dinner?14. My father is thirty-five years old._ _ _ _ father?15. The boys can play football._ _ the boys_?16. We can read books in the library. _ _ _ _ in the library?17. They love to swim in summer._ _ they love to _ in summer?18. My father can play table tennis._ _ _ _ _?三、改为否定句 :1. They are teachers.They _ _ teachers. 或缩写成They _ teachers.2. I have some books.I _ _ _ _ books.或缩写成I _ _ _ books.3. I am happy.I _ _ happy. 或缩写成_ _ happy.4. I can see some bees.I _ _ see _ bees. 或缩写成I_ see_ bees.5. You can talk here.You _ _ talk here. 或缩写成You_ talk here.6. It is my pen.It _ _ my pen.或缩写成 _ _ my pen. 或缩写成_ _ my pen.7. We like to ride bikes in spring.We _ _ like to ride bikes in spring.8. Id like a pie.I _ _ like a pie.9. These pies are for you.(改为否定句)These pies _ for _.10. I can do this too. (改为否定句)I _ _ this_.四、感叹句,同义句:1. It is a nice room.(改写成what 引导的感叹句)_ _ _ room!2. Its a big egg.(改写成what 引导的感叹句)_ _ _ egg!3. How cute the rabbit is! (写出同义句)_ a _ rabbit!4. How beautiful your stickers are! (改为同义句)_ _ stickers!5. What a beautiful tail!(改为同义句)_ _ the tail is!6. What nice stickers!_ _ the stickers are!五、综合练习:1. Its only thirteen yuan.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ _ ?2. They like to swim in summer. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ like to_ in summer? 3. Id like some socks.(请写出这句话的问题/根据答句写问句)_ _ _ _ ?_ _ _ _ ?4. My sisters like dolls.(改成一般疑问句,做否定回答)_ _ _ like _ ? _ , _ _ .5. I dont have any peaches.(改肯定)_ _ _ peaches.6. These grapes are nice.(改成一般疑问句,做否定回答)_ _ _ _? - _, _ _.7. I am hungry. (改成一般疑问句,做否定回答) _ _ _? _ , _ _ .8. Im hungry.(改成否定)_ _ _ .9. The cap is on the bed.(对划线部分提问)_ the cap?10. My fathers cap is on the table.(对划线部分提问) _ _ _ cap?11. Her hair is long. (改成一般疑问句,做否定回答) _ _ _ long? No, _ _.12. What a funny boy!(改为同义句)_ _ the boy is!13. His eyes are big. (改成一般疑问句,做肯定回答) _ _ _ big? Yes, _ _ .14. My grandfather is sixty-two years old.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ _ grandfather ?15. Id like some socks. (改成一般疑问句,做肯定回答)_ _ _ _ socks? Yes, _ .16. Here is a box on the bed.(改复数)_ _ _ _ on the box.四上英语改错专练班级_ 姓名_ 学号_成绩_1. I can swim. I can skate either. (1)2. Here are some juice for you. (1)3. -Look at this cats. -What lovely! (2)4. Would you like any mangos? (2)5. How much are the umbrella? (1)6. -Wheres Mike? -His in the snack bar.(2)7. What an lovely elephant! (1)8. -What do you like? -Id like horse. (2)9. Dont sad. I cant fly too. (2)10. Id like a cup tea. What a bout you? (2)11. How many librarys do you have? (1)12. How many are the books? (1)13. -.Look attheskirts. -Itsnice.(1)14. .Id likeswiminsummer.(1)15. .Can youhelpI?(1)16. Letourmakeafruitsalad.(1)17. .I have two sandwichs. (1)18. .Howmuchisthesocks? (1)19. .I can see three monkey on the tree.(2)20. .Hiseyesisbigandred.(1)21. You can try them all. (1)22. Look at my brother. Her hair is short.23. I have some pencils. And I dont have some rulers. (2)24. My brother can jump good. (1)


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