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英语专项巩固训练1、 这是海伦,那是鲍勃 This is Helen, Bob.2、 That is a blue pen in English.(对划线部分提问) ( )( )in English?3、 我有两张我弟弟的照片 I have ( )( )( )my brother.4、 W to our school.Have a good day!(根据提示补齐句子)5、 My pencil is blue.What color is his pencil ?(同义句转换)My pencil is blue( )( )( ).6、 一串钥匙在失物招领箱里。(翻译)。、 This( )ruler is Leos(根据句意用定冠词the或/填空)、 My e-mail is sdgqwjy 126.com. E- mail me ,please.(两句合并为一句)You can( )me( )sdgqwjy126.com.9、 一串钥匙在书包里(翻译)( )( )( )( )( )in the shoolbag。10. ( )( ) (在我头上) is a white hat.11. On the dictionary is a notebook.(改为同义句) The dictionary ( )( )a notebook.12. 我不认识教室里的那个女孩(翻译) 。13. 让她和我们一起去图书馆吧。(根据汉语完成下列句子)( )( )( )to the libray with us.14. My sister and i have a dog.but w lost it this afternoon.(根据首字母单词完善句子)15. Alice (go) to school with her brother every day(用所给单词正确形式填空)。16. Cindy always (play)baseball in the afternoon(用所给单词正确形式填空)。17. I have a computer(用he改写句子) He a computer.18. Peter, go and ask (they) for some balls(用所给单词适当形式填空)。19. 戴维没有电脑,但是鲍勃有一台。David a coputer, but Bob .20. They have a socder ball(改为否定句)They a soccer ball.21. 迈克只在电视上观看体育运动。(按照汉语意思完成句子)Mike only sports .22. 简和詹妮在同一所学校里。(翻译) 。23. 他们真正地喜欢健康的食品。 。24. 她想要一条白色的裤子。She wants trousers.25. Sorry ,Miss Brown .I am I for class.(根据首字母完成句子)。26. Eat woman real health watch tv (用所给单词适当形式填空)1) His grandfather always in the evening.2) My sister Helen likes vegetables in the morning.3) Her son can play ping-pong well.27. My cousin likes vegetables(改为否定句)My cousin vegetables.28. dinner, likes, salad, for, she(连词成句) 。29. (用所给单词适当形式填空)Same, ball, good, be, price, everywhere, teach, on, I1) My brother plays soccer very .2) The cup isnt .its Bobs.30. Here are some (风筝)on the table.31. Thank you for (come) to my party,Marry.(用所给单词适当形式填空)32. Where are the (watch),Kate?(用所给单词适当形式填空)33. David and Lucy are my (同班同学)。34. CIndy likes eating (健康的)。35. My parents love me and i love (they),too.36. Can i ask you some (question)?37. Do you know those two w ?Yeah!Theyre Mrs .Hand and Mrs .Black.38. Tina has o one sister.39. 格林夫人胖胖的,但是她女儿不胖Mrs green ,but her daughter .40. 我必须找到我丢失的身份证。I my lost ID card.41. 对女孩来说,我们有白色的裤子,售14美元。(in.for.) .42. 史密斯先生只吃绿色蔬菜(vegetable) .43. 埃里克的弟弟看上去很健康。(look) .44. 蓝色和红色混合在一起是什么颜色?(what color) .45. His , the, is, pen, blue .46. vegetables, afternoon, are, the, sale, all, on, this .47. family, is, Dale, photo, in, his .48. Its my family photo.(改为同义句)。Its photo my family.49. He is Smith ,Smith is his (姓)。50. My QQ number is 8778916.(对划线部分提问) Your QQ number?51. You he it i she(所给单词适当形式填空)1) Is this blue pen?2) The girl is my friend monther is a teacher.52. 她叫什么名字? 她的名字是玛丽。 53. .的名字 。54. Jane is my (表妹)。We are in the same class.55. Have a good day!(写出答语). .56. Your, two, are, brother, these, boys(连词成句) ?57. Is that your cup?(所给单词适当形式填空)No . (I) is white.58. 戴维,谢谢你的帮助。不客气(翻译) Your help,David.youre .59. 向老师索要它吧。(翻译) 。60. 吉娜总是问:我的书包在哪里?(翻译) 。61.The n of that boy in the next room is eric.(根据首字母完成句子)62.托尼的电话号码是多少?(根据汉语完善英语句子) Tonys .63. 詹妮是一所中学的老师。(根据汉语完善英语句子)Jennv is a teacher .64. 那些是你的表弟们吗?(根据汉语完善英语句子) 。65. Can you help (we)? (单词适当形式填空) sure 66. We have six english (class)everyweek.(单词适当形式填空)67. Linda (have) two pairs of red shoes.(单词适当形式填空)68. Alan and Eric are my friends .I play with (they) after school.(单词适当形式填空)69. Bill (go) to school at seven thirty in the morning.(单词适当形式填空)70. 放学后迈克总是和他的朋友们踢足球。Mike always his brother .71. 他不喜欢蔬菜(翻译)。 。72. Your favorite sport is tennis.yes, you are r .(完成句子)73. Kate doesnt want (buy) shorts.(完成句子)74. What about (watch)TV after school?(完成句子)75. 詹妮询问我的家庭情况。Jenny my family.76. 对她来说打排球很容易。It is play volleyball77. Is it Kates bicycle (自行车)?No, is under the tree.she put it there this morning. A.his B.hers C.mine D.yours78. How much are the books?(改为同义句) The books?


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