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高考英语写作高频词组A:ask sb to help sb请求某人帮助某人;造句:李华请我帮他。 and so on等等,还有很多;造句:每个人都有自己的爱好,像球类运动,听音乐,画画等等。 a lot of许多;造句:在我们的日常生活中,我们会遇到很多麻烦。 as students =as a student作为学生;造句:作为一个学生,我应该好好学习。 allow sb to do sth允许某人做某事;造句:他们不允许我玩电脑游戏也不允许和我的朋友们进行户外活动。 at present目前;造句:目前,为了使我们的世界更美丽我们应该努力学习。 as soon as一就;造句:我们一离开教室就要关灯。 ask for sth请求,要求; 造句:我写信是想问一下关于文化的一些信息。 ask for three days leave 请三天假;造句:我写信请三天假。 as a result,结果;造句:结果,我在家庭作业上花了更少的时间,而且我不再觉得受挫了。 at this moment此刻,就在这时;造句:此刻,摄影师拍下了那张珍贵的照片。 at the beginning 首先,从一开始;造句:一开始我不擅长学习。 after school 放学之后;造句:放学后,我不高兴的回家去了。 B:better than超过,好于;造句:我认为谈论爱好比谈论钱好。 be good at 擅长;做得好;造句:但我不擅长听力和口语。 造句:一开始我不擅长学习。 be proud of 对感到骄傲;造句:我为我们的城市感到自豪。 be grateful for sth 对感激;造句:我们会非常感激你的帮助。 build up friendship 建立友谊;造句:我们学校正在准备一个文化角来建立青少年之间的友谊。 be interested in对感兴趣;造句:他们不喜欢上学并且他们对学习也不感兴趣。 because of因为,由于;造句:有些学生因为一个或两个科目而放弃了学业。 be afraid of害怕;造句:他们害怕被嘲笑。 break the rules破坏规则;造句:有时候人们会破坏规则。 be able to do 能够做;造句:我不能理解老师在课堂上讲的内容。 be angry with 生气;造句:如果你告诉她真相,也许她会生你的气。 be eager to盼望,渴望做;造句:为了使它更成功,我们很想邀请你作为英语演讲比赛的评委。 be glad to do乐意、高兴做;造句:我很高兴看到在我们学校的海报。 be going to将要;造句:我们打算建一个新的餐厅。 be surprised to do因为做而吃惊;造句:我很惊讶地看到许多人和一个大蛋糕。 by and by不久以后;造句:不久,由于他的鼓励我取得了很大的进步。 C:calm down冷静下来;造句:我试着冷静下来,并躲在桌子下。 come from来自;造句:我来自中国。 care about关心;造句:在公共场所注意我们的言行举止是非常重要的。 come to an end结束,告终;造句:我的初中生活即将结束。 concentrate on sth集中精力于,全神贯注于;造句:我上课时更加集中精力了。 communicate with与交流,沟通;造句:现在我已经意识到与父母沟通是解决问题的一个好方法。 D:do harm to对有害;造句:吃变质的食物有害于我们的健康。 depend on依靠;造句:未来你必须依靠你自己。 during the three years在这三年之间;造句:在这三年期间,我不只是有欢乐的时光,而且还有许多问题。 deal with处理;造句:我该怎样处理这个问题? E:enjoy oneself享受;造句:当我们共进晚餐时玩得很开心。 F:face with面对;造句:我们要笑着面对一切 fail in 在某方面失败;造句:例如,你在考试中失败了,或者你被你的朋友误解。 full of fun充满乐趣;造句:我的朋友说跟我在一起度过的时光充满乐趣。 follow ones suggestion听的建议;造句:他们不听从我的建议。 feel sorry for对感到遗憾;造句:我真的感觉很抱歉。 for example例如;造句:例如,我们应该压低我们的声音。 from then on从此以后;造句:所以从那以后,他问了我很多问题。 find out找出,发现;造句:试着找出你的兴趣和天赋。 G:get along with相处;造句:我是一个很容易相处的男孩。 get angry生气;造句:我从不生气。 get hurt= get injured受伤;造句:听到你在打篮球的时候受伤了的消息我感到很难过。 造句:我们很容易在户外活动的时候受伤。 give up放弃;造句:我想放弃。 造句:有些学生因为一个或两个科目而放弃了学业。 go bad变质;造句:吃变质的食物有害于我们的健康。 get closer to somebody离某人更近;造句:这将有助于我们接近其他人 go up 走上前去;造句:我会走上前去跟她道歉。 go home 回家;造句:放学后,我很不高兴的回家了。 H: have many difficulties with sth在方面有许多困难;造句:我在学习英语方面有很多困难。 happen to do sth 碰巧做某事;造句:雅安地震发生时,我恰好就在四川。 have dinner吃晚饭;造句:我们经常在餐馆里吃晚餐。 have a talk with与谈话;造句:我感觉自己可以和书里的人物进行对话。 have a lot to say 有很多想说的;造句:说起兴趣爱好,我们有很多话可以聊。 help sb to do/with sth帮某人做某事;造句:交谈可以让我们和别人更亲近。 hold an English Speech举行英语演讲;造句:我们学校将要举办一场英语演讲。 had better do sth最好;造句:我们最好走路或骑自行车上学,而不是乘车。 have chances to do 有机会做;造句:我们有很多可以表现自己能力的机会。 have a good time 玩的开心;造句:那天我们真的玩的很开心。 have difficulties in doing sth做很困难;造句:学英语对我来说很困难。 I:in my opinion 我的观点是;据我的观点;造句:据我的观点,在公共场合吸烟是错误的。 in public 在公共场合;造句:在公共场合吸烟是错误的。 造句:在公共场合,注意自己的言行举止是很重要的 in danger 处于危险中;如果我们遇到危险要及时给警察打电话。 造句:我正处于危险中。 instead of 代替;造句:下楼时,我走路而不是乘电梯。 in trouble 处于麻烦中;造句:对我们来说,帮助处于麻烦中的人很有必要。 in the first term 在第一学期;造句:八年级的第一学期,我帮助了我的一个同学。 in the future在未来;造句:你必须记住,知识就是力量,而且未来你必须依靠你自己。 in a word 总而言之造句:总而言之,我认为,我们必须记住一件事:不管我们做多小的努力,都是有作用的。 it is better to do sth最好是;造句:最好是用陶瓷杯和饭盒因为你可以重复利用它们。 in time及时的;造句:有危险时,要及时报警。 in short简而言之;造句:简而言之,安全第一。in our life在我们生活中;造句:青少年在日常生活中学会保护自己是很重要的。 in order to为了;造句:为了使英语演讲比赛更成功,我们很想邀请您作为这次比赛的评委。 it is important to do做是很重要的;造句:做好家庭作业很重要。 造句:青少年在日常生活中学会保护自己是很重要的。 J:Jump a red light闯红灯;造句:几天前我的一个朋友因为闯红灯而发生了严重的交通事故。 K:keep my/ your /our voice down压低声音;造句:我们应该压低声音讲话。 keep the rules 遵守秩序; 造句:我希望每个人都遵守秩序。 造句:我坚持每天读英语。 keep in mind牢记;造句:我认为有一件事我们应该牢记于心:不管我们做了多小的努力,都是有意义的。 我们应该把安全牢记于心。 L:laugh at嘲笑;造句:他们害怕被嘲笑。 造句:他们嘲笑我。 look back 回头看,回忆;造句:回想起来,我有很多关于英语学习的记忆 lie in在于;造句:天津的未来在于青少年。 look forward to 期盼;造句:我期待着你的回复。 造句:我期待你尽快回信。 learn to do sth学着去做某事;造句:青少年应该学会在日常生活中保护自己。 listen to听;造句:听音乐可以给我们带来愉快。 learn from从学习;造句:我从父亲身上学到很多良好的品质。 M:make progress进步;造句:由于他的鼓励我取得了很大的进步。 造句:我的英语一步一步地取得了进步。 make contributions to为做贡献;造句:我们应该为社会做贡献。 manage to do设法做成某事;造句:接下来的这些天里,我设法避免自己受伤。 meet with遭遇;造句:日常生活中,我们难免会遇到很多麻烦。 make friends交朋友;造句:交朋友时我们一定要小心,尤其是在网上。 make decision 做决定;造句:我父母不允许我自己做决定。 make sure确保;造句:买东西时一定要保证它能使用很长时间。 make up with sb与和好;造句:我确信你和你的朋友一定很快就会和好的。 make good use of充分利用,好好利用;造句:我会充分利用时间,首先尽力搞好学业。 N:no matter不论怎样;造句:不管我们做了多小的努力,都是有作用的。 not only,but also不仅而且;造句:我爸爸不仅是我的好爸爸,还是个好朋友。 造句:新闻报纸和书籍不仅给我提供了知识,而且帮助我了解世界上正在发生的事情。 O:on line在网上;造句:交朋友时我们一定要小心,尤其是在网上。 ought to do应该做;造句:我们应该健康饮食。 on one hand 一方面; on the other hand 另一方面;造句:一方面,老师使他们的教学风格多样化,另一方面,我们有充足的时间尝试我们想做的事情。 P: provide sb with sth 为某人提供某物;造句:新闻和书籍给我提供了许多知识。 prevent sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事;造句:接下来的几天,我一直设法避免自己受伤。 plan to do sth计划做什么;造句:我们打算介绍你们的文化和生活。 pay attention to 注意;造句:他们太过于关注我的考试成绩。 play basketball 打篮球;造句:上周末,我和朋友一起打篮球。 plenty of 大量的;造句:我们有充足的时间尝试我们想做的事情。 play computer games 玩电脑游戏;造句:他们不允许我玩电脑游戏,也不让我和朋友一起参加户外活动。 play football踢足球;造句:上个星期天下午我和一些朋友在空地上踢足球。 play table tennis打乒乓球;造句:周末的时候我们经常一起打乒乓球。 R:remember to do sth记得要做某事;造句:记得洗完手立即关水龙头。 read newspaper 看报纸;造句:看报纸可以给我们带来新的信息。 S:spend time with sb 和某人一起度过时光;造句:和朋友一起度过的时光充满了乐趣。 stop doing sth停止做;造句:我站起来并且建议他们停止吸烟。 show my/ our best表现我的/我们的最好的一面;造句:我确信我们会向全世界展现我们最好的一面。 step by step 一步一步地;造句:我在英语方面一步一步地取得很大的进步。 support sb to do sth 支持某人做某事,供养某人做某事;造句:我们的父母供养我们上学。 side by side一起,并肩,并排; 造句:2010年新建的图书馆和实验室并排矗立在教学楼的后面。 so that所以,结果是;造句:我建议每个人都要多读书,尤其是经典著作,这样我们就能向世界传播中国传统文化。 spend on sth在方面的花费;造句:他们想让我把所有时间都花在学习上。 stay up不睡觉,熬夜;造句:家庭作业太多使我每天熬夜,感觉很疲惫。 T:to my surprise让我吃惊的是;造句:令我吃惊的是,他们不听我的建议。 talk about 谈论;造句:谈论压岁钱也许会让有些人伤心。 try ones best to do sth尽力去做某事;造句:我会尽力理解他们。 tell jokes 讲笑话;造句:我经常讲很多笑话和有趣的故事让我的朋友笑。 tell lies 撒谎;造句:我从不撒谎。 tell sb the truth 告诉某人事实造句:当你弄坏那只笔的时候,你没有告诉她事实。 the topic of 主题;造句:这次英语演讲的主题是人与自然。 talk to谈话;造句:遇到问题告诉你的老师和朋友是个好主意。 造句:你能给我个机会和外国人进行交谈吗? take part in 参加;造句:我参加了英语竞赛,而且赢得了第一名。 造句:有20个学生将会参加英语竞赛。 the morethe more 越越;造句:我们读书越多,我们学到的知识就越多,我们的未来就会越光明。 too much太多;造句:我最大的问题就是家庭作业太多了。 造句:他们放太多的精力在我考试的成绩上。 W:would like to do 想要做;造句:我想要建议每个人都要多读书。 win the first prize得第一;造句:我参加了英语竞赛,而且赢得了第一名。 without your/ my/ her permission 没有得到你的/我的/她的允许;造句:没有得到她的允许,你不应该用同学的笔。 work hard 努力工作;造句:他总是努力工作。 高考英语写作常用句型:As the saying goes, 正如谚语所说,Everything goes well 一切都好。Best wishes!最好的祝愿It is necessary for us to do 对我们来说,做很重要It is a good idea to do 做是个好主意I was so pleased to hear from you收到你的信我很高兴 It is dangerous to 做是危险的Im sorry to hear that +句子 听到感到很难过。It is important for sb to do sth 对而言做很重要It is wrong to do sth 做是错的I think that 我认为I feel really sorry for that+句子 对我感到很难过I realize that +句子 我意识到Im writing to 我正在给写信。Im looking forward to your answer soon 我期待您的回复。Would you please ?你愿意做吗?请您做好吗?Whats more, 此外,而且We should face everything with smile我们应该笑对一切Some students think,but others dont think so有些同学认为但是另外的同学不这么认为The reasons are as follows. 原因如下Thats the most important reason that makes me popular 那就是我受欢迎最重要的原因。Thats the most important reason that 那就是最重要的原因The greatest enemy is yourself 最大的敌人是你自己Most students think, but some students dont think so 大多数学生认为,但是一些学生不这么认为。You should remember that +句子 你应该记住How time flies!时间过的真快!Here are some of my suggestions这是我的一些建议Have a bright future 有个美好的未来As we all know, practice makes perfect就像我们所熟知的,实践出真知Instead, we should be active to face our problems反而,我们应该积极面对困难。Whats worse, 更糟糕的是高考英语写作高频短语及练习(答案)A:Li Hua asked me to help himEveryone has his own hobby, like playing ball games, listening to music, drawing and so onIn our daily life, we will meet with a lot of troublesAs a student, I should study wellThey didnt allow me to play computer games or have outdoor activities with my friendsAt present, we should study harder in order to make our world more beautifulTurn off the lights as soon as we leave the classroomIm writing to ask for some information about your cultureIm writing to ask for three days leaveAs a result, I spent less time on homework, and I wasnt frustrated any moreAt this moment, the Photographer took the precious photoIm not good at learning at the beginningAfter school, I went home unhappilyB:I think talking about hobbies is better than talking about lucky moneyBut Im not good at listening and speakingIm not good at learning at the beginningIm very proud of our cityWe will be very grateful for your helpOur school is preparing a culture corner to build up friendships between teenagersThey dont like to go to school and they are not interested in their studiesSome students give up their studies because of one or two subjectsThey are afraid of being laughed atSometimes, people break the rulesI am not able to understand the teacher in the classIf you tell her the truth, perhaps shell be angry with you.In order to make it more successful, we are eager to invite you as the judge of the English Speech ContestIm glad to see the poster in our schoolWe are going to build a new dining hallI was surprised to see many people and a big cakeBy and by, I make great progress because he encourages meC:I try to calm down and hide myself under a tableI come from ChinaIts very important to care about our behavior in publicMy middle school life is coming to an endI concentrated more on my study in classNow I have realized communicating with our parents is a good way to solve our problemsD:Eating food that goes bad will do harm to our healthYou must depend on yourself in the futureDuring the three years, not only did I have a happy time, but I had kinds of problemsHow can I deal with the problem?E:We enjoyed ourselves when we had dinnerF:We should face everything with smileForexample,youfailinanexam, oryouaremisunderstood byyourfriendsMy friends say time spent with me is full of funThey dont follow my suggestionI really feel sorry for thatFor example, we should keep our voice downSo from then on, he asked me many questionsTry to find out your interest and talentsG:Im a boy easy to get along withI never get angryIm sorry to hear that you got injured while playing basketballWe are easy to get hurt in outdoor activitiesI want to give upSome students give up their studies because of one or two subjectsEating food that goes bad will do harm to our healthIt will help us to get closer to other peopleI will go up and say sorry to herAfter school, I went home unhappilyH:I had many difficulties with my EnglishI happened to be in Sichuan when Yaan Earthquake happenedWe often have dinner in the restaurantI feel I can have a talk with the people in the bookWe have a lot to say when we talk about hobbyCommunicating will help us to get closer to other peopleOur school is going to hold an English SpeechWed better go to school on foot or ride a bike instead of taking a carWe have many chances to show my abilityWe really had a good time that dayI have many difficulties in learning EnglishI:In my opinion, it is wrong to smoke in publicIt is wrong to smoke in publicIts very important to care about our behavior in publicIf we are in danger, we should call the police in timeI am in dangerI walked downstairs instead of taking liftIts necessary for us to help the people who are in troubleI helped one of my classmates when we were in the first term of Eight GradeYou should remember knowledge is power and you must depend on yourself in the futureIn a word, I think, one thing we should keep in mind is that no matter what a small effort we make, it does make a differenceIts better to use a china cup and a lunch box because you can use them againIf we are in danger, we should call the police in timeIn short, safety must come firstIt is important for teenagers to learn to protect ourselves in our daily lifeIn order to make the English Speech more successful, we are eager to invite you as the judge of the English Speech ContestIt was important to do well in homeworkIt is important for teenagers to learn to protect ourselves in our daily lifeJ:A terrible traffic accident happened to one of my friends a few days ago because he jumped a red lightK:We should keep our voice downI do hope every one of us keep the rulesI kept on reading English every day


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