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第五章 Quotations and Offers报盘第一节 The Steps of Writing Quotation Letters报盘信的写作步骤报盘是买方将某种产品按一定的交易条件(包括数量、价格、交货期、付款条件等)向买方表达成交的愿望。在国际业务中,报盘分实盘(firm offer)和虚盘(non-firm offer)两种。实盘是卖方按其所提供的条件达成交易目的的肯定承诺,一旦买方在规定的答复期限内接受了报盘,卖方将不得对盘中任何条款作修改。虚盘则对卖方没有这种约束力,在某些情况下,报盘中的具体条款仍可修改。实盘是发盘人(Offerer)按其提供的条件以达成交易目的的明确表示。实盘具有法律效力。受盘人(Offeree)一旦在有效期限内接受实盘上的条件和内容,发盘人就无权拒绝售货。一项实盘必须具备:1发盘的内容和词句必须肯定,不能用大约(about),参考价(reference price)等摸棱两可的词。2发盘的内容明确完整,其内容应包括商品品质(Quality),数量(Quantity),包装(Packing),价格(Price),装运(Shipment),支付(Payment),有效期(Validity)等。3发盘中不能有保留条件如:以我方最后确认为准 subject to our final confirmation;以货物的未售出为准subject to goods being unsold虚盘是发盘人所作的不肯定交易的表示。凡不符合实盘所具备的上述三个条件的发盘,都是虚盘。虚盘无须详细的内容和具体条件,也不注明有效期。它仅表示交易的意向,不具有法律效力。出现下列一类的词句者,皆为虚盘:-Without engagement.不负任何责任。-subject to prior sale有权先售。-All quotations are subject to our final confirmation unless otherwise stated.所作报价,除特别注明外,须经我方确认后方能生效。-Our offer is subject to approval of export license.出口许可证准许签证,我方报价才有效。完整的报价应包括下列要点:1对询价表示感谢;(Thank the reader for their enquiry)情景搭配用语:(Useful Expressions)Thank you for your letter of(dated)(感谢你方的来信。)We have received your letter of (dated) (收到你方的来信。)Your letter ofhas been received with thanks.(感谢收到你方的来信。)We are in receipt of your letter(收到你方来信。)We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated(感谢收到你方的来信。)2表明价格、折扣及付款条款的细节;(Detailed information regarding price, discount, and payment terms)情景搭配用语:(Useful Expressions)We will allow you 5% discount(我们会给你方5%的折扣。)We can offer you (我们可以报)We are enclosing our catalogue(寄上我方报价单)3对交货期或装运期的承诺;(Promise of shipment or delivery)情景搭配用语:(Useful Expressions)We can assure you of our prompt shipment(我们保证会立即装运。)Shipment is to be made(装运在)Delivery date (装运期)4报价的有效期;(Validity of the offer)情景搭配用语:(Useful Expressions)The offer is valid for(此报价有效期)The offer is subject to(此报价以为准。)The offer remains open for(此报价有效期)5在结束时,应表示希望该报价能被接受。(Wishing that the offer can be accepted)情景搭配用语:(Useful Expressions)We are awaiting your order.(希望收到你方订单。)We look forward to receiving your favorable reply.(希望收到你方肯定答复。)Your early reply is appreciated.(感谢你方早日回复。)第二节 The Principles of Quotation Letters报盘信的写作原则许多公司通过目录、手册、以及附有短信或卡片的相关材料感谢询盘。在大多数情况下,卡片或短信不太人性化。但是,有时用简单的信函表示感谢还是一种合适的方式。收到询价信时,尽可能简洁清楚地回答问题。如果你不能回答询问中的问题,应解释原因并提供可能的其他解决方式。重要的是在回复前在客户的询价时要留下良好的印象。当然,最好的印象会通过你所提供给对方的材料或信息而留下。报价时一定要完整、清楚、具体。第三节 Text Explanation and Vocabulary 课文分析和词汇1Dear Sirs,We thank you for your enquiry of 23rd September for Silk 6311. While we appreciate your efforts in pushing the sale1of our products, we very much regret2that we are not in a position to3offer4you the desired quality, owing to5excessive6demand7. (对询盘的感谢,并表示对询盘的态度)However, we should like to take this opportunity to8offer without engagement9the following10material as a close substitute for11your consideration12: (具体报价) 500 pieces Silk 6103 at DM4.8013 per yard14 CIF Hamburg, including your commission of 3%A sample cutting is enclosed15for your reference. If you are able to16close business as we propose17here, please tell us as soon as possible18. (希望与对方做生意)Yours faithfully,Enc.讲解:第一段:We thank you for your enquiry of 23rd September for Silk 6311. While we appreciate your efforts in pushing the sale1of our products, we very much regret2that we are not in a position to3offer4you the desired quality, owing to5excessive6demand7.1Push the sale of推销。例:Thank you for helping us push the sale of slippers. (感谢你们为我方推销拖鞋。)2regret遗憾。Regret to do sth, 或regret doing sth。例:(1)We regret to say your price is rather on the high side. (很遗憾你方价格偏高。)(遗憾将要发生的事。)(2)We regret not being able to accept it. (很遗憾不能接受你方价格。)(遗憾已经发生的事。)3Be in a position to能够。强调客观上允许做某事。Be in a position to通常不与条件从句连用。例:(1)We are not in a position to promise you that we will manufacture it in the near future.(我们不能承诺不久就可以生产这种商品。)(2)We are not in a position to take on new business at present.(我们目前不能接受新订货。)4Offer报价,报盘。可以用作动词或名词。用法如下:offer sb a price,make(send)sb an offer for sth(1)Please make us an offer for 100 metric tons of walnuts.请给我们报盘100公吨核桃。(2)We can offer you various kinds of iron nails.我们可以给你们报盘各种铁钉。(3)We can offer you large quantities of this years peanuts at attractive price.我们能以很具吸引力的价格给你方报盘大量今年产的花生。名词offer常与动词make/send/give/cable等连用。后接介词for或on/of,接for最普通,买方提及卖方的报盘时,接of较好。例:Please send us a firm offer for 20 metric tons walnut meat.(请给我报20公吨核桃仁的实盘。)动词offer可以及物,也可以不及物。及物时可以用双宾语。例:We faxed back this morning,offering you 250 metric tons Groundnuts at ¥500 per metric ton CNF Copenhagen for shipment during October/November.(我方今晨传真回复,报你250公吨花生每公吨500元哥本哈根成本加运费价十月/十一月装运。)5owing to由于。owing to与due to,on account of,because of都当因为、由于解。用作表语时,一般用due to;用作状语时可通用。例:The market has declined owing to the decrease in demand.(行情跌落是由于需求减少所致。)6Excessive过多的。例:There is an excessive supply of Japanese TV sets. (日本产的电视机供应过剩。)7Demand名词,需求。动词,需要。例:(1)Supply exceeds demand. (供大于求。)(2)They demand large quantities of textiles. (他们需要大量的纺织品。)讲解:第二段:However, we should like to take this opportunity to8offer without engagement9the following10material as a close substitute11for your consideration12: 500 pieces Silk 6103 at DM4.8013 per yard14 CIF Hamburg, including your commission of 3%8take this opportunity to利用这个机会例:We take this opportunity to introduce us as a leading importer of textiles in this city. (作为这个城市最大的纺织品进口商,我们利用此机会介绍自己。)9without engagement不受约束的。例:This offer is made without engagement.(此报盘是虚盘。)offer报盘。10the following下面的,后面接名词。例:We offer the following price without engagement. (我们报出下列价格,不受约束。)11substitute 名词,替代品12for your consideration供你考虑。类似的还有:for your reference等。例:Samples are sent for your consideration. (样品寄给你方供你考虑。) 13DM4.80,DM意思是德国马克。14per yard每码。Per每个,Yard一种基本长度单位,码。讲解:第三段:A sample cutting is enclosed15for your reference. If you are able to16close business as we propose17here, please tell us as soon as possible18.15enclose 封入,附寄。用法为enclosed is或复数形式enclosed are有时也可用下列句型: we enclose例:(1)Enclosed is a copy of Export List.(兹附寄一份出口目录。)(2)Enclosed please find three copies of catalogue.(附寄三本目录。)(3)We enclose a sample cutting. (随信附寄一个剪样。)16are able to能够。例:We are able to ship the goods before July. (我们能够在七月前装运。)17Propose动词,建议,提议。名词,建议proposal。意思是(所建议的)价格。例:(1)He proposes that we order less than usual. (他建议我们订比平常少的货。)(2)We find your proposal is hard to accept. (我们发现你方提议的价格难以接受。)18as soon as possible尽快地。例:Please place an order as soon as possible. (请尽快订货。)译文:敬启者,感谢你方9月23号关于6311号丝绸的询盘。虽然感谢你方推销我方产品的努力,但是很遗憾地告诉你方,由于需求过多,我们不能报给你方所说质量的产品。但是,我们希望借此机会就下列最接近你方材料的产品进行报价,此报盘没有约束力。 500 件 6103 号丝绸每码4.80马克 CIF 汉堡价,包括你方3%的佣金附寄剪样一份供你参考。如果你方能够接受我方报价,请尽快告知。您诚挚的,xxx附件第四节 Text Explanation and Vocabulary 课文分析和词汇2Dear Mr. Poose:Thank you for your inquiry of June 16 for our Flying Pigeon brand1bicycles. At your request2, we are making you the following offer subject to3your reply reaching4here before July 15.(感谢对方询价)Item5#Unit Price6(略)Payment7: By irrevocable Letter of Credit8in sellers favor9.Delivery Date10: Within 90 days after receipt of11your order12.The above prices are on a CIF San Francisco basis. (具体报盘)We manufacture13and export 10 models of bicycles which are well-known for their solid frame14, reasonable prices15, and attractive design16. If you are interested in other models, please see the enclosed catalogue. (给客户提供更多的产品信息)As you know17, the market18is advancing recently. Please take advantage of19the present situation20and send us an order early. (希望对方尽快订货)Sincerely,讲解:第一段:Thank you for your inquiry of June 16 for our Flying Pigeon brand1bicycles. At your request2, we are making you the following offer subject to3your reply reaching4here before July 15.1Brand品牌。例:Coco-cola is a famous brand. (可口可乐是一个著名的品牌)2At your request按照你方要求。3Subject to以为准,以为条件。一般实盘要说明报盘的有效期,一般用subject to。例:Subject to your reply reaching here before July 15。(以你方的答复于7月15日之前到达此地为准。)这是实盘中的常用语句,说明报盘的有效期。Subject to:以为条件(为准),在报盘信中常用以说明盘的性质。例如:(1)Subject to acceptance 以我方接受为准(表示此盘为虚盘。)(2)subject to your acceptance within two weeks以你方在两周内接受为条件(表示此报盘为实盘。)4reach 到达某处。后面接某人或某地。例:Our offer is firm subject to your reply reaching us before the end of this month.(我方报盘是实盘, 以你方月底之前复到有效。)讲解:第二段:Item5#Unit Price6(略)Payment7: By irrevocable Letter of Credit8in sellers favor9.Delivery Date10: Within 90 days after receipt of11your order12.The above prices are on a CIF San Francisco basis. (具体报盘)5item 本文中作具体的商品解。例:These are the main items we export.(这些是我们出口的主要商品。)6Unit Price单价。7Payment付款。8irrevocable Letter of Credit不可撤消的信用证。9In ones favor以某人为受益人的。也可以说in favor of one。例:Please open a L/C in our favor before June 5.(请在6月5号之前开立以我方为受益人的信用证。)10Delivery Date交货日期。11after receipt of 一收到例:We will effect shipment after receipt of your L/C. (一收到你方信用证我们就发货。)12Order订货。名词或动词。词组有:place an order with sb. for sth.例:We place an order with ABC Company for 500 dozen T-shirts.讲解:第三段:We manufacture13and export 10 models of bicycles which are well-known for their solid frame14, reasonable prices15, and attractive design16. If you are interested in other models, please see the enclosed catalogue.13Manufacture动词,生产。例:We manufacture various kinds of pens. (我们生产各种各样的钢笔。)14solid frame结实的框架。15reasonable prices合理的价格。16attractive design吸引人的设计。讲解:第四段:As you know17, the market18is advancing recently. Please take advantage of19the present situation20and send us an order early.17As you know你知道。说明对方清楚地事实。18market市场,行市。例:(1)The market is advancing. (市场价格上涨。)(2)The market is weak. (市场疲软。)(3)The market is active.(市场活跃。)(4)The market is strengthening.(市场行情看涨。)19take advantage of利用。advantage名词,好处。词组有:take advantage of(利用),to sbs advantage。例:We advise that you take advantage of the market situation and accept our offer.(我方建议你方利用市场情况接受我方报盘。)20present situation目前的形势。译文:感谢你方6月16号对我方飞鸽牌自行车的询价。根据你方要求,我们给你方做出如下报价,此报价以你方7月15日之前回复到有效。产品单价(略)付款:以卖方为受益人的不可撤消的信用证。交货日期:收到订单后的90天之内。以上价格为旧金山到岸价。我们生产并出口10种型号的自行车,他们都以结实的框架、合理的价格、以及吸引人的设计而著名。如果你们对其他型号感兴趣,请参阅附寄的目录。如你所知,最近市场行情上涨。请利用现在的形势,尽早订货。您诚挚的,第五节 Useful Language报盘信的常用句式1We thank you for your letter of 30 November, asking for(感谢你方11月30号的来信,询问)2I have pleasure in enclosing the catalogue of word processor which you requested in your letter of 4 May.(很高兴附寄你方5月4日询问的文字处理器的目录。)3You will find details of our terms in the price list printed on the second page of the catalogue.(在目录第二页的价格表上你会找到我们详细的条款。)4We look forward to the pleasure of receiving an order from you soon.(盼望早日收到你方订单。)5Our price list is enclosed and we hope it will be of use when you place an order. (附寄上我们的价格表,希望你方订货时会有所帮助。)6We hope you will take advantage of our offer. (希望你方能利用这次报价。)7We look forward lo receiving a trial order from you. (希望收到你方的试订货。)8We are pleased to learn from your letterthat you are interested in our(很高兴从你方信中得知,你方对我们的感兴趣。)9We shall be pleased to send you any further information you may need. (我们将很高兴给你方寄去更多信息。)10We shall deal promptly with any order you send us. (你方的任何订货都会得到我方的迅速处理。)11We thank you for your inquiry of 4th September and we are pleased to enclose our quotation for “Great Wall” ink. (感谢你方9月4日的询盘,很高兴随信附寄长城牌墨水的报价。)12Your inquiry of 7th December is now having our attention and we will let you have our offer in a few days. (你方12月7日的询盘已引起我方注意,我们几天内就会作出报价。) 13We have pleasure in quoting you as follows(很高兴报价如下。)14We are pleased to make an offer for 10,000 tons of Chinese Green Bean at the price of US$ 720 per M/T CIF EMP. (很高兴报价10,000吨中国绿豆,每公吨720美元,欧洲主要港口到岸价。)15We make you a firm offer for the captioned goods, subject to your acceptance reaching here before August 25. (我们给你方就上述货物报实盘,以你方8月25日前接受为准。)16Please note that this offer will remain effective/valid/open for ten days from April 15.(请注意此报盘从4月15起有效10天。)


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