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实用标准文档朗文英语4A复习提要Chapter 4: Five hundred years ago 五百年之前I. 经过第4章的学习,下面的新单词我们要准确无误地读(read them correctly),知道它们的中文意思(know the Chinese meaning),不看书进行英汉互译( translate),并且还要会拼写( spell)。文案大全cotton clothes 棉质衣服silk clothes 丝绸衣服a horse 一匹马 a sedan chair 一台轿子silver and gold 银子和金子 paper money 纸币a village 一个村子 a town 一个镇子II.句型。下面的关键句型我们要会读(read), 知道意思(know the Chinese meaning),会根据不同的语境来运用(use them in different contexts),会写(write them correctly)。1. - What did people wear 500 years ago? - Most people wore cotton clothes. Some people wore silk clothes -五百年前人们穿什么? -大部分人穿棉质衣服。 一些人穿丝绸衣服。 2. - How did people travel 500 years ago? - Most people walked or rode horses. Rich people travelled by sedan chair Some people travelled by boat. - 五百年前人们怎么旅行? - 大部分人步行或骑马去旅行。 富人坐轿子旅行。 一些人坐船旅行。 3. - How did people pay for things 500 years ago?Or we can say: How did people pay 500 years ago? - Most people paid for things with silver and gold.Or we can say: Most people paid with silver and gold. - Some people paid for things with paper money.Or we can say: Some people paid with paper money. - 五百年前人们怎么买东西? - 大部分人用银子和金子买东西。 一些人用银票买东西。4. - Where did people live 500 years ago? - Most people lived in villages.Or we can say: Most people lived in a village. - Some people lived in towns.Or we can say: Some people lived in a town. - 五百年前人们住在哪里? - 大部分人住在村子里。 一些人住在镇子里。 5. - Did you go to the museum last week? - Yes, I did. / No, I didnt - 上周你去博物馆了吗?- 是的,我去了。/ 不,我没有去。注意要点:1. 各个疑问词和动词的搭配。(What-wear; Where-live; How-pay; How-travel)。要根据语境来选择疑问词。2. 问句答句时态保持一致,问句用过去时,答句也用过去时。问句是现在时,答句也用现在时。3. 助动词did后面动词用原形:What did people wear? Did you find out?5. pay for+要支付的东西: things, shoes, clothes, books;pay with+支付方式:paper money, credit cards, cash, silver and god6. 动名词短语中,除一些固定搭配以外(play football, go to school),名词是可数要用复数或者单数:read books (读书), read the book (读书), read a book (读一本书), ride horses (骑马), ride the horse (骑马),ride a horse (骑一匹马)7. by+名词原形: by boat ,by car, by sedan chair, by bus, by horse*需要注意区别travel by horse 骑马旅行ride horses/ ride the horse 骑马8. 部分动词变过去式不规则变化:Present tensePast tenseriderodewearworetraveltravelled(英式), traveled(美式)paypaidfindfoundIII. C部分学完后,你们要达到以下的要求哦。1) 可以准确而流利地背诵出C部分。2) 对于书上笔记的单词,短语和句子要会读,知道意思,会拼写。3) 对于下面的单词和固定搭配以及句子要准确而流利地读出来,而且要能够英汉互译。下面,我们就来检查一下吧。1. do his homework做他的家庭作业2. keep in touch with和保持联系3. be (were) away from home远离家4. family的复数:families;families用作复数的时候表示“家人们”5. read on继续读6. after a while = soon过了一会儿,很快7. fall asleep (fell asleep) 入睡,睡着了8. feel sleepy (felt sleepy) 觉得困,犯困(没睡着)9. find-found himself in a strange place发现他自己在一个奇怪的地方10. strange奇怪的11. next to him在他旁边12. look out朝外看13. look tired看上去疲惫14. Get in! 进来15. ride in a sedan chair坐在一台轿子里16. take to 带去17. miss(想念)his own family(miss还有“错过”的意思,见p15)18. call sb打电话给某人19. Postman 邮递员(复数:postmen)20. post office 邮局21. in the cage 在笼子里22. send letters 寄信23. explain (explained) 解释24. by land陆运 25. by sea海运26. by air空运27. be (was) at the door在门外28. suddenly突然地29. wake (woke) up醒来30. write a letter to sb=write sb a letter 写信给某人 (write 的过去式wrote)(4)对于下列文中出现的动词过去时和现在时, 要求:知意,会读,会拼写,会根据语境和时态自由转换。Present tensePast tensewakewokestopstoppedfindfoundfallfellfeelfelttaketookriderodewritewrote(5)对于下面的一些词组和句型,我们要准确而流利地读出来,能够英汉互译,还要会运用和拓展。1. One day, Ken was doing his homework.有一天Ken在做他的家庭作业。这是一个过去进行时的时态。进行时的基本结构是:be(am, is are, was, were)+doing,缺一不可,be动词由人称来决定。正在进行时:am/ is/are+doing过去进行时:was/were+doing拓展举例:- What are you doing now?- I am washing my clothes.- What is she doing now?- She is painting a picture for her mum.Look! Those women are dancing and singing.Listen! Someone is knocking on the door.She was dancing when I came into her room. 2. Please may I use your phone? 我能用你的电话吗?表示一种请求。也可以说Can I use your phone?但前者语气更委婉,更有礼貌。IV. Part E1) New words and phrases for Part E.E部分新单词和词组。要求:对于以下单词和词组要会读,会英汉互译。书上打星号的单词还要会拼写。1. in the past 以前 (in the present 现在)2. Chinese New Year 新年3. cook with gas用煤气(天然气)做饭4. Firewood 柴火5. at markets在市场上 (shop at supermarkets在超市购物)6. supermarket 超市7. cook with firewood用柴火做饭8. flat公寓 (live in flats 住在公寓)9. celebrate Christmas庆祝圣诞节2)语法点:1. 请根据以下两组句子回答这个问题:何时用there be句型,何时用助动词:do, did, does?A: There are some books on the desk.There were short bridges 500 years ago.Is there any sugar?Was there any chewing gum when you were young?B: Did you listen to the radio last night?Does she like dancing?What does she have for lunch?How did people travel in the past?What did people eat 500 years ago?总结:there be句型后面接名词;助动词do, did, does后面跟动词。2. How was life 500 years ago?life(生活)为不可数名词 ,在过去时的情况下,be动词用was3. -Were there any supermarkets? - No, there werent.supermarkets为可数名词复数,根据上下文的语境,判断此处时间为500 years ago, 即过去时,所以be动词用were. 问句答句时态以及be动词保持一致,问句便是:No, there werent.4. - Did people cook with gas? - No, they didnt.根据上下文的语境,判断此处时间为500 years ago,即过去时,所以助动词用Did。Did 后面的动词用原形,所以只能用cook。问句答句时态以及助动词保持一致,问句便是:No, they didnt.5. 疑问词的选择How如何Where 哪里When何时What 什么6. 介词with的用法:cook with gascook with firewood wash my face with cold water 用write with pensplay with my mumgo with him 和play football with DinaAlan 与Jay 的对话补充 P30e.g. Alan: Yes, there was.Jay:Did people live in flats?Alan:No, they didnt.Jay:Where did they live?Alan:Most people lived in small houses.Some people lived in large houses.Jay:Did they celebrate Christmas?Alan:No, they didnt.Jay: What did they celebrate?Alan: They celebrated Chinese New Year.V. Part F.(1) New words and phrases.新单词和词组。要求:知道意思,会读。contents目录introduce 介绍(动词)introduction 介绍(名词)tunnel隧道,通道bridge桥 find out发现 want to+动原:想要做 VIPart G. 要求:知道每句话的意思,能根据每条线路说出正确的句子,出现的新词还要能会读,知道意思,能英汉互译。fridge冰箱drink tea-drank喝茶供你参考的句子:1. There werent any fridges.2. People drank tea. (There was some tea.)3. There werent any comics.(People didnt read comics)4. There werent any computers. (People didnt use computers)5. There were sedan chairs. (Some people travelled by sedan chair)6. There were silk clothes. (Some people wore silk clothes.)


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