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六年级英语上册7-8单元测试 21世纪教班班级: 级姓名:等级:一、单项选择。() 1. My father sleeps _ seven hours a day. 【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】A. forB. ofC. to() 2. The teacher_ the boy is right. A. thinkB. thinksC. / () 3. There are many stories in this book. _ an interesting book!A. WhatB. HowC. Why() 4. Why does the little cat _ out of the box?www-2-1-cnjy-comA. comesB. comeC. coming() 5. We can _ a lesson _ it. A. learning; forB. learning; ofC. learn; from() 6. They love fish. _ are they? Theyre cats. A. WhyB. WhenC. What() 7. _ pandas like bamboo?A. DoesB. DoC. Are() 8. _ do you have so many cards?Because collecting cards is my hobby. A. HowB. WhichC. Why() 9. He is _ to get such a good job. A. luckyB. badC. dangerous() 10. Thank you for your present, Mum. _【版权所有:21教育】A. You are welcome.B. Thanks again.C. Sorry. () 11. Do you often play_ your cat?A. onB. withC. at() 12. I sometimes clean the bedroom _ my parents. A. forB. toC. in() 13. Did he show _ his photos in the UK?21世纪教育网版权所有A. yourB. herC. I() 14. I dont like films. So I _ watch them. 21cnjycomA. oftenB. neverC. always() 15. Tim isnt very busy, so he sometimes _ his mother. A. helpedB. helpsC. help() 16. _ he always go to school by bike?Yes,he does. A. DoB. DoesC. Did() 17. Do you want _ go swimming?A. / B. to C. like() 18. I like football. So I _ play it. A. neverB. alwaysC. dont () 19. I love _ of my friends. A. taking photosB. take photosC. takes photos() 20. I _ storybooks when I was a child. 【来源:21世纪教育网】A. loveB. lovedC. loves二、根据描述选出与其相对应的动物。() 1. They are heavy. They have thick fur. They like honey(蜂蜜). () 2. They are very long. They love the sun. () 3. They live in the trees. They like to go out at night. 21*cnjy*com() 4. They are black and white. They are cute. They like to eat bamboo. () 5. They have short tails and much fur. They like grass. A. B. C. D. E. 三、选词填空,并注意单词的形式。liveeatlucksaysheep1. Youre a _ boy! You will be the winner. 21世纪教育网版权所有2. This old owl_ in a tree. 3. There are four_ on the farm. 4. Do you know why monkeys like_ bananas?5. It _ a fish doesnt have a nose. 四、选择与问句相对应的答语。() 1. Do you often clean your room? A. Im reading a book. () 2. What are you doing? B. No, he didnt. () 3. What do you do on Sundays? C. Not very often. () 4. Do you want to ride a bike? D. I often go swimming. () 5. Did he play computer games? E. Yes, Id love to. 五、选择合适的句子补全对话。Hi, Jane. 1. _Im reading a book. 2. _Monkeys. 3. _I like monkeys, too. 4. _ Would you like to come with me?Sure. A. I love monkeys. B. Im going to the zoo to see the monkeys this weekend.comC. What are you doing?D. What is it about?六、阅读短文,选出正确的答案。A panda is a lovely animal. Its black and white. 【出处:21教育名师】Most pandas live in the west of China. Pandas like eating bamboo best, and they also eat other plants and small animals. They eat for twelve hours a day. They go down the mountains in winter, and go up the mountains in summer. They sleep under the trees. Pandas like drinking water, and they often live near the spring(泉). I love pandas. We must protect(保护)them. () 1. Most pandas live in the _ of China. 21cnjyA. northB. eastC. west() 2. Pandas like eating_ best. A. grassB. bambooC. small animals() 3. Pandas often eat for _ a day. A. one hourB. twelve hoursC. two hours() 4. Pandas sleep_. A. under the treesB. in the riverC. in the trees() 5. Pandas often live near _. A. the cityB. the parkC. the spring七、给短语选择合适的图片。() 1. read English books() 2. play with toy cars() 3. clean the room() 4. watch films() 5. play chess() 6. go to the doctor八、观察题中阴影部分面积的大小,用适当的频率副词填空。1. Simon _ goes to school on foot. 2. Maomao _ plays football at home. 3. Sam _goes swimming in the lake. 4. Daming _reads books after dinner. 九、看表格,根据表格中的信息写一写你的业余生活,可适当发挥想象。_ _


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