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Unit 5 Here are the seasons to enjoy.Done with this task.Your current score: 15%Unit 5 testNext Directions: Click on the speaker to the left to start playing the audio recordings for Parts I, II and III. They will be played continuously. Once the recording starts playing, please do NOT click on either the speaker icon or the Unit Quiz link in the menu bar above. Otherwise, you may lose the chance of hearing the complete recording. 窗体顶端Part I Script Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, and then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. 1.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. Valentines Day should be done away with. B. The mans girl friend is asking for too much.C. The man should buy gifts for his girlfriend. D. The man is poor.2.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. A housewife. B. A housekeeper. C. A President.D. It is not known.3.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. In the club. B. At Janes home.C. In the national park. D. In the shopping mall.4.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. The cookies. B. The CD.C. The camera.D. The map.5.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. 2. B. 12. C. 20.D. 24.Part II Script Directions: Listen to the passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, listen for the general idea. When the passage is read the second time, fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S7 with the exact words you hear. For blanks numbered from S8 to S10, write down either the exact words you hear or the main points in your own words. When the passage is read the third time, check your answers. Many Americans buy an evergreen tree for Christmas. They put the tree in their home and (1) small lights and colorful objects on it. The evergreen is usually a pine or a fir tree. It (2) green during the cold, dark months of winter in the northern part of the world. So it is a (3) of everlasting life. The Christmas tree may have developed in part from a popular play (4) hundreds of years ago in (5) is now Germany. Traditionally, the play was held on December 24th, the day before Christmas. The play was about the first people (6) God createdAdam and Eve. People put apples on an evergreen tree to (7) the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden. (8). They shared the food among family members and friends after the holiday season. Some people say the German religious reformer Martin Luther was the first person to add lighted candles to an evergreen tree. (9).In the early 1800s, German settlers in the state of Pennsylvania were the first to celebrate the holiday with Christmas trees in the United States. (10). Some people put a star on top of their Christmas tree. It represents the star that led the three wise men to the baby Jesus in Bethlehem. Your answerCorrect answer(1)hang(2)remains(3)symbol(4)performed(5)what(6)that(7)represent(8)By the year 1600, some Germans began bringing evergreen trees into their homes. They put fruit, nuts and sweets on the trees(9)They say he did this to show how wonderful the stars had appeared to him as he traveled one night(10)The Christmas tree tradition spread to many parts of the world. Today, some form of Christmas tree is part of most Christmas celebrationsPart III Script Directions: Listen to the following recording, and then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. 1.On what day was the beginning of the New Year first observed in 16th century France? A. On January 1st. B. On February 1st. C. On March 1st.D. On April 1st.2.On whom did people play tricks after Pope Gregory introduced a new calendar?A. Those who celebrated the New Years Day on April 1st. B. Those who celebrated the New Years Day on January 1st. C. Those who followed Gregorys idea.D. Those who accepted the new calendar.3.How did French children fool their friends? A. By hiding a fish in their friends bag.B. By putting a paper fish on their friends back.C. By saying, School has been canceled. D. By saying, Look! A flock of geese!4.What is mentioned as a common trick in the United States? A. Telling a classmate that the teacher has fallen ill. B. Telling a friend that a bird is flying past.C. Saying Your shoelace is untied.D. Saying Your pants are unzipped.5.What is considered the cleverest April fools joke? A. One that is played with a large audience around. B. One that is first played on April Fools Day. C. One that makes everyone laugh except the victim.D. One that makes everyone laugh, including the victim.Part IVDirections: Choose the best answer to each of the following statements. 1.I used to love giving my mother a present on Mothers Day. It always made her cry, and then shed hug me hard enough to squeeze the _ out of me.A. air B. gasC. breath D. breathe2.Boxing Day is a holiday _ some British Commonwealth countries like Britain, Australia and Canada.A. exclusive to B. exclusive inC. inclusive to D. inclusive of3.Boxing Day is a perfect date for a holiday, _ the day after Christmas Day. A. beB. being C. to be D. to have been4.I absolutely hate Christmas shopping. I can never _ what to buy for everyone. A. count outB. calculate outC. figure out D. compute out5.I know you enjoy celebrating holidays again and again, but its hard _ my wallet. A. in B. forC. onD. to6.If we spend money at this rate, Ill _ in the poorhouse.A. end up B. accomplish C. completeD. achieve7.April Fools Day is a day people play _ one another.A. tricks againstB. tricks on C. tricks with D. jokes at8.The lead flight attendant _ telling her fellow crew members about her boyfriends stopover at the same airport.A. do a point in B. do a point of C. made a point inD. made a point of9.The cockpit door flew open, and _ it was the disappointed flight attendant mumbling something like, What shall I do?A. sure enough B. surely enoughC. certain enough D. certainly enough10.The Wilsons began holding a yearly Thanksgiving dinner for _ they called their extended family.A. that B. whichC. what D. it窗体底端Please note that your first submission will be recorded as the ONLY learning record.Do you want to submit your answer now? Yes No Add note Edit note View note Ask a question View my questions View all class questions Edit my questions 窗体顶端窗体底端Word tipsLanguage and culture tipsOverviewLearning strategiesScriptQuestion 1 M: I think Valentines Day is a trick created by business people to sell flowers and candy. Im not going to be fooled by their schemes. W: Its OK to tell me that, but not your girlfriend. She will just think you are a miser. Q: What does the woman imply? Question 2 M: Can you help me? I already know the history of holidays like Easter and Valentines Day. But about Fathers Day I cant find anything. W: Theres nothing to find. In 1924 Sonora Dodd, a housewife, decided the country needed a Fathers Day. Then she convinced the President to name a day in June as Fathers Day. Q: Who first proposed Fathers Day? Question 3 W: Tomorrow is Janes 21st birthday. Where do you think we should go to celebrate it? Well, Im definitely not for the club. M: And not Janes home once again. Lets do something special this year. How about barbecuing in the national park? I bet shell be surprised. Lets do some shopping for the barbecue right now! Q: Where does the man suggest celebrating Janes birthday? Question 4 W: So, are we ready to go? I can hardly wait to begin our road trip! M: Yup. The cars packed. Weve got the cookies, our favourite CD, the camera. Oh, wait! But wheres the map? Q: What is the man looking for? Question 5 M: Im here to buy some flowers for my girlfriend to celebrate Valentines Day? What do you suggest? W: Mmm, well, this is our I Love You packagetwo dozen long stem red roses lined with tulips, carnations and lilies. The fragrance and beauty of this flower arrangement is sure to win her heart. Q: How many red roses does the I Love You flower arrangement consist of? ScriptMany Americans buy an evergreen tree for Christmas. They put the tree in their home and hang small lights and colorful objects on it. The evergreen is usually a pine or a fir tree. It remains green during the cold, dark months of winter in the northern part of the world. So it is a symbol of everlasting life. The Christmas tree may have developed in part from a popular play performed hundreds of years ago in what is now Germany. Traditionally, the play was held on December 24th, the day before Christmas. The play was about the first people that God createdAdam and Eve. People put apples on an evergreen tree to represent the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden. By the year 1600, some Germans began bringing evergreen trees into their homes. They put fruit, nuts and sweets on the trees. They shared the food among family members and friends after the holiday season. Some people say the German religious reformer Martin Luther was the first person to add lighted candles to an evergreen tree. They say he did this to show how wonderful the stars had appeared to him as he traveled one night. In the early 1800s, German settlers in the state of Pennsylvania were the first to celebrate the holiday with Christmas trees in the United States. The Christmas tree tradition spread to many parts of the world. Today, some form of Christmas tree is part of most Christmas celebrations. Some people put a star on top of their Christmas tree. It represents the star that led the three wise men to the baby Jesus in Bethlehem.ScriptIn 16th century France, the start of the New Year was observed on April first. It was celebrated in much the same way as it is today with parties and dancing balls into the late hours of the night. Then in 1562, Pope Gregory introduced a new calendar for the Christian world, and the New Year fell on January first. There were some people, however, who hadnt heard or didnt believe the change in the date, so they continued to celebrate New Years Day on April first. Others played tricks on them and called them April fools. They sent them to do something foolish or tried to make them believe that something false was true. French children fooled their friends by taping a paper fish to their friends backs. When the young fool discovers this trick, the person who played the trick yells April fish!Today Americans play small tricks on friends and strangers alike on the first of April. One common trick on April Fools Day is pointing down to a friends shoe and saying, Your shoelace is untied. Teachers in the 19th century used to say to pupils, Look! A flock of geese! and point up. School children might tell a classmate that school had been canceled. Whatever the trick, if the innocent victim falls for the joke, people yell, April fools! Most April fools jokes are in good fun and not meant to harm anyone. The cleverest April fools joke is the one where everyone laughs, especially the person upon whom the joke is played.


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