
上传人:tia****nde 文档编号:6403900 上传时间:2020-02-24 格式:PPT 页数:28 大小:944KB
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第10课时Units1 2 八下 PARTONE 第一篇教材梳理篇 feet knives important kindness sickness strongly hurt hurt hit hit lay lain lying meant meant meaning meaningful decision imagination climber cheerful interesting interested satisfied satisfaction broke broken understood understood exciting excited training owner haveacold haveastomachache liedown takeone stemperature haveafever takebreaks takeabreak getoff getinto takerisks takearisk runoutof cutoff giveup cleanup cheerup giveout handout comeupwith putoff carefor tryout fixup giveaway takeafter makeadifference maketrouble getintotrouble beexcitedabout toone ssurprise incontrolof totakebreaksawayfrom gotoadoctor lyingontheside It ssad anytrouble giveup keepsonclimbing comeupwithaplan cometrue onceaweektohelpkidslearntoread tryoutfor Volunteeringourtime agoodwayto wassetup giveup放弃 题1 Ifailedmydrivingtestagain Don t Keeptryingandyou llpassit A putupB giveupC tidyupD lookup 题2 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空Peter youshouldgiveuporyou llbepunished smoke 题3 根据汉语提示完成句子Whydon tyoucontinuetomakethekite It sapityto 放弃它 B smoking giveitup 归纳拓展 1 giveup后接名词 代词或v ing形式作宾语 若接代词作宾语 代词要放在give和up之间 且代词要用其宾格形式 Hegaveupsmokinglastyear Hestoppedsmokinglastyear 去年他戒了烟 2 后接v ing形式作宾语的动词 短语 lookforwardtodoingsth 期待做某事beusedtodoingsth 习惯于做某事feellikedoingsth 想做某事cannothelpdoingsth 情不自禁做某事putoffdoingsth 推迟做某事finishdoingsth 做完某事considerdoingsth 考虑做某事keepondoingsth 继续 坚持做某事enjoydoingsth 喜欢做某事 lie lay 题4 用lie的适当形式填空 1 MikewascomfortablyinhissleepingbagwhenIcamehere 2 Lindaisanhonestgirl andshenevertells 3 JackhurtmebecauseIfoundhetomeyesterday 题5 1 Lucytookoutherbooksandthemonthedeskassoonasshecameintotheclassroom A layB laidC liedD lain 2 Myfatherwassotiredthathefellasleepquicklyafterhedownonthebed A laidB layC liedD lie lying lies lied B B muchtoo toomuch toomany 题6 用toomuch muchtoo或toomany填空 1 Mysisterisbusyeveryday whichpreventsherfromlookingafterherbaby 2 Eatingjunkfoodisbadforourhealth 3 TherearepeoplevisitingtheGreatWallinBeijing muchtoo toomany toomuch alone lonely 题7 用alone或lonely填空 1 Theoldmanlives buthedoesn tfeel 2 Thethinwomanlivesina n mountainvillage 3 Thelittleboyisthere sohealwaysfeelsafraid 4 Wearesupposedtovisittheoldmanfromtimetotime Then hewon tfeel alone lonely lonely alone lonely rise raise 题8 用raise或rise的适当形式填空 1 Ifyouwanttoaskaquestion youshouldfirstyourhand 2 Itisnaturalthatthesunintheeastandsetsinthewest 3 Thepricehasmanytimestheseyears 4 Theythenationalflagontheplaygroundyesterday raise rises risen raised usedtodosth be getusedto doing sth beusedtodosth beusedas 题9 Howdoesyourfathergotoworkeveryday Heusedtoabusbutnowheisusedto A take walkB taking walkingC taking walkD take walking 题10 根据句意 用适当的介词填空Thebuildingisusedateachingcenter D as What sthematter 怎么啦 Ihaveasoreback 我背痛 题11 1 Sarahisabsentintheafternoon What sthematterwithher A SheisadoctorB ShehasaheadacheC ShegoestoseeadoctorD Shelikesplayingthepiano 2 Ihaveasorethroat Ihavetostopanddrinkaglassofwater A WhatdoyoulikeB What swrongC WhatshouldIdoD Whatdoyouhave 3 IhadacoldsoIdidn tattendthemeetingyesterday A You rewelcomeB It sapityC That stoobadD I msorrytohearthat B B D 题12 根据句意 用适当的介词填空 1 Doyouknowwhat sthetroublehim Ihavenoidea 2 Somethingbadhappenedmybestfriend Shehasbeeninlowspiritsthesedays with to 归纳拓展 1 1 What sthematter withsb sth 意为 某人 某物 怎么了 常用来询问身体有什么不适或有什么不顺心的事 也可以用来询问某物出了什么故障 2 对于 What sthematter withsb 常用 have a 表示疾病或病痛的名词 短语回答 3 得知某人生病或住院后 常用 I msorrytohearthat 来回答 2 其他类似句型有 单项填空1 Moderntechnologymakespossibletoflytothemoon A thatB thisC oneD it2 MygrandmamefunnystorieswhenIwasachild A usedtotellB isusedtotellingC wasusedfortellingD wasusedtotelling3 Theoldmanusedtobeahistoryteacher A isn theB wasn theC didn theD usehe4 Nothingserious butabittired You dbetterhavearestnow dear A IsthatallB IsthereanythingelseC What sthisD What sthematterwithyou D A C D 5 Thereiswateronthefloor That swet A toomuch toomuchB muchtoo muchtooC toomuch muchtooD muchtoo toomuch6 Iwalkonthecountryroad butIdon tfeel A alone lonely lonelyB alone alone lonelyC lonely lonely aloneD lonely alone alone7 WhenIwashangingaroundwithmysisteronthestreetyesterday Isawathiefawoman spursefromherbag A stealsB stealingC tostealD stolen C A B 8 Lotsofoldpeopleusedtointhecountryside butnowtheyareusedtointhecity A living liveB live liveC live livingD living living9 Alltheoilintheworldwillsomeday Soweshouldlearntosave A giveawayB putawayC runoutD setout10 IthinkMikeshouldforafewdaysbecausehehasbeensotired A volunteerB noticeC restD work C C C 根据句意 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空11 Katedoesn twanttogiveupthepiano learn 12 Thewomanhasa andshewantstoseethedentist tooth 13 Hetriedtomakehimselfbygivinganexample understand 14 Myparentsgavemeaspecialdog train 15 Myfathercanfixupthebicycleparts break 16 Becarefulwiththe Theyarereallysharp knife 17 Onafreezingnight Igotmyintothecoldwater foot 18 Janesurprisedwhenshesheheardthenews feel 19 Marysaidsheoftenlostwhenshegottoanewplace she 20 Therescuersspenttwohoursgettingthestuckbetweentherocksout climb learning toothache understood trained broken knives feet felt herself climber 将下列句子中汉语部分译成英语 注意使用适当的形式21 Youshouldcompletelysmoking It saterriblehabit 放弃 22 Fangfangfailedinthesingingcompetition Shemustbeverysad Let sgoand 使她高兴 23 Itissaidthatthefootballmatchmaybecauseofthebadweather 推迟 24 Thechildrengoingtotheseaside 对于 很激动 25 Whatarethesepeopledoing Someandothersarelyingonthebeach 打网球 giveup cheerherup beputoff areexcitedabout areplayingtennis 26 Mr Wangandthepassengers thedoctorssavedthemanintime 多亏 27 Theyraisedsomemoneytoanewschool 建立 28 Whenhismoney heknewhehadtodosomethingtomakesome 用完 29 Whenwe reaway whatwillyoudo 其余的 30 Iinthemorningbecauseofrunningafterbreakfast 肚子疼 Thanksto setup ranout therestof had gotastomachache 见word版资源课时训练10Units1 2 八下


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