
上传人:天**** 文档编号:6447689 上传时间:2020-02-25 格式:PPT 页数:94 大小:7.85MB
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Unit1What sthematter Languagegoals 1 Talkaboutyourhealth 2 Giveadvice 建议 body feet tooth teeth ear face nose eye mouth head knee leg finger hand head foot t t back shoulder neck arm singasong Ihadacold What sthematter Ihaveasoreback Ihaveastomachache 1aLookatthepicture Writethecorrectletter a m foreachpartofthebody arm back ear eye foot hand head leg mouth neck nose stomach tooth h e g i b a j i c d m k f What sthematter 你 怎么了 havea bad cold haveastomachache 感冒 胃痛 haveatoothache haveaheadache havea high fever 发烧 牙痛 头痛 haveasoreback haveasorethroat 背痛 喉咙痛 Ihavea bad cold Ihavegota bad cold What sthematterwithyou What sthetroublewithyou What swrongwithyou 你怎么啦 我患感冒了 What sthematterwithhim Hehas hasgotastomachache 他胃痛 What sthematterwithhim Hehas hasgotasoreback backache 他背痛 What sthematterwithhim Hehasasorethroat 他喉咙痛 Shehas hasgota high fever What sthematterwithher 她发烧 Shehasa bad toothache What sthematterwithher 她牙痛 Hehasa bad headache 他头痛 What sthematterwithhim Hehasasoreback Hehasasoreneck Shehasasorethroat What sthematter What sthematter Hehasaheadache Hehasatoothache Hehasastomachache GrammarFocus 1 What sthematterwithsb What sthetroublewithsb What swrongwithsb 注 with为介词 后跟人称代词宾格 如her him them等 eg What sthematterwithyourmother What swrongwithyou What sthetroublewithher 怎么了 GrammarFocus 在英语中 表达 疼痛或不舒服 时的常用结构 1 主语 have has a病症haveacold fever 2 主语 have has a sore 发病部位sore是一个独立的形容词 指的是身体某一部位的酸痛 如 soreback sorethroat soreback soreneck 3 主语 have has a 部位 ache ache作后缀 常与表示身体部位的名词合成一个新词 表身体某部位疼痛 如 toothache headache stomachache 4 have hasapainin onthe 身体部位Ihaveapaininthearm 我胳膊疼 5 Thereis somethingwrongwith one s 部位某人某部位不舒服 出了毛病 1 haveacold 2 haveafever 3 haveaheadache 4 haveastomachache 5 haveatoothache 6 haveasorethroat 7 haveasoreback a 喉咙痛 b 背痛 c 牙痛 d 头痛 e 胃痛 f 感冒 g 发烧 Lookandmatch Nancy Sarah David Ben Judy 1b Listenandlookatthepicture Thennumberthenames 1 5 4 2 1 3 5 Hehasacold Hecatches getsacold What sthematter Workinpair haveacoldcatch getacoldhaveacold可以接一段时间 不能用于进行时catch get不能接一段时间 瞬间动作Eg Howlonghaveyouhadacold Ihaveacoldfor6days Shehasatoothache What sthematter Hehasaheadache What sthematter Shehasafever What sthematter What sthematter Shehasasorethroat A What sthematterwithhim B Hetalkedtoomuchyesterdayanddidn tdrinkenoughwater Hehasaverysorethroutnow toomuch太多可修饰不可数名词Ialwaysworriedtoomuch Hedrinkstoomuchwatereveryday muchtoo太修饰形容词和副词muchtoodear fast enough足够的 enoughwater foodadj nenough在前 old hardenoughadv adj adv enough在后 Thedininghallis tohold300people AsmallenoughBenoughsmallCbigenoughDenoughbig What sthematter Hehasastomachache What sthematter Hehasasoreback Listenandmatchtheproblemswiththeadvice 2a 4 toothache 2 stomachache 3 coughandsorethroat 1 fever a liedownandrest b drinksomehotteawithhoney c seeadentistandgetanX ray d takeyourtemperature 5 cutmyself e putsomemedicineonit 2b Listenagain Fillintheblanksin2b drinklotsofwater B Ihaveafever A What sthematter A Yes youdon tlookwell Youshoulddrinklotsofwater should应该情态动词 后接动词原形 lotsof alotof许多 可以修饰可数也可以修饰不可数名词 drinkhotteawithhoney B Ihaveasorethroat A What sthematter A Youshoulddrinksomehotteawithhoney B Thatsoundslikeagoodidea honeyn 蜂蜜 hotteawithhoney加蜂蜜的茶 1 用 使用工具或手段Heiswritingwithapen 他用钢笔写字 2 和 表陪伴Willyougohomewithme 你和我一起回家吗 3 随着 与 什么同时Theshadowmoveswiththesun 影子随着太阳而动 4 表本身拥有Thegirlwithtwobigeyesismysister 那个大眼睛的女孩是我的妹妹 liedownandrest B Ihaveastomachache A What sthematter A That stoobad Youshouldliedownandrest Anddon teatanythingfortwohours B IguessIshould liedown躺下 rest havearest休息 lie 1 躺 位于lielaylainlying Thegirllyingontheroadismyteacher Allthemotelsliebesidetheroad 所有的汽车旅馆都位于公路两边 2 说谎lieliedliedlying Ahalftruthisoftennobetterthanalie 半真半假的话不见得比说谎要好 Heliedthathisschoollayinthenorthofthecity 他撒谎说他的学校位于城市的北面 seeadentist B Oh Ihaveatoothache A What sthematter A Youshouldseeadentist B IguessIshould dentistn 牙医 problemn 问题 难题 习题 有待解决 questionn 问题 有待回答 Thisquestionisaproblem Theyaredoingsomemathproblems exercises MayIaskyouaquestion should sthematter shouldn t shouldnot advicen 建议 忠告 劝some much alotof lotsofadvice apieceofadvice一条建议 stomachache fever toothache 对症下药 sorethroat should shouldn t Whatshouldn thedo Ithinkheshouldn t Hehasasorethroat shouldn t shouldnot drinkcolddrink eaticecream eathotfood talktoomuch talkloudly Heshouldn t stayinbed haveagoodrest liedownandrest wearwarmclothes drinklotsofwater drinkhottea takesomemedicine Youshould Ihaveacold WhatshouldIdo What sthematter Ihavea Maybeyoushould That sagoodidea Thatsoundslikeagoodidea IguessIshould Yes you reright stressedout极度焦虑的 thirsty tired hungry Doyouhavetheseproblems Whatshouldyoudo Whatshouldn tyoudo What sthematter Ihavea soreback Youshould seeadoctor Youshouldn t exercise Pairwork What sthematter Ihavea Youshould Youshouldn t fever drinklotsofwaterandgotobed gooutandexercise A What sthematter B Ihavea A Youshould Youshouldn t stomachache liedownandhavearest eatanythingfortwohours 移动我的脖子 整个周末 sound听起来 可做系动词soundlike听起来像sound adj Thesongsoundsbeautifull 这首歌听起来优美 Itsoundssonice Whatbeautifullmusicitis Ithinkyoushouldsoundlikeanormalperson 我认为你应该听起来像是个正常的人 takebreaks休息takeabreak 强调状态 强调动作 awayfrom远离 Aslongasyoucankeepawayfromhim you resafe 只要你离他远一点 你就安全 Wearehavingabreakunderthetree 我们正在树下休息 inthesameway以相同的方式 Sheworkedoutthemathprobleminthesameway without无 没有 不 Youcan tbuythingswithoutmoney Healthwithoutrichesispreferabletoricheswithouthealth 有健康而无财富比有财富而无健康更好 seesb dosth 看见某人干某事IseeMarypickupthewallet 钱包 强调动作已经完成 看到了全过程see watch notice hearseesb doingsth 看见某人正在干某事Isawherdancinginthestreet 强调动作正在进行WhenIwalkedpastthepark Isawsomeoldpeople chineseTaiji 2 onthesideoftheroad 3 getoffgeton 下车上车 在路边 4 passenger 乘客 5 except希望 期待 1 except todosthSheexceptstogotoschooltomorrow 她期望明天去上学 2 except sb todosthHeexceptshertogowithhim 他期望她和他一起去 3 except 名词 代词I mexceptingaletterfromher 我正在等她的信 4 that从句Iexceptthathe llcomebacktomorrow 我希望他明天回来 6 toone ssurprise令某人吃惊的 出乎意料 Tomysurprise heisastudent 7 agreeagreetodoMymotheragreetobuymeagift agreewithsb Iagreewithyou agreeonWeagreeonthequestion 8 thanksto多亏 幸亏Thankstoyourhelp Ifinishmyjob 9 intime及时ontime准时 Readandcheckthethingsthathappenedinthestory 3cDiscussthequestionswithapartner 1 WhywasWangPingsurprisedthatpassengersagreedtogotothehospitalwithhim 2 DidthepassengersthinkWangPingdidtherightthink Howdoyouknow 3 Doyouagreethatpeopleoftendonothelpothersbecausetheydon twanttogetintotrouble Whyorwhynot 陷入困境 不可数 havetrouble in doing Wehavetroubleunderstandingthetext Nevertroubletroubletilltroubletroublesyou 麻烦不找你 就别自找麻烦 动词 1 myarm leg myself shouldshould 2 what shaveshouldshouldn t 3 Doeshavedoesn thasshould 4bJennycutherselfdon texerciseKatehasatoothacheputmedicineonitMaryhasacoldliedownandrestBobhasasorebackseeadentist Didyoufalldown falldown掉下来不及物常与from连用 Theboyfalldownfromthetree Let sdosomeexercise 1 Tomysurprise thelittleboyhasone foot 2 WhenIgothome Isawmymother lie onthesofaandwatchingTV 3 WeallexceptourEnglishteacher rest wellbecauseheissotiredallday 4 Ifyoudon tworkhard you llgetintotrouble look foragoodjob 5 Whatyouaredoingisgoodforpeople Iagree join you 6 What swrongwiththelittlegirl thelittlegirl 7 Thegirlissoyoungthatshecan tlookafterherself Thegirl lookafterherself 8 Mikeshouldgotodoctor Mike 绷带 包扎下 用水冲洗 在上面敷一些药 feelsick感觉不舒服 nosebleed流鼻血 有人头部受到了撞击 包扎一下 在上面敷一些药 gethit on inthe 身体部位表示身体部位受伤Hegothitintheshouder Thebullethithiminhisback 打击 击中 A Whocametoyourofficetoday B First aboycamein HehurthimselfinP E class A Whathappened B 1d hurthimself他自己受伤上了hurt动词疼痛受伤Whenheplayedfootball Hehurthisleg 他踢足球时 腿受伤了 Myheadhurts 摔倒 呼吸困难 被球击中 晒伤 划伤了自己 伤着了我们的背和胳膊 haveproblems in doing做某事有困难 beinterestedin对 感兴趣表语IaminterestedinEnglish Wewouldbeinterestedtohearyourviews 我们很想听听你的看法 interesting定于和表语 主语为物 aninterestingthingItisinteresting beusedto习惯于 适应于 to介词后加名词或动名词 Heisusedtolookingafterhimself IamsureIwillgetusedtothehardwork get还有become强调从不习惯到习惯的过程 Apenisusedtowrite 被用来 HeusedtoliveinParis 过去常常usedtodo Howisyourgrandma Sheisfine Sheusedto TVathomeaftersupper Butnowsheisusedto outforawalk watchgo takerisks冒险Ina situation处于 的情况 处境下When climbing whenhewasclimbingIsawhimplayingfootballwhen Iwas passingbytheplayground byoneself亲自 自己Iwillfinishitbymyself runout用光 用尽主语常为时间食物金钱 无被动 Mymoneyhasrunout runoutof用尽耗尽主语为人 Ihaverunoutofmoney haveto不得不Ihavetogotoseeher saveone slife挽救某人的生命 savemylifeHesavedhislife own自己的myowneyesown拥有owner主人 物主Iwanttotalktotheownerofthehouse anddoyouknowwhoownsit Bereadytodosth 准备好干某事Heisalwaysreadytohelpothers Knife knivesf fe vesWifeknifewolfshelfthiefleaf妻子拿刀去砍狼 架后小偷用叶挡 calledcall called called过去分词作定语thedogcalledbeibeiismine Heisateacherlovedbyhisstudents meantodo打算干某事 Imeantogototheparty meandoing意味着做某事 Togetthereearlymeansgettingupearlyinthemorning mean meaning意思 What sthemeaningof Whatdoes mean Whatdoyoumeanby makeadecision作出决定beincontrolof掌管 管理在 的控制之下 Sothat如此 以至于so adj adv HeransofastthatIcouldn tcatchupwithhim Suchthat如此 以至于such a an adj nHeissuchacleverboythateveryonelikeshim Thesearesuchdifficultquestionsthatnoonecananswerthem Wehadsuchterribleweatherthatwehadnothingtodo inUtah 21543 giveup放弃giveuptheplan giveitupgiveupsmoking戒烟 doingKeepondoing继续坚持做某事 今后或将来做某事 Wemustkeeponworkinghardinthecomingyear Keepdoing 动作的持续状态 Hekeptstandingout Should情态动词应该无人称与数的变化肯 主语 should 动原 其他 否 主语 should not 动原 其他 疑 should 主语 动原 其他 其他表示建议的句型 1shallwe I 动原 2Let s 动原 3Howabout whatabout doing 4You dbetter not do 1 Ihaveaheadache 2 Youshouldgotobed 3 Hehasastomachache 4 Sheshouldn teatanything 5 Shehasatoothache 6 Sheshouldseeadentist 翻译下列句子 我头痛 你应当去睡觉 他肚子痛 他不应当吃任何东西 她牙痛 她应当看牙医 GrammarFocus tiredeatanapplehungrydrinksomewaterthirstygotobedearlyilllistentomusicangrygotoseeadoctordangerouseatmorefoodthinwearlessclothesfatdomoreexerciseswarmaskforhelp Problems Advice


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