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Whenwasheborn 孙伯镇初级中学 Unit9 Unit91 出生2 一名出色的中国乒乓球运动员3 打嗝世界纪录 4 打喷嚏的世界纪录5 开始做某事6 停止做某事停下来去做 另一件事7 一个不寻常的女孩8 一个和蔼慈祥的老人 be was were bornin on e g Whenwassheborn Shewasbornin1973inBeijing ShewasbornonJuly1st 1991 agreatChineseping pongplayer hiccuppingworldrecord worldrecordforhiccupping sneezingworldrecord worldrecordforsneezing start begintodosth start begindoing stopdoingsth stoptodosth anunusualgirl alovingandkindoldman 9 太 而不能做某事10 十个月大11 作曲12 在 四岁的时候13 效力于国家队14 表演京剧15 在世界锦标赛中获得金牌16 成为一名电影明星17 学习做某事从 向 学18 做运动 notenough 反义的形容词 todosth so that 否定的句子 be too 形 副 forsb todosth tenmonthsold writemusic attheageoffour when was werefour yearsold playforthenationalteam performBeijingOpera winagoldmedalattheWorldChampionships become 过去 现在 be 将来 amoviestar learntodosth play dosports do exercise learn from 19 与某人一起度过所有的业余时间20 一个名叫 的 21 滑冰一位滑冰冠军22 看 听到某人已 常做某事看 听到某人正在做某事23 参观某地 游遍某地24 一位著名的中国钢琴家25 以 而出名26 哼唱歌曲27 一首曲子28 填写填满 入 装满 spendallthefreetimewithsb a n called mamed iceskating see watch hear feelsbdosth see watch hear feelsbdoingsth askatingchampion tour visit 地点 awell knownChinesepianist bewell known famousfor humsongs apieceofmusic fillin fillwith fillup 29 学习 拉 手风琴30 参加 加入31 第十四届肖邦国际钢琴大赛 32 获得小组第一名33 在此项比赛的70年历史里34 第一个做某事35 活着活着的 36 由于 因为 37 在演讲比赛中38 主修 专研39 女子单打第一40 在1973年6月2日 takepartin 活动 比赛 竞赛join 团体 组织 群体 in 活动 the14thChopinInternationalPianoCompetition winfirstprizeinone sgroup learntheaccordion inthe70 yearhistoryofthecompetition bethefirsttodosth bealive becauseof sth doingsth because 陈述句 inthespeechcompetition majorin number1women ssinglesplayer onthe2ndofJune 1973 onJune2nd living n alive n 适当形式 1 WhenMikewasthreeyearsold hestarted play soccer 2 Please notput theseclotheshere 3 Who buy anewbikeyesterday 4 It s8 00 Theboys play footballontheplayground 5 He watch TVandthenreadastorybook 6 Canyouseeadog lie behindthedoor 7 When she join thenationaltabletennisteam In1988 8 He become aprofessionalsoccerstarwhenhewastwenty two toplay playing don tput bought areplaying watched lying did join became 9 He visit theUSA whenhewasfourteen 10 Sheisgoodat Sheisagood skate 11 Theyarebusy wash theclothesallthetime 12 Tellthechild be earlytomorrow 13 Howlongdidyouspend finishwrite theletter 14 AfteralongwalkIwanttostop have arest 15 Mysisterisgoingtobean act whenshegrowsup visited skating skater washing tobe finishingwriting tohave actress 句型 1 Iwasborninjinanin1990 对画线部分提问 and you 2 Shebeginstoworkat8 00everymorming 改为同义句 She at8 00everymorning 3 TheylivedinBeijingfortwoyears 对画线部分提问 theyliveinBeijing 4 Theyoftenswimintheriver Theyareyoung 改为一般过去时态 同时用when合并为一句 Theyoften intheriver young Where when were born begins working How long did swam when they were Thankyou Goodbye


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