(新课改省份专用)2020高考英语大一轮复习 Unit 4 Global warming课下作业(一-三)(含解析)新人教版选修6.doc

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Unit 4 Global warming课下作业(一三)课下作业(一) 考点过关针对练.单词拼写1As the charts show, the quantity (数量) of the groundwater in our country is not satisfying.2In addition to these traditional activities, we have a wider range (范围) of choices, such as travelling and visiting our relatives or friends.3The two pictures look so similar at one glance (一瞥), but they are totally different.4There is a(n) widespread (普遍的) concern over the issue whether students should make friends online.5The average (平均的) temperature ranges between 23 and 39and 51% of the island is covered with forests.6The people who cannot quit smoking may easily be affected by his circumstances (情况) and surroundings.7I strongly advocate (主张) that we should make joint efforts to contribute to the youth football progress. 8A cool drink refreshed (使恢复) me after my long walk.9They are thinking of ways to deal with air pollution (污染)10Most pany bosses say they are opposed (反对的) to employees working overtime.语境语法填空1. According to the directors statement (state), the data of this graph makes a clear presentation (present) of the future environmental tendency(tend). The growth (grow) of a wide range of pollution has been a global trend. The mildly but steadily (steady) going up of the average temperature is resulting in catastrophes. Without disagreement, the scientists all agree that it is humans existence (exist) and their activities that make a contribution (contribute) to this phenomenon.2Consuming (consume) too much energy has made a contribution to the global warming, which many scientists have subscribed (subscribe) to. With the temperature tending (tend) to increase continuously, we have been advocating reducing (reduce) using energy. We all hope that the problem of the global warming will be coped with one day.3Take a glance at the picture, and he found it special on the whole. He kept on studying it and wondered how the idea of painting such a picture came about. 4As long as Tom has time, he, as well as his parents, is to have a short holiday at a seaside city this summer. There is no doubt that they will benefit a lot from the relaxation.根据提示补全句子1毫无疑问是他所说的话引起了我们对这件事的注意。(there is no doubt that .,强调句型)There_is_no_doubt_that_it_is_what_he_said_that draws our attention to the event.2文章表明是人类活动对村庄造成了环境破坏。(it is .that)The passage indicates that it_is_human_activity_that has resulted in the environmental destruction to the village. 3尽管我们都尽最大的努力去说服Dean,但是他依然拒绝参加这场比赛。(even if)Dean still refused to join in the game, even_if_we_all_did_our_best_to_persuade_him.4我们尽量每月存些钱供度假用。(put aside)We are trying to put_aside_some_money_every_month_for_our_vacation.5在生活中我们会遇到很多失败,只要我们尽力而为,就没有必要为这些失败感到遗憾。(as long as)In our life we may meet many failures, as_long_as_we_try_our_best,_theres no need feeling regret for these failures. .语境辨义根据语境选出动词subscribe的词义(A)订阅(B)签署(文件)(C)赞助;定期捐款 (D)同意1I was unwilling to subscribe to the contract, but it seemed that I had no choice._B_2Dont go and ask for her idea about our plan. Never will she subscribe to it for the trip._D_3Id like to subscribe to some magazines useful for our work._A_4They subscribe to the Hope Project, which aims to help children return to school._C_课下作业(二) 话题阅读培优练.根据提示填空Due_to (由于) climate changes, Arctic ice is breaking up earlier in the spring, and its area is_decreasing (decrease). This is creating problems for polar bears that make their homes off northern Alaska and in Hudson Bay.Polar bears off Alaska normally hunt and raise their young on ice sheets floating (float) on the ocean. But as the ice has melted, the polar bears have been forced to_spend(spend) more time on land. There, they have begun to frequent beaches, feeding on the remains of whales caught(catch) by native hunters. For polar bears, this food is less nutritious than seals that they normally catch on ice sheets. The shrinking (减少) ice has also forced more (much) polar bears into the ocean. In the past, they only had to swim short distances between ice sheets. But as the ice has shrunk, polar bears have been forced to swim longer and longer distances in the open ocean. This poses a severe danger during rough weather, and an increasing number of drowned (drown) polar bears have been observed.Unless the bears can learn to survive these climate changes, these giants of the ice may one day disappear (appear).片段选词填空a better chance of, because of, die out, disappearing, during the next 50 years, dangerous, frightening, in great danger of A few weeks ago a group of scientists produced a report about global warming and the natural world. They wanted to find out if global warming was dangerous for plants and animals. The scientists were surprised by what they found. They saw that during_the_next_50_years about 25% of land animals and plants will disappear from the earth. More than 1 million plants and animal species will die_out by 2050.The head of the research team, Christ Thomas, who is a professor of conservation biology at Leeds University, said the results of their research were frightening. More than 10% of all plants and animals will disappear from the earth. It is too late to save many plants and animals because_of the greenhouse gases that are already in the atmosphere. But the scientists say if we control greenhouse gases now, we can save many more plants and animals from disappearing.The scientists studied some areas of the world with very rich biology. These areas were Europe, Australia, Central and South America, and South Africa. Their studies showed that species living in mountainous areas had a_better_chance_of survival because they could move uphill to get cooler. In flat areas, such as deserts, plants and animals would have to move very long distances to get cooler, so they are in_great_danger_of dying out. The scientists found many surprising things. For example, they found that half of the 24 species of butterfly they studied in Australia would soon disappear.课下作业(三) 高考语篇提能练.阅读理解AAl Gore has been concerned with climate change, or climate crisis as he calls it, for the majority of his political career. As the years passed and he became more passionate about this issue, he started travelling the world in order to educate people about the effects of global warming using puter slide shows. Free of charge, he explained to his audiences that the world is facing a planetary emergency and that it isnt too late to stop it if appropriate action is taken now.It was during this time of touring and giving lectures that Gore was spotted by Hollywood producer Laurie David, who asked him to turn his slide shows into a documentary in which he would play the starring role. At first, Gore was reluctant,_as he has always been a very private person, despite being used to being in the public eye. Eventually, though, David managed to persuade him. The result was a fascinating documentary bining references to Gores own life story with horrifying predictions about the future of our planet.Little did Gore know that just one year later he would be walking along the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival and later collecting an Oscar for Best Documentary. Advertised as the scariest movie youll see, the movie concentrates on the potentially terrifying consequences of climate change.An Inconvenient Truth certainly gives us much to consider. As the title of the film suggests, it may be inconvenient for us to have to think about the future of the planet, but think we must.The profits from the film are now funding other campaigns to spread the message about global warming. Gore is delighted that some schools are even using the DVD to help them teach awareness of environmental issues to their students.So can this one mans efforts really make a difference? Well, according to Gore, if we are clear about what the problem is, then we are more likely to introduce changes into our daily lives. It may not seem as if the decisions of individuals can achieve very much, but put them all together and they may add up to something that will, literally, change the world.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了阿尔戈尔作为环保专家所做出的种种努力。1Why did Gore make a worldwide tour?ATo build his political career.BTo research on climate change.CTo provide private education for children.DTo raise public awareness about climate change.解析:选D细节理解题。根据第一段第二句中的“in order to educate people about the effects of global warming”可知,Gore环游世界是想提高人们对于全球变暖这一气候问题的关注度。2What does the underlined word “reluctant” in Para. 2 mean?ACheerful.BCurious.CSurprised. DUnwilling.解析:选D词义猜测题。根据下文中的“as he has always been a very private person”和“Eventually, though, David managed to persuade him.”可知,Gore一开始并不愿意接受好莱坞制片人Laurie David的提议。3What can we infer about the film?AIt was a great success.BIt brought Gore in great money.CIt was far too scary for many people.DIt avoided the inconvenient crisis consequences.解析:选A推理判断题。根据第三段中的“he would be walking along the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival and later collecting an Oscar for Best Documentary”和第五段中的“Gore is delighted that some schools are even using the DVD”可知,这部名为难以忽视的真相的纪录片取得了巨大成功。4What does the author try to say in the last paragraph?APersonal contributions count.BWed better begin to change from now on.CGores efforts will make no difference to the world.DEveryone shares the responsibility for the environment.解析:选A推理判断题。根据文章末尾的“It may not seem as if the decisions of individuals can achieve very much, but put them all together and they may add up to something that will, literally, change the world.”可知,作者认为,每个人的一小步加起来将是人类的一大步。BThe sun rises above the Arctic Ocean (北冰洋). Across the frozen sea, a white bear moves slowly.The bear stops and sways (摇晃) his head from side to side. There is nothing to see but endless ice and red sky. Then his powerful nose senses what his eyes cannot: a beluga whale is nearby.The bear follows the smell and spots a large hole in the ice where a small white whale is swimming. He silently walks toward the hole, then stops, standing still. The whale does not see the bear, whose white fur makes him appear invisible (看不见的) against the ice.Finally, the whale swims close to where the bear is waiting. With terrifying speed, the bear es to life and moves toward the whale. In a moment it is over, and the bear eats his first meal in nearly a week.Polar bears rule the frozen sea, but their ancestors werent always built for ice and snow. The first Arctic bears were brown bears, a species that includes grizzly bears. They came to the icy north over a hundred thousand years ago.No one knows for sure why these bears traveled to such a cold place. Scientists think they might have wandered north looking for food. Maybe they became trapped by glaciers and couldnt leave. Whatever the reason, the bears never should have survived.But they did. They got used to their new environment. Their bodies changed. Their behavior changed, too. Eventually, the bears developed into an entirely new species: the polar bear. You can see some of the characteristics that polar bears developed to survive.Sadly, these characteristics may now threaten the polar bears survival. As sea ice melts due to global warming, polar bears are frequently forced to e ashore (在岸上). They are poor hunters on land, which means they often go a long time between meals. The polar bear, king of the Arctic, is now classified as a threatened species.Although the future of the polar bear is unknown, the tale of two bears continues. As temperatures rise, grizzly bears have been spotted moving north into polar bear territory (领地). These longlost cousins, once forced apart by nature, are ing back together again.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。北极熊的祖先为适应环境而不断改变自身特征,而现在这些特征却让北极熊陷入困境。5What can be inferred about the white bear mentioned in the first four paragraphs?AIt is noisy. BIt is smelly.CIt is starving. DIt has good eyesight.解析:选C细节理解题。由第四段最后一句“In a moment it is over, and the bear eats his first meal in nearly a week.”可知,这只白熊很饿。6What do we know about polar bears ancestors?AThey were a darkercolored species.BThey were born to live in ice and snow.CThey had no trouble getting used to the icy north.DThey came to the Arctic Ocean about 1,000 years ago.解析:选A细节理解题。由第五段前两句“Polar bears rule the frozen sea, but their ancestors werent always built for ice and snow. The first Arctic bears were brown bears, a species that includes grizzly bears.”可知,北极熊的祖先皮毛颜色更深一些。7Why are polar bears struggling to survive?AThey are losing their hunting ground.BThey are threatened by other animals.CThey are spending little time on land.DThey have difficulty reaching the shore.解析:选A推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的“Sadly, these characteristics may now threaten the polar bears survival. As sea ice melts due to global warming, polar bears are frequently forced to e ashore (在岸上)”可知,随着气温上升,北极熊狩猎的海水冰面消失,使得它们的生存面临威胁。8Which of the following can be the best title for the text?AThe climate changeBThe polar bears favorite mealCThe dark past of the polar bearDThe mysteries of the Arctic Ocean解析:选C标题归纳题。文章讲到北极熊的祖先毛皮颜色更深,C项中的The dark past既表明了北极熊祖先的外表特征,也暗含它们过去误入北极的历史。.完形填空I was walking in a park on a cool autumn morning.The view was charming, and a pleasant breeze (微风) was kissing my face _1_.Then I saw a mother and her little baby.The mother wore _2_ clothes that seemed to be found in a dustbin How easy it is for fortunate people to _3_ away things they dont need, and they do this _4_ thinking of the unfortunate!She was holding her baby, protecting her from the morning _5_ and expecting some money from strangers so that she could _6_ food for both of them. It was then that I realized how _7_ I had been in my whole life for living a rich life.Then a man _8_ some money and food to the mother, and as she took them, her face was _9_ as if she had been the happiest person in the world.And why not, she could now _10_ her baby at least for the day.Actually happiness doesnt _11_ luck, your financial or your physical conditions, but only on yourself.It is just a _12_ in your hands.If you choose to be happy, _13_ can stop you from it.How _14_ it is that one observation can change your life! Life has a lot to offer if you observe very closely. One who observes can _15_ real happiness.语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。幸福是一种选择,与经济状况、身体状况等没有必然的联系。1A.strongly BgraduallyCgently Dnormally解析:选C根据前面的“a pleasant breeze (微风)”可知微风应是轻柔地(gently)吹过作者的脸颊。2A.expensive BwonderfulCperfect Ddirty解析:选D根据后面的“clothes that seemed to be found in a dustbin”可知这位母亲的衣服似乎是从垃圾桶里捡的,因此衣服是脏的(dirty)。3A.move BpushCthrow Dsend解析:选C根据后面的“things they dont need”可推断这里是说把不需要的东西扔掉。4A.for BinCwithin Dwithout解析:选D根据上下文可推断出本句指幸运的人很轻易地把他们不需要的东西扔掉,丝毫没有(without)考虑到不幸的人。5A.cold BlightCsound Dfact解析:选A开头提到是一个凉爽的秋天的清晨,因此可推断出母亲抱紧孩子是为了不让其受凉(cold)。6A.save BbuyCpick Dshare解析:选B根据上文语境可知,母亲想要钱是为了买吃的。7A.wealthy BspecialCsuccessful Dlucky解析:选D对比这位母亲的状况,作者感到自己很幸运(lucky)。8A.donated BlentCpromised Dsold解析:选A由上文可知,这位母亲在乞讨,所以这个男的应该是捐赠(donated)给那位母亲一些钱和食物。9A.sinking BshiningCshaking Dfalling解析:选B根据下文可知,母亲受到帮助后因为高兴而脸上绽放光彩(shining)。10A.improve BprotectCdeliver Dfeed解析:选D母亲高兴的是因为至少这一天可以有东西喂(feed)孩子了。11A.go on Be outCdepend on Dturn out解析:选C根据上下文可知作者受到启发,认为幸福不是取决于(depend on)运气、经济状况或身体状况,而是取决于自己。12A.symbol BstrengthCvoice Dchoice解析:选D根据下文中的“If you choose to be happy”可知作者想表明:幸福是一种选择(choice)。13A.nothing BsomethingCanything Deverything解析:选A如果你选择快乐,那就没有任何东西(nothing)能够阻止你感到快乐。14A.forting BamazingCdisappointing Dsatisfying解析:选B留意生活中的点点滴滴会改变人的生活,这是令人惊奇的(amazing)事情。15A.invent BloseCdiscover Dignore解析:选C认真观察生活的人会发现(discover)真正的幸福和快乐。


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